Observation of a new Ξ 0 b state
De Bruyn, K.; Onderwater, C. J. G.; van Veghel, M.; LHCb Collaboration
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Publication date: 2021
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De Bruyn, K., Onderwater, C. J. G., van Veghel, M., & LHCb Collaboration (2021). Observation of a new Ξ 0 b state. Physical Review D, 103(1), [012004]. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.103.012004
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Observation of a new Ξ
R. Aaijet al.*(LHCb Collaboration)
(Received 28 October 2020; accepted 23 November 2020; published 6 January 2021) Using a proton-proton collision data sample collected by the LHCb experiment, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of8.5 fb−1, the observation of a new excitedΞ0b resonance decaying to theΞ−bπþ final state is presented. The state, referred to as Ξbð6227Þ0, has a measured mass and natural width of mðΞbð6227Þ0Þ ¼ 6227:1þ1.4−1.5 0.5 MeV and ΓðΞbð6227Þ0Þ ¼ 18:6þ5.0−4.1 1.4 MeV, where the uncertainties are statistical and systematic. The production rate of the Ξbð6227Þ0 state relative to that of the Ξ−b baryon in the kinematic region 2 < η < 5 and pT< 30 GeV is measured to be
fΞ−b BðΞbð6227Þ 0→ Ξ−
bπþÞ ¼ 0.045 0.008 0.004; where BðΞbð6227Þ0→ Ξ−bπþÞ is the branching fraction of the decay, and fΞbð6227Þ0and fΞ−b represent fragmentation fractions. Improved measurements of the mass and natural width of the previously observedΞbð6227Þ−state, along with the mass of theΞ−b baryon, are also reported. Both measurements are significantly more precise than, and consistent with, previously reported values.
In the constituent quark model [1,2], baryonic states form multiplets according to the symmetry of their flavor, spin and spatial wave functions. The masses, natural widths and decay modes of these states give insight into their internal structure [3]. The Ξ0b and Ξ−b states form an isodoublet of bsq bound states, where q is a u or d quark, respectively. Three such isodoublets, which are neither radially nor orbitally excited, should exist[4], and include theΞbstate with spin jqs¼ 0 and JP ¼ ð1=2Þþ, theΞ0bwith jqs¼ 1 and JP ¼ ð1=2Þþ, and the Ξb with jqs¼ 1 and JP ¼ ð3=2Þþ. Here, j
qs is the spin of the light diquark system qs, and JPrepresents the spin and parity of the state. Three of the four jqs¼ 1 states have been observed through their decays toΞ0bπ− andΞ−bπþ final states[5–7].
Beyond these lowest-lying Ξb states, a spectrum of heavier states is expected [8–22], where there are either radial or orbital excitations among the constituent quarks. Recently, peaks in the Λ0bK− and Ξ0bπ− invariant-mass spectra corresponding to a mass of 6227 MeV1have been reported [23], and subsequent constituent quark model
[24–30]and quark-diquark[31–34]analyses show that this state is consistent with a P-wave Ξ−b excitation. Alternative
investigations argue that the state could also be wholly or partially molecular in nature[35–38]. More information on the observed states, or observation of additional excited beauty-baryon states, will provide additional input for these theoretical investigations.
In this article, the observation of a new beauty-baryon resonance, referred to as Ξbð6227Þ0, is reported using samples of proton-proton (pp) collision data collected with the LHCb experiment at center-of-mass energies offfiffiffi
s p
¼ 7, 8 TeV (Run 1) and 13 TeV (Run 2), corresponding to integrated luminosities of 1.0, 2.0 and5.5 fb−1, respec-tively. The resonance is seen through its decay to theΞ−bπþ final state, where theΞ−bbaryon is reconstructed in the fully hadronic decay channels Ξ0cπ− and Ξ0cπ−πþπ−, with Ξ0
c→ pK−K−πþ. Charge-conjugate processes are implic-itly included throughout this paper.
Using the 13 TeV data, the production rate of the Ξbð6227Þ0 state is measured relative to that of the Ξ−b baryon as
RðΞ−bπþÞ ≡fΞbð6227Þ0
fΞ− b
BðΞbð6227Þ0→ Ξ−bπþÞ: ð1Þ Here, fΞbð6227Þ0 and fΞ−b are the fragmentation fractions
for b → Ξbð6227Þ0 and b → Ξ−b, which include contribu-tions from the decays of higher-mass b-hadrons, and BðΞbð6227Þ0→ Ξ−bπþÞ is the branching fraction of the decay.
The same pp collision data set is used to improve the precision on the mass and width of the recently observed Ξbð6227Þ−state[23]using theΞbð6227Þ− → Λ0bK− decay
*Full author list given at the end of the article.
Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article’s title, journal citation, and DOI. Funded by SCOAP3.
mode. The analysis presented here benefits greatly from the larger data sample, but also by using bothΛ0b→ Λþcπ−and Λ0
b→ Λþcπ−πþπ− decays, leading to about a four-fold increase in the Λ0b yield over that which was used in Ref. [23].
Lastly, with the large samples of Ξ−b and Λ0b decays obtained in this analysis, the most precise measurement of theΞ−b mass to date is presented. TheΞ−b mass obtained in this analysis is then used to obtain the mass of the Ξbð6227Þ0 resonance.
The LHCb detector [39,40] is a single-arm forward spectrometer covering the pseudorapidity range2 < η < 5, designed for the study of particles containing b or c quarks. The detector includes a high-precision tracking system consisting of a silicon-strip vertex detector surrounding the pp interaction region, a large-area silicon-strip detector located upstream of a dipole magnet with a bending power of about 4 Tm, and three stations of silicon-strip detectors and straw drift tubes placed downstream of the magnet. The tracking system provides a measurement of the momentum, p, of charged particles with a relative uncertainty that varies from 0.5% at low momentum to 1.0% at 200 GeV. The minimum distance of a track to a primary vertex (PV), the impact parameter (IP), is measured with a resolution of ð15 þ 29=pTÞ μm, where pT is the component of the momentum transverse to the beam, in GeV. Different types of charged hadrons are distinguished using information from two ring-imaging Cherenkov detectors. Photons, electrons and hadrons are identified by a calorimeter system consisting of scintillating-pad and preshower detec-tors, an electromagnetic and a hadronic calorimeter. Muons are identified by a system composed of alternating layers of iron and multiwire proportional chambers. The online event selection is performed by a trigger which consists of a hardware stage, based on information from the calorimeter and muon systems, followed by a software stage, which applies a full event reconstruction.
Simulation is required to model the effects of the detector acceptance and the imposed selection requirements. It is also used to determine the expected invariant-mass reso-lution. In the simulation, pp collisions are generated using
PYTHIA [41] with a specific LHCb configuration [42].
Decays of unstable particles are described by EvtGen
[43], in which final-state radiation is generated using
PHOTOS [44]. The interaction of the generated particles
with the detector, and its response, are implemented using
the GEANT4toolkit[45] as described in Ref.[46].
To improve the agreement of the simulation with the data in modeling the kinematics of beauty baryons within the acceptance of the LHCb detector, the simulated beauty-baryon momentum components, pT and pz, are transformed to match the distributions obtained from back-ground-subtracted data [47]. Here, pz is the momentum
component along the beam axis. In particular, the pTand pz are transformed according to
pT→ p0T¼ expðκTlogðpTÞÞ;
pz→ p0z¼ expðκzlogðpzÞÞ: ð2Þ For theΛ0b andΞ−b simulations, the valuesκT¼ 0.98 and κz¼ 0.99 bring the simulated pT and pz distributions into good agreement with those of the data, while for the Ξbð6227Þ0 and Ξbð6227Þ− simulations, the values κT ¼ 0.99 and κz¼ 1.0 are found. Values of κ less than unity indicate that the given momentum component needs to be scaled to lower values to bring the simulation into agreement with the data. In the optimization of specific selections and the determination of selection efficiencies, these tunings are employed, as discussed below.
