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The dark side of subtle discrimination : how targets respond to different forms of discrimination


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Cihangir, S.


Cihangir, S. (2008, June 17). The dark side of subtle discrimination : how targets respond to different forms of discrimination. Kurt Lewin Institute Dissertation Series. Kurt Lewin Instituut, Amsterdam. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/1887/13066

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By also varying the nature of individual level outcomes (success versus failure, Study 2.1), the present research has the advantage of allowing us to focus on the interplay

The research conducted in this dissertation was made possible by grant 016-025-021 awarded by the Dutch National Science Foundation (NWO). Cover painting:

C Chapter 3: To what extent does the nature of personal outcomes (individual level focus) versus the fate of one’s group (group level focus) determine attributions to

Considering the effects of searching for information that contains evidence of gender discrimination on well-being we found that knowledge about group level discriminatory

I think it is almost redundant to mention the role of nice friends in an important period of my life, which my PhD training has been. It is self-evident that

This research resulted in a Master Thesis titled: “The effects of social identity salience on social influence”, with which he received his Master’s degree in Social

2008-2: Marjolein Maas: Experiential Social Justice Judgment Processes 2008-3: Lonneke de Meijer: Ethnicity effects in police officer selection: Applicant,. assessor,

While reactions to blatant discrimination will remain unaffected by situational cues that indicate (in)tolerant social norms, reactions to subtle discrimination are expected to