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The dehydration of some calcium aluminate hydrates, with univalent anions


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The dehydration of some calcium aluminate hydrates, with

univalent anions

Citation for published version (APA):

Houtepen, C. J. M., & Stein, H. N. (1976). The dehydration of some calcium aluminate hydrates, with univalent anions. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 56(2), 370-376. https://doi.org/10.1016/0021-9797(76)90264-2



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Hydrates, with Univalent Anions


Laboratory of General Chemistry, Eindhown University of Techrtology, Eindlzonen, The Netherlands Received August 31, 197.5; December 12, 1975

The enthalpy of removing interlayer water of the calcium aluminate hydrates of the type 2(CazAl(OH)6+X--yHaO) (y=2, if X-=W, Br-, J-, NOs-, Clog-, C104; 2<y<4 if X-=Br03-, JOs- at 37% r-lative humidity and room temperature) is related to the enthalpy of hydration of the anion X-.

The enthalpy of dehydration of the hydrates cannot be determined as isosteric heat of adsorption from dehydration or rehydration temperatures as a function of the water vapor pressure because the dehydrated compound cannot be regarded as an inert adsorbent in the process of hydration.

The enthalpy of dehydration of the compounds can be calculated as the sum of some quantities including the electrical energy required to displace the anions and the enthalpy of partial hydration of the anions concerned in the gaseous state.


One type of calcium aluminate hydrate

consists of main layers CatAl(OH),j+ alter- nated by interlayers in which anions are sur- rounded by water molecules (14). The type of anions to be incorporated can vary widely;

in the present investigation only univalent

anions have been considered.

process of dehydration (hydration) of the

compounds mentioned.


by measuring dehydration and rehydration

temperatures at different water vapor pres-

sures in order to obtain more insight into the

Lavanant (5) examined the dehydration

and rehydration of some of these calcium

aluminate hydrates as a function of tempera- ture and water vapor pressure and, in spite

of the occurring hysteresis, he used the

Clausius-Clapeyron equation to establish the

enthalpy of dehydration. It is questionable

whether this is correct, because the dehydra-

tion is irreversible in the thermodynamic

sense. One of the objects of our investigation (6-8) on the calcium aluminate hydrates was the comparison of the enthalpies of dehydra-

tion, determined both calorimetrically and

The calcium aluminate hydrates were pre- pared and analyzed as described previously

2[CazAl (OH)G+X-* yHzO] (s) +

(6, 7). The enthalpies of dehydration were

determined by measuring the enthalpies of

2[CazAl(OH)G+X-](s) + 2yHzO(l),



solution of the hydrated and the dehydrated compounds in 1 N HCl or 1 N HClOh (7) in an LKB 8700-l precision calorimeter. If small amounts (about 0.2 mmoles) of the sample are dissolved in about 84 ml hydrochloric acid (1 N), the heat of dilution caused by the formation of water on dissolution of the cal- cium aluminate hydrate is negligible. More- over, if we dissolve about the same amount

of the dehydrated and the hydrated com-

pound, the difference of the heats of solution

per mole calcium aluminate hydrate gives

directly the enthalpy change of the reaction:

Jouvnal of Colloid and Interface Science, Vol. 56. No. 2. August 1976 Copyright @ 1976 by Academic Press, Inc. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved.



which is by definition the enthalpy of de- hydration, AHdeh.

Dehydration and rehydration of the com-

pounds were followed thermogravimetrically by means of a micro balance, CL Electronics type Mark II, equipped with a so-called uni- versal attachment in order to maintain a con-

trolled atmosphere above the sample. A

constant water vapor pressure was main-

tained by passing an air flow, after circulation

through potassium hydroxide solutions of

known concentration, over the sample. The

relative humidity of the air at 20°C was mea-

sured by means of an hygrometer (Hygro-

dynamics Inc.) calibrated with relative hu-

midities above saturated solutions of var-

ious salt hydrates (9). A thermogram of

the dehydration of 2[CazAl(OH)B+X-.2H20] (X- = Br-, ClOh-) was composed by raising the temperature in steps of 5 or 1°C waiting at each temperature 5 to 24 hr until no or no further weight loss was observed. The “de-

hydration temperature”, tD, was defined as

the temperature at which the dehydration,

as measured by the procedure described, has advanced for 50%. A similar definition was used for the rehydration temperature, 1~.