The particle identification (PID) response of charged hadrons produced in simulated signal decays is obtained from dedicated calibration samples from the data where no PID requirements are imposed[48,49]. The Dþ→ D0πþ mode is used for the K−andπþmeson PID responses and the Λ0b→ Λþcπ− and Λ → pπ− decays are used for the proton PID response. Each final-state signal hadron has its PID response drawn from a three-dimensional probability distribution function that depends on the hadron’s p and pT, and the number of reconstructed charged particles in the event.
bbaryon selections
TheΞ−b candidates are reconstructed using theΞ0cπ−and Ξ0
cπ−πþπ− decay modes, while the Λ0b sample uses theΛþcπ− andΛþcπ−πþπ− final states. The charm baryons are detected through the decays Ξ0c → pK−K−πþ and Λþ
c → pK−πþ. In what follows, Hb refers to either the Λ0
borΞ−b baryon, and Hcsignifies the corresponding charm baryon,Λþc orΞ0c, according to the above decay sequences. Charged hadrons used to reconstruct the Hbcandidates are required to be significantly detached from all PVs in the event using the quantityχ2IP, which is the difference inχ2of the vertex fit of a given PV when the particle is included or excluded from the fit. Each track is required to have χ2
IP> 4, which corresponds to an IP that is at least twice as large as the expected IP resolution. Loose PID require-ments are also imposed on all the Hb decay products to ensure that they are consistent with the intended decay sequence.
The Hc candidates are required to have a good-quality vertex fit, have significant displacement from all PVs in the event, and satisfy the invariant-mass requirements, jMðpK−πþÞ − m
cj < 18 MeV and jMðpK
−K−πþÞ −
cj < 15 MeV, corresponding to about three times the
mass resolution. Here, and throughout this paper, M represents the invariant mass of the particle(s) indicated
in parentheses, and m represents the measured mass of the indicated particle, using Ref. [50]for known particles.
One or three charged pions, with total charge −1, are combined with Hccandidates to form the Hbsamples. The fitted decay vertex is required to be consistent with a single point in space, evidenced by having good fit quality. To suppress combinatorial background, the Hbdecay vertex is required to be significantly displaced from all PVs in the event and have small χ2IP to at least one PV. The Hb candidates are assigned to the PV for which χ2IP is minimum.
After these selections, clearΞ−b andΛ0bpeaks can be seen in the data. TheΛ0b→ Λþcπ− decay mode has an excellent signal-to-background (S/B) ratio, and no further selections are applied. For the Ξ−b → Ξ0cπ−, Ξ−b → Ξ0cπ−πþπ− and Λ0
b→ Λþcπ−πþπ− decays, a boosted decision tree (BDT) discriminant[51–53]is used to further improve the S/B ratio. The set of variables used by the BDT is similar for the three modes. Those common to all three modes include: the χ2 values of the fitted Hc and Hb decay vertices, the angle between the Hbmomentum direction and the vector pointing
from the PV to the Hbdecay vertex, the Hb and Hc decay times, and for each final-state hadron, p, pT,χ2IPand a PID response variable. For the Hb→ Hcπ−πþπ− modes, three additional variables are included: Mðπ−πþπ−Þ, the χ2of the π−πþπ− vertex fit, and the χ2 of the vertex separation between the3π vertex and the associated PV. The BDT is trained using simulated decays for the signal distributions in these variables, and the background distributions are taken from a combination of the Hcor Hbmass sidebands in data. The requirements on the BDT discriminant are chosen based on optimizing the product of signal efficiency and signal purity. The resulting BDT selection requirement is∼100%, 94% and 93% efficient for Ξ−b → Ξ0cπ−,Ξ−b → Ξ0cπ−πþπ− andΛ0b→ Λþcπ−πþπ− signal decays, while suppressing the combinatorial background by factors of about 3, 8 and 6, respectively.
In anticipation that the Ξ−b → Ξ0cπ− decay mode will be used to measure the relative production rate, RðΞ−bπþÞ, Ξ−
b candidates are restricted to lie in the kinematic region pT< 30 GeV and 2 < η < 5; this selection retains 99.7% of the signal decays.
mass [MeV] S c 0 ; 5700 5800 5900 Candidates / 2 MeV 200 400 LHCb Data Full fit S 0 c ; b ; S 0 ' c ; b ; K 0 c ; b ; Background mass [MeV] S S S c 0 ; 5700 5800 5900 Candidates / 2 MeV100 200 300 LHCb Data Full fit S S S 0 c ; b ; S S S 0 ' c ; b ; S S K 0 c ; b ; Background
FIG. 1. Invariant-mass spectra for (left) Ξ−b → Ξ0cπ− and (right) Ξ−b → Ξ0cπ−πþπ− candidates after all selection requirements. Projections of the fits to the data are overlaid.
mass [MeV] S + c / 5.55 5.6 5.65 5.7 3 10 u Candidates / 1 MeV 10 20 30 3 10 u LHCb Data Full fit S + c / 0 b / K + c / 0 b / Background mass [MeV] S S S + c / 5.55 5.6 5.65 5.7 3 10 u Candidates / 1 MeV 5 10 15 20 3 10 u LHCb Data Full fit S S S + c / 0 b / S S K + c / 0 b / Combinatorial
FIG. 2. Invariant-mass spectra for (left) Λ0b→ Λþcπ− and (right) Λ0b→ Λþcπ−πþπ− candidates after all selection requirements. Projections of the fits to the data are overlaid.
With all of the selections applied, the resultingΞ−b andΛ0b candidate invariant-mass spectra are shown in Figs.1and2, respectively. The fits, as described below, are overlaid.
B. Ξbð6227Þ0 selection
TheΞbð6227Þ0candidates are formed by combining aΞ−b candidate with aπþmeson consistent with coming from the same PV. TheΞ−b → Ξ0cπ−andΞ−b → Ξ0cπ−πþπ−candidates are required to have their masses in the intervals 5737 < MðΞ0cπ−Þ < 5847 MeV and 5750 < MðΞ0cπ−πþπ−Þ < 5840 MeV, respectively, corresponding to about three times the mass resolution about theΞ−b mass[50].
The majority of particles from the PV are pions, and therefore only a loose requirement is applied to the pion PID hypothesis, sufficient to render the contribution from mis-identified kaons and protons to be at the few percent level. To suppress background from randomπþmesons, which tend to have lower pTthan those from b-hadron decays, the selection on the pT of theπþ candidate is optimized as follows. The Punzi figure-of-merit[54]FOM¼ ϵðpTÞ=ð ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiNBðpTÞ
þa=2Þ with a ¼ 5 is used, where ϵðpTÞ and NBðpTÞ are the signal efficiency and background yield as a function of the applied πþmeson p
Trequirement. For the signal efficiency,ϵðpTÞ,the πþmeson p
Tis scaled by the ratio p0T=pT, as given in Eq.(2). The optimal requirements are pT> 700 MeV and 900 MeV for the Ξ−b → Ξ0cπ− and Ξ−b → Ξ0cπ−πþπ− modes, respec-tively. The higher pTrequirement on the latter is due to the higher average momentum required of theΞbð6227Þ0baryon in order for all of its decay products to be within the LHCb detector acceptance. These selections provide an expected signal efficiency of about 55% and reduce the background by an order of magnitude.
C. Ξbð6227Þ− selection
TheΞbð6227Þ− candidates are formed by combiningΛ0b candidates in the mass interval 5560–5670 MeV and K− candidates consistent with emerging from the same PV. A similar optimization to that discussed above is performed to determine the optimal pTrequirement on the K−candidate. A loose PID requirement on the K− candidate is applied in advance, which suppresses about 80% of the misidentified π−background. Since theΞ
bð6227Þ−state is established, the optimization uses FOM¼ NSðpTÞ=
ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi NSðpTÞ þ NBðpTÞ p
, where NSðpTÞ ¼ ϵðpTÞNS0 is the expected signal yield based on an initial signal yield estimate, NS0, and the efficiency,ϵðpTÞ,obtainedfromsimulation.Thebackground yield, NB, is obtained from wrong-signΛ0bKþcombinations. The optimal requirement is pT> 1000 MeV. The efficiency of this selection is about 40% and reduces the combinatorial background by a factor of ten.
