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Cover Page The following handle


Academic year: 2021

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The following handle holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation:


Author: Nouwens, M.A.C.

Title: Grand Tour naar het Noorden : de relaties tussen de Nederlandse en Noordelijke architectuur 1890-1965 in een vergelijkend perspectief

Issue Date: 2018-05-01




Glycerol tri[ 3 H]oleate ([ 3 H]TO) and [ 14 C]cholesteryl oleate ([ 14 C]CO) labeled triglyceride-rich lipoprotein (TRL)- mimicking particles of different size (45, 80 and 150

We next sought to elucidate the mechanism underlying the increased hepatic uptake of cholesterol-enriched remnant particles after statin treatment in addition to β3-AR agonism.

After 9 weeks of treatment, liver samples were collected and RT-qPCR was used to measure mRNA expression of genes involved in (A) the classical bile acid (BA) synthesis pathway,

In the present study, we provide evidence that short-term cooling, the most important physiological activator of BAT, increases serum concentration of TG and apoB due to the an

Hematopoietic IL-37 expression does not affect metabolic parameters Human IL-37 was selectively expressed in hematopoietic cells, including macrophages, of atherosclerosis-prone

In summary, our results do not support a fundamental role for Dectin-2 in inflammation or atherosclerotic lesion development, while they show that deletion of hematopoietic

Hematopoietic deletion of the downstream master regulator of the CLR family CARD9 also does not influence atherosclerotic lesion size, but does appear to moderately impact

Deze veranderingen in foerageergedrag wijzen op een verbreding van het dieet en het aantal geëxploiteerde habitats gedurende het vroeg Ahmarien. Zuurstofisotopenanalyse