The enthalpies of dehydration of the cal-

cium aluminate hydrates found calorimetrically are given in Table I, column a. The dehydra-

tion and rehydration temperatures found

thermogravimetrically at different relative

humidities (r) of the atmosphere above the

sample are given in Table II for the compound with X- = Br-. If we appIy the Clausius- Clapeyron equation to this data, the apparent

enthalpy of dehydration “AH” follows from

the linear relation between log (r) and l/Tn

(TD = dehydration temperature in Kelvin) ;

“AH” = 71 f 5 kJ/mole HzO. AH, the real

enthalpy of dehydration corresponding to the


The Enthalpies of Dehydration of the Calcium MU- minate Hydrates 2[CazAl(OH)s+X-.yHpO] (y = 2 if X- = C104, NOa-, Cl-, Br-, J-, and ClOs-; 2 <:y < 4 if X- = Br03, JO,-) ; the Enthalpies of Hydration of the Individual Anions in Aqueous Solution and Their Lyotropic Number X- JO,- BrO,- Cl- Br- ClOs- J- NOa- CIO, *IL (kJ/mole hydrate) 159.8 95.8 83.3 77.8 64.9 64.0 54.0 44.8 b -AHhydr LyotCropic (X-3 &bs number (kJ/sr ion) W) 408.3 6.25 331.8 9.55 320.9 10.00 287.4 11.3 305.0 10.65 258.6 12.5 280.7 11.6 275.7 11.8 as follows : i T

n.AH = AHdeh + AC9 ’ dT


+ n. AHL+G (J&O) [Z-J (n = 4 in the case X- = Br-, at room tem-

perature and 37% relative humidity), where

ACp is the difference between the heat ca- pacities of n mole HzO(g) together with one

mole of the dehydrated calcium aluminate

hydrate and the heat capacity of the hydrated compound ; AHL+G(HzO) is the enthalpy of evaporation of one mole Hz0 at temperature to. If we assume ACp = 0, it follows from Eq. [2] with AHL+G(HzO) = 42.05 kJ/mole and the AHd,h-value of the calcium aluminate

hydrate concerned as given in Table I,


The Dehydration- and Rehydration Temperatures of the Reactions: 2[Ca2Al(OH)6+Br-.2Hz0] (s) Z 2[CazAl(OH)s+Br-l(s) + 4HzO(g) Relative humidity (%) at 20°C tD (“C) tP. (“0 19 69.2 60.0 30 75.0 67.2 5.5 83.2 74.3

process occurring in the thermobalance is _,

connected with AHdeb, as defined by Eq. [l],&# 7o 88.0 79.0


AH = 61 f 2 kJ/mole H20. Similarly, for

the hydrate containing C104-, in this way

AH = 53 f 2 kJ/mole Hz0 is found. The

“AH”-values are respectively 71 f 5 and

6.5 f 5 kJ/mole HzO. The difference between

the values obtained calorimetrically and

from rehydration or dehydration temperatures distinctly surpasses the experimental error.


(a) Comparison of the Enthalpies of Dehydration Determined Calorimetrically and

by Thermogravimetry

The application of the Clausius-Clapeyron

equation on dehydration and rehydration

temperatures at different water vapor pres- sures is suspect because of lack of equilibrium (cf. the occurring hysteresis). However, at any temperature the relationship ln p&h < In pequil < In Pr.3hydr will hold ; thus it is

probable that :

dehydration or rehydration (6). Thus the

fact that the isosteric heat of dehydration as

calculated from thermogravimetric results is

a differential heat, whereas calorimetry yields the integral heat, cannot be accepted as ex- planation for the observed discrepancy. Rather it should be realized that the isosteric heat of

dehydration as found from d In p/a(l/T)-

slopes only coincides with the real dehydration enthalpy (AH) as defined in Eq. [2], if the

dehydrated compound may be regarded as

an inert adsorbent in the process of hydration. Formally, the calcium aluminate hydrate may be treated as a solid solution of variable water

content (10). The enthalpy change of the

reaction :

(lln)A . n&O + (l/n)A + &O(g), C31 where

A.nH20 = 2CCazA1(OH)gtX-.2HzO]

A = 2[CazAl(OH)6+X-1, is equal to:

(if this relationship would not hold, then a

rehydration equilibrium establishment would

be particularly good at low temperatures,

which is very improbable). Since

h(HzO, g> + (llnh

+ HWbO, B) - (lln)W$ B) L41

(A. %HzO = B)

h(HzO, g) = the enthalpy of one mole Hz0 in the gas phase

this would be an argument for identifying both with

H(H20, B) = the partial molar enthalpy of one mole Hz0 in the crystal hydrate con- sidered as solid solution

~3 In p ( a(w7 > ccl’

The difference between the values for AH&h

found calorimetrically and thermogravi-

metrically cannot be ascribed to differences in degree of crystal perfection. It is true the former includes all crystals present in the sample (even very small or partially disordered ones), whereas the latter may reasonably be

thought to be restricted mainly to well-

ordered crystals, but d In p/e (l/T)-values are

only slightly dependent on the degree of

H(A, B) = the partial molar enthalpy

of one mole of the dehydrated compound in the crystal hydrate considered as solid solution. By measuring the dehydration temperature as function of the water vapor pressure we determine the difference between the enthalpy of water in the gaseous state and the partial molar enthalpy of water in the crystal hydrate :

[a In p/X%

From calorimetry, on the other hand, we find (after taking into account the enthalpy of = (h(Hz0, g) - H (HzO, B))/RT2.


vaporization of the water) per mole of water

AH = - (l/n)h(B) +. (l/n)h(A) +



Treating again the calcium aluminate hy-

drate as a solid solution of variable water content we can replace h(B) by H(A, B) + nH (HzO, B). Thus:

AH = - (l/n)H(A, B) - H(Hz0, B)

which will be identical with [a In ~/8(1/T)&

only when H(A, B) = h(A), i.e., when A

may be regarded as an inert adsorbent.