With the pT> 1000 MeV requirement applied, a more refined optimization is performed on the K− PID require-ment. The PID tuning for the 7 and 8 TeV data differs from that of the 13 TeV data[49], so different requirements are imposed. Using the same FOM as above, except with the
PID variable used in place of the pT, tighter PID require-ments are imposed. The optimal PID requirement on the K− candidate provides an efficiency of 80% (95%) while suppressing the background by a factor of 2 (1.6) for the Run 1 (Run 2) data samples. The same pT and PID requirements are applied to the K− candidate in both the Λ0
b→ Λþcπ− andΛ0b→ Λþcπ−πþπ− samples. IV. FITS TO THE DATA A. Fits to the Ξb− and Λ0
b samples
An extended binned maximum-likelihood fit is performed to determine theΞ−bandΛ0bsignal yields in the peaks shown in Figs.1and2. The distributions are described by the sum of a signal function and three (two forΛ0b) background shapes to determine the signal yields. The signal shapes are described by the sum of two Crystal Ball functions[55]with a common value for the peak mass. For theΞ−bmodes, the signal shapes are fixed to the values obtained from simulation, except for the widths, which are allowed to vary freely in the fit. For the Λ0
bmodes, the signal yields in data are significantly larger than in the simulated samples, and thus all signal shape parameters are freely varied in the fit. For both theΛ0bandΞ−b modes, there is background from Hb→ HcK−ðπþπ−Þ decays, where the kaon is misidentified as a pion. This Cabibbo-suppressed (CS) contribution is small compared to the Cabibbo-favored (CF) Hb→ Hcπ−πþπ−decay. The CS to CF signal yield ratio is fixed to 1.8% based upon the PID efficiency of the K− meson to pass the π− PID requirement and the assumption that the CS/CF ratio of branching fractions is 7.3%, as is the case for BðΛ0b→ Λþ
cK−Þ=BðΛ0b→ Λþcπ−Þ [56]. For the Ξ−b modes, there is also a background contribution from Ξ−b → Ξ00cπ−ðπþπ−Þ decays, where the photon from the decayΞ00c → Ξ0cγ is not considered. The shapes of these background modes are taken from simulations and the yields are freely varied in the fit. Lastly, the combinatorial background shapes are parame-trized as an exponential function with freely varying shape parameters and yields.
The results of the fit are superimposed in Figs.1and2, and the fitted signal yields are shown in TablesIandII. In total, about 1.9 millionΛ0band 16 000Ξ−b signal decays are observed, with sizable contributions from final states con-taining three pions. The number ofΛ0b decays here is about four times larger than the sample used for the first meas-urement of theΞbð6227Þ− mass and natural width [23].
B. Fit to the Ξbð6227Þ0→Ξb−π+ sample To search for the Ξbð6227Þ0 state, the mass difference, δMπ¼ MðΞ−bπþÞ − MðΞ−bÞ, is used, since the mass reso-lution on this difference is about eight times better than that of MðΞ−bπþÞ. Moreover, systematic uncertainties, particularly that due to the momentum scale calibration, are greatly reduced. The resulting mass difference spectra, δMπ, for both the right-sign and wrong-sign (Ξ−bπ−) combinations are shown in Fig. 3. The top row shows
the spectra using Ξ−b → Ξ0cπ− candidates and the bottom row shows the spectra usingΞ−b → Ξ0cπ−πþπ− candidates. A clear signal is observed at the same invariant mass in both
right-sign final states, while there are no significant structures in the wrong-sign spectra.
TheΞbð6227Þ0mass and natural width are obtained from a simultaneous unbinned maximum-likelihood fit to the four δMπ spectra. The signal shape is described by a P-wave relativistic Breit–Wigner function [57] with a Blatt– Weisskopf barrier factor[58]of3 GeV−1, convolved with a resolution function. The mass resolution is parametrized as the sum of two Gaussian functions with a common mean of zero and widths that are fixed to the values obtained from simulation. The weighted average mass resolution is about 2.0 MeV, which is negligible compared to the apparent width of the observed peak. The background shape is described by a smooth threshold function with shape parameters that are common between the right-sign and wrong-sign spectra, but independent for the Ξ0cπ− andΞ0cπ−πþπ− final states. The threshold function takes the form
1 þ tanh δMπ− δM0 C ×ðδMπ− δM0ÞA: ð3Þ TABLE I. Signal yields ofΞ−bandΞbð6227Þ0decays for the full
data set after all selection requirements, and the corresponding Run 2 signal yields used for the measurement of RðΞ−bπþÞ at 13 TeV.
All data pffiffiffis¼ 13 TeV Ξ−
b→ Ξ0cπ− Ξ0cπ−πþπ− Ξ0cπ− NðΞ−bÞ 10800400 5100300 8300300 NðΞbð6227Þ0→ Ξ−bπþÞ 176þ33−30 86þ19−17 15027
TABLE II. Signal yields of Λ0b andΞbð6227Þ−decays for the full data set after all selection requirements.
Λ0 b→ Λþcπ− Λþcπ−πþπ− NðΛ0bÞ [103] 1214 2 697 1 NðΞbð6227Þ−→ Λ0bK−Þ 1100 108 1024 106 ) [MeV] b ; ( M ) + S b ; ( M 400 600 800
Number of candidates / 10 MeV
0 50 100 LHCb S 0 c ; b ; Data Full fit Signal Background ) [MeV] b ; ( M ) S b ; ( M 400 600 800
Number of candidates / 10 MeV
0 50 100 LHCb S 0 c ; b ; Data Full fit ) [MeV] b ; ( M ) + S b ; ( M 400 600 800
Number of candidates / 10 MeV
0 20 40 LHCb S S S 0 c ; b ; Data Full fit Signal Background ) [MeV] b ; ( M ) S b ; ( M 400 600 800
Number of candidates / 10 MeV
0 20 40 LHCb S S S 0 c ; b ; Data Full fit
FIG. 3. Distribution of reconstructedδMπ¼ MðΞ−bπþÞ − MðΞ−bÞ in Ξbð6227Þ0→ Ξ−bπþ candidate decays, with (top)Ξ−b → Ξ0cπ− decays, and (bottom)Ξ−b → Ξ0cπ−πþπ−decays. The left column shows the right-sign candidates and the right column shows the wrong-sign candidates. The fit projections are overlaid.
The parameterδM0represents a threshold. Due to the low signal yield, the fit does not always converge whenδM0is left to freely vary. Therefore,δM0is fixed to 240 MeV (10 MeV below the minimum of the fit range), and the value is varied as a source of systematic uncertainty. The parameters A and C are freely varied in the fit.
The projection of the fit is superimposed on the data in Fig.3. Using the difference in log-likelihoods between the nominal fit and a fit where the signal yield is fixed to zero, a statistical significance of about 10σ is obtained. The Ξbð6227Þ0 peak parameters are
π ¼ 429.8þ1.4−1.5 MeV; mðΞbð6227Þ0Þ ¼ 6227.1þ1.4−1.5 MeV;
ΓðΞbð6227Þ0Þ ¼ 18.6þ5.0−4.1 MeV;
where the uncertainties are statistical only. The δmpeakπ values obtained from independent fits to the two samples are consistent with one another, therefore justifying the combined fit. The Ξbð6227Þ0 mass is obtained from mðΞbð6227Þ0Þ ¼ δm
π þ mðΞ−bÞ, where the value mðΞ−bÞ ¼ 5797.33 0.24 MeV obtained in this analysis is used, as discussed later. The fitted signal yields are shown in TableI.
C. Production ratio RðΞb−π+Þ The relative production rate is obtained from
RðΞ−bπþÞ ¼NðΞbð6227Þ
; ð4Þ
where NðΞbð6227Þ0Þ and NðΞ−bÞ are the signal yields and ϵrelis the relative efficiency between theΞbð6227Þ0andΞ−b selections. As theΞ−b selection is common to both samples, the relative efficiency is predominantly due to the efficiency of reconstructing and selecting theπþ meson.
About 80% of the signal is from the 13 TeV dataset, and therefore RðΞ−bπþÞ is measured using only that subset of the data. In addition, the acceptance requirement pT< 30 GeV and 2 < η < 5 is applied to the reconstructed Ξbð6227Þ0 candidates. To obtain NðΞbð6227Þ0Þ and NðΞ−bÞ, an alternative fit with only the 13 TeV data is performed, with the resulting Ξbð6227Þ0 and Ξ−b signal yields shown in TableI. TheΞ−b signal yield is obtained by integrating theΞ−b → Ξ0cπ−,Ξ0cK−, andΞ00cπ−signal shapes over the same mass interval (5737 < MðΞ0cπ−Þ < 5847 MeV) that is used in the Ξbð6227Þ0 selection. The Ξ0
cK−, andΞ00cπ−components are included in theΞ−b yield because simulation shows that these misidentified Ξ−b decays also produce a narrow structure in theδMπspectrum with approximately the same resolution as theΞ0cπ−signal. The relative signal efficiency is obtained from the tuned simulation, from which the value ϵrel¼ ð40.0 0.5Þ% is obtained, where the uncertainty is due to the finite
simulated sample sizes. Much of the efficiency loss is due to the pT> 700 MeV requirement; with a less strin-gent requirement of pT> 200 MeV, the relative efficiency is 75%. The efficiency includes a correction factor of 0.978 0.021, which accounts for a slightly lower tracking efficiency in data than in simulation, as determined from an inclusive J=ψ → μþμ− calibration sample [59], weighted to match the kinematics of the πþ meson from the Ξbð6227Þ0 decay.
