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Cover Page The handle https://hdl.handle.net/1887/3158165


Academic year: 2021

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Cover Page

The handle https://hdl.handle.net/1887/3158165 holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation.

Author: Oliveira Paiva, A.M.

Title: New tools and insights in physiology and chromosome dynamics of Clostridioides difficile









The Dutch legal framework for the manual gathering of publicly available online information is not considered foreseeable, due to its ambiguity with regard to how data

Nevertheless, the Dutch legal framework for data production orders cannot be considered foreseeable for data production orders that are issued to online service providers with

However, Dutch law enforcement officials were able to contact a mod- erator of the online drug-trading forum. In doing so, they presumably used the special investigative power

Nevertheless, a 2012 letter of the Minister of Security and Justice (following several news articles about Dutch law enforcement authorities’ practical use of remote

We hebben ook laten zien dat het zeer waarschijnlijk is dat deze eerste stappen in het kopiëren van DNA vergelijkbaar zijn in andere clostridia (zoals bijvoorbeeld

Esta proteína pode ser usada como um indicador de quando e como a bactéria transcreve genes e, como resultado, produz proteínas.. difficile contém mecanismos que permitem à

The work developed during this thesis would not be possible without the infrastructure, knowledge and outstanding personnel from the Leiden University Medical Center, that not

difficile autofluorescence might result from direct oxidation of specific cell components, which may vary in abundance dependent on growth phase or cell cycle stage.. Since