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Time-domainandfrequency-domainper-toneequalizationforOFDMoverdoublyselectivechannels ARTICLEINPRESS


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Signal Processing ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]

Time-domain and frequency-domain per-tone equalization for

OFDM over doubly selective channels


Imad Barhumi



, Geert Leus


, Marc Moonen



Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, ESAT/SCD-SISTA, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium


Delft University of Technology, 2628 CD Delft, The Netherlands Received 8 December 2003; received in revised form 4 June 2004


In this paper, we propose new time- and frequency-domain per-tone equalization techniques for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) transmission over time- and frequency-selective channels. We present one mixed time- and frequency-domain equalizer (MTFEQ) and one frequency-domain per-tone equalizer. The MTFEQ consists of a one-tap time-varying (TV) time-domain equalizer (TEQ), which converts the doubly selective channel into a purely frequency-selective channel, followed by a one-tap frequency-domain equalizer (FEQ), which then equalizes the resulting frequency-selective channel in the frequency-domain. The frequency-domain per-tone equalizer (PTEQ) is then obtained by transferring the TEQ operation to the frequency-domain. While the one-tap TEQ of the MTFEQ optimizes the performance on all subcarriers in a joint fashion, the PTEQ optimizes the performance on each subcarrier separately. This results into a significant performance improvement of the PTEQ over the MTFEQ, at the cost of a slight increase in complexity. Through computer simulations we show that the MTFEQ suffers from an early and high error floor, while the PTEQ outperforms the MMSE equalizer for OFDM over purely frequency-selective channels, it


0165-1684/$ - see front matter r 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.sigpro.2004.07.016


This research work was carried out at the ESAT laboratory of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, in the frame of the Belgian State, Prime Minister’s Office, Federal Office for Scientific, Technical and Cultural Affairs, Interuniversity Poles of Attraction Programme (2002–2007), IUAP P5/22 (‘Dynamical Systems and Control: Computation, Identification and Modeling’) and P5/11 (‘Mobile multimedia communication systems and networks’), the Concerted Research Action GOA-MEFISTO-666 (Mathematical Engineering for Information and Communication Systems Technology) of the Flemish Government, Research Project FWO nr.G.0196.02 (‘design of efficient communication techniques for wireless time-dispersive multi-user MIMO systems’). The scientific responsibility is assumed by its authors.

Corresponding author.

E-mail addresses: imad.barhumi@esat.kuleuven.ac.be (I. Barhumi), leus@cas.et.tudelft.nl (G. Leus), marc.moonen@esat.kuleuven.ac.be (M. Moonen).

1I. Barhumi is partly supported by the Palestinian European Academic Cooperation in Education (PEACE) Programme. 2G. Leus is supported by NWO-STW under the VICI program (DTC.5893).


can approach the performance of the block MMSE equalizer. An important feature of the proposed techniques is that no bandwidth expansion or redundancy insertion is required except for the cyclic prefix.

r2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Doubly selective fading channel; Time-domain equalization; Frequency-domain per-tone equalization; OFDM

1. Introduction

Wireless communication systems are currently designed to provide high-data rates at high terminal speeds. High-data rates give rise to so-called intersymbol interference (ISI) due to multi-path fading. Such an ISI channel is called frequency-selective. On the other hand, due to mobility and/or carrier frequency offsets the received signal is subject to frequency shifts (Doppler shifts) and hence time-variation. The Doppler effect in conjunction with ISI gives rise to a so-called doubly selective channel (frequency-and time-selective). In this paper, we present new equalization techniques for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) transmission over such a challenging channel.

OFDM has attracted a lot of attention, due to its simple implementation and robustness against frequency-selective channels. However, in a dou-bly selective channel the channel variation over an OFDM block destroys the orthogonality between the subcarriers resulting into so-called inter-carrier interference (ICI).