With the signal yields in TableIand the above value of ϵrel, it is found that
RðΞ−bπþÞ ¼ 0.045 0.008; where the uncertainty is statistical only.
D. Fit to the Ξbð6227Þ− →Λ0bK− sample The spectra of mass differences, δMK¼ MðΛ0bK−Þ− MðΛ0bÞ, are shown in Fig. 4 for the Λ0b→ Λþcπ− and Λ0
b→ Λþcπ−πþπ− modes. As with the Ξbð6227Þ0 signal fit, an unbinned extended maximum-likelihood fit is performed. The wrong-sign spectra are not considered in the fit, since theδMKbackground shape for the wrong-sign is visibly different from that of the right-sign. As for the Ξbð6227Þ0 fit, the signal shape is described by a P-wave relativistic Breit–Wigner function with a Blatt–Weisskopf barrier factor convolved with a resolution function. The mass resolution is described by the sum of two Gaussian functions with a common mean of zero and widths that are fixed to the values obtained from simulation. The weighted-average width is about 1.4 MeV, which is small compared to the expected natural width of the signal peak. The background shape is given by the same functional form as Eq. (3), with the replacement δMπ→ δMK and δM0 is fixed to the kaon mass[50]; the parameters A and C are freely varied in the fit.
The fit projections are superimposed to the data distri-butions in Fig.4. The measuredΞbð6227Þ− peak param-eters are
K ¼ 608.3 0.8 MeV; mðΞbð6227Þ−Þ ¼ 6227.9 0.8 MeV;
ΓðΞbð6227Þ−Þ ¼ 19.9 2.1 MeV;
where mðΛ0bÞ ¼ 5619.62 0.16 0.13 MeV[60]is used to obtain mðΞbð6227Þ−Þ, with signal yields given in Table II. It is notable that the Ξbð6227Þ− → ðΛ0b→ Λþ
cπ−πþπ−ÞK− signal yield is about 90% of that of the Ξbð6227Þ−→ ðΛ0b→ Λcþπ−ÞK−, even though the initialΛ0b sample size is only about 57% as large. This enhancement is expected since the higher multiplicity final state must generally have larger pT in order for all of its decay products to be reconstructed in the LHCb detector. Since the pT of theΞbð6227Þ− baryon is imparted to its decay
products, the reconstruction efficiency for the K−meson is larger for the Ξbð6227Þ− → ðΛ0b→ Λcþπ−πþπ−ÞK− mode than the Ξbð6227Þ− → ðΛ0b→ Λþcπ−ÞK− mode.
E. Ξb− mass measurement
The large Ξ−b and Λ0b samples allow for a significant improvement in the uncertainty on theΞ−b mass. Only the Hb→ Hcπ− decays are used for this measurement. The lowest total uncertainty is achieved by measuring the mass difference, mdiff ¼ mfitðΞ−bÞ − mfitðΛ0bÞ, where mfitðΞ−bÞ and mfitðΛ0bÞ are the peak mass values from fits to the invariant-mass spectra. In mdiff, the largest systematic uncertainty, the momentum scale calibration, is greatly reduced. The Ξ−b mass is then obtained from mðΞ−bÞ ¼ mdiffþ mðΛ0bÞ.
All of the previously discussed selection requirements are applied to the samples. Additionally, to render the Cabibbo-suppressed Hb→ HcK− contribution negligible, a tighter PID requirement is applied to the pion coming directly from the Hb decay. This is done to avoid the systematic uncertainty associated with the shape and yield of a Hb→ HcK− contribution in the mass fit. The
efficiency of this additional selection is 89% for both the Λ0
b andΞ−b signal decays.
The binned likelihood fits described previously are applied to the subset of data for this measurement, with the Hb→ HcK− background shape removed. Separate fits are performed on the Run 1 (7 and 8 TeV), Run 2 (13 TeV) and the full data set. The invariant-mass spectra forΞ−b and Λ0
bcandidates and the fits to the full data sample are shown in Fig. 5, along with the full fit and the individual fit components. The numerical results of the mass fits for each running period and the combined data set are given in Table III. The different values of mfitðΛ0bÞ for Run 1 and Run 2 are a result of the momentum scale uncertainty, which is greatly reduced in mdiff. The values of mdiff are statistically compatible between the two running periods.
The Ξ−b mass is found to be
mðΞ−bÞ ¼ 5797.33 0.24 MeV; where the uncertainty is statistical only. ) [MeV] b / ( M ) K b / ( M 500 600 700 800
Number of candidates / 2 MeV
0 100 200 300 400 LHCb S + c / 0 b / Data Full fit Signal Background ) [MeV] b / ( M ) K b / ( M 500 600 700 800
Number of candidates / 2 MeV
0 100 200 300 LHCb S S S + c / 0 b / Data Full fit Signal Background
FIG. 4. Distribution of reconstructedδMK¼ MðΛ0bK−Þ − MðΛ0bÞ in Ξbð6227Þ−→ Λ0bK−candidate decays, with (left)Λ0b→ Λþcπ− and (right)Λ0b→ Λþcπ−πþπ−candidates. The fit projections are overlaid.
TABLE III. The fitted signal yields and masses of the Ξ−b and Λ0b peaks and the mass differences, mdiff≡ mfitðΞ−bÞ − mfitðΛ0bÞ, for each center-of-mass energy and for the full data sample. For the last row, the knownΛ0b mass[60] is used. Uncertainties are statistical only.
Run 1 (7 and 8 TeV) Run 2 (13 TeV) All data
NðΞ−bÞ [103] 1.9 0.1 7.7 0.2 9.6 0.3 NðΛ0bÞ [103] 226.7 0.7 850.6 1.2 1077.2 1.3 mfitðΞ−bÞ [MeV] 5796.12 0.57 5796.49 0.26 5796.41 0.24 mfitðΛ0bÞ [MeV] 5618.10 0.06 5618.85 0.03 5618.70 0.03 mdiff [MeV] 178.02 0.57 177.64 0.26 177.71 0.24 mðΞ−bÞ [MeV] 5797.64 0.57 5797.26 0.26 5797.33 0.24
Several sources of systematic uncertainty affect the measurements reported in this paper, and are summarized in TableIV.
A. Ξbð6227Þ0 mass and natural width
To estimate the systematic effect of the background shape, three variations on the nominal fit are considered, including removing the wrong-sign data from the fit, varying the upper range of the mass fit by 100 MeV, and varying the δM0 parameter in the background shape, which was fixed in the nominal fit, by 10 MeV. The maximum values among these variations, 0.1 MeV for δmpeak
π and 1.4 MeV for ΓðΞbð6227Þ0Þ, are assigned as systematic uncertainty due to the background shape.
For the signal model, several alternative fits are inves-tigated. Varying the barrier radius between 1 GeV−1 and
5 GeV−1, and changing the relativistic Breit–Wigner func-tion to model either an S- or D-wave decay, do not change the peak parameters significantly. The peak parameters are found to depend slightly on the assumed mass resolution. Varying the mass resolution by10% leads to a change in the peak mass and width of 0.1 MeV. A 0.1 MeV uncertainty is assigned toδmpeakπ and theΞbð6227Þ0width from the signal model.
The momentum scale calibration uncertainty, known to a precision of 0.03% [61], largely cancels in the mass difference. To investigate the effect on δmpeakπ , the simu-lation is evaluated with the momentum scale shifted up and then down by this amount, leading to an uncertainty of 0.2 MeV. The energy loss uncertainty is estimated to be less than 0.1 MeV based upon the studies presented in Ref.[62]. A 0.1 MeV uncertainty is assigned.
In computing the uncertainty on mðΞbð6227Þ0Þ, the momentum scale and energy loss are taken to be 100%
mass [MeV] S c 0 ; 5700 5800 5900 Candidates / 2 MeV 200 400 LHCb Data Full fit S 0 c ; b ; S 0 ' c ; b ; Background mass [MeV] S + c / 5.55 5.6 5.65 5.7 3 10 u Candidates / 1 MeV 10 20 3 10 u LHCb Data Full fit S + c / 0 b / Background
FIG. 5. Distribution of (left)Ξ0cπ− and (right)Λþcπ− invariant mass for the combined Run 1 and Run 2 data sets, with extra PID selection requirements with respect to the samples shown in Figs.1and 2. The fit projections are overlaid.
