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Systematic assessment of factors affecting the delivery, access and use of interventions to control malaria in pregnancy in sub-Saharan Africa - Front matter


Academic year: 2021

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Systematic assessment of factors affecting the delivery, access and use of

interventions to control malaria in pregnancy in sub-Saharan Africa

Hill, J.A.

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Final published version

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Citation for published version (APA):

Hill, J. A. (2014). Systematic assessment of factors affecting the delivery, access and use of

interventions to control malaria in pregnancy in sub-Saharan Africa. Dutch University Press.

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Systematic Assessment of Factors Affecting the Delivery,

Access and Use of Interventions to Control Malaria in

Pregnancy in Sub-Saharan Africa

Jenny Hill


, Access and Use of Interventions to C

ontrol Malaria in Pregnancy in sub-Saharan Africa

Jenny Hill


Systematic Assessment of Factors Affecting the

Delivery, Access and Use of Interventions to Control

Malaria in Pregnancy

in sub-Saharan Africa


International Child Health Studies

© Jenny Hill, 2014

All rights reserved

Dutch University Press


ISBN 978 90 361 0407 4

NUR 870








ter verkrijging van de graad van doctor aan de Universiteit van Amsterdam

op gezag van de Rector Magnificus prof. dr. D.C. van den Boom

ten overstaan van een door het college voor promoties ingestelde commissie,

in het openbaar te verdedigen in de Aula der Universiteit op woensdag 22 oktober 2014, te 11:00 uur


Jennifer Anne Hill

geboren te Ibadan, Nigeria




Prof. dr F.O. ter Kuile

Prof. dr M. Boele van Hensbroek

Dr. J. Webster


Overige Oeden

Prof. dr R.C. Pool

Dr. P.F. Mens

Prof. dr M.W. Borgdorff

Prof. dr A.S. Stergachis

Dr. M.J. Rijken



Page number

Chapter 1: Introduction 1

Chapter 2: Reaching the Abuja target for intermittent preventive treatment of

malaria in pregnancy in African women: a review of progress and operational challenges.

Hill J, Kazembe P. Trop Med Int Health. 2006; 11(4): 409-18.


Chapter 3: Coverage of intermittent preventive treatment and insecticide-treated

nets for the control of malaria during pregnancy in sub-Saharan Africa: A synthesis and meta-analysis of national survey data, 2009-11. van Eijk AM, Hill J, Larsen DA, Webster J, Steketee RW, Eisele TP, ter Kuile FO. Lancet Infect Dis. 2013; 13(12): 1029-42.


Chapter 4: Factors affecting the delivery, access, and use of interventions to

prevent malaria in pregnancy in sub-Saharan Africa: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Hill J, Hoyt J, van Eijk AM, D'Mello-Guyett L, Ter Kuile FO, Steketee R,

Smith H, Webster J. PLOS Med. 2013; 10(7): e1001488.


Chapter 5: Prioritizing pregnant women for long lasting insecticide treated

nets through antenatal clinics.

Hill J, Hoyt J, van Eijk AM, ter Kuile FO, Webster J, Steketee R. PLOS

Med. 2014; 11(9): e1001717.


Chapter 6: Effectiveness of antenatal clinics to deliver intermittent preventive

treatment and insecticide treated nets for the control of malaria in pregnancy in Kenya.

Hill J, Dellicour S, Bruce J, Ouma P, Smedley J, Otieno P, Ombock M,

Kariuki S, Desai M, Hamel MJ, ter Kuile FO, Webster J. PLOS ONE. 2013; 8(6): e64913.


Chapter 7: Effectiveness of antenatal clinics to deliver intermittent preventive

treatment and insecticide treated nets for the control of malaria in pregnancy in Mali: A household survey.

Hill J, Kayentao K, Toure M, Diawara S, Bruce J, Smedley J, Diawara S,

Doumbo O, ter Kuile FO, Webster J. PLOS ONE. 2014; 9(3): e92102.


Chapter 8: Access and use of interventions to prevent and treat malaria among

pregnant women in Kenya and Mali: A qualitative study.

Hill J, Kayentao K, Achieng F, Diarra S, Dellicour S, Diawara SI, Doumbo

OK, Hamel MJ, Ouma P, Desai M, ter Kuile FO, Webster J. Submitted


Chapter 9: Women’s access and provider practices for the case management of

malaria during pregnancy: A systematic review and meta-analysis.

Hill J, D'Mello-Guyett L, Hoyt J, van Eijk AM, ter Kuile FO, Webster J.

PLOS Med. 2013; 11(8): e1001688.


Chapter 10: Discussion and Conclusions 171

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^ƵŵŵĂƌLJ 193


1ϵ9 About the Author

Appendices: Chapter 3 Supplementary appendix 203

Ϯ41 Chapter 4 Supplementary appendix



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