Different approaches for reducing ICI have been proposed, including frequency-domain equal-ization and time-domain windowing. In[8,11]the authors propose matched-filter, least-squares (LS) and minimum mean-square error (MMSE) recei-vers incorporating all subcarriers. Receirecei-vers con-sidering only the dominant adjacent subcarriers have been presented in [7]. For multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) OFDM over doubly selective channels, a frequency-domain ICI mitiga-tion technique is proposed in[18]. A time-domain windowing (linear pre-processing) approach to restrict ICI support in conjunction with iterative MMSE estimation is presented in [16,17]. How-ever, these works assume perfect knowledge of the time varying (TV) channel at the receiver, which is

hard (if not impossible) to obtain in practice. In this work, we approximate the TV channel by using the basis expansion model (BEM) and only assume the BEM coefficients are known at the receiver, which is more realistic and easier to obtain in practice [14]. In addition to the above methods, ICI self-cancellation schemes have also been proposed in [3,23]. There redundancy is added to enable self-cancellation, which implies a substantial reduction in bandwidth efficiency. To avoid this rate loss, partial response encoding in conjunction with maximum-likelihood sequence detection to mitigate ICI in OFDM systems is studied in[22]. However, the performance of such an approach is not satisfactory.

In this paper, we focus on new time-domain and frequency-domain per-tone ICI mitigation techni-ques. We consider a mixed time- and domain equalizer (MTFEQ) and a frequency-domain per-tone equalizer (PTEQ). The MTFEQ consists of a one-tap TV time-domain equalizer (TEQ), which converts the doubly selective chan-nel into a purely frequency-selective chanchan-nel, followed by a one-tap frequency-domain equalizer (FEQ), which then equalizes the resulting fre-quency-selective channel in the frequency-domain. The PTEQ is then obtained through transferring the TEQ operation into the frequency-domain. This allows us to develop a more general architecture that unifies and extends previously proposed frequency-domain techniques.

A time-invariant (TI) TEQ has been tradition-ally used to shorten a purely frequency-selective channel when its delay spread is larger than the cyclic extension [2]. In this paper, we consider the case where the channel has a delay spread that fits within the cyclic extension, but on the other hand has a high Doppler spread. Hence, in a dual fashion, a one-tap TV TEQ is applied at the receiver. The purpose of this one-tap TV TEQ is to


convert the doubly selective channel into a purely frequency-selective channel. Then, this channel is equalized in the frequency-domain by means of a one-tap FEQ to recover the frequency-domain symbols. Note that, the one-tap TV TEQ is reminiscent of the time-domain windowing ap-proach introduced in [16,17]. However, while the time-domain window of[16,17] is designed based on the channel statistics, we design our one-tap TV TEQ based on the observed channel realization. This leads to a more reliable window, at the cost of slight increase in complexity. Similar to the case of a purely frequency-selective channel where the TI TEQ is transferred to the frequency-domain resulting into a so-called PTEQ that treats each tone separately [1], we now transfer the one-tap TV TEQ to the frequency-domain resulting in the PTEQ. This new structure enhances the performance at the cost of a slight increase in complexity.

This paper is organized as follows. The

system model is described in Section 2. A brief description of ICI is presented in Section 3. The proposed MTFEQ is introduced in Section 4. In Section 5, we discuss how the PTEQ can be obtained. In Section 6, we show through computer simulations the performance of the proposed equalizers. Finally, our conclusions are drawn in Section 7.

Notation: We use upper (lower) bold face letters to denote matrices (column vectors). Superscripts ; T; and H represent conjugate,

transpose, and Hermitian, respectively. We

denote the Kronecker delta as dðnÞ: We

denote the N  N identity matrix as IN and the M  N all-zero matrix as 0MN: Finally, diagfxg denotes the diagonal matrix with x on the diagonal.

2. System model

We assume a single-input single-output (SISO) system (see Fig. 1), but the results can be easily extended to a single-input multiple-output (SIMO) or a MIMO system. At the transmitter, the incoming bit sequence is parsed into blocks of N frequency-domain QAM symbols. Each block is then transformed into a time-domain sequence using an N-point IFFT. To avoid inter-block interference (IBI), a cyclic prefix (CP) of length n equal to or larger than the channel order L is inserted at the head of each block. The time-domain blocks are then serially transmitted over a multipath fading channel. The channel is assumed to be TV. Focusing only on the baseband-equivalent description and assuming symbol rate sampling, the received sequence can be written as

yðnÞ ¼ X


y¼ 1

hðn; yÞxðn yÞ þ ZðnÞ; (1)

