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Academic year: 2021

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dogs got am ongst the w ild dogs and cleared them pretty well out. Some may th in k now th a t the tame dogs got w ild . This w o u ld be an error. They were a species of w ild anim al, never were tame and I fancy could never be ta m e d '.

Such an authentic record now makes other records, w h ich have been questionable u n til now, such as C ollins' (1907) reference to the eleven W ild dogs w h ich were killed during a hun t at "B a in s Vley" in the Bloem fontein d istrict in June 1862, much more acceptable.

A lth ough it is pleasing to have once more discovered" the W ild dog and to k n o w th a t it did in fact once inhabit the plains of the Orange Free State, it is saddening to, at the same time, have to report that presently the W ild dog is one of three m am m als in South A frica w h ich is in danger of extinction. Accordingly it has been listed in the

South A frican Red Data Book as ENDANGERED.

Stable populations occur only in the Kruger National Park, eastern Transvaal and in adjacent private reserves (Sm ithers 1986). |qH1

W ild dog playing.

(fro m : H & J. va n L a w ic k -G o o d a ll 1 9 7 0 )

b i b l i o g r a p h y

CO LLINS , W .W . 1 9 0 7 . "Free S ta tia " or Reminiscences of a lifetim e in the O range Free State. South A fric a , from 1 8 5 2 to end of 1 8 7 5 : 2 3 w a rs . Bloemfontein: Friend Print. & Pub. Co. Ltd.

S M ITH E R S . R H .N . 1 9 8 3 The m a m m a ls o f the s o u th e rn A fr ic a n su b re g io n . Pretoria: U niversity of Pretoria.

S M IT H E R S , R H . N . 1 9 8 6 S o u th A f r ic a n red d a ta book te r r e s tr ia l m am m als. S outh A frican National S cientific Program m es Report No 1 25 1 -2 1 6

VA N DER BANK. D A. (Ed.) 1 9 8 4 . A voice from Bloem fontein; the reminiscences of G u s ta v A d o lp h F ic h a rd t. M e m o ir s v a n d ie N a s io n a le M u s e u m B lo e m fo n te in 1 9 : 1 -1 1 4

V A N LA W IC K -G O O D A L L . J. & V A N LAW IC K. H. 1 9 7 0 . In n o c e n t k ille r s London- Collins.


Op die foto is van links na regs: mev. Nienaber. dr. C.M. Engelbrecht (direkteur van die Nasionale M u seu m ), prof. P. G. N e t en mev. M . Schoch, w at 'n voorlesing u it R a k a van N.P. van Wyk L o u w gedoen het. D ie a a n d is afgesluit m et 'n rolprentvertoning oor S u id -A frikaan se A rg ite k tu u r en ligte

verversings. !lotoDleV o lksb la d )

Op Donderdagaand 28 Januarie 1988 is 'n K ultuuraand in die oud itorium van die Nasionale M useum gehou. Die funksie is deur die S.A. V e r e n i g i n g v i r K u l t u u r g e s k i e d e n i s i n sam ewerking met die Nasionale Museum gereel. Die doel met die funksie w as hoofsaaklik om b e la n g s te lle n d e s meer van die doel en werksaamhede van die S.A. Vereniging vir Kultuurgeskiedenis te vertel. Hierdie vereniging is in 1982 gestig en w il graag meer Vrystaatse lede w erf, ten einde 'n Vrystaatse streektak te stig.

Die gasspreker van die aand w as prof. P.G. Nel, hoof van die Departement Afrikaanse en N e d e rla n d se K u ltu u rg e s k ie d e n is van die Universiteit van Pretoria en tans voorsitter van die S.A. Vereniging vir Kultuurgeskiedenis. By hierdie geleentheid isdieere-lidm aatskap vandie Vereniging aan prof. P.J. Nienaber, voormalige direkteur van die Vrystaatse Museum diens, toegeken. Aangesien prof. Nienaber in die hospitaal was, het sy vrou, mev. M .M . Nienaber, die sertifikaat van ere-lidm aatskap namens hom ontvang.



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