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Die a priorisme van Karl Hein


Academic year: 2021

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fillQ!U~.£ VJ.N l~EI'"!NIS :rN


D!E !flEE


8i, VJ>.N lC&K~·JIS !f!

K.A!L HEll¥ ..


.moontl1k gerr~t:&u.

He who aecept1 the thesis and rejects the e.nt:tth~H~i~ ...


~m,rtil'l Buberl) in '11 Bnder verbat"td ... doe~ :l.r1jury· to the significance o.f tba situation. rle v;ho tr1~21s to think out a t;ynthesis d~streys the signi:f'ic~nce of the

s:i. tuat1on ••• He w~o wishes to carry through the con=

flict of'


antinomy oth.e:r than with his life

tranfJ;-gressee the significance of the ~1tuat1on. The signi""'

fimu.'lce of the situation is


it is lived, and

not!1-1ng but lived, continually • ever anew, wtthout :fore""

$1.ght, without toretberught, ·without ~reecr;tption, in

tbe totality of its ant1n~&


----~---~----~---~---In die verklari,ng wat hnt gee vir d1.e geb:ru.:ik >?an di.e

krit:t.e8e metode1 ). blyk raeda dat die hele denkr1gt:i.ng wai.;

deur hom ingssaa.n ;biit OOh.eers WOrd deur die pl"O\)leem '\t&11 ,j:l,e

tr~W.tS~kendeer egter reeds die teenstelling tussen empir!. ~e

en rasiona11Ste41 era by hom tref onm 'n nuwe formu1111lring v&n

voorwerp te




f'eit van ketm:ts




van die ker.u:"tende bewu~syn bepaal


al:~rd. en die Oi'i'WSng van kenn!g • en nis die be!!!taan van di~,;; '\H.:JO!bwerp

nie. Die voorwerp is die or..bekende falttor ~ totdat dit beJ:;.GJ.1d


v~n die ep1stemolog:1ese probleem wat by die subjak bEigin

op ~ub.~lektiwisme en skeptis1sme moet uitloope3)

Daa:r is r~ds in die oomblik van WEU"iTntn~ing twe~ sttll-ra

vo:rrau~ vf.4n die l:HlWUs$yn werksaam, tewete ruimte en tyd.

Hldm-te is di$ vorm va~ alle waarn~nning van. dle uiterlikee liu.fm ...

te is nie 'n determinant van die w•reld van voor'l:"fe:rpe gelf

word n:te ears waarfiene~m en dan, cp grond van ·n ontda1dd .. ng

daerna (d.w.fh ~) &~ ruimtelik ervaar n!eo Fn1im ...

te if>! die~- d1e J.og1ese voorveronderstellin.g

va:n die waam.eming van voorwerpe a~ uiterl1k. Dit gean

4) ~\

di~ W~E.ta:.r:neming vooraf. In d.iE§ verb8nd


Kant··i 1 dle vol·-No experience of ttle external relation~ of sen~.tble thi.ng$ could y:teld the idea of space, ·because wlthou.t

the eonsciou.sn~ss of. ~pace there would be no i:3~·tern~l




Hierin. 1~. galee dle mee~ eenvoua1g~ u1 tdrulrJfin£;; '~a11. die &b:e:olute vere>k11 tussen die voorwe:rp v!i1!.n di.e 1J¥S~tl•n(~mi:ng

. ~,

en dte V()Orwerp wet buite Clie vmarnerningegebied vrd "''Id

lU.eselt"de 1$ w~HU" van die ander vol"m wet reedt:' ·by dia

tl:te bestaanereg van di.e t"U!n1telike vorms as apa:rte ~1-W beg:tn.sel~ van lunm1~ vind Kent h:1 d:l~; vermo~!4 ·v·an

d:!19 bewuss}"'fl


!l.irrteti~se oordele te vel. Daa~oeur w<:;rd

t!l~e.k en gevolg.., Sleg~ in die ervaring kan ~intetiese oor= dele ge'l1tel word. Dia rede

g~e.r1 sn.alit:i.e~





de:t~ kO!u~epta.

) lii~rdie prose~

ka,n egte:r nie


u:niwer$eel ,ksn vtee~ nie. D1e kategoriee wcrd ~.ie ontdek

op dle W~Sl!g vsn beoordeling n1e maa:r bestasn 1 .. eed~ voor alle

beoordeling. Die fenomenele w4jreld kom tot stand deur d1e

tnwerking van die kategorie! op d:f.e erv~r1.ng .. 11) Di~

moont-l:Udleid van die samevoegi,tlg van persept~ en 1;onsepte tot


eenhe1d v~am kenni,$ l$J gelel in di~



~inte$e... Dit

i.e ~~a syntb.esiw not of difference$ with each other but of



with mere unity.,"12) D:lt is die


d®nte voorwaarie van alle $11ntese.13) Dit lg die tertium

~ W&;fi1;rdeur diE! teen~telling tu~H3en die :r.es~ptiewe en

~1.ntetie1111e we:rking van die arv<u"ing en cUe $pont~n.e en

anal.:! tiese \>~eerking van die intellek: 1.n •u ho§r gintese

ver-dwyn ... 14) rat


seam met die tre.nskemden.te


p,ai'l die dut\\tkal"!t· "1&n alle \va~lrnem.ing.


w~-k~ Voo:rwe;rp di.e stempel Van Sj"' aie be'\'IUSSfllSSktiWiteit tl:l'$..4)

Pia '\roonerp 1~ nooj,t 11 abstralde objektiewe enti.teH: nie 9

l!l&el" word altyd noodsaaklik verbind mat die "ek d:f.nki~ van

tlie: bewussyn.


W4reld. wat nia ge~ien word vanu:lt cU .. e

stand-punt· van ~ vme.rr1em:ende self nie, is eenvwdig onde:nl:;.baaro

~~mo lmowl~ge



Kant15) 11 uno unit;r and

eon..wl&ction of


is pO!!Sible for um apart

from the



consciousness v;hich is prior to

all data




w1t.hwt relation to

Which !\0 CO!U!!CiOUa!\GSS Of obj~Cts is po~sibleon




van a;ppe:rsapsie bied ook die

g~ond slag Vllm. die


van die waargenome w~reld o

Di t i~ die \'laarborg dat


wlreld flOOS jy di t waa.rneem ook

d1e wllreld 1~ $OOs ek dit ~·8a!'neemc

!he synthetic ur11 ty of cons-eiousneas 1~ at1 ob jeotl.ve

eondi t1on of all knowledge. It 1! not merely a

condition which I muS'lt observe in knowing an.


but it

is a

condition 1.1nder v.thieh every

per-~eption must siEJt;d t before 1 t ean b$Come a1"! object JO:t:" me at all. t'J)

D1.t ~ou,

volgens hom_ ;a grov1we ~;&r.ma.tiging van die karrt va11 v::H,e ~.ib­

jek v~·aee om te verwag dat die raa.l:i.teit moet veranctei" om aen tt~ pa~ by die wette van die bew.ssyn. trlat geken word11


. . 1?}

te. bly daar die antinanief van \li.t~ suiwere :rede. · · Slag~



ongekond:tsionaerde rea.liteit naas di.e gel~ond!sioneer· ... de f'enomenele wlreld


tiink18 ) 9




verkla:ring vir

die best.taan van die· antinom1ei ge'bied. Hierdie Ol'lgekondi ....


nonmenele wfreld

is die absolwt onkenba:re$

so ...

dra di.t in. relas:i.e tot ~n kennende b@Vmseyn gestel wOI"d~

word d 1 t by die fenomenele w•reld in'tH~gryp. Die begrip van


onkenbare i~ d:le beg~ip van die noodsaaklike perke van di@



19 )

Xant het met sy uKopern:Ute.antlie rewolusiett in. d:le :f:t.loso-f~1e seker meer kr1 tiek op di.e hals gehe!tl a~ eniga ander :ff ...

lclsoof ln die ges(ki~den:!.!:l. Sy kriti~tiflnte wcrd geno~m ~~ th€:

l!,th recoil of the l'*$as;on on 1tselrn2 CI) en by word d~l!i:Mran ~') 'J. ·~ be~kuldig dat ·~be reduced (the pure :reason) to impotence"~~ .. "'"·M-1 Die grofge~kUt van hierdie kr1 t1elr op di~ kri tisisme is

ge-rig teen die begr1p van die onkeribare. Dit sou 11


~1e Wll)!Jl~ om te weet da_t dear 'n o:nlu.m.bare i!l .. ,;:d'!:

