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The texture in diffusion-grown layers of disilicides MeSi2 (Me = Mo, W, Ti, V, Nb, Ta) and compounds with related structures (NbGe2, TaGe2, TiGe2, TiNiCu)es MSi2 (M = Mo, W, Ti, V, Nb, Ta) and compounds with related structures (niobium-germanium ((NbGe2),


Academic year: 2021

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The texture in diffusion-grown layers of disilicides MeSi2 (Me

= Mo, W, Ti, V, Nb, Ta) and compounds with related

structures (NbGe2, TaGe2, TiGe2, TiNiCu)es MSi2 (M = Mo,

W, Ti, V, Nb, Ta) and compounds with related structures

(niobium-germanium ((NbGe2), tantalum-germanium (TaGe2),

titanium-germanium (TiGe2), titanium-nickel-copper (TiNiCu))

Citation for published version (APA):

Maas, J. H., Bastin, G. F., Loo, van, F. J. J., & Metselaar, R. (1984). The texture in diffusion-grown layers of disilicides MeSi2 (Me = Mo, W, Ti, V, Nb, Ta) and compounds with related structures (NbGe2, TaGe2, TiGe2, TiNiCu)es MSi2 (M = Mo, W, Ti, V, Nb, Ta) and compounds with related structures (niobium-germanium ((NbGe2), tantalum-germanium (TaGe2), titanium-germanium (TiGe2), titanium-nickel-copper (TiNiCu)). Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, 75(2), 140-145.

Document status and date: Published: 01/01/1984 Document Version:

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