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Academic year: 2021

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The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/136967 holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation.

Author: Hui, T.


2020174 [Hui] 011-CV-3rd proofs [version 20170704 date 20200922 14:49] page 217

Curriculum Vitae

Tingting Hui was born on 21 January 1990 in Yulin, China. She received her bachelor’s degree in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language (tcsl) from Northwest University in China in 2012. She moved to Leiden in 2013 to pursue a master’s degree in Media Studies: Comparative Literature and Literary Theory and graduated cum laude. In September 2015, she was awarded a PhD scholarship from Netherlands Institute for Cultural Analysis (nica) and started to work in the field of literary and cultural studies at Leiden University. During her doctoral research, she had the opportunity to attend summer programs at the School of Criticism and Theory at Cornell University and at the Institute for World Literature at Harvard University. She proposed and organized workshops and panels in Amsterdam and Hawaii, and delivered conference presentations in Europe (Paris, Rome, Copenhagen, Warsaw, Utrecht, Thessaloniki, Amsterdam), in the usa (Ithaca, l.a., Hawaii), and in Asia (Japan). Her articles appeared in Third Text and in various edited volumes (New Cosmopolitanism, Ethnic

Resonances, Tawada Yoko). Another article entitled “Metamorphoses of Language:



Quite recently Mitas [79] proved a conjecture due to Ceperley [73], stating that the reach of the higher dimensional Fermi gas is ‘maximal’ in the sense that, for a given R 0 and τ

We find in our analysis that the QCP is indeed unstable towards a first order transition as a result of competition. Obviously details of the collapse of a QCP and the resulting

Instead of using the Fermi gas pair susceptibility (as in conventional BCS), we rely on the fact that conformal invariance fixes the analytical form of this response function in

Using a SIN tunneling junction, experimentalists can measure the imaginary part of the full dynamical pair susceptibility χ 00 p in the normal state of the quantum critical metals..

The basic observation of the Hubbard model is that pairing in the critical region is due to an algebraic temperature-dependence of the bare pair susceptibility rather than an

Simons, Condensed Matter Field Theory (Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK, 2006)..

Verrassend genoeg zijn er verscheidene wisselwerkende fermionische systemen, bijvoorbeeld normale metalen en 3 He bij lage temperaturen, die op een bevredi- gende manier

In Chapter 6, we propose to use the second order Josephson effect as a di- rect probe of the Cooper channel of quantum critical metals, to shed light on the problem of