:01~ Karttiaanee ~telling kan ve:rdedig word, deur de.arop


!<ant h~>tt hom~elf' die ta~.k gegtel om d1e grens~ van kenn:i.~

ann 'te dui e l:y· het aan homsalf. die vra~.g €fie~t~l: ,,"NtJt 1-::e~l.

ant\voord t~ vi.nd, b:r.1.ng mee die impl.ikaf:de d.at dai!U." let,r.


vn:~t eic ~ ka.n ken n.ie~~~ Die tdbtaJI(.ening van 'n eetded

'binne grense beteketl dat daar-l:.ruite :u gel)ied 1~~ wts~.t n:te b(t'"'

hool"t tot di.e begreniidS gebied


w~~ar die N~iml

~ 'lan tU..~tt~ feit van kemi!l 1~, volt; dat buite di~

begr'""tt$de geb1f*d van k.emis daar 'n onbegre.n.:sde geb1ed


1'i'aanan ke:tmis o.n;moon.tl1k is.



f3.i e seak as volg:

Indiseolublf conrteeted with tbe 1'1n1tude whieh is

given by tbe ability to k:nO'fJ ~ tl1is0 there 1$ a

partieipa.t!on in tnfin:l:ty, wh~is giv(:tn by the

ability to know at allo the meaning is therefore

that when we re&t.lize man's f'initude, we xnu~t at

th~ sai3:le time recognize h.i$ psrt1c1r.r:J.ticn in :inf:'l.ni"''

ty$ not


two jwttaposed qUkll1ties~ but Rs the tvrofold nature


the prooef,\se~ in which t<.lone

me.n' s existence beeomeS:~ recogniltable. The f:tnite has :!ts effect; he share$ in. fi:nitude GJ;1d h<:; d1iF,t:!':e~



D:.fi!\:f' moot du~ ree<h met Kent ~e n.itga.ng~pt:mt 11 n.&rur!l:U-r

da.t die rol van die kennende be!'WU.ssyu f.llla~·bepalend is l)y

~ ... -':1 ·~

t ~(-:; ooverm~ ,.,Jg; va:n Q4>e pev-russyn ore rl" ~ ~Agf!e. 4l 1~ ~ . . '! f.,j . ~;!j, '

J, ~:;;e tranf:J:r.enueel"" · •


buite die r~l£-t.sie l~ nie. Deur ;n a!'le.1dingspros~;:Hf9 't;eh~:::>e:rs





nie net geldig is va11 die lle¥'rtltii·""

eynstruktuur nie, maar ook van dit wat as nPf'~E!.i.eal reality~? tuite die bewtt$syn be~t~'Ulll& word die lyn ttu~sen weet en

n:ie-l'rimere ~i~td.e wa~ruit kennis van voorv;erpe o:ntsta&n n1_efl

nasmlik d!it in vmarnem1.ng, van t>l'atter aa.rd ookal& dle rel~­

s:te vall':l die voonerp tot die ~bje}: nooit bnite ral::e:n_,_r.;g

gehou kti!l. word n1e,29) Derhal'lire i~ [J!nige vergalyktng tusser1 die voone:rp van e,Ue ~ubjak se \Vaarneming en die vc;o:rwerp

aa rlit nle v.;<:H:::rgenearn word rtla, h.(;tsy om. te be-wear dat hullo ".:i.O'

eend.ers, of dat :hulle ve:rskillend :ts, uitor~raard ortmt}0!1tl:Ur. .... ~ "

K~nt het dus, ne ons men1ng • gelyk, wa~~r by d:i.e t;e:naderiP~

van die onafl'.tefl.klik-van-die .. wan:rnemir"'-be~t~l~nde voorv;~~~:rp


katego:a."iei f~W van toope.ssing Weteii f.!leg$ op die !!.nQlQ!!~

nomenele wlreld e 1 ver~k.ynsel .!!W die nonme1'lele -wareld $ta:an

tot d:le no:u.mfimsle w'reld in die reltu~ie v~an cors~ak en g~~­


na~nnd~ perke van die :fenomenele wt!reld n~::ttuurl:U'f. tot ·u klug

gf;llm~aak ll lJtarlt, ~woe S


tereg opmerln

If anything is urumowable this m~?Jans t11£lt



abeolutel;r u.nkn<Wmble. And if ~9e h.!lve any l~J'iJJii"-led;;;;~S,



hmever slight& it is not unknowBtbl~.)

likha·id van 'n begrt!rudng tu9sen d!.e weet of ken'bsu3rheid van die f.enO!ll®nele Wereld en die nie-weet Of OrUH~nba!l~;rhe1d 'Vf.in


~t~SI.t'Ul van die w~te ven die onk.enbare op ·n ~{r.Jd~r w;,}tsH£~ moet verk.laa:r a~ om dit met die


van d:le f(;'Jnomenele w~r~~l.d te


e~.n only lead to rroundle!!s assert:i.On!ll, to whi,ch other

as-!:llll:r.tions equally speeiou! may slwfl.y~ be opposed, the in ...

ev1table re$Ult be1r,g skeptic.iem.

';') Ibtd p.,


If it were really neee$Jsary .for our p~rceptj,ctn

to eo!\J'Ol"t-1 to the n®~.J.re of object~, I do not ~~e how w0

emlld kn~.r a.nyth1ng of




but :f.f the F<!U1!L'lble

object rm;u~t conform to the consti tutio:n of our f~1e,u1 ty of

pereept1oloa9 I see no di.ff'ieulty in the matter.

Ook Stout; Mind €:tnd A~tter :r.~.,


Kant holds that his

predeCiiUJSO!"$! 9 in dealing in


w.~y in which t~e .k:nov;

e:!(i;sr-nal o'bjects9 ~ve all p:rooeded on a fundamentally wrong a~­

sumption which lead5 them to s:tate th~ question at i~sue

wn-ongly s.o f'?:ilJ to preclude the po!!sibility of any tena:ble

tu'lswer ..

3) Sien A.C~ Jl.Wing~ Idealism p. 95a Objectivity ml3ans for

Kant nacessiey61 snd he cl&imed ~hb.t it '-'a~ his philosophy

alo~ which sec1J.red thi~ for his philowopb.y ~:.lone w.a ~ recr.)n ....

eile.'ble with th•~ posslbility of synthetic judg~~ment~ carry ...


Ook Wat:"loru OJ'h. eita~ p!J


Ey ~i linat~Vledge we ~ibB1~1

undet"'stand * oo .. tru~h (knO\vledge) at;;, 1~ a.b~ol:utely independent

of all expe.rience



ever is .i ..


must be eontrtbut~3td by the tdn.d) l'?d Kan.t ·directly to the e.f.l!llelu.:!i!ion that .evecythlng ~.;re knO"'J n:r,.Hrt he made by ue (


of given me:terie..l) ~ince otl1erv:!.~:'e h()~ 'ria~


l"..f&l as a eondi.tion or ~-ll

experience • but

not tib$Olutely real~ for t-ille !loos not belor1g to objeet5 a.r{ they a:re :tn.

·theml'Selve$ but only to the subject that pe:rcaivtHJ

tb.am..-!t tl!!l lr~l..+L.;t.sil@~, for in ab~traetion f:rom

sub-jective conditions of perception tim~ 1.s simply n.()th:tng

~n.d cannot be ~~dd to substst by itself or to inhere :ln

thing! that so S'.:tb;d.$t.,

P:td.losophy@ p. 60.,

f\) Dig sa. a!~ word deur J1"W:b1g ( op. eit. p.. 68) as '~olg :'lll:li-!tmge=

va.t: Space and time f.rre sensible a.nd yet ~» thett

is they rutVll the quality of be:'i.ng p~reeptut~l, and Jn~t they

are prEH~uppos%!!ld.,..,". in such a way that we could Kni,'JW



that the ehara.cteristics which we found in spaca a.nd

time aJ,"~e trll$ of


experience in general. Thifl enable~

geometry to be both i.


