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University of Groningen Between Welfare and Farewell de Jong, Petra Wieke


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Between Welfare and Farewell de Jong, Petra Wieke

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de Jong, P. W. (2019). Between Welfare and Farewell: The role of welfare systems in intra-European migration decisions. University of Groningen.


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Hungary, Poland and Slovenia used reciprocal measures and restricted access to their labour markets for nationals from those member states that restricted labour market access

Hoewel ik in mijn proefschrift weinig bewijs vond dat verzorgingsstaat-arrangementen zelf een belangrijke motivatie vormen voor migratie, kunnen verzorgingsstaten

Thank you for slowing me down, for prohibiting me to work outside working hours, and for your love and care.. It is thanks to you that I made it in time, and (kind

presented her work at international scientific conferences, including among others the International Migration, Integration and Social Cohesion (IMISCOE) conference, the

EU migrants’ labour market access is particularly relevant in the context of the EU enlargements of 2004 and 2007, as EU member states were allowed to postpone the opening of

Generous welfare provisions in the country of residence can discourage migration and stimulate settlement (Chapter 4&5). Welfare systems are important to migration decisions

Research assistance was provided by several people, see the introductory foot- notes in each chapter, but in particular Rebekka Tselms and Peter Keus cannot go unmentioned here.

Unsustainable fiscal policy could, for example, increase pressure for a fiscal bail-out, by other member states, or a monetary bail-out, by the European Central Bank (ECB).. If