From our data we can conclude that hi is

a more negative quantity than the partial

molar enthalpy H (A, B). This means that

during hydration of 2CCa2Al(OH)6+X-] part

of the enthalpy change is required for changing

the “adsorbent.” The occurring hysteresis can

be explained by comparing the calcium alumi- nate hydrates with the analogous clay minerals like montmorillonite, vermiculite a.o. (11, 12).

(b) Comparison of the Enthalpies of Dehydration

of Calcium Aluminate Hydrates

Containing D<fekrent Anions

The enthaIpies of dehydration (AH& of

the calcium aluminate hydrates, as determined calorimetrically, increase in the sequence X- = Cl04 < NOa- < J- < ClOs-

< Br- < Cl- < BrOz- < JO,. It was expected that there should be a relation between AHdeh of 2[CazAl(OH)G+X-.yHzO]

and the enthalpies of hydration, AHhydr, of

the anions X-. For X- = halide ions, AHbydr

is known from Born-Haber cycli (13); how-

ever, for X- = oxy-anions the calculation concerned cannot be carried out since the enthalpies of formation of the anions in the gaseous state are not known. AHhydr for oxy- anions is often calculated by methods (13-17) involving cationic and anionic radii. However, these radii are in general not uniquely defined (cf. the existence of very different sets of ionic radii such as those of Pauling, Gold-

Schmidt, Waddington, Gourary and Adrian) ;

in addition, the consideration of oxy-anions as spherical anions is not realistic and the dimensions of an anion depend strongly on the electric field (18) exerted by surrounding ions, which makes the use of one ionic radius for an anion in different solids and in the gas phase doubtful.

We therefore estimated AHhydr of the oxy- anions by the method proposed by Morris

(19) and Waddington (17). It is based on

the existence of a linear relation between the enthalpy of hydration and the so-called

“lyotropic number” (20-22) in those cases

where both can be measured (halide ions); for oxy-anions only the lyotropic number can be established. This can be used to estimate AHhydr by assuming that the same linear relation between AHhydr and the lyotropic number is valid for oxy-anions as for halide ions. Since the lyotropic number is connected with the Gibbs free energy of hydration rather than with AHhydr (6), the assumption mentioned is identical with the hypothesis

that at a given enthalpy of hydration, the

entropy of hydration is fixed, and that the

relation between them is the same for oxy- anions and for halide ions.

“Absolute” enthalpies of hydration have

been calculated (Table I, column b), de- fined by:

AHhydr(X-, g)abs = AH+‘(X-, aq)abs

- AH?@-, d Csl

AHfO(X-, aq)abs = AHfO(X-, aq)conv - AHp(H+, aq)abs. [6] Here AHfO(X-, aq)conv is the “conventional” enthalpy of formation of X- in aqueous solu- tion as found in the literature (see, e.g., (23)) ; AHfO(H+, aq)abs = 400 kJ gramion-l (1.5).

In Fig. 1, the enthalpies of dehydration of the calcium aluminate hydrates are shown versus AHhydr (X-, g)abs. Two linear relations with different slopes are found; moreover, the

enthalpies of dehydration of the calcium

aluminate hydrates are only 10-E% of the

enthalpies of hydration of the anions concerned. In order to understand this, the process of



L,li I



250 300 350 400 45(

- - bHhydr (X-,g)ahs. WJ/gr. ion)

FIG. 1. The enthalpies of dehydration of the calcium aluminate hydrates 2[CaaAl(OH)6+X-*yH20]

versns the “absolute” enthalpies of hydration of the individual anions X- in aqueous solution.

hydration of a calcium aluminate hydrate

2[Ca2Al(OH)s+X-] is divided into two hy-

pothetical steps :

(a) the CazAl(OH)e+-layers and X- ions are displaced to their final positions (in the

hydrated compound) without water being

taken up,

(b) water is introduced at constant inter- layer distance.

