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University of Groningen Laser Diagnostics of Combustion-Generated Nanoparticles Langenkamp, Peter Niek


Academic year: 2021

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University of Groningen

Laser Diagnostics of Combustion-Generated Nanoparticles

Langenkamp, Peter Niek

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Publication date: 2018

Link to publication in University of Groningen/UMCG research database

Citation for published version (APA):

Langenkamp, P. N. (2018). Laser Diagnostics of Combustion-Generated Nanoparticles. Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.


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mechanismen overschatten de gemeten volumefracties van roet aanzienlijk, hoewel de modellen beter presteren in rijkere vlammen. Het model waarin rekening gehouden wordt met coagulatie overschat de gemeten gyrostraal aanzienlijk voor alle equivalentieverhoudingen, hoewel de berekende waarden beter worden voor 𝜙𝜙𝜙𝜙 = 2.35.

Tot slot biedt Hoofdstuk 7 een aanvulling op Hoofdstuk 6, waarin wordt onderzocht wat de effecten zijn van waterstoftoevoeging aan de ethyleen-lucht-vlammen op de groei van roet. In dit hoofdstuk worden de gyrostraal, de volume-fractie en de monomeerstraal van roetdeeltjes gemeten voor meerdere fracties van waterstof in het brandstofmengsel. Anders dan ten aanzien van de impact op silica, resulteert de toevoeging van waterstof hier ook in een vermindering van de aggregaatgrootte van roet wanneer vergeleken wordt bij dezelfde vlamtemperatuur. Zelfs de toevoeging van relatief kleine hoeveelheden H2 heeft een aanzienlijke afname van de volumefractie en aggregaatgrootte

van roet tot gevolg. Bij gelijke equivalentieverhouding en vlamtemperatuur is deze afname sterker dan lineair afhankelijk van de waterstoffractie in de brandstof, 𝛾𝛾𝛾𝛾. Het effect dat hier wordt waargenomen is sterker dan in literatuur wordt beschreven bij constante C/O en uitstroomsnelheid. Een waarschijnlijke verklaring hiervoor is de aanzienlijke toename van 𝜙𝜙𝜙𝜙 als gevolg van het toevoegen van de waterstof onder de laatstgenoemde condities, aangezien een toename van de equivalentieverhouding op zichzelf resulteert in een toename van de volumefractie. Verder lijkt toevoeging van waterstof ook te resulteren in een afname van de monomeergrootte. De meetresultaten werden weer vergeleken met berekeningen gebaseerd op de semi-empirische twee-vergelijkingenmodellen van roetvorming. Numerieke berekeningen gebaseerd op het mechanisme met de gedetailleerdere oxidatie van roet voorspellen 𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑣𝑣𝑣𝑣 en 𝑎𝑎𝑎𝑎 vrij goed voor 𝛾𝛾𝛾𝛾 = 0, maar onderschatten de invloed van

additie van waterstof (met meer dan een factor twee voor de volumefractie). Het model waarin rekening wordt gehouden met coagulatie onderschat de invloed van waterstoftoevoeging op 𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑅𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔 aanzienlijk, terwijl het de grootte van de aggregaten voor alle

omstandigheden sterk overschat. Dit kan in toekomstige studies worden aangepakt door de meetresultaten te vergelijken met gedetailleerdere modellen.



This section marks the end of this thesis and my PhD research. In reaching this point, I’ve benefited a lot from the guidance, experience, friendship and support of others. Here, I’d like to take the opportunity to express thanks to the people who directly or indirectly contributed to the creation of this thesis and the work presented in it.

First and foremost, I would like to thank my promotor Howard Levinsky and my co-promotor Anatoli Mokhov for giving me the chance to work in the Combustion Technology group, and for their guidance throughout my PhD research. Howard, I really appreciate your clear and direct, but also kind, feedback during group meetings and after presentations. Also, your detailed comments on my writing, helping me to bring points across better and more concisely, were very welcome! Tolja, your advertising of a master research project during one of your courses is how I first became aware of this research group. By then I already had something else lined up, but the idea of working at this group stuck with me. This is how I came to approach you when I was looking for a PhD position, which then got the ball rolling. Especially being new to the field of combustion research, I benefited hugely from your availability and extensive knowledge, and your help in writing articles and this thesis was indispensable! I also really enjoyed our more casual conversations, ranging from smartphones to tennis. In addition, I want to express my gratitude to Harro Meijer for acting as stand-in promotor at the start of my research.

Furthermore, I’d like to thank Jen Herdman, as she and her meticulous notes helped a lot getting me up and running with performing particle measurements when I first joined the Combustion Technology group. When Jen left after my first couple of months, for most of my PhD research I had the whole lab and an office to myself. Although there are certainly benefits to this, I was very happy to be able to welcome Liming and Bahram as my colleagues during the tail end of my PhD. I enjoyed our conversations, and wish you the 123



best of luck with your work in this group! Also, I want to thank Lammert for the work he did in our group as part of his bachelor research.

Next, I’d like to express thanks to Johan Kuiper for arranging the gas supply for the experiments and to Annemiek Huizinga for her help with administrative work, saving me a lot of hassle, thereby allowing me to better focus on my work. And I’m grateful to Jeroen van Oijen for his numerical contributions to the work on sooting flames.