~u1d $yr.rtbet1.c: syt1the'tic be=

cause :tt itl3 b&$ed on somethitl& sensuatlflt A,



space ;ls 5\Uppo~ed in f.&ll O'l.l.ter ( phys ica.l exper iane~ ztnd

therefore the obJects cf thie exper:'lence OO'I.7e to cor:tform

to geom~try :1.1: they are to be experlenc®d ~t all~~~

9) Wa:ts.o:n: Op. c1t. Pe 40.,



'f'Jhich mll.ke up reality g !'?:nd of the Ullliquenass of the bein.g

n@eted V?:lth. eeeh other wi.thin a unity is to jt;tdges

ll) Ibid., p., l?9s !he Categorie!!§ are genel:o-~1 rules or prtn""'

oiple111 <~ntering universally into the GS$f'Hltia1 t~onsti tut:f..o~l



phenmenal v;orld or,

in other



to any

po~sible kr.towledge



12) Ibid.~ p$ 188<\\

13) !!wing:; op. e-tt~ Po ?4o 'fhis !!ynthetic conn~ction. Cii~.nnot e:tthe:r be e~plained or e~la.ined away but must be aecept~~d fd1~ .a faet. for it is itself the foundation of all infertJnce



of all


14) ThitL, pQ


Kant al~o ~uggests tr..a,t tt synthetic~ Lm"'iPtl

judgment can be valid i.f a.nd only if there is t~rJme tt:lJ.J"(~

:raetor which ineluc1es and unit$~ 1.ts ~rubjeet and p:redi(~~1;e ..

16) lbi.d.l! p" ~·94

17) £'V~:f . .rtg


op. c1 t 0)


e 84-92 0

18) Vh ... Kant ;1$ d&,a.r 'n -wef.'!enlike vernk11 tusssn 1et$ nk.e:rlu ~r<

i~t~ ,tdinltu"' Sien lbid p4> 102. !Ulnt denie~ dei':i.nit.e

*-~eiantifie lU'WWledge of th:t.ngs-in-themselve~ but he ~J.dmit~ \'il'e c~n form a kind of vague and 1ndef1ni ta but ~till very


~.;~-~---· ~~·g_,,·,~~-- ~~ rr··~ ,~. •.. "' ""' ... J'.- - ' -~·.>. ~' o .... <.>!l' r .,.~.. 01 '--· "


!bid pp.,


t tr.:;


Roedf!! :1n di~ij aa..m.ra.ng$Woorde van .ay ~:.An Intrcxluction to


t:leme beluiftter tng v~m die h~i.rtklop vsr1 d ia law a wut deu.r



Om aergson se eie itU:>Orde te




fh~:ra i~ ~ ~ueeest;ion of statef.t each of wrl.i.ch

annountle~ tlw.t v~tli.e!l :follC1VJ~ ana contairzs tt~t~-~ t vtJ~.~:tc!1

p:r•eeedet~: lt ~ They can p:t"'oporly Slpeal-d:n.g ~ only be

~aid to i"'crm rr~u.lt1ple ete.tes, whe1:1 I have e1!'(!£tdy

passed them and observed the.ir traek.. J.bJ.lLU.-.J~

·~ 'e -! + ~e they were so solidly· orga.rdzed !P

so pro .. o


'?irrl.mated with


common life~ th~t


could not hav-e ~aid where or!e of' them f i.n1 ~hf.!d ot)

'~Nher~ another commenced " _


W<Zl.@ ne. d1t wat n<)gnia ls ni12:11 ken geen «l~:rwetN nir.3o


,~To fOI"€iH3eeti $~ Eerg$on~" ' nCODfliatr: of p:ro;jectirli;ii

into thf!l future what ha$ l;een perceived in the p&~t. .. ., ..

But that which has never been perceived, ar1d which is at the ~tL'!le


simr;le9 is necer.sarily iJtrfor~':!""'

see£1tble .. t~

Van die beweging v~u1 die be¥russyns1awe~ ElOO~ dit on..,

m.iddell:Ut ervaar word& ken dan ge~l word dat dit nit? die

vere.ndering van


is nia 9 l'llf!er verm4.~:r,.:~ ~.tl.f... D:tt



?i.rJ£.9JJ;&9) $


mae.k di t 'n onderdael td .. t van

1!'JI.li:f$ beccmli.r~ 11 alway~ che.ng1ng • gr•owing 9 str.:iv1J'lg 9 :::md v·herc: ...

·~ ... ,)

in tl'le ·wol'"d of power is t1ot lali ~ but lif~~~ .. . t.•; ·

Volgens :Bergsor.t moet




kenwyse toteal ve:rdd.l1E>nd van


ti!.l! :pas op


gebied l!H.H'l!" >f:3l!{e voor~pelling ntrod\~'®:nd:lg Vt:l"=

~ .• 1 . . 12)

k~erd -meet wee~La A.J..uU.s Bergson:

fhe i..•:rtellect i ! life loold.r.g outw;.~.re 11' putt:l:ng 1:t .. ,

~elf oots1de 9 ~tdopting the v,:a_y~ of un:reeogn.ized

ru:-tture in pri.nciple in ·:;;rdet· to di:r(llt(!t them in

fact""' u It re~wlVfH~ the or,&nized irrto the lU'lor·"''

gan1!:ed, for it


11 w!thO'~t revarsing ita:; ne.=


dlrect:i.on. and. twif!lti.ns abou.t on it5elf th:tnk

t!:"ue continuity • reel !tiobili ty reciprocal pene• tration • i.n a word9 that creative evolution whlto;h


Pi,ttig word h:hrrdie pot;\i$51e det1r- Bergson ~;Utl:l.g~v.nt

waar h:,r VB.."l ~ti'k8X'$ psigoloo se dat-H they desil'~ an b1i:ui tier:;. !I

tyd~troom l\:en stil!ll!tand slags as


IDmcntlike zel"'O=punt ~

Aldu!! Bftrgsoft;14 )

It i$ movement we must .accustom oursel·tre~ to look

upon as simplest and clearestj) immobility· t>e:lng

only the extreme limit of the slOl.Jing down of m.o".re-,

ment. a 11m1 t I'flU1Ched only 9 ptlrh.ap~ 9 in th\::t~lght

~nd never :rea.lized in nature.,

Er.t v.m. die






. ' l·i'"""t""t"'t"~"""i""'n* . H •··ld"~!ll.'! 1.':11~""''~'"'""""' 1?) ifl'· f"'"""''lr- t_,~,.,., i~·e::•-l'p. . . ~

t~ ... ~ ~.l""~. .. ., i:-:t , . ;r; 1 ~ . u. ... r,~~ e .;,¥ol.,.. ~. ... ~~.u .. J ~ v-...,.;;l ~.;.~...., ~._,_t.:.~clj. ... t

when it goe~ beyond the cc."'f.tce:ptt~ or <at least '<<hen :HG

frees itself' fl'ClZTI tlte rig:ld iltnd :r.eady.wrnade ccnceptft in.

ordGr to create a kind very different f:r(l~n tb,cl?e v,'krlch

we hab5.tually use; I mean suppl.e, mobile ttl.:nd Erlmo~t

fluid :repre$en.taticn!l!, alv:r~.;rtet ready to mould t.he·m~el""

ve~ on. the fleetj_ng rnouldg of' :lntttit1cn.}:

Qns la<i.tt Ber~$011 spraekal9)

It is to the veey in\H~.rdness of life thf~t ~Y...sm lead~ lHJ, ""' by intuition ! :mean instinct ti"JOit ha.~

become dimintareeted, self-Con$eioJ.~, S9.U.f~Q.f.

refleeting upon ~tts object and ~l,l~rs1.llf~t





t'-"1Hi!flst<'llling met di.e opvett1J'l~; van 'n re~litei.t wnt; ·v,::re..n..., der2C!)) d&ar te $tel..





Kanti~kanse kO"tU:H.1p V®.n die be~taande u:ttgedruk kan word n:~e *'


&wu dit




wee!l!le fog





fee:noor hierdie pot~itiewe byd:rae vru1 lJergli!<m~ bl~~~'k dit

egter dat by nie in. staet it! om die intu!sle tt~~ OOi':c~fh!1nklikE::

ge~d.en uit n.i~i·l die ve:eandel"ing Vl[ifl readsbe:st~.l.a...'lde onVfJl"';:e.nde:r· ...