TABLE IV. Summary of systematic uncertainties on quantities related to the Ξbð6227Þ0 (δmpeakπ , ΓðΞbð6227Þ0Þ, RðΞ−bπþÞ), the Ξbð6227Þ−(δm
K ,ΓðΞbð6227Þ−), and theΞ−bmass (mdiff) measurements. The statistical uncertainties are also reported for comparison.
Ξbð6227Þ0 Ξbð6227Þ− Ξ−b
Source δmpeakπ [MeV] Γ [MeV] RðΞ−bπþÞ [%] δm
K [MeV] Γ [MeV] mdiff [MeV]
Ξbð6227Þ0 back. shape 0.1 1.4 5.6 - - -Ξbð6227Þ0 signal shape 0.1 0.1 0.7 - - -Ξbð6227Þ−back. shape - - - 0.4 1.5 -Ξbð6227Þ−signal shape - - - 0.0 0.1 -Ξ− b; Λ0b back. shape - - 1.5 - - 0.08 Ξ− b; Λ0b signal shape - - 2.0 - - 0.10 Momentum scale 0.2 0.0 - 0.1 0.0 0.08 Energy loss 0.1 0.0 - 0.1 0.0 0.06 Production spectra - - 8.0 - - -πþtracking efficiency - - 2.1 - -
-Simulated sample size - - 1.2 - -
-Total systematic 0.3 1.4 10.4 0.4 1.5 0.16
correlated between δmpeakπ and mðΞ−bÞ. The total sys-tematic uncertainty is 0.3 MeV for δmpeakπ , and 0.5 MeV and 1.4 MeV for the Ξbð6227Þ0 mass and width, respectively.
B. Ξbð6227Þ− mass and natural width
Several variations to the nominal fit are performed to assess the background shape uncertainty. The variations include changing both the lower (byþ20 MeV) and upper mass limits (by50 MeV) in the fit. The largest changes in the peak parameters, 0.4 MeV in δmpeakK and 1.4 MeV in ΓðΞbð6227Þ−Þ, are assigned as systematic uncertainties. There is a small excess of events in theδmpeakK spectrum in the data near 520 MeV. In an alternative fit, a second peak is included in the fit model for both mass spectra. The second peak is found to be statistically insignificant, however, its inclusion changes theΞbð6227Þ−mass by 0.1 MeV and its width by 0.8 MeV. These values are added in quadrature with the values found from varying the fit range to arrive at a background systematic uncertainty of 0.4 MeV and 1.5 MeV onδmpeakK andΓðΞbð6227Þ−Þ, respectively.
For the signal model uncertainty, a similar set of variations is carried out as for the Ξbð6227Þ0 case, and only the width shows any sensitivity to the10% variation in the mass resolution. The change of 0.1 MeV is assigned as an uncertainty on the Ξbð6227Þ− width.
The momentum and energy scale uncertainties each lead to a 0.1 MeV uncertainty on δmpeakK . In combining δmpeak
K ¼ 608.3 0.8 0.4 MeV with mðΛ0bÞ [60] to obtain mðΞbð6227Þ−Þ, the momentum scale and energy loss portion of the systematic uncertainties are taken to be 100% correlated. The resulting systematic uncertainty on mðΞbð6227Þ−Þ is 0.5 MeV.
C. Production ratio RðΞb−π+Þ
In the measurement of RðΞ−bπþÞ, the sources of uncer-tainty include the signal and background shapes in theΞ−b and Ξbð6227Þ0 mass fits, and the relative efficiency estimate. For theΞ−b mass fit, the signal yield is evaluated with an alternative signal model comprised of the sum of two Gaussian functions, where the means need not be the same and the widths are allowed to vary in the fit. The yield in this alternative fit changes by 2%, which is taken as a systematic error. The uncertainty due to the background shape is studied by changing to a Chebyshev polynomial, which leads to a 1.4% change in the yield. The upper end of the mass fit is reduced from 5950 MeV to 5900 MeV, and the 0.4% change in signal yield is assigned as systematic uncertainty. These two contributions are added in quad-rature, resulting in an uncertainty of 1.5% due to the Ξ−b background shape.
Variations in theΞbð6227Þ0 background shape are also considered for the uncertainty on RðΞ−bπþÞ. The same set of variations that were performed for theΞbð6227Þ0mass and width are considered. Adding the changes in yield in
quadrature leads to a 5.6% uncertainty due to the Ξbð6227Þ0 background shape. Several variations in the signal model are considered, and the only non-negligible change in signal yield occurs when a nonrelativistic Breit– Wigner function is used in place of the relativistic Breit– Wigner shape. The 0.7% change in the signal yield is assigned as an uncertainty to theΞbð6227Þ0 yield.
The relative efficiency depends on the extent to which the simulation properly models theðpT; ηÞ spectrum of Ξ−b and theΞbð6227Þ0production spectra. The largeΞ−b sample allows for a precise tuning of theκ parameters, so that the pTandη spectrum in simulation is well matched to that of the data. Due to the low signal yields in the Ξbð6227Þ0 sample, it is estimated that the κ parameters have an uncertainty of 0.005 units. A larger shift than 0.005 units leaves the simulation in clear disagreement with the background-subtracted data. Varying theκT parameter by this amount leads to an 8% change inϵrel. This change is due almost entirely to the pT> 700 MeV requirement on the πþ meson in the Ξbð6227Þ0 decay. A 0.005 unit variation inκzis also investigated, but leads to a negligible change in the relative efficiency. Theπþtracking efficiency correction has an uncertainty of 2.1%, which includes a 1.5% contribution from the calibration using J=ψ → μþμ− decays and 1.4% due to the difference in material inter-actions between muons and pions[59]. The finite simulated sample sizes lead to an additional systematic uncertainty of 1.2%.
D. Ξb− mass
The systematic uncertainty in mdiff is studied by per-forming alternative fits to the data, and assigning the change in mdiff with respect to the nominal value as a systematic uncertainty. The background shape uncertainty is estimated by using a Chebychev polynomial instead of the exponential background shape (0.05 MeV), reducing the upper limit of the fit range by 50 MeV (0.06 MeV), and fitting with a finer binning (0.02 MeV). The total back-ground shape uncertainty is taken as the quadrature sum, which is 0.08 MeV. The signal shape uncertainty is assigned by changing the way the tail parameters are treated in the signal function. For the Ξ−b mass fit, they are changed from fixed values to floating values, and for the Λ0
b, they are changed from floating values to fixed values based on the simulation. These variations lead to a change in mdiffof 0.10 MeV, which is assigned as the signal shape uncertainty. The momentum scale and energy loss uncer-tainties are unchanged from the previous result [63], and are 0.08 MeV and 0.06 MeV, respectively. Adding these uncertainties in quadrature, the total uncertainty on mdiff is 0.16 MeV.
In combining mdiff¼ 177.71 0.24 0.16 MeV with mðΛ0bÞ [60] to obtain mðΞ−bÞ, the momentum scale and energy loss portion of the systematic uncertainties are taken to be 100% correlated. The remainder of the uncertainties
are taken to be uncorrelated. The resulting systematic uncertainty on mðΞ−bÞ is 0.29 MeV.
Using pp collision data at pffiffiffis¼ 7, 8 and 13 TeV, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 8.5 fb−1, a newΞ0bbaryon, referred to asΞbð6227Þ0, is reported with a statistical significance of 10σ. The mass difference, mass and natural width of the peak are measured to be
π ¼ 429.8þ1.4−1.5 0.3 MeV; mðΞbð6227Þ0Þ ¼ 6227.1þ1.4−1.5 0.5 MeV;
ΓðΞbð6227Þ0Þ ¼ 18.6þ5.0−4.1 1.4 MeV;
where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is experimental systematic.
