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Physiological reactivity to fear in children: effects of temperament, attachment & the serotonin transporter gene


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Physiological reactivity to fear in children: effects of temperament, attachment & the serotonin transporter gene

Gilissen, R.


Gilissen, R. (2008, April 16). Physiological reactivity to fear in children: effects of temperament, attachment & the serotonin transporter gene. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/1887/12701

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Contrary to Fox (1995) , I have demonstrated that attachment theory has never assumed a critical period in the development of attachment but considers attachment to be

Specifically, in this study, we used the CBQ, a questionnaire that includes the three composite temperament factors, to investigate the following research questions: (a) do

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Neither attachment experiences nor state of mind regarding attachment seems to be expressed in one's attachment style; we did not find relations between the AAI and the Hazan and

This study aimed to measure emotional expression and physiological arousal in response to fear in 21 children with autism spectrum disorders (43–75 months) and 45 typically

Chapter 4 Electrodermal reactivity during the Trier Social Stress Test 53 for Children: Interaction between the serotonin transporter polymorphism and children’s

Physiological responses to fear are often characterized by an increase in electrodermal activity (sympathetic activation), and a decrease in heart rate variability

Children of both age groups responded to the fear-inducing film clip with significantly greater increases in skin conductance and greater decreases in heart rate variability