where xðnÞ is the transmitted time-domain se-quence, ZðnÞ is additive noise, and hðn; yÞ is the baseband-equivalent doubly selective (time- and frequency-selective) channel, which includes the physical channel as well as the transmit and receive filters. Suppose SðkÞ½i is the QAM symbol trans-mitted on the kth subcarrier of the ith OFDM block. The transmitted time-domain sequence xðnÞ can then be written as

xðnÞ ¼ 1ffiffiffiffiffi N p X N 1 k¼0 SðkÞ½i ej2pmk=N;

where i ¼ bn=ðN þ nÞc; and m ¼ n iðN þ nÞ n (this definition is applicable throughout the paper). Note that this description includes the transmission of a CP of length n: S(k) S/P N-Point IFFT CP P/S x(n) TV Channel h(n;) WGN y(n) Time-Domain or Frequency-Domain S(k)^ EQUALIZER


3. Inter-carrier interference analysis

Due to the time-variation of the channel, the orthogonality between subcarriers is destroyed, and hence ICI is introduced. ICI is the amount of energy on a specific subcarrier leaked from neighboring subcarriers. This energy leakage is proportional to the channel Doppler spread. In this section, we will give a brief analysis of the ICI introduced by the TV channel. This analysis will help us to understand the mechanism of ICI, and hence to develop an ICI suppression technique. Assuming the channel delay spread is bounded by tmax; (1) can be written as:

yðnÞ ¼X



hðn; lÞxðn lÞ þ ZðnÞ; (2)

where L ¼ btmax=Tc þ 1 is the channel order and T is the sampling time.

Defining YðkÞ½i ; as the frequency response of the received sequence after removing the CP at the kth subcarrier in the ith OFDM block:

YðkÞ½i ¼ 1ffiffiffiffiffi N p X N 1 m¼0 yðnÞe j2pkm=N: (3) Substituting (2) in (3) we obtain YðkÞ½i ¼ X N 1 r¼0 SðrÞ½i X L l¼0 Hðr kÞl ½i e j2plr=NþXðkÞ½i ¼SðkÞ½i X L l¼0 Hð0Þl ½i e j2plk=N þX N 1 r¼0 rak SðrÞ½i X L l¼0 Hðk rÞl ½i e j2plr=NþXðkÞ½i ; ð4Þ where HðtÞl ½i is given by

HðtÞl ½i ¼ 1 N X N 1 m¼0 hðn; lÞe j2pmt=N; (5)

and XðkÞ½i is the frequency response of the noise at subcarrier k in the ith OFDM block. In (4), SðrÞ½i PLl¼0Hðk rÞl ½i e j2plr=N represents the amount of interference induced by subcarrier r on sub-carrier k when rak:

Note that, when the channel is TI for at least one OFDM block (i.e., hðn; lÞ ¼ hl½i ; 8n 2 fiðN þ

nÞ þ n; :::; ði þ 1ÞðNþ nÞ 1g), (4) can be written as YðkÞ½i ¼ SðkÞ½i HðkÞ½i þ XðkÞ½i ; (6) where HðkÞ½i is the frequency response of the channel at the kth subcarrier in the ith OFDM block. For this case, we see that no ICI is present and orthogonality between subcarriers is pre-served.

In this paper we use the BEM to approximate the doubly selective channel [9,12,15,19], which has been shown to accurately model realistic channels. In this BEM, the channel is modeled as a TV FIR filter, where each tap is expressed as a superposition of complex exponential basis func-tions with frequencies on a DFT grid. Assuming the channel Doppler spread is bounded by fmax; it is possible to accurately model the doubly selective channel hðn; yÞ for n 2 fiðN þ nÞ þ n; :::; ði þ 1ÞðN þ nÞ 1g as hðn; yÞ ¼X L l¼0 dðy lÞ X Q=2 q¼ Q=2 hq;l½i ej2pqn=K; (7) where hq;l½i is the coefficient of the lth tap and qth basis function of the channel in the ith OFDM block, which is kept invariant over a period of NT. Q is the number of TV basis functions. K determines the BEM frequency-resolution, and is assumed to be larger than or equal to the number of subcarriers, i.e., KXN: The parameter Q should be selected such that Q=ð2KT ÞXfmax: Substituting (7) in (5), we obtain the following: HðtÞl ½i ¼ 1 N XQ=2 q¼ Q=2 ~ hq;l½i X N 1 m¼0 e j2pmðt=N q=KÞ; (8) where ~hq;l½i ¼ hq;l½i ej2pqðiðNþnÞþnÞ=K: In this paper, we will assume that K is an integer multiple of the block size N, i.e., K ¼ PN; where P is an integer greater than or equal to 1. Then, HðtÞl ½i can be written as HðtÞl ½i ¼ X Q=2 q¼ Q=2 ~ hq;l½i e jpf e jpf=N sincðfÞ sincðf=NÞ     f¼t q=P ; (9) where sincðfÞ ¼ sinðpfÞ=pf:


