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Cover Page The handle


Academic year: 2021

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The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/49237 holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation

Author: Mernier, François

Title: From supernovae to galaxy clusters : observing the chemical enrichment in the hot intra-cluster medium

Issue Date: 2017-05-31


From supernovae to galaxy clusters

François Mernier

1 10

0.5 2 5

0 0. 5 1 1. 5 2

(O bs er ve d − M od el ) / M od el

Energy (keV)

O VIII (Lyα) Fe−L complex (incl. Ne) Mg XII (Lyα) Si XIII (Heα) Si XIV (Lyα) S XV (Heα) S XVI (Lyα) Ar XVII (Heα) Ar XVIII (Lyα) Ca XIX (Heα) Ca XX (Lyα) Ca XIX / Ca XX Cr XXIII (Heα) Mn XXIV (Heα) Fe−K complex Fe XXVI (Lyα) Fe XXV (Heγ)

(/ Fe XXIV) Ni XXVII / Ni XXVIII / Fe XXV (Heβ)

Observing the chemical enrichment in the hot intra-cluster medium

From supernov ae to ga laxy clusters Franço is Mern ier



The ingredients of our stellar evolution module include a choice of IMF (we use Chabrier), stellar lifetimes as a function of metallicity (which we take from Portinari et al. 1998),

However, this is of course not true for the diffuse IGM which was already in place: for this phase high wind speed models heat a significant fraction of the metals as the winds

The colour scale gives the metal mass weighted mean enrichment redshift as a function of the gas density and temperature at z = 0 for simulations REF L100N512 (left panel),

License: Licence agreement concerning inclusion of doctoral thesis in the Institutional Repository of the University of Leiden.. Downloaded

Tijdens een dergelijke explosie wordt niet alleen een groot deel van de inhoud van de ster uitgeworpen maar treden ook de condities op die ideaal zijn voor snelle nucleosynthese..

This completion of this thesis would also not have been possible without the encou- ragement of the folks at the International Church of Leiden and Munich International

In the near future, more time will need to be spent designing computer programs which can analyse large amounts of data than designing programs that produce it.. From the perspective

From supernovae to galaxy clusters, Observing the chemical enrichment in the hot intra-cluster medium, Thesis, Universiteit Leiden.. This work was supported by Leiden Observatory