The relative production rate of the Ξbð6227Þ0 state at ffiffiffi
s p
¼ 13TeV is measured through its decay to Ξ−
bπþto be RðΞ−bπþÞ ≡fΞbð6227Þ0 fΞ− b BðΞbð6227Þ0→ Ξ−bπþÞ ¼ 0.045 0.008 0.004:
This is consistent with the values of RðΞ0bπ−Þ found in Ref. [23] for the Ξbð6227Þ− state. The value of RðΞ−bπþÞ can also be compared to the corresponding value found for the lower-massΞbð5945Þ0state of0.28 0.03 0.01[7]. Additional unobserved decay modes, such as Ξbð5945Þ0→ Ξ0bπ0 and Ξbð6227Þ0→ ðΞ0bπ0; Λ0b¯K0Þ, would clearly contribute to the total production rate of these excited states, but are yet to be observed.
From a sample ofΞbð6227Þ− → Λ0bK−signal decays that is approximately four times larger than that which was used in the first observation of the Ξbð6227Þ− baryon [23], an updated measurement of theΞbð6227Þ− mass and natural width is presented. The values obtained are
K ¼ 608.3 0.8 0.4 MeV; mðΞbð6227Þ−Þ ¼ 6227.9 0.8 0.5 MeV;
ΓðΞbð6227Þ−Þ ¼ 19.9 2.1 1.5 MeV;
which supersede the results in Ref. [23]. The measured masses of the Ξbð6227Þ0 and Ξbð6227Þ− states are con-sistent with them being isospin partners.
Lastly, from a sample of about 10 000Ξ−b → Ξ0cπ− and 1 million Λ0b → Λþcπ− signal decays, the mass difference
between the two b baryons and the Ξ−b mass are measured to be
mdiff ¼ 177.71 0.24 0.16 MeV; mðΞ−bÞ ¼ 5797.33 0.24 0.29 MeV:
The result obtained here represents the single most precise determination of theΞ−b mass. It is consistent with previous measurements and is about a factor of 1.6 times more precise than the current world average[50], and it super-sedes the measurement reported in Ref.[63].
With the current data sample, it cannot be excluded that there are two or more narrower, closely spaced states contained within the peaks referred to asΞbð6227Þ− and Ξbð6227Þ0. With larger data samples in the future, it should be possible to probe whether these peaks are comprised of narrower states.
We express our gratitude to our colleagues in the CERN accelerator departments for the excellent performance of the LHC. We thank the technical and administrative staff at the LHCb institutes. We acknowledge support from CERN and from the national agencies: CAPES, CNPq, FAPERJ and FINEP (Brazil); MOST and NSFC (China); CNRS/ IN2P3 (France); BMBF, DFG and MPG (Germany); INFN (Italy); NWO (Netherlands); MNiSW and NCN (Poland); MEN/IFA (Romania); MSHE (Russia); MICINN (Spain); SNSF and SER (Switzerland); NASU (Ukraine); STFC (United Kingdom); DOE NP and NSF (USA). We acknowledge the computing resources that are provided by CERN, IN2P3 (France), KIT and DESY (Germany), INFN (Italy), SURF (Netherlands), PIC (Spain), GridPP (United Kingdom), RRCKI and Yandex LLC (Russia), CSCS (Switzerland), IFIN-HH (Romania), CBPF (Brazil), PL-GRID (Poland) and OSC (USA). We are indebted to the communities behind the multiple open-source software packages on which we depend. Individual groups or members have received support from AvH Foundation (Germany); EPLANET, Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions and ERC (European Union); A*MIDEX, ANR, Labex P2IO and OCEVU, and R´egion Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (France); Key Research Program of Frontier Sciences of CAS, CAS PIFI, Thousand Talents Program, and Sci. & Tech. Program of Guangzhou (China); RFBR, RSF and Yandex LLC (Russia); GVA, XuntaGal and GENCAT (Spain); the Royal Society and the Leverhulme Trust (United Kingdom).
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R. Aaij,31 C. Abellán Beteta,49T. Ackernley,59 B. Adeva,45 M. Adinolfi,53 H. Afsharnia,9 C. A. Aidala,84S. Aiola,25 Z. Ajaltouni,9S. Akar,64J. Albrecht,14F. Alessio,47M. Alexander,58A. Alfonso Albero,44Z. Aliouche,61G. Alkhazov,37
P. Alvarez Cartelle,47S. Amato,2 Y. Amhis,11L. An,21 L. Anderlini,21A. Andreianov,37 M. Andreotti,20 F. Archilli,16 A. Artamonov,43M. Artuso,67K. Arzymatov,41E. Aslanides,10M. Atzeni,49B. Audurier,11S. Bachmann,16 M. Bachmayer,48J. J. Back,55S. Baker,60P. Baladron Rodriguez,45V. Balagura,11W. Baldini,20J. Baptista Leite,1 R. J. Barlow,61 S. Barsuk,11W. Barter,60M. Bartolini,23,a F. Baryshnikov,80J. M. Basels,13G. Bassi,28B. Batsukh,67 A. Battig,14A. Bay,48M. Becker,14F. Bedeschi,28I. Bediaga,1A. Beiter,67V. Belavin,41S. Belin,26V. Bellee,48K. Belous,43 I. Belov,39I. Belyaev,38G. Bencivenni,22E. Ben-Haim,12A. Berezhnoy,39R. Bernet,49D. Berninghoff,16H. C. Bernstein,67 C. Bertella,47E. Bertholet,12A. Bertolin,27 C. Betancourt,49F. Betti,19,bM. O. Bettler,54Ia. Bezshyiko,49S. Bhasin,53 J. Bhom,33L. Bian,72M. S. Bieker,14 S. Bifani,52 P. Billoir,12M. Birch,60F. C. R. Bishop,54A. Bizzeti,21,cM. Bjørn,62 M. P. Blago,47T. Blake,55F. Blanc,48S. Blusk,67D. Bobulska,58J. A. Boelhauve,14O. Boente Garcia,45T. Boettcher,63
A. Boldyrev,81A. Bondar,42N. Bondar,37S. Borghi,61M. Borisyak,41M. Borsato,16J. T. Borsuk,33S. A. Bouchiba,48 T. J. V. Bowcock,59A. Boyer,47C. Bozzi,20M. J. Bradley,60S. Braun,65A. Brea Rodriguez,45M. Brodski,47J. Brodzicka,33 A. Brossa Gonzalo,55D. Brundu,26A. Buonaura,49C. Burr,47A. Bursche,26A. Butkevich,40J. S. Butter,31J. Buytaert,47 W. Byczynski,47S. Cadeddu,26H. Cai,72R. Calabrese,20,d L. Calefice,14,12L. Calero Diaz,22S. Cali,22R. Calladine,52
M. Calvi,24,eM. Calvo Gomez,83P. Camargo Magalhaes,53A. Camboni,44P. Campana,22 D. H. Campora Perez,47 A. F. Campoverde Quezada,5 S. Capelli,24,e L. Capriotti,19,bA. Carbone,19,bG. Carboni,29R. Cardinale,23,aA. Cardini,26