'"' c')

lik$ ~nti.t(~it~&~ i~? ni(r'l/..:,..,. kan d:lt n.Uts a:k1.derf! w~~e~ r;j.~~ &~

-~ r*l:ralite:tt toe~a$11 tenJyl by die tt~rme, V\aarso:r~der geen


;J~i ver~u1de:rli.ke ~onda:r


onve:re.nderlike ~ 'n 'tw;.,:rding ~onde:r. ':u


geworde /' .~ kt.:tn dtnk nie. probea:~:• Berg.son om 'n. VHrband tt.!;\li=

po~d;c:ie dt.1t hy die tibzolute .-,;a_n cae r~latiew~ afht~nklU~



Dit is du• reeds duidelik



f . " •

Si en.

v:lr d.ie

bv ··'


~;·6) Qmdliit hierdite st:tak "ran soveel belsJ1_g is~ n~·:a.l Of:ii! Kier-ke-g.t~Uitrd hiter i.n die


aen ( Philo~ophical Fragrren.ts ~ p ~ 60} ~

the nature of the dlt'r.ge i.rrJolV<lfi.d in bect1illiing ( ICL v16 cs )?


~.cin1E>lity., (my l~u:r~1ver:h').g).,,


!jerg$0'"tl. l;;eweer" 'n volkom~ ~ proses insove:r erJ.gee:n ·v·£J.'J.

di$21 or:.e1:ndige aants.l moontlikhedE:" g;eEA:ktua1:lseer Lnn iY(Jrd ..

Pit 1.s nooit ~ die ge-worde toestand ontf'tas.n ··7<r:l.t nood ... sa,alf;.lik :J.s n:i.e9 tnaa:r ~ d1t uit dio vH;:n·cang tctstun.d

!i&l kome

~~9) 'tA StH'Jl~tgl!llyke kritielr van die Vlte.liste ·word door Eelnr:.

a':}f'fJl' l;;;.ruswl.edge of the k;r; et <'!:< ~ pa~t; he- ove:rlool:;;~ th~:~

dec:ls1.t~J d'lffe:r-en.ee between the t~no more~' ~tnd the n:not yet~~ f.neling of thE) child 9 ~ con~~c].Ou2nt~ss i' \~1h:tch l~! thEI



00%' clear know l~dge ~)f' the pf.l ~t i\;1 ~ 1)2; f'j'\}; $ t: nd <!;\ ~


-®---~-~---~---~---1 ..,


die i;~egins$l op grond


my l'i&reld absohmt Vt:\rt :tou



~ ::u


Blote kw;;:er:rtitEitlewe ver.mee:rderi.ng van

ri'JY kennis k.an nooit kennis van jou wlreld bring :rde 0 \3trit& t


roy biS~Et6an ..


f1f.-tak word deu:r Heir.l/) as volg


I ra;n,.a in evarr.nor(1' vri thin my ViO:r ld • the 'EH;~:r ld €1 r. I ~ee i.t.. I cann.ot t.ake the smalle~t step o .. 1t. ...


wall ('Jf p1Jl'ti tion at which. m;v 'jliHJrld ce;.H;En?· to l::o

ond the world of another b~sgi.n$.,

midt"ti\lpunt van 'n w(\\reld vs.n v-oor¥H~rpe 0 @;''~en w~~g .it:' m;; 'n bndt.~:r

flegtt n."te CO a)

nie 8 omdat die b~~stna~E,,.~.,-ee van la&.$'genoon1de ~"lie 111 t te dr·I.tl-\:


.tr4 te:r:me van obJektivd.teit nie .. 9) Dit 1s onrnoontli.'li

D:f.e ver!'k11 tu.ssen "ek'1 en ,~d.:f.tn is cat die perspektie-if;;e

middelpimt ;.9R;1..$. il:: tU~ geb1ed ':!Jt!t cmd~H" cib~HE!!'V~1 si.f: is, ,,.,·sJ


"11le.tr tll.e


9 volgenaE Haim10 ) 9


st1!ll.nd c.;n

t.hiSJ. ~ide of the objective world !:>nd out stde

oi' i.t S.& FhOW'n by the simple an.d obvimu1 fact, tba 'ba~:ts of our 1.lnder~ta11dl~ of the Ego~ ·tne


Th·e. !;t I~1 Of~ tl~e· {Jril'D.!iTY '!J~ord ~·~ 1•1{~~~}} tlti£:t i~:

9 t:t1r.a

i& l~t..r 1~,~~-Ct~r~ tlr t~O u-Tl'lGU~~ ~·Ju.t f.~tlrrc:J11Itde.d ~):·~t CL ~r;l~.lt:L'T-~

tude of' ~'c:ontent~·~ 9 ha~ no pT'Psent 0 onl¥ u·"e p<:-:rt"

!7'1J.t L"! another v.ay, ln so f~r i'~ m.8.n T(;,~?t~ ~}~;,ti!!­


·o···""'•~q .;" ,. .. (';.. ... \, ,.$-e 1·· ~!~,. ,~4>f• VJ... •'- td~-J..!Y , .... -'1 ~"u+ ·"\.ol ... V t ·. 4 ~t..#."-& ..,C' .... '-• . "!"'""m '" r>rl }· . .:; .L.~;;~~-b 'll'>f;,,~, 41 ~· 7 "3 ~ ... .,.,

{.N._J" .. \.U ...,,\G .:!• ..,_t, '>;_",..:.;~ !-,t ~ lt:. & !1:~'·.1.<"


ktJ:r~i ve:ring ) •

3) Slen hierbo p .. 9.






"> .,. )




12 ' Ib.td t> p (i 30"

meard.rtg which is not involved in the living pre;,errt"


:O:te bi!3gl"ip vatn


O!r'f::t.!'ftnd..,rlike uietgtl l\lf:it VCI'.!imde:r. i.S'

S :!.en hierbo p * 2


(th(! ileel:ine of the We~t~ Pe


i~ die toen~te111ng tu~Hsn synde en word.ing f.3ie 'bron van. alle wanbsgrippe cor dj.e

pbilosophf' .... between 'fbeingf! and "becc-m1ng1' seE~~mf to rrdss

the essential polnt in the contrast 1 t :1$ meant tt) express ..

A .


eri.dl('iH:s becoming ... na.etion4' , t•~u:tual:ityr'- .., tsri.ll alw.ay~


iS ifill ook


:K1erug;;:un:•d $


16) ''* i1:~e most trag:tc fact about life t is the utt(~l" impo~slbil:K .. ty of chalflf;il'lg that V'Jl1ich ha1~ happenedfr ... Galfr\'Wortl~J'"

ell accidental e.irenmSJtances ii is such tt.lfrt tlte consti

tl:t-tion of our mintb 1~ :radically ineapabl~ of' l:tn.olr>'.iJ·•..g 1, t,

s~th1ng which 1s totally outsi.de any conceivabhl b:t.unan

ltnc:m'ledge » tJ~thing from. whlch we are completely cut cff ~

not by distanee. lack of' instrument$ and th~ lik1!1lj bu.t by too nature of our mental proc~H'~Ses.

bectlrnillg; 11 hut alw·ays wh.at has Pll:ready become.,


l t i~4 a t:ra.n~ition. from l10t ... be:b-,.g t;;) beingo <41 . . . . ,. nrrt a

'taia·1n.g of thi~ k1nd (noo-bei!'..g) which is r.K~verth~le~s B

non ... be.1.ng. is what


know 8.~ possib:tl.i.·ty.








