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Prognosis in monoclonal proteinaemia Schaar, C.G.


Academic year: 2021

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Prognosis in monoclonal proteinaemia

Schaar, C.G.


Schaar, C. G. (2006, November 9). Prognosis in monoclonal

proteinaemia. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/1887/4983


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List of abbreviations

β2M Beta-2-microglobulin

CCCW Comprehensive Cancer Centre West (Integraal Kanker Centrum West; IKW) CRP C-reactive protein

HOVON Hematologie Oncologie Volwassenen Nederland IFN-alpha Interferon-alpha

IL-6 Interleukin-6

IMWG International Myeloma Working Group

MM Multiple Myeloma, also known as ‘Kahler’s disease’ or ‘Rustizky’s disease’

M-protein(aemia) Monoclonal Protein(aemia)

MGUS Monoclonal Gammopathy of Unknown Significance MP Melphalan-Prednisone chemotherapy

NCAM Neural Cell Adhesion Molecule NHL Non Hodgkin’s lymphoma OS Overall survival

Paraprotein(aemia) Former name for M-protein(aemia) PFS Progression-free survival

QoL Quality of life

SMR Standardized Mortality Ratio WHO World Health Organisation






In a previous study, using our database that also included a large number of patients with multiple myeloma, we devised a Myeloma Risk Score using the M-protein serum level and

Therefore, the relation between survival and the rate of monoclonal protein (M-protein) decrement during the first cycles of therapy was prospectively assessed in 262 patients

Background: The effect of interferon- α 2b (IFN-α) on progression free and overall survival as well as quality of life was studied in mainly elderly patients with multiple myeloma

Not surprisingly, survival was also influenced by the M-protein related internal diagnosis especially MGUS associated with a solid tumour (median 0.4 (95% CI 0.2-0.5) years) compared

Serum IL-6 spiegels werden bepaald in 212 duidelijk omschreven patiënten met M- proteïnemie: multipel myeloom (60), andere hematologische ziekten (46), solide tumoren

The population-based Paraprotein database was established at the Comprehensive Cancer Centre West (CCCW, Integraal Kankercentrum West) in cooperation with the physicians

Hierna was hij negen maanden werkzaam als arts-assistent niet in opleiding op de afdeling Interne Geneeskunde van het Bronovo Ziekenhuis te Den Haag, alwaar per 1 januari 1993

Serum interleukin-6 has no discriminatory role in para- proteinaemia nor a prognostic role in multiple myeloma.. Ong F, Hermans J, Noordijk EM, Schaar CG,