The enthalpy required by step (a) com- prises an electrostatic term (AB) and the enthalpy required for overcoming non-Cou-

lombic interaction between X- and the

CatAl(OH)G+ layers (AHI). AE can be esti-


The Difference in the Electrostatic Interaction En- ergy of the Anions X- with the CazAl(OH)G+-Layers When they are Displacedover a Distance AC Away from the Main Layers

X- AC (6) (nm) AE (6 = 6) (kJ/mole hydrate) cl- 0.096 97.1 Br- 0.102 102.9 J- 0.120 120.9 NOa 0.132 133.9 c103- 0.112 113.4 BrOa- 0.144 145.6 JO3 0.185 184.9 clod- 0.142 143.5

mated by van Olphen’s method (11): the negative charge of the anions X- is thought to be smeared out in a plane through the middle of the interlayer, the positive charge

of the Ca2Al(OH)e+-layers thought to be

placed in a plane midway of these layers. So the crystal lattice is considered as a number of plate condensers. We obtain

AE = 29r~~Ac. 2NA,‘A/e,


AC = G - c’ = change of the basal basing

on dehydration (cm) ; u = charge density

of the hypothetical surfaces = e/28.63. 1Ol6

esu cmd2; e = 4.803*10-10 esu ; NAV = Avo- gadro number; A = the surface of a unit cell

(3); E = effective dielectric constant (esti-

mated to be 6, based on dielectric constants of comparable solid compounds). The differ- ences of the basal spacings as determined by X-ray diffraction (6), AC, and BE values are given in Table III.

The enthalpy change of process “b” may be compared with the enthalpy of anion X- in aqueous solution, provided the fact is taken into account that water molecules in the crystal lattice have as their nearest neighbors fixed hydroxyl groups (as distinguished from

water molecules in a dilute solution).

We will take into account this fact by two correction quantities, AH11 and AH,,.



AHrr represents the enthalpy change on

account of the interaction of the water mole-

cules with the hydroxyl groups of the

CaTAl (OH)6+-layers on introducing water into

Ca2Al (OH)G+X- previously brought to dis-

tance (step ‘(a”). AHrrr represents the enthalpy change on disrupting water to water bonds in dilute solution.

The enthalpy of hydration of a calcium

aluminate hydrate can then be expressed by the equation :

AHh,d,(complex) = AE + AHI + AHII

+ A&II + =&rir(X-, g)abs. [S]

It is reasonable to assume that the sum of

AH11 + AH111 is constant (independent of the type of anion). So the different slopes of the curves drawn in Fig. 1 are caused by the contribution of AHr. It means that the hydro-

gen bonds between the anions and the

Ca2A1(OH)sf-layers in the dehydrated crystal lattice differ more in the case of the halides than in the case of the oxy-anions. The sum

of AHI + ANrr + AH111 is rather large com-

pared with the enthalpy of hydration of the calcium aluminate hydrate, even after taking into account the electrostatic energy required for the displacement of the anions away from the Ca2Al(OH)6+-layers. However, it makes

perhaps more sense to compare the enthalpies of hydration of the hydrates with the enthalpies of partial hydration of anions X- in the gaseous state.

Recently some data about those enthalpies were published by Arshadi, Kebarle, Payzant et al. (24-27). The enthalpy of hydration of the caIcium aluminate hydrate can then be expressed by the equation


= AE + ‘2. AHo,t(X-, g> + AHI + AHII. [91

In Fig. 2 the separate contributions are shown. It appears that the enthalpy of hydration of the calcium aluminate hydrate is nearly equal to 2AHo,z(X-, g) + AE (taking into account the uncertainty in the quantity AE because of the estimated value for e( =6)). This is true, also in the case X- = NO,-. For the other anions a comparison is not possible since no data about the partial hydration enthalpies are available.


During the hydration of the dehydrated cal- cium aluminate hydrates 2[Ca,A1(OH)6+X-] part of the enthalpy change is required to

change the “absorbent.” The enthalpy of

- lyotropic number

FIG. 2. A, @ : -AHdeh (hydrate); X : 2 *AH ilydr (X-, g) abs; q , 0: Z*AHI,~~~ (X-, g) abs -i-AE;

$ : 2AHo.z (X-, g); 8 : 2AHo.a (X-, g) +AE.


hydration of the compounds mentioned can be calculated from the enthalpy of partial hydration of the anion X- in the gaseous state after correcting for the enthalpy required to displace the anion X- over a certain distance away from the main layers.

The enthalpies of dehydration (hydration)

of the compounds cannot be established by

measuring the dehydration or rehydration

temperatures at different water vapor pres- sures because of lack of equilibrium. More- over, the apparent enthalpy of dehydration determined with the Clausius-Clapeyron equa- tion is only the difference of the molar enthalpy of water vapor and the partial molar enthalpy of water intercalated in the calcium aluminate hydrate and does not include the enthalpy

required to change the “adsorbent” during

the process of hydration or rehydration.


We thank Mr. C. L. M. Holten, Mr. J. P. M. van Seters, and Mr. F. E. A. M. B. Lemmerling for carrying out the experiments.


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