... "

~Ylotsom~ dat dear 'n c:nkenbare i~e.t.J

Da.a:rdaur wor<.'l di.e subjek lngesluit binne die e~m~a-t~_mh;=dd van


sy eia at1bjekt;1Vliteit., ~ Di.t ls du5 du1<1elik da.t41 lnd1.en

van 'n oooin<ligheid waa:rop di0 stempel v~Jl subjektiwite:it a:f.'.,,





w1l ootkO'it'111 aaar :n:te J.anger op h:lerd:ie een

uitgan~~pur~t ge~oek word, ~ !Dill pritnfira rela$ifh

Hierdie nuwe primfra rela~.de ~taan die.lektie~ toenoc>l~

l~a.sgeno~Grnd.e !"fi:lla11ie onmoontlik is 111 naamlik k~mrrUI'lika~d..e met


'n ander pe.rspekt1.ellh~ m1ddelpunt 11 word op grortd van dic.c: T'l.U.1:r.~~

n,]$! va:r:. voo:rwerpe moont1.1k meak.lll ~aambar~g mtr~t dh'l: bej)aalde


van die


m:lddelpunt5) 9


die ntrwe


Dit ha:ng sa.am met die fait dat die subjek. rlie net


:is wat


n.ie0 mal).r ook 1l

•we~e t~~Ist j::'~.n9Jlle




teenstelling met die reles1e t'lHHH~n 'n perspektiew® 1:·rtddel·,

punt er~ sy voorwerp 9 word £:1 tyd ge¥.,enrnerk delu·


Daar ~-s r:dtyd 'n e:is en 'n bekenteni!!ll.,

1 .. \

A f..I a J.;

s~ .• .~.e ... m;;

(tThou'1 and

$' Jtl Cl<.I'.not come into e<mta.ct by one




... "' )

Die ontmoet:tng word. moon.tli.k deur die woord _.,~.,e.': · !l:lt

:ls die




of relation, the inborn Thou'"., 13) Dit


n1a. Die ontr..iloe•ting vin.d plaas sonder sy toedo(~n.

(iil{#l Buber se woorde te gsbrttik g


Tl.le werld which e.pp~ar$i to you in this way it'll

unreliable. for :lt take~ on a eo:nttnually 1:16"'1\I

appea.ranee; yw cannot hold 1 t to its word ..

It ha$ no dentSity. for everythtng in i.t

pr:1ne-trates everything else; no du:ratlon$ fen:· i.t come$ even when it l.s not smnmonedt') and ~.P'a:rdr:>hE}~

even when





:nie. JJie ~~ek ... jyu ifli in reh<~de tot ::lie teek•d:l.tfl di~~ sel.f



:tor sel:t ... tmnscendencenl5)

op onverkl<>.t.arba:re wy~e die nouste ve:t•band bestaan, v1o:r.cl <:u;n ...


It i~S~ only when thef'e is such a non-objectifia.ble

meetir!ff behind the hear:tng or reradtng of the

uttered word, that the sound of the word~' 4)1'

the a~semblage of .letters vihieh com.pOi1e tt9 at· ..

t&ins the i.nv1.sfble di~tinct~.on by wb:tch tt i~

1~<£>t.nn 411. ~..!..1.~ V-t£ """"t ..,;..;• v'~t 1t ... .~ P' ,..,"~t-,,...,...,. ""'"'t'~""'·~nl ~'iri'"-'~""'""P"'-•:~-~,t· ii-£.-!VJ..\i.~' Ul'""A - 0...\o ... ~;.~ o;;;i,.;:. ... '4-~ ..._; ... ~i.!!~:..(I,.l.~ t) C.;Li\.,"~ ····-·~

so distirlguished from all other scrunds t:md figures11

e.s the placf


~t which the otber perlF!on op~J.ns him·"

self to !!!eo J

D:tt 1.s ni€i moontlik v.:lr r.Ue

mens om uitsluitlti.: in die ne)!;. ... jyu-r~lasie t~ ~'taa.:r1 niee


Kennis van die

ni.e-objekti~;;~H~ is nte tnoootlik sonder kannie van die o'bjJt:!ktiewe


en dit is die vlak van die Cibjekttfieerbare.,

conceptual •


nt·dth<~r the infinite 111 nor the absolute 9 11or the

thi.ng-in ... it~alf ... ~ w.,ord ... e.J.lJ.~!D&~~.Jlk~Jil~D.tL~,ll;;

~.!U ,o,!i.Jf;!e.~ ... ~.?. 9.9!1J!C~2\M!l}i~~!.~~ (my kurs1vering}

So 'n beskouing i~ netuurlik 'n miske:r;,ning vr:m die

be-Kierkega.ard druk dit aE' ,,olg uit (Concluding Unsctent:t.f:tc

Postscript, p. 68) l! While objective thought t:ran~late$


i.nh:w:manly identifying h:1.vHM3lf vuith speculatlve ph.ilcn~ophy

i.n the ab stra.ct" ...

the speculati.ve result 1s a delusion ..

11!~~~~~~1§~l~-~~~~~~~~~~~~· ---~tiQIL.~~t~

M .. Buber (Between !&an a,nd Man, p .. 1€!.8) en S .. R .. Hcip-pe.r (The triflis of F'e1th, :pp .. 236 ... 243) '~Ys dr~£(:rop dBt rHed~

be 1.UU~erstood as a part of th~& wa.rld~ as a tbir'lg timOng

thingf!~1 en homself die vraag g~stel ~ wie iw- jy~l Die

de ~ekerheid van d:le 'bastaan vf'.n vco:Ml\rerpe 1:1ie.,

2) S:ten HoppGr 11 ope eit ~ p ..


oor Kant: Each mind was ~hut

l!:Rlbjeetivity, from which ther® ifl no egre~s into truth o::md in which tbe spi:ri tual life ~tarves to de~B<th :frc,m a

~u:rfeit of .i.ts



3) Die log:le$e konr:-,ekwensie van F:Ulke eksklu~iw1 tHit i~



·that he lt:n(')lWtJ;i tht-it he exist£~ {the n I am$) therefor~::;~ 1: am

a thi:nkeru formu1&) i~ a primary"' df.t'tUt'l ~nd presupposi.tion

~J!;:tf/A !f.l~m::A~ t


t .J!m~ll :t~ i1 lh~


;QGCJU)ji.S,I.Y_. ?lf.Q"'~,l[mk


dmu" tUS$4!!1n d:te twae onder~kei kan word 1"liGe

11) Op~ cit~ P~ 167~



the,t Jt is ~l ~ign.,

18) Heim~ op. c1t., p. 169., 19) Buber ~ I .an.d Thcmil' p .. 16 .. 20) Ibid.: p .. 6;'.,



. . 2) geheel ..



In die

Dle verflkil kan nie kweu:1titat1.ef uitgedruk word nie4>

herisont~le lyn kan tot in die oneindi.gh(;;1id ve:r 1€rng word"

;r;on-aer dat daar ooit


ve:.rt:i.kal(~ lyn ontt:Jtaan., Di.e

moontli.k-'a. oneindige bor1sontale vlak .. nc:>oit in


getrek nie .. 8 )

l.fapli.ka~i.es 'llJ'el"' bu:ttH die ge'bied v~m die wiskunde., Tt 'l.,. """""',"''41bl""li ""Jt ·p,.<f.,..9) t"" ""~Y·">l~·• t:<-· . ..-..

~~ "" ·- "'' .~-'"''"""'~ .l:. ..., ""~ vw ... , t V ""' c;~._., 1::' :I wJ.J.""'

~tl'"ltetural pri.nciple err:bcd:tel! :t.n the relation of' co-ordinatee to a rale.tioo vllhieh dOt-~s not adn'lit of verific;,."ltion by tr.e sen!Ht~~.. Thi~ 'hap~;ef:.!s VJhen I seek to fi.nd :» for the stracture of the di!nensional bcr~.:mdaey lil a formula r:o g~mera.l tf.1~d;; fj

wheree~ ~P<'Jtiel. co ... ordil'.'l&tas m.a.y be .regGJJ."d,e!d ~~·~

a ::;~peel.a..t. :t.nstances of such a rel1::tt1.o~ an ar1£.Lo= goo3 relation. lrJaY be recognised in the fl:phere


alb(~i. daa.:rop aa.ntF.praak dat hulle dies~lfde realitei.t besl~an9

Hierin. :i.s gelei d'i.e feit van hul saambestaan9


feit 11'11Yhieb

cannot be



Hi.erdi.e paradokssle (~enhe:td en ver~kil is t;eldig van a.lle eontu1ua waa.rvan ge~3 ka.n. word dat hulle oneindig ts .. Want aJ.le oneindighede n1oet mek.aat> ontmoet .. 11) Hierdie

ontJ:noatlng 1\! nie die uitwiMli.:ng van die varsld.l nies- ll:lfJ.t~u• vind i.d tdrukking in die p.a:radoksale f'f~:t.t da t d iesel:fde in·"'

h:a~d aan albei oneindighede l:;ehoort ~onder om deur hu11e ge""'


deal te word. ~.ar f:':Sl d:ue altyd $1 $Onder' t.lit~onderlng9

by d.ie ontmoeting van or.u;rtnd.ighede pa.radOk$ ui tbrael1:., D:le wetm£1tigheid vind uitdrul-tking in die feit dat 'n ver$ltyn.~el