Note that for P ¼ 1; the ICI support is limited to Q neighboring subcarriers. For P41; the ICI support comes from all subcarriers but the main part is still related to the Q neighboring

subcarriers. For this reason, conventional

frequency-domain equalization techniques

combine a number of neighboring subcarriers to remove the ICI. However, this approach can be generalized as discussed in the next sections, where we develop novel time-domain and fre-quency-domain per-tone ICI mitigation techni-ques. We first discuss a MTFEQ and then a frequency-domain PTEQ.

4. Mixed time- and frequency-domain equalization In this section, we introduce a MTFEQ for OFDM over doubly selective channels. We assume that the channel order fits within the CP. The proposed MTFEQ consists of a one-tap TV TEQ followed by a one-tap FEQ.

The purpose of the one-tap TV TEQ is to convert the doubly selective channel into a purely frequency-selective channel.3 In other words, it transforms the doubly selective channel with order Lpn; into a TI target impulse response (TIR) with order also L00pn (see Fig. 2). The one-tap FEQ then equalizes the TIR in the frequency-domain.

Since we approximate the doubly selective channel using the BEM, it is convenient to also parameterize the one-tap TV TEQ using the BEM. In other words, we parameterize the time variation

of the one-tap TV TEQ by Q0þ1 complex

exponential basis functions. Thereby constraining its design and limiting the allowable degrees of

freedom to Q0þ1 rather than N. Hence, we

can write the one-tap TV TEQ4 gðn; 0Þ for n 2

fiðN þ nÞ þ n; :::; ði þ 1ÞðN þ nÞ 1g as gðn; 0Þ ¼ X Q0=2 q0¼ Q0=2 gq0½i ej2pq 0n=K : (10)

We can then write the output of the one-tap TV TEQ at the receiver as

zðnÞ ¼ X Q0=2 q0¼ Q0 =2 gq0½i ej2pq 0n=K yðnÞ ¼ X Q0=2 q0¼ Q0=2 XL l¼0 XQ=2 q¼ Q=2 gq0½i ej2pq 0n=K hq;l½i ej2pqn=Kxðn lÞ þ X Q0=2 q0¼ Q0=2 gq0½i ej2pq 0 n=KZðnÞ: ð11Þ

It is more convenient at this point to switch to a block level description. We assume from now on that the CP equals the channel order, i.e., n ¼ L: Define z½i ¼ ½zðiðN þ nÞ þ nÞ; :::; zðði þ 1ÞðN þ nÞ 1Þ T; x½i ¼ ½xðiðN þ nÞ þ nÞ; :::; xðði þ 1ÞðN þ nÞ 1Þ T and g½i ¼ ½ZðiðN þ nÞ þ nÞ; :::; Zðði þ 1ÞðN þ nÞ 1Þ T: Then (11) can be written on the block level as z½i ¼ X Q0=2 q0¼ Q0=2 XL l¼0 XQ=2 q¼ Q=2

gq0½i hq;l½i Dq0½i Dq½i Zlx½i

þ X


q0¼ Q0 =2

gq0½i Dq0½i g½i ; ð12Þ

where Dq0½i ¼ diagf½ej2pq


; :::; ej2pq0ððiþ1ÞðNþnÞ 1Þ=K

Tgand Zlis an N  N circulant matrix with the first column ½01l; 1; 01ðN l 1Þ T:

+ -x(n) h(n;) (n) g(n;0) e(n) b()

Fig. 2. Time-domain equalizer.

3As we will see later