Bone mineral density in people living with HIV : a narrative review of the literature
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Net zoals wij kinderen taal en rekenen leren, is dit voor de motoriek belangrijker dan ooit
A vibration isolator setup is presented in Section 2.2 , which will be used to provide external vibrations and active vibration isolation to the casing of a CMFM2. In the
influence price dynamics in time series analysis H0: Supply coefficient equals 0 H1: Supply coefficient is negative Ordinary least squares regression (0,65) Unemployment
Die gedeelte in Hoofstuk 3 van hierdie studie waar daar onder andere ’n bespreking geloods is rondom Derrida se benadering van die een en die ander, is as’t ware iets
Matlab calculations, based on realistic data, in the pre- vious section showed that to select a set of carriages that belong to the same train out of a larger population of car-
This result also suggests that the effect of interest rate after crisis is more significant in control group than in treatment group since for control countries 1% increase
A Discrete-Time Mixing Receiver Architecture with Wideband Image and Harmonic Rejection for.. Software-Defined Radio Zhiyu Ru,
Vaak ligt de nadruk van deze interacties op natuurbescherming of juist op sociaal-economische ontwikkeling, maar in dit proefschrift wordt specifiek gekeken naar de mogelijkheden