I. Carli,6 P. Carniti,24,e K. Carvalho Akiba,31A. Casais Vidal,45 G. Casse,59M. Cattaneo,47 G. Cavallero,47S. Celani,48 J. Cerasoli,10 A. J. Chadwick,59M. G. Chapman,53 M. Charles,12Ph. Charpentier,47G. Chatzikonstantinidis,52 C. A. Chavez Barajas,59M. Chefdeville,8C. Chen,3S. Chen,26A. Chernov,33S.-G. Chitic,47V. Chobanova,45S. Cholak,48
M. Chrzaszcz,33A. Chubykin,37V. Chulikov,37P. Ciambrone,22 M. F. Cicala,55X. Cid Vidal,45G. Ciezarek,47 P. E. L. Clarke,57M. Clemencic,47H. V. Cliff,54J. Closier,47J. L. Cobbledick,61V. Coco,47J. A. B. Coelho,11J. Cogan,10 E. Cogneras,9L. Cojocariu,36P. Collins,47T. Colombo,47L. Congedo,18,fA. Contu,26N. Cooke,52G. Coombs,58G. Corti,47
C. M. Costa Sobral,55B. Couturier,47D. C. Craik,63J. Crkovská,66M. Cruz Torres,1 R. Currie,57C. L. Da Silva,66 E. Dall’Occo,14J. Dalseno,45C. D’Ambrosio,47 A. Danilina,38P. d’Argent,47A. Davis,61O. De Aguiar Francisco,61
K. De Bruyn,77S. De Capua,61M. De Cian,48J. M. De Miranda,1 L. De Paula,2M. De Serio,18,fD. De Simone,49 P. De Simone,22J. A. de Vries,78C. T. Dean,66W. Dean,84D. Decamp,8L. Del Buono,12B. Delaney,54H.-P. Dembinski,14
A. Dendek,34V. Denysenko,49D. Derkach,81O. Deschamps,9 F. Desse,11 F. Dettori,26,gB. Dey,72P. Di Nezza,22 S. Didenko,80 L. Dieste Maronas,45H. Dijkstra,47V. Dobishuk,51 A. M. Donohoe,17F. Dordei,26A. C. dos Reis,1 L. Douglas,58A. Dovbnya,50A. G. Downes,8 K. Dreimanis,59 M. W. Dudek,33L. Dufour,47V. Duk,76 P. Durante,47
J. M. Durham,66D. Dutta,61M. Dziewiecki,16A. Dziurda,33A. Dzyuba,37S. Easo,56U. Egede,68V. Egorychev,38 S. Eidelman,42,hS. Eisenhardt,57S. Ek-In,48L. Eklund,58S. Ely,67A. Ene,36E. Epple,66S. Escher,13J. Eschle,49S. Esen,31
T. Evans,47A. Falabella,19 J. Fan,3 Y. Fan,5 B. Fang,72N. Farley,52S. Farry,59D. Fazzini,24,eP. Fedin,38M. F´eo,47 P. Fernandez Declara,47A. Fernandez Prieto,45J. M. Fernandez-tenllado Arribas,44F. Ferrari,19,bL. Ferreira Lopes,48
F. Ferreira Rodrigues,2 S. Ferreres Sole,31M. Ferrillo,49 M. Ferro-Luzzi,47S. Filippov,40R. A. Fini,18M. Fiorini,20,d M. Firlej,34K. M. Fischer,62C. Fitzpatrick,61T. Fiutowski,34F. Fleuret,11,iM. Fontana,12F. Fontanelli,23,a R. Forty,47
V. Franco Lima,59M. Franco Sevilla,65M. Frank,47E. Franzoso,20G. Frau,16C. Frei,47D. A. Friday,58J. Fu,25 Q. Fuehring,14W. Funk,47E. Gabriel,31T. Gaintseva,41A. Gallas Torreira,45 D. Galli,19,bS. Gambetta,57,47Y. Gan,3 M. Gandelman,2 P. Gandini,25Y. Gao,4 M. Garau,26L. M. Garcia Martin,55P. Garcia Moreno,44J. García Pardiñas,49
B. Garcia Plana,45F. A. Garcia Rosales,11L. Garrido,44C. Gaspar,47 R. E. Geertsema,31D. Gerick,16L. L. Gerken,14 E. Gersabeck,61M. Gersabeck,61T. Gershon,55D. Gerstel,10Ph. Ghez,8 V. Gibson,54M. Giovannetti,22,jA. Gioventù,45 P. Gironella Gironell,44L. Giubega,36C. Giugliano,20,47,dK. Gizdov,57E. L. Gkougkousis,47V. V. Gligorov,12C. Göbel,69
E. Golobardes,83D. Golubkov,38A. Golutvin,60,80A. Gomes,1,kS. Gomez Fernandez,44F. Goncalves Abrantes,69 M. Goncerz,33G. Gong,3P. Gorbounov,38I. V. Gorelov,39C. Gotti,24,eE. Govorkova,47J. P. Grabowski,16 R. Graciani Diaz,44T. Grammatico,12L. A. Granado Cardoso,47E. Graug´es,44E. Graverini,48G. Graziani,21A. Grecu,36 L. M. Greeven,31P. Griffith,20L. Grillo,61S. Gromov,80B. R. Gruberg Cazon,62C. Gu,3 M. Guarise,20 P. A. Günther,16 E. Gushchin,40A. Guth,13Y. Guz,43,47T. Gys,47T. Hadavizadeh,68G. Haefeli,48C. Haen,47J. Haimberger,47S. C. Haines,54 T. Halewood-leagas,59P. M. Hamilton,65Q. Han,7 X. Han,16 T. H. Hancock,62S. Hansmann-Menzemer,16N. Harnew,62 T. Harrison,59C. Hasse,47M. Hatch,47J. He,5M. Hecker,60K. Heijhoff,31K. Heinicke,14A. M. Hennequin,47K. Hennessy,59
L. Henry,25,46 J. Heuel,13A. Hicheur,2D. Hill,62M. Hilton,61S. E. Hollitt,14J. Hu,16J. Hu,71W. Hu,7 W. Huang,5 X. Huang,72W. Hulsbergen,31R. J. Hunter,55M. Hushchyn,81D. Hutchcroft,59D. Hynds,31P. Ibis,14M. Idzik,34D. Ilin,37 P. Ilten,64A. Inglessi,37A. Ishteev,80K. Ivshin,37R. Jacobsson,47S. Jakobsen,47E. Jans,31B. K. Jashal,46A. Jawahery,65 V. Jevtic,14M. Jezabek,33F. Jiang,3M. John,62D. Johnson,47C. R. Jones,54T. P. Jones,55B. Jost,47N. Jurik,47S. Kandybei,50 Y. Kang,3M. Karacson,47N. Kazeev,81F. Keizer,54,47M. Kenzie,55T. Ketel,32B. Khanji,14A. Kharisova,82S. Kholodenko,43 K. E. Kim,67T. Kirn,13V. S. Kirsebom,48O. Kitouni,63S. Klaver,31K. Klimaszewski,35S. Koliiev,51A. Kondybayeva,80
A. Konoplyannikov,38P. Kopciewicz,34R. Kopecna,16P. Koppenburg,31M. Korolev,39 I. Kostiuk,31,51 O. Kot,51 S. Kotriakhova,37,30P. Kravchenko,37L. Kravchuk,40 R. D. Krawczyk,47M. Kreps,55F. Kress,60S. Kretzschmar,13 P. Krokovny,42,hW. Krupa,34W. Krzemien,35W. Kucewicz,33,lM. Kucharczyk,33V. Kudryavtsev,42,hH. S. Kuindersma,31
G. J. Kunde,66T. Kvaratskheliya,38D. Lacarrere,47G. Lafferty,61A. Lai,26A. Lampis,26D. Lancierini,49J. J. Lane,61 R. Lane,53G. Lanfranchi,22C. Langenbruch,13J. Langer,14O. Lantwin,49,80T. Latham,55 F. Lazzari,28,mR. Le Gac,10 S. H. Lee,84R. Lef`evre,9A. Leflat,39S. Legotin,80O. Leroy,10T. Lesiak,33B. Leverington,16H. Li,71L. Li,62P. Li,16X. Li,66 Y. Li,6Y. Li,6Z. Li,67X. Liang,67T. Lin,60R. Lindner,47V. Lisovskyi,14R. Litvinov,26G. Liu,71H. Liu,5S. Liu,6X. Liu,3 A. Loi,26J. Lomba Castro,45I. Longstaff,58J. H. Lopes,2G. Loustau,49G. H. Lovell,54Y. Lu,6D. Lucchesi,27,nS. Luchuk,40 M. Lucio Martinez,31V. Lukashenko,31Y. Luo,3A. Lupato,61E. Luppi,20,dO. Lupton,55A. Lusiani,28,oX. Lyu,5L. Ma,6 S. Maccolini,19,b F. Machefert,11F. Maciuc,36V. Macko,48P. Mackowiak,14 S. Maddrell-Mander,53O. Madejczyk,34 L. R. Madhan Mohan,53O. Maev,37A. Maevskiy,81D. Maisuzenko,37M. W. Majewski,34S. Malde,62B. Malecki,47 A. Malinin,79T. Maltsev,42,hH. Malygina,16G. Manca,26,gG. Mancinelli,10R. Manera Escalero,44 D. Manuzzi,19,b D. Marangotto,25,pJ. Maratas,9,qJ. F. Marchand,8 U. Marconi,19S. Mariani,21,47,r C. Marin Benito,11 M. Marinangeli,48