1.1 verl.s:laring i.s ~ met e_en minder dimsn~:i.e onverk18arbaar

M ~i ~~ +


1 d· i . . + l3)


va.n vool"'\ver:pe li..ulle vasgelocp het& aan die aen k;snt teen di~

oomoontlikhe:td om die b~staan van tv,ree kenbroone wat

t1,bs,)-teen d.1e o.ngenoegsaambeid van net e{f)n k~nb:ron as verkl~1ring van aodanige ken.rds1


I) is dit var1 beleng om va. s te stel w~tter 11g d:!.e dime:nsionaliteit van relasi.e~ td.nne d:te

p:r.i.m~re ~1ak-jy-dit$~ ... !1tuasie op hierdie pr<.l"l:;laem werJ)e

16) Die probleem van ketmi$ is een wat die nafewe be-wu::;;syrr'" " ni.e hinder nie. OT$1at d:it as die vansalfspreke:ncle grondsls:g

van alle pr~ktie~e al:rtiwiteit aangeneem word. naamlik die

vraag ll-a die identiteit v~n die subjekt.:tewe siening van


die voo:rwerp rt1et die insigselfbe~ta.ande voorwerpo 1

Vol-.. 8)

g®r.U'! d.i'' besk:ooinge ,rm.n Kant en BergsonJ. .moet daa.r

yera;n~-r:tng k.om9 voordat die ident1teit9 wat ke:nni!5 moontli.k maaki

V(JOl\Oiiverp om by dj.e vorms var.~ die be~,{mssyn in te pa! ~,n a~m


dus FJelf~ nie weet ~ daiiir


voonJerp onafhanklik va~n sy 20)

'll'~~~tH'J.rneming bestaan nie ..

Die \'HH:~waa.r teen bogenoemde besk.ouingE i.s nie d!~t hul,..

le die wete van d.i.e ve:rskil by hulle ken.nis-leer i.nbegryp


hlem of ~piste~nologyr~.- hia:rdie@ in cUe 11g va.r: d!e ~ubjek


se k:enni$ van voor<.f;erpe, onve:rklaa,rbare ·' ~~~wereness of the

ine.daquacy of the p:tc·ture as compared


the ot•jet::t<:;:::3)


i:s' di.e ksf\..nis. op grond van die m1we Q

1ek .... jy~


... relasie- "


gesfj i~ oor die t'lpesiale w~ttnatigheid va:n. dir.;,E~nsionr·h'!'

'" g:•)

. relasies2) $ is d:tt duidel:tk dat ons hier -te do~n1 het met

elt-d:tt~t..,rel151.s:te0 nawnl.il{ die wete van die ver•skil tus~en cU.f3


voo:t-ower.p van die aubjeJ..;:, se waarnemi:ng en dle vooriAH~rp r~wo~

die subjek vel0 onverklaa:rbaar is vanVJ€'H~ die kon.tr~.tt::l>:sie

daa:ri:n vervat deur. di1a byvoegil'lg van die nuwe dim;;mE;ie VBJl

die Hek ... j:yH-relasia ve:rklaar v\iordq

l~et~oo;g di.e versk111ende &$!/I•akte van 'r.1 VcJOI'VJerx,i nie

heel te bied nie, :i.nsover elke a spek hoort tot 11 onoindigr:!'

vlak \'\lat geen kontinu:ttei t met ander oneindi.ge ~Jlak.ct,;.e


toon nie " so kan dio VOOI"\"'erpe. ~·:>or. deur V!:-:r;::ki11ende

perspel\.tiel'11E"1 middelpunte waargeneem. nie bJnllekefs.:rg£~te1 v1•ord

~"-::l"""l \

C.lm 'n begr:tp '\ran die voon1erp in 'ftY om~fb.anklfkhf.:d.d~ r.: te gee


!lt~ande voortverp gesl~ei. dm1r 'n versk11 vmt ~i.nalooEF0 J :l~ l11Elt


d:te V#j'~lfi5 waarop dimetudonele vlakke vl:m melriaar verskil .. .c:;·t

En dit i~ op grand Vf.1.n die dirnensim-'lele w;etm.atigtJ.e.id& dot

onH1.ndigh-ede .mekaa.r moot._ontmoat3{)). die tr ina.ppreh.en~ible


nObjeetivity an.d


aldus He1m32 ) ll a1cannct be merl'f.ed off a~ two different con ...

tents. eo eH

:t~ var1 a11t1 kE~n.nis deur W£<e,rneming <:>f reflel\::~ie.. H:ler:tn :I~


of State, p. 119. rendered impo~sible. limi.t,. et"ld, ·beyond tb.e " 4) Ope cit. p.



Hei.m besig die terme u absolutely difff.n'entt:

Op. cit .. p.

93 ..


apparently ribsol.ute antithesif! between freedom and

nec0s-come by simply abolishing one of the terms of the

antlthe-religiouE: and the intellectual con~c.i.ousn~::~.ss to ";'< ithdrav;·

of i.t cannot be softened. The contrsu:tt of the ~acred and

be a.dmitt!:ld in lt~ fullneii!IS .. 1"hen .11md not ti.11 then iNi1J.

the poss1bi1i.ty of a solution arise £5:nd the contre.d:i.ct~"on

be found to 1>e a condition of realtty and the ;•;o:rk of

cc.m.-flict:i.ng terms,

Le1ghton: Ma.n and the Comnos, pp. 13?-141.

8) Gnd:er die hoof·

lbi. ..

M!S&Di.ntHf. o!' jjh.§_I;;nf.ijf~ {Tt:rnn. D..nd the

in:fird.te is the u.nlt:" i ted 0 tliE::; unbcunded. For exat:ple tte



less d1.1rat1.on of life.n H.y ~rord skynbaar nie gehinder

daul"' die feit dat dit


kontrsdikS~ia is om te pr8.at van

(op. eit. p. 6A.) uce.n be thought of Ofl~Y a~ that ~hich

f:over.~ the whole of reality, beside~ which thfjr~ c~n lle

tween tbem9 so that ea.cb get·s a part of it(,) For thetl they ~"-'OUJ.d not be infinitudes. but antitieg que.r;tit:ively limi4iedo An 1:nf'i.n1 tude Gilways ptn.~ports to include the whole of

(iX-istence€i ..

9) Ibid.. p. 234 0 10) Ibi.c.i. p.


11) '!:& Dime.ru~:ie is 'n I"igting.. 'n


db1f&n.sie kan 151us nt1o1t

Ibid .• P• ?1.

ett)ntact only ~~hen there is an element whieh 'belongs :tn

ite antirE~ty to each of the space~ and yet thereby doe~ net become two el..,ments but. remains one ana the Sf;'uneo

dlJnensie nieer oolf. nie be\'lli.lS l'i.an wees van 'n kc..~tradiksie


p. 109) a~ V€'Jlg verduidelik


Imag.ine a :re.ee t;,.i: ~)lJ.nd. vio:rrJJ.~9 ~IhOf!e perception is limited to tlle two .... db~ttH't$loo.a1

w.:r.racl9 of the earth.. Now a.nd then spot~ of the earth

would gporadioolly be~ome wet. We, v:~hose facult:!Va~ range

through three dtlt~nsions of space, call the phen.omenon a

rain .... ~hower 11 and l\now that eve11tfll in the tbi.rd dimension

of ~pace determine a.bsolute~ ~.nd uniquely, which :!l'pOtS!

