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Climate Prediction Center’s Hispaniola Hazards Outlook November 3 – 9, 2016

Enhanced rain forecast over the eastern portions of Hispaniola during the next week.

During late October, moderate to locally heavy rain fell in central Haiti and the western parts of the Dominican Republic, while little to light rain was received elsewhere. Although this past week’s rain was average to below-average, cumulative rain over the past thirty days has remained well above-average over Hispaniola. Widespread thirty-day rainfall surpluses have been observed across the Island, with the largest positive anomalies, ranging between 300-500 mm in southwestern Haiti. The wetness was attributed to the passage of hurricane Matthew during early October and above-average rainfall frequency over southwestern and northwestern Haiti and the northern and central parts of the Dominican Republic. An analysis of the second season rainfall performance since the beginning of August to date has also shown marginal to positive anomalies throughout Hispaniola. During the next week, localized areas of southern Haiti and the eastern and central portions of the Dominican Republic are expected to receive moderate to heavy rain. In contrast, light rain is forecast across much of Haiti and neighboring western Dominican Republic.




During the next outlook period, light rain is expected over localized portions of southwestern Haiti, central and eastern Dominican Republic.. Little rain is

During the past week, heavy rain fell over localized areas of central Haiti and northeastern Dominican Republic, while light and below-average rain was

During early June, suppressed rain was observed throughout much of Hispaniola, except central Haiti and neighboring western Dominican Republic, where light to locally

During the past week, while moderate to locally heavy rain fell in north-central Haiti and western Dominican Republic, little to light (< 25 mm) rain was recorded

During the next week, while moderate to heavy rain is possible over Haiti and central Dominican Republic, little to light rain is again expected elsewhere, which could sustain

During the next week, rainfall forecasts suggest that moderate showers are possible over much of Haiti and the central regions of the Dominican Republic, while little to light rain

During the next week, while moderate to heavy rain is forecast over much of Haiti and west-central Dominican Republic, little to light rain is expected elsewhere,

Heavy downpours fell along the coastal areas of the Iisland, including northwestern and southern Haiti and southern Dominican Republic, while limited, light to moderate rain was