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Bouncing back : trauma and the HPA-axis in healthy adults Klaassens, E.R.


Academic year: 2021

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Bouncing back : trauma and the HPA-axis in healthy adults

Klaassens, E.R.


Klaassens, E. R. (2010, November 30). Bouncing back : trauma and the HPA-axis in healthy adults. Retrieved from


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Bouncing Back

Trauma and the HPA-axis in Healthy Adults

1. Childhood trauma may permanently alter the set-point of HPA-axis reactivity (this dissertation).

2. Although military peacekeeping operations may have a strong impact on the lives of soldiers, in the majority they do not seem to have caused severe psychological distress 10-25 years after deployment (this dissertation).

3. Deployment-related trauma exposure is not associated with functional alterations of the HPA-axis in mentally healthy male peacekeeping veterans (this dissertation).

4. Situations such as person-under-train accidents, suicides, and passenger aggression, ranging from severe verbal aggression to assault with a weapon, are something many railroad employees experience regularly (this dissertation).

5. Recruiting trauma-exposed individuals without psychiatric disorders is a major task (this dissertation).

6. In future studies on the effects of trauma we propose to carefully differentiate between childhood and adulthood trauma (this dissertation).

7. Childhood trauma exposure markedly increases vulnerability to the development of stress-related psychiatric disorders in adulthood.


8. Resilience is more than the simple absence of psychopathology (George A. Bonanno, 2004. American Psychologist; 59: 20-28).

9. Inexperienced therapists are often inclined to set overly ambitious goals. In this respect they resemble PhD students.

10. The ability to adjust or habituate to repeated stress is also determined by the way one perceives a situation.

11. Expecting a clear message to emerge as you write is like putting a pile of bricks together and expecting a house to arise (Tim Albert,

‘Winning the publications game’).

12. Si pour beaucoup d’hommes la misère est un tonique, il en est d’autres pour qui elle est un dissolvant (Honoré de Balzac, 1931. Le Lys dans la Vallée).

13. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

Ellen Klaassens 30 november 2010



Because psychiatric disorders that exist in adults with a history of childhood trauma are diverse and HPA-axis alterations in MDD and PTSD are found to be opposite, it

Plasma cortisol (A) and ACTH (B) responses (on logarithmic scales) to the com- bined dexamethasone/corticotrophin releasing hormone (Dex/CRH) challenge test in mentally healthy women

This report describes the mental health of Dutch peacekeeping veterans, 10-25 years after deployment, and its association with deployment-related traumatic

Another study, examining the awakening cortisol response as well as a diurnal profile among trauma-exposed male and female subjects with and without PTSD 17 , reported no

The lack of difference in pooled effect size between subjects with and without adult trauma exposure suggests that trauma exposure during adulthood per se is unlikely to affect

In order to describe and summarize all current evidence on the association between trauma exposure during adulthood and HPA-axis regulation in our and other studies

De resultaten van dit onderzoek laten zien dat er geen verschil is in HPA-as functioneren tussen gezonde veteranen die meerdere uitzendingsgerelateerde traumatische

Trauma exposure and hypothalamic-pituitary- adrenal axis functioning in mentally healthy Dutch peacekeeping veterans, 10-25 years after deployment.. Klaassens ER, van