1)ut if the

Wm?!ns. uru'!onse.tws EiVGl'l of the existence of the third

di-menf.Ii«i of spaee, tried to thrust ff.ll n~.tu:re into their

twoQIIdimenfllional framework. tl~ey woulcl be Uf'!&ble to d1sco-Vf9r any determinist<& in 'th.$ dist.rHro.tion of '"Vet a1;d di>:it

t:'lpots; the wom ... seimtiste v;ould only be able to di$CU~£' the v~etnese and dryness


the minute areas in terr.~:u! of probabili tie~ V¥h1cb tbe-y would be tempted to treet t:~s ul~· t

i.ma te


14) Die ga~ v?ord in brei trekke deur Heim u1. tgewerlf;: in Op f>

eit. Hft. nr e:n V, pp. 103·172.. Sy bevind1ng 1.s datal die beginsels wilt r·u.imtelike d1men$1es beheers in die nek·dit*~- en t.;Eik ... jyu ... rele.~ies tarttggevind word ..


C os.oot~H'J, p.


s, Once the epistemolog ie~l moni ~m of the

naive realist 1e abe.ndoned" phil.osophy sean~s eorr-.1111tted

to a phenomsnalistic view of' knowledge, f':rom "~mhic:h there is no e~e.spe except by tt<J!f\\Y of the transeerHience of the

k:n@Yled.ge relij~tion in som,e ineffable a:nd incommunic~;~ble

e}l!pe:rtenee or mystic intuitio:ne ltov; ean ~~nowladge ·tran<=> !e~nd itsi!lf &nd r~m.ain knowing? !'!lust it not die.; to 11.ve

again in S()IJ'!e sort of immodi&te exp$rience, ~n aboriginal

flow of fee11n.g o:r eelf-transcendlng intuition ii' the fo;elf'


to reach realitJ?

16) (}n$ i,s nog a1~r.Jt1~l nttt'ef 9 v;rannet;r on~' nle v.r; sgevar:.g 'il\iC•:rd irl

d!ie drang om. Hobjsktiaff1

9 $Ibelangelooeri~ 11 dit \<Jil ~e, rli(~

(H'i~s~lf nii!:0 t~ l'H~e!' n;te., Salfe. di~ poet-Koperniksanse

'fdetensk~plike ken ham nie lo~meak van onjuiste uit:d:rttkl::dwlg$!1

soo~ ,, ~on~opkomse·r en l! sor:sondergan.gH in sy gewo:ne D!-nga:ng~­

taal ni.!&e

1?') Die probleem wo:rd deur Can (A Theory of Monsdst p" 281)

as volg ge~tel: In order to diseove.r tbe meaning of cog ....

nltion we must reflect upon


and ~;ri.ng !.t before

\"H.~ l:>eCOOl® G.l'llB:r'e of a logical di~crepency l;etWeEtt;, the Ol.Jjact

of knowledge &.s rsa.l and the }.mowledge of the object a.~


'iiVe !lfil~ 1. t


is fatod in. adva.nce to be a $1peculativ@ trw~s ...

pa~a beyond the limit~ er! OOT thought,

~1) Ibid. p$ 91(1

22) Die V8rkla:ring wet be:M.ts op die implik~a;ias ·wi:r ont-r, l\:en.nis

as ona


di$ wete van b1erdie v·ersltil aanvaar nie • Si(:;1'l

AeC~ Ewing9 OPe c:lt,. p, 17: if (tha idealist) hol.Cis he

.;lect cognised niust be t.lepenlient on or 1:r);sepe.:rabl(>; frt'>'A1 the

eogni tion of 1 t ~o t1·1at 1 t ear.not hiwe be:i.ng or that hr,?

bal!l' no right to assert tt.at :lt has except 8.$ and when

eog-n1sead 9


mu1t SJ;}ply th:1! not only to the physical VH)rld

to the very prineiple~ whieh he ha! him~elf asserted

-~,$l p~r slot van sake nie


v~rklaring v-e.n. die W(!)t~~ iitr~;.i;

buite <H.e kenn:h~ van


lf nie, maar van wete vwat

nog kontinuit~ei t met sulke kenn1s bes:tt ..

23) Heim, op<~ ei.t .. p .. 92 ..

24) Sien hierbo p,. 52.


po1nt$l of view. to go on indefinitely completing

on~ ano~

toor 11 they v;ould nevar be equivalent to the solid town in

which WQ walk about.

Ook He1m. Op. cite p.



2?) Ons basig die terminologie van A.C$ lwing9 op0 ~1te Pe

262 a B7 th!a 'belief in independent peysic~r.l ob;Jects• I

shall mean the b~li<d' that ther@l are some entitle$.,.. eo

which exi


w11en not pe:rcei vet! or senamd l)y at.ny humt:•n being o

28) Hei.m~ op., cit0 P«> 234.,

of my eonrcirmsne~s; and -tet I am aware that my knarii1_rlg

is dir~cted to s~thing beyond the field of my %!cm~ci01..lS"'' ne~$ 4> Why is it tl".at km;.wtlledge cen nev~r rr:Hf.tch the re~:J.li.""

ty which it is see-king~? The boundary which we herts ds~ire

be tak®n ~ ~ a got:tl whieb could 500ner or lr;tter be ~\tta:tn_ec;.,

Bu.t it is n bot:mda:r.y o1~ dimetud.on11 ~1 'bOI.tndary betwa~;n


30) ~Hen hierbo p(l


31.) Hopper: Ofie eit. p,81.

32) Cp., c.it. p .. 94 ..

33) :t.etghton~ Loc,.. eit, How can v.n.owledge tr~Jtl'lS~cend :ttsalf'


. But to $&¥ t~:t it is infinite i~ equivalent in ~n:y er.:,r:;s11

to slS.yil'lg tMt lt c€;;nnot be stopped by itself; becaui'ie :!11.

e.ttempting to stop itself it must use 1t~el.f $ H , . !'f}fleet:ton

can only be !topped by 5omathing el.se 3 $,nd this. somet:tdng

el'J!lle is something qu:ltia different ft•om the logtealf' bei.ng

a resolution






ex~.st~lmelle, not toward ex.:!l.stence, wh.ethe:r .I mm1e

:l.n the ~pbera of palpable seru~ible f'&et or in the resJ.m of thought~.


te d'4i. H!.er.in. herhaa.l by, as den.h:~nde individu~ WSJ.t Sore:n


K:i .. E~rkagaard :reed.t~ genoern het H the s:up:reme f~t:radox of t;1l! th.(m.g:ht9

t naamlik~ n thE~ &tt~ti!pt to di$cover ~ometht:r.,g t:hat

thought cannot thinku" }Jatuurl!k. ken ref'leksie vi.r bJm9e1f

gtaan 4Thbso1ute grens vind nie .. 2) NeiJ


d:tt ju1s 11a


rn€tn1.!\~s die TI~'eri.ete vnn iiaim se we:rk $ da t by 9 met d 1 o bate 'tn~

kande fait van d.imenslonele begrensing as analog:ie f t.M·::n:1getoon

:rleksis ~elf 41 onverkla.srber·e 'flete van die a.·bsolutt'! gr~m~S v.a.n

reflekr.de" te varstnan. a~ die 1 .. I'ltmyd:tng va~ rn g;ans ~mt.le:r 1;:~~11-·

luut t:ratlSkendeer 9 is op sy beurt 111e te veri~lt:;;ar n1ee ()ns

kom dan te staan voor die EU'lomalie oat die

vnr!-;lt:r1.J1gs"be-g:i.nsel i.1a&rde1U' di~J antitlom!e in ref'lektie·we kennito:: ver-staa;n ...

baa:r ge'lr.as.k word,~ self OOV€1-rk.laa.rbart:r is. D1a vel gende wco:r.• ... , de van Kierk.egaard3( kan goedsld.lt:t!! in die mond


Heim gelt\

~~sueh is my experience, you k.now thttt I h"'"1.Ve h.rM5 the opportunity to devote much time to the 11~®

·vef!ttgation and !"~:flection, and yet thtl sum to..,

tal of a.ll 1cy r~searche~ amoUl'lt~ at most to thi~".,


wf~t deur die toovoogi,ng van 'n riUV!fU dankk~:1tegorie vel"\~yder k~U'l word 0 te pra.at 4)

' "

"") r• ~

~~1 of relation the- inborn ~ou110 tn ~etu/; r!iitali~!H.'lf.' wa.t va:n die paradoks kan


Die lto:nsekiiiensies van lieitu !f!te startdpu.nt is du:tdel:U; o

:h.~ a~ -oo:lt 'n verklElri,ng va.n k~mnis t~ g~~e, ni~ daarme~ d:te

.c>,,,.fjt> 1 i + t tl..t1 ""' ''.lit -=t8 '