I would also like to thank the members of the reading committee, Erik Heeres, Dirk Roekaerts, and Theo van der Meer for taking the time and effort to read and evaluate this thesis.

Fortunately, during my time as a PhD student, I have also had time to do things outside of work. To name a few, I’ve found it very rewarding to help organize the annual Professor Hendrik de Waard lecture (together with Job, Bastiaan, Sander, Coen and Marlinde), and I still enjoy getting together every now and then with Mirjam, Stijn, Helena, Masja and Maike to play board and card games. Also, I’ve really loved playing tennis at SPR, in particular with the competition teams. Adriana, Anouk, Arlette, Dorota, Hans and Jan, thank you for the many enjoyable training sessions and matches, and a great time in between. Hup SPR! And to Cristina, Evgeniia, Georgette, Ger, Mia, Richard and Stefano, thank you for immediately welcoming me as part of the group, even though I was only supposed to be a substitute.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t spend a moment to acknowledge my former roommates, Stijn, Mirjam, Sander, Jaap and Anja. We all started our studies at the University of Groningen at the same time and in the same broad bachelor program, and eventually managed to end up in the same house together, turning it fully ‘bèta’. This resulted in an atmosphere that was both pleasant, with us frequently having dinner together, as well as very conductive to my studies and the initial stages of my PhD research. Also, I have Sander to thank for getting me involved in the Professor Hendrik de Waard Foundation.

Over the course of my PhD I’ve had quite a few more great roommates. In particular, I want to mention and thank Debora and Marieke for all the energy and enthusiasm they brought (especially when you were together!), and Lisanne, Merel and Robert, who were there during some of the most important stages of my PhD and who have made my time at the Briljantstraat especially memorable. Thank you for lots of great memories (visiting the fairground, swimming in Hoogkerk, sitting in our backyard pool and going out stargazing, to name a few), and thank you so much for your support during more trying times!



Wouter, you have been a very good friend of mine going all the way back to kindergarten. I’m really happy that we managed to stay in touch over the years despite attending different high schools and taking different academic paths. It means a lot to me that you have agreed to be my paranymph, not even needing to know all the details before agreeing!

I also want to express my gratitude to my brother. Wouter, thank you for your confidence in my abilities, and for your input on the design of this book, in particular the cover. I’m grateful that you’ve agreed to be my paranymph and that you’ll be standing by my side at my defense ceremony.

And last but not least, to the rest of my friends, my family, and in particular my parents, for their continuous interest and support, thank you!

November 2018, Peter



best of luck with your work in this group! Also, I want to thank Lammert for the work he did in our group as part of his bachelor research.

Next, I’d like to express thanks to Johan Kuiper for arranging the gas supply for the experiments and to Annemiek Huizinga for her help with administrative work, saving me a lot of hassle, thereby allowing me to better focus on my work. And I’m grateful to Jeroen van Oijen for his numerical contributions to the work on sooting flames.

I would also like to thank the members of the reading committee, Erik Heeres, Dirk Roekaerts, and Theo van der Meer for taking the time and effort to read and evaluate this thesis.

Fortunately, during my time as a PhD student, I have also had time to do things outside of work. To name a few, I’ve found it very rewarding to help organize the annual Professor Hendrik de Waard lecture (together with Job, Bastiaan, Sander, Coen and Marlinde), and I still enjoy getting together every now and then with Mirjam, Stijn, Helena, Masja and Maike to play board and card games. Also, I’ve really loved playing tennis at SPR, in particular with the competition teams. Adriana, Anouk, Arlette, Dorota, Hans and Jan, thank you for the many enjoyable training sessions and matches, and a great time in between. Hup SPR! And to Cristina, Evgeniia, Georgette, Ger, Mia, Richard and Stefano, thank you for immediately welcoming me as part of the group, even though I was only supposed to be a substitute.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t spend a moment to acknowledge my former roommates, Stijn, Mirjam, Sander, Jaap and Anja. We all started our studies at the University of Groningen at the same time and in the same broad bachelor program, and eventually managed to end up in the same house together, turning it fully ‘bèta’. This resulted in an atmosphere that was both pleasant, with us frequently having dinner together, as well as very conductive to my studies and the initial stages of my PhD research. Also, I have Sander to thank for getting me involved in the Professor Hendrik de Waard Foundation.

Over the course of my PhD I’ve had quite a few more great roommates. In particular, I want to mention and thank Debora and Marieke for all the energy and enthusiasm they brought (especially when you were together!), and Lisanne, Merel and Robert, who were there during some of the most important stages of my PhD and who have made my time at the Briljantstraat especially memorable. Thank you for lots of great memories (visiting the fairground, swimming in Hoogkerk, sitting in our backyard pool and going out stargazing, to name a few), and thank you so much for your support during more trying times!



Wouter, you have been a very good friend of mine going all the way back to kindergarten. I’m really happy that we managed to stay in touch over the years despite attending different high schools and taking different academic paths. It means a lot to me that you have agreed to be my paranymph, not even needing to know all the details before agreeing!

I also want to express my gratitude to my brother. Wouter, thank you for your confidence in my abilities, and for your input on the design of this book, in particular the cover. I’m grateful that you’ve agreed to be my paranymph and that you’ll be standing by my side at my defense ceremony.

And last but not least, to the rest of my friends, my family, and in particular my parents, for their continuous interest and support, thank you!

November 2018, Peter



This rate is given by

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