F. Martinez Vidal,46A. Massafferri,1M. Materok,13R. Matev,47A. Mathad,49Z. Mathe,47V. Matiunin,38C. Matteuzzi,24 K. R. Mattioli,84A. Mauri,31E. Maurice,11,iJ. Mauricio,44M. Mazurek,35M. McCann,60L. Mcconnell,17T. H. Mcgrath,61
A. McNab,61R. McNulty,17J. V. Mead,59 B. Meadows,64C. Meaux,10G. Meier,14 N. Meinert,75 D. Melnychuk,35 S. Meloni,24,e M. Merk,31,78 A. Merli,25L. Meyer Garcia,2 M. Mikhasenko,47D. A. Milanes,73 E. Millard,55 M. Milovanovic,47M.-N. Minard,8 L. Minzoni,20,d S. E. Mitchell,57B. Mitreska,61D. S. Mitzel,47A. Mödden,14 R. A. Mohammed,62 R. D. Moise,60T. Mombächer,14I. A. Monroy,73S. Monteil,9 M. Morandin,27G. Morello,22 M. J. Morello,28,oJ. Moron,34A. B. Morris,74A. G. Morris,55R. Mountain,67H. Mu,3F. Muheim,57M. Mukherjee,7
M. Mulder,47D. Müller,47 K. Müller,49C. H. Murphy,62D. Murray,61P. Muzzetto,26,47P. Naik,53T. Nakada,48 R. Nandakumar,56T. Nanut,48I. Nasteva,2 M. Needham,57I. Neri,20,dN. Neri,25,pS. Neubert,74N. Neufeld,47 R. Newcombe,60T. D. Nguyen,48C. Nguyen-Mau,48E. M. Niel,11S. Nieswand,13N. Nikitin,39N. S. Nolte,47C. Nunez,84
A. Oblakowska-Mucha,34V. Obraztsov,43D. P. O’Hanlon,53R. Oldeman,26,gM. E. Olivares,67C. J. G. Onderwater,77 A. Ossowska,33J. M. Otalora Goicochea,2 T. Ovsiannikova,38P. Owen,49A. Oyanguren,46,47 B. Pagare,55 P. R. Pais,47 T. Pajero,28,47,oA. Palano,18M. Palutan,22Y. Pan,61G. Panshin,82A. Papanestis,56M. Pappagallo,18,fL. L. Pappalardo,20,d C. Pappenheimer,64W. Parker,65C. Parkes,61C. J. Parkinson,45B. Passalacqua,20G. Passaleva,21A. Pastore,18M. Patel,60 C. Patrignani,19,bC. J. Pawley,78A. Pearce,47A. Pellegrino,31M. Pepe Altarelli,47S. Perazzini,19D. Pereima,38P. Perret,9 K. Petridis,53A. Petrolini,23,aA. Petrov,79S. Petrucci,57M. Petruzzo,25A. Philippov,41L. Pica,28M. Piccini,76B. Pietrzyk,8 G. Pietrzyk,48M. Pili,62D. Pinci,30 F. Pisani,47 A. Piucci,16Resmi P. K,10V. Placinta,36J. Plews,52M. Plo Casasus,45 F. Polci,12M. Poli Lener,22M. Poliakova,67A. Poluektov,10N. Polukhina,80,sI. Polyakov,67E. Polycarpo,2G. J. Pomery,53 S. Ponce,47D. Popov,5,47S. Popov,41S. Poslavskii,43K. Prasanth,33L. Promberger,47C. Prouve,45V. Pugatch,51H. Pullen,62
G. Punzi,28,tW. Qian,5 J. Qin,5R. Quagliani,12B. Quintana,8 N. V. Raab,17R. I. Rabadan Trejo,10B. Rachwal,34 J. H. Rademacker,53M. Rama,28M. Ramos Pernas,55M. S. Rangel,2F. Ratnikov,41,81G. Raven,32M. Reboud,8F. Redi,48
F. Reiss,12C. Remon Alepuz,46Z. Ren,3 V. Renaudin,62 R. Ribatti,28S. Ricciardi,56D. S. Richards,56K. Rinnert,59 P. Robbe,11A. Robert,12G. Robertson,57A. B. Rodrigues,48E. Rodrigues,59J. A. Rodriguez Lopez,73A. Rollings,62 P. Roloff,47V. Romanovskiy,43 M. Romero Lamas,45A. Romero Vidal,45 J. D. Roth,84M. Rotondo,22M. S. Rudolph,67
T. Ruf,47J. Ruiz Vidal,46A. Ryzhikov,81J. Ryzka,34J. J. Saborido Silva,45N. Sagidova,37N. Sahoo,55B. Saitta,26,g D. Sanchez Gonzalo,44C. Sanchez Gras,31R. Santacesaria,30 C. Santamarina Rios,45M. Santimaria,22E. Santovetti,29,j
D. Saranin,80G. Sarpis,58M. Sarpis,74A. Sarti,30C. Satriano,30,u A. Satta,29M. Saur,5 D. Savrina,38,39H. Sazak,9 L. G. Scantlebury Smead,62S. Schael,13M. Schellenberg,14M. Schiller,58H. Schindler,47M. Schmelling,15T. Schmelzer,14 B. Schmidt,47O. Schneider,48A. Schopper,47M. Schubiger,31S. Schulte,48M. H. Schune,11R. Schwemmer,47B. Sciascia,22 A. Sciubba,30S. Sellam,45A. Semennikov,38M. Senghi Soares,32A. Sergi,52,47N. Serra,49 L. Sestini,27A. Seuthe,14 P. Seyfert,47D. M. Shangase,84M. Shapkin,43I. Shchemerov,80L. Shchutska,48T. Shears,59L. Shekhtman,42,hZ. Shen,4
V. Shevchenko,79E. B. Shields,24,e E. Shmanin,80J. D. Shupperd,67B. G. Siddi,20R. Silva Coutinho,49 G. Simi,27 S. Simone,18,f I. Skiba,20,d N. Skidmore,74T. Skwarnicki,67M. W. Slater,52J. C. Smallwood,62J. G. Smeaton,54 A. Smetkina,38E. Smith,13M. Smith,60A. Snoch,31M. Soares,19L. Soares Lavra,9 M. D. Sokoloff,64F. J. P. Soler,58 A. Solovev,37I. Solovyev,37F. L. Souza De Almeida,2B. Souza De Paula,2B. Spaan,14E. Spadaro Norella,25,pP. Spradlin,58 F. Stagni,47M. Stahl,64S. Stahl,47P. Stefko,48O. Steinkamp,49,80S. Stemmle,16O. Stenyakin,43H. Stevens,14S. Stone,67 M. E. Stramaglia,48M. Straticiuc,36 D. Strekalina,80S. Strokov,82F. Suljik,62J. Sun,26L. Sun,72Y. Sun,65 P. Svihra,61 P. N. Swallow,52K. Swientek,34A. Szabelski,35T. Szumlak,34M. Szymanski,47S. Taneja,61F. Teubert,47E. Thomas,47 K. A. Thomson,59M. J. Tilley,60V. Tisserand,9S. T’Jampens,8M. Tobin,6S. Tolk,47L. Tomassetti,20,dD. Torres Machado,1
D. Y. Tou,12M. Traill,58 M. T. Tran,48E. Trifonova,80C. Trippl,48G. Tuci,28,tA. Tully,48N. Tuning,31A. Ukleja,35 D. J. Unverzagt,16A. Usachov,31A. Ustyuzhanin,41,81U. Uwer,16A. Vagner,82V. Vagnoni,19A. Valassi,47G. Valenti,19
N. Valls Canudas,44M. van Beuzekom,31H. Van Hecke,66E. van Herwijnen,80C. B. Van Hulse,17 M. van Veghel,77 R. Vazquez Gomez,45P. Vazquez Regueiro,45C. Vázquez Sierra,31S. Vecchi,20J. J. Velthuis,53M. Veltri,21,v A. Venkateswaran,67M. Veronesi,31M. Vesterinen,55D. Vieira,64M. Vieites Diaz,48H. Viemann,75X. Vilasis-Cardona,83
E. Vilella Figueras,59P. Vincent,12G. Vitali,28A. Vollhardt,49D. Vom Bruch,12 A. Vorobyev,37V. Vorobyev,42,h N. Voropaev,37R. Waldi,75J. Walsh,28C. Wang,16J. Wang,3 J. Wang,72J. Wang,4 J. Wang,6 M. Wang,3 R. Wang,53 Y. Wang,7Z. Wang,49H. M. Wark,59N. K. Watson,52S. G. Weber,12D. Websdale,60C. Weisser,63B. D. C. Westhenry,53
D. J. White,61M. Whitehead,53D. Wiedner,14G. Wilkinson,62 M. Wilkinson,67I. Williams,54M. Williams,63,68 M. R. J. Williams,57 F. F. Wilson,56W. Wislicki,35M. Witek,33L. Witola,16G. Wormser,11S. A. Wotton,54 H. Wu,67