L~ van .~.:erra e; .. o , 'tl onmoon .uie .n.usura.~ -e&. : maa..e~: n:te f>

:Oi.e ps..:rEM3oks is immer~ n.ia w-.eemd aen die e:rvs.ring nie.. T~r(JU.,,

en.s dle mees oom1cidel11.:V..e gagewene V(IH'l di.e w:i.skUnd~. naam11Jr: die saa.mblfl~taan van one:indiga v1akkelll is re-eds J»:.Tradokf!atil.,

Voort$ ai~ die ekg1st&nsi8le si.tl.:u:a~ie dllg.t 61e

pe:rspek-ti.ewe middelpunt nie sal poog om deur abst:ra1u11e *' deur 'be···

l{lflw:rtooillg van o.:te een pool van die am.t1nomie tert l$.o$te v&r.:

d.1.e &f!Ofaf'11 of datu• ll uhofr sintese'~ VJUUI"deur d:le a·rJtitetSf.}

Ve!"lfijtder nie e Ons .kan nik~ beter d.oen a,~· om hiel"' d:i(f;!! w~:.:ot··=


4~ • • 1·~-d-"~.-~~" .. ce_ll)

S.!-11.lWC<~ .... G l;;l~:;> .;;.10;>1!~ jl. <.;;;- u . .:,. .. ~


:relstior.l :b1 que!!!t"lon~' .. -·"'.I

:l .. nto

t;rae" Dit moet ge~ien trvord t~.~ nik:~ m.e(~r ~:t$ .n t:tt~nvf~.:l ot; dit:::


wat die bestaa:."1 ve.n die

ek-jy~~rel&.~ie ont~


~l.iss:i.ng ill cU.e teem'ioordige meet be-wys.


t1.y li'J£11 b.:.~il'\fyw i~ dlf:~.t die ~U1ls.ti.~J!! van so 11 relta~ie nie ultgesluit kan


1) Philosophical Fragmen.ts, p. 29.

2) 'tt Ab~olute grens !iluit in k.enni$ van d1 t \~at bui te die gr(':liriS 'ba!itai!ne Maar as re!iakfie, S&E ,.mtdgsQ. .... ,.,Y.!J.l. ~~u~.J..!~ weet

wnardeur dit begren$ word$ aan is dit nie die ab€1CJlttte

gl"€Ultii van ref'leksie nieo Sien \i <~>T .. Staes~ op., c:it., p .. 4?., Si&n ook S .. Kierkegaard: Concluding Unseiml.'lt:1.fic:

Po!lltscript9 Pe 102 o How do


put an end to th~ T@:f'lection.

vihich was etet up in order to reach the begi:nnlng h~l''e in

quegtion? Re:fleet:f.on has the remark.able property of he1rt..g

in:f'ini.teo But to S~e.y that it is ,_nf1nite :is equ:f.va.lent$

:tn any es;~;sa. to saying that it cannot t~ ~topped by ltsel:f;

because in attempting to stop itself it rn~J.st u,se 5.tself 9

and. it!: th:Us stopped tn the same way that a di~.ef.i~~g :t~

cured when it is allO\"''&d to ehoose ittJ cswn treatrnent •

~hielt is i~o say tf!At it v.raxes and thx'ive~ ..

3) Ibid~ Pe 204*

4) Die t\SkBi~tensiele situ&1tl!en is cU.~ van tJo:rding w~Hlrvan ni.k~ oo1t met finaliteit en tH~kerhej.d iE!Si& ktm WQrd nh~ ..

In f!.Y u1teel:tsetttng wys K:t,ark.egaard (Philosophical

l'"'rs.g-!i1'21Jt."lt$, pp .. 60 ... 71) d.at S~lf~ kenni~ V&n die geVU,;J:rdell> jU:tS

omas:t dit deur wording tot stand gekont het, altyd di@ ela""

r,~,nt van onsekerheid. moet be'\rat.. Voortr: wy~ hsr cla~rop (Concluding UnsC:l$ntif1c Post~cript, Po 181} dat dit ~l~Jg~



Me Buber: I and Thou$ P~



tch!:lm: t op 0 e~, t e p e

167 (\\

n Thoo'$ and if!'~ ca.nnot CO~H'-* lnto

t lt@'Jl on~ n t;pacett am~ pa $Si. ve in the otber,.

In. die prakty~~ 1,. ctit nle die begiru:.el. vs,n kont'!"t£td:Lksie

·nie, DWiar die beginsel van ab~-ur.tHte1t wa:t deursla&l:gev$en.d

it t~ cii::tViOO$ly atururd that the propounder of the syst~t;mc

in prcpoundi.ng whS~t \'t•as more lmport&mt than a.?Jything !!'}ltH~·

t:ton~ 41 delett~ himself' from thiit system which wa ~ to me;:1.n

life or deatll for h.im. and which was to enable hi.m to \<,q:;;tlk.

f!!eet.trely - as if' it ~ere possible for on~ to ss.?t or:u~elf off



11) Ibid .. P• 2;7e Vfhat etH'H!nti2lly int~r~~t~ a thinker 1$' r1ot 'to b~ pr*~~Hlnted with !lOtUe information af'terwards11 i:trt to

bacome eonteu~poraey with the existing individual in hiSl



a J>esult is



and n ~:!ornnn.m:l ... eii.i:tion of results is an extf)r:nal relation between a tnovl~~~ and a

non ....


12) He:im* Cp. c1t. p ... 234o S:ien ool-t fl>ii. Buber8 1 and Tboo

Pe llli the me:sn:tng doss rHYt perm! t H:~elf to be transu.l1t ...

ted and be l!:tade into knOVilooge generally current B.ru.l ~;z.d ...

m1safblee ... The t'<lr:'la.n:1ng that !~s P{~~m received f.!.an be prt:Yled

't:t"l.le by each ~18r; only in the ~in€lene~s of. hi~ being and



-~~ J~. 1947 .. ~$ii'*

1909 ..


ubist~ntl~.liFmu 0 Seek~r G.nd w~~rburg" I,Clf.!=

den, 1946.

Wli.&j M"'






-xo~t:mlt~ §.

r ..



v~PhilOiitOphieal Fragra,ents~?. Prineetons. 1944 o

Hfraining in C:hrist!~mi tyu o Hm!!lpl'l:rey

h&il-i~P"i'O"tile~s of tbe Self~' o MacM1ll~n19 1917.,

- -

,,.Recent Pbilosopbyt; o




-nThe Problems of l'"'hilo,opby~~ o 01': fords 194] Q

~,t.ur ~nowledge

c:tf the External Worldf,; o



2 Vols.

~lkticr#iill~, 1924 ..



,$The Ph:ilo~ophy of Ksnt",.



te bemoei nie, het omstandighede hom gedwing om sommer direk by sy uittog uit Natal in belang van veral die Trans-oranjese burgers , waarvan die

A total of 12 points can be obtained for each problem: 8 for a complete and correct answer, at most 2 points for elegance, and at most 2 points for possible generalisations.. To

Prove that for any positive integral q there exist infinitely many integral triangles with circumradius equal to p/q for an integral p with gcd ( p, q ) = 1..

Op de ronde 2004/4 van de Universitaire Wiskunde Competitie ontvingen we inzendin- gen van Ferry Kwakkel, Peter Bruin, Jaap Spies and Jan van Lune, Leen Bleijenga, Nicky Hekster

Solution This problem has been solved by the team of Gerben Stavenga, Jan Kuipers, and Jaap Eldering, and by Jaap Spies.. We give the solution of the team of Gerben Stavenga

Solution This problem was solved by Herbert Beltman, Ruud Jeurissen, Jaap Spies, and Piet Stam.. The solution below is based on the solution of

Oplossing Klaas Pieter Hart has sent us a self contained solution, which is similar to the solution by Roelof Oosterhuis that is given below.. Jaap Spies uses a shortcut by invoking

Oplossing This problem was solved by Filip Cools and Joeri Vanderveken, Kenny De Commer, Bert Jagers, Nicky Hekster and Hendrik Hubrechts. Bert Jagers and Nicky Hek- ster