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University of Groningen 2D materials and interfaces in high-carrier density regime Ali El Yumin, Abdurrahman


Academic year: 2021

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University of Groningen

2D materials and interfaces in high-carrier density regime

Ali El Yumin, Abdurrahman



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Publication date: 2019

Link to publication in University of Groningen/UMCG research database

Citation for published version (APA):

Ali El Yumin, A. (2019). 2D materials and interfaces in high-carrier density regime: a study on

optoelectronics and superconductivity. University of Groningen. https://doi.org/10.33612/diss.94903687


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Praise to Allah who is the Lord of the universe for giving me chance and strength to accomplish this PhD studies without significant obstacles.

This achievement would never be completed without help and support from many people. Therefore, I would like to express my gratitude in few pages of my thesis to those who have supported me to complete my PhD.

Special mention goes to my supervisor, Professor Justin J. Ye. You are

truly a good leader yet very friendly person. I wholeheartedly thank you for the tremendous and affection in the process of my PhD study. You always want to discuss and listen to your student and then give them very insightful comments, suggestions, and continuous encouragement. Always be optimistic and hard work, those are something that I can learn from you. I always feel lucky to have you as my supervisor. You guided me to be an experimentalist, something that might be very hard for you and me as well since I was coming from theoretical background. Early-stage of my PhD was very hard time for me because I came to your lab with almost zero experimental skills but you were patience and kept giving me fruitful guidance. And at that moment, the lab was under construction yet you never hesitated to involve me into the lab technical project. At last but not least, you always give me room to improve myself and develop my self-confidence.

To my co-promoter, Prof. Maria A. Loi, thank you very much for your

support during my PhD study. You allowed me to work in your cleanroom facility in the early time of my PhD. Your research group is always insightful for me and I believe it will be keep developing in the future.

Furthermore, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the members of the reading committee: Prof. Petra Rudolf, Prof. Uli Zeitler, and Prof. Kaya Kobayashi. Thank you very much for sparing your time reading and approving my

PhD thesis.

I would like to express my gratitude to Prof. Philippe Poncharal, my

master supervisor, and Prof. Khairurrijal, my bachelor supervisor. Without you, I

could not advance my study to PhD level. Philippe, you are very good supervisor and nice person. You taught me a lot about experimental technique, which encouraged me to pursue PhD as experimentalist. Pak Rijal, I always respect you as



my mentor and a father figure in Fisika ITB. You not only taught me about physics but also about life, to be independent as a person and researcher. You always encourage and supporting me to pursue higher education. I apologize because of my stubbornness and sometimes not following your advice. You will always be my teacher for the rest of my life.

A special mention goes to my paranymphs: Ali Syariati and Puhua Wan,

thanks for accepting to be my paranymphs and the defense preparations. Ali, you are my best friend in Groningen. You are my collaborator and my housemate at the same time. Thank you very much for your stories, your sharing, and help. You are a very good organizer, I am sure that particular skill will help you in the future. I always pray for you and your family that you will have a bright future. Puhua, thank you for your support during my PhD. You never hesitate to help me and discuss with me. You are a hardworker and I am surprised with your ability to learn everything quickly. I hope you will be very successful with your future.

A sincere acknowledgement is dedicated to thank Ursula Schmidt, our

group secretary, for helping me with all the paperwork. Also for our former secretary, Henriet, thank you for your support during my early days in Groningen.

For our technicians: Jan Harkema, Arjun Joshua, and Joost Zoestbergen,

without your help and excellent technical skills, I would not able to finish my PhD works. Jan and Arjun, you are very experienced technicians, I learned a lot from you. Thank you for your technical advises. Joost, you are such an amazing and talented person, I wish all the best for you.

I would like to express my deep gratitude for all the colleagues in DPCM group. Special mention goes to Dr. Chen Qihong. Dear Qihong, few words are

never been enough to thank you for your help and support during my PhD. We have been worked together since my first year of my PhD and you never hesitate to help me and give me fruitful advises. Your scientific and technical skills are incredible and I learned a lot from you. I believe you will be a great scientist in the next few years and I wish all the best with your scientific career in China. For

Sasha, you are excellent in every aspect and I am sure you will be successful in the

future. Thank you very much for your supports, collaborations, and discussions.

Mingpeng and Xiaoli, thank you for your supports and discussions. I am sure that

you will learn a lot during your PhD study in our group. Hameed, you are very

friendly person and it has been pleasure to see you in the Lab. Zhang Le, good


For the former DPCM member: Jie, Lei, Lu, and Wytse. Dear Jie, thank

you very much for your support during my early days in DPCM. You had been a nice and passionate daily supervisor for me. Lei, you are a nice person and very communicative. I always enjoyed our brainstorming, discussions and collaborations. Lu, thank you very much for your technical supports and willing to be reference in my resume. I would like to give my special thanks to Wytse. Thank you very much for translating the summary to Dutch, I know it is not an easy task even for Dutch people due to some special terminologies. However, you did an excellent job and I highly appreciate it. Wish you all the best in your study!

To all Indonesians in Groningen, without your friendship my life here would never be so pleasant. Living far away from family, I feel like in my home with all the friendship from the big Indonesian community, the Groningen Indonesian Moslem Community (de Gromiest) and the Indonesian Student Association in Groningen (PPI G): Almas, Insan, Kak Fean, Masyitha, Dina, Renren, Cecil, Ida, Sasa, Kei, Intan-Mas Rully, Mbak Nuri-Mas Adhyat, The Susan-KangBino, Bu Rini-Pak Asmoro, Mbak Irma-Mas Ega, Mbak Monik-Mas Fajar, Mbak Ayu-Monik-Mas Zaenal, Mbak Afifah-Monik-Mas Ristiono, Mbak Andis-Mas Akbar, Bu Rohmah-Pak Tatang, Mbak Fitri-Andis-Mas Kus, Mbak Icha-Andis-Mas Krisna, Mbak Putri-Mas Amak, Kang Hegar-Teh Ica, Mbak Uci-Mas Joko, Mas Wandy, Anis-Didin, Mas Latief, Azak, Mbak Tiur, Mbak Liza-Mas Irfan, Erlang, Mbak Desti-Kang Iging, Mbak Inna-Mas Agung, Mas Khairul, Mas Ivan, Yassaroh-Surya, Mbak Rosel-Mas Didik, Mbak Ira, Sofa-Yudi, Teh Ela, Afif, Kang Dimas-Teh Anya, Mas Ade-Cika, Mas Chalis, Mbak Nur, Nadia-Zakky, Mbak Tina-Pak Taufik, Mas Lana, Azkario, Mas Adjie, Guntur, Shiddiq, Mbak Inda, Mbak Frita, Mbak Laksmi-Bli Kadek, Mbak Atika-Salim, Uwak Asiah, Mbak Rani-Tony, Kang Zaki-Teh Sela Bude Arie-Om Herman, Tante Indah-Om Yon, Om Archie, Om Rudie Tromp, Bude Nunung-Vincent dan semua yang tidak bisa saya sebutkan satu-persatu.

To PL125 Members: Ali, Liany, Cici, dr. Salva, Ucon, Mey, Sugab, Ruru, Kang Fikri, Ical, Pak Hengky, and Mas Bintoro-KakSofi, thank you for being my

second family in Groningen. I will miss all the moment with you guys, cooking, dishwashing, movie night, stories, and the other things I cannot mention here.

I will also miss my time with my other circle friends, Pak Makky, Pak Deden, Mas Dhata-Mbak Maya, Mbak Wury-Pak Sigit, Mbak Ary-Mas Cordova, Pak Eddy-Teh Kamia, Mbak Diah-Mas Fuad, Vira-Mas Ryvo, Mbah



Tita, Safira, Maryam, Stefanie, teman-teman pengajian KMD, Stichting Generasi Baru (SGB), and teman-teman Haji Euromuslim 2017. Thank you

very much for your friendship and kindness. I hope we can keep our silaturahim and meet again each other in the future.

To my beloved parents, Ibu Tiah dan Bapak Syamsul, terima kasih atas

support Ibu dan Bapak untuk Ali, Yosi, dan Fatih. Terima kasih atas doa dan restu Ibu dan Bapak yang tidak pernah terputus sehingga Ali bisa menyelesaikan studi S3. My

sincere gratitude is also for The Arifuddin Family: Tante Ima-Om Iwan, Om

Kiki-Tante Diah, Kiki-Tante Ati-Om Ang, Majid-Royyan-Baim-Nissa, Rajak, Abi, Dea, Aliya, Hilman, Adrin, and Alm. Eni dan Aki. Also to my beloved keluarga Anyelir: Ibu Isti dan Pak Agus, not mention Alishia and the other KB Wiryadi family, terima

kasih atas doa yang tidak pernah terputus, dukungan, dan kehangatan dalam keluarga.

Finally, for my two miracles: my beloved wife Yosi and my dearest Fatih. I

would like to express my deepest gratitude for your unlimited and unconditional supports and love. Mama, you are the best thing happened in my life. I lost my word how to describe your tremendous supports for me. Sometimes we found ourselves in a difficult situation, but you always believe that we can go through every obstacle in front of us. You can make the impossible become possible. You always believe in me and encourage me in all of the efforts. Without your supports, I could not finish my PhD. This PhD is for us. I love you forever, Insya

Allah. Fatih, when Papa and Mama face difficult situation, you always give us your

wonderful smiles and cheers. How grateful to have you, my dear. You have been through this entire struggle with Mama and Papa in such a young age. I always hope and pray you will be a smart, kind, strong, and tough man in the future. Amin YRA.


Voorburg, 12 August 2019



In chapter 2, we demonstrated the development of lateral 2D p-n junction based on TMDs-BN artificial heterostructure.. We developed a lateral 2D p-n diode and investigated

In hoofdstuk 2 en 3 wordt de ontwikkeling van laterale 2D pn- junctie op basis van TMD-BN kunstmatige heterostructuur besproken waarin de laterale pn-interface wordt afgestemd

If you believe that this document breaches copyright please contact us providing details, and we will remove access to the work immediately and investigate your claim.. Downloaded

(strong emission) performance. We incorporate the ionic liquid gate technique to induce conductivity in our p-n junction and investigate properties. At the same time, we also

The exciton species rate from the EL spectra strongly depends on induced carrier density ratio between the p- and n-type side of the p-n junction (Chapter 3). The superconducting

To all Indonesians in Groningen, living away from homeland feels easier with the help from the big Indonesian Community: Kak Almas, Kak Fean, Mbak Tiur, Mas Tri, Mas

Living far away from home feels easier with all the friendship from the big Indonesian community, the Kimia ITB family, the Groningen Indonesian Moslem Community de Gromiest and

I also received the emotional support from Indonesian community in Groningen (My family in Kajuit, Planetenlaan, the Noordeplantsoen and around). Terima kasih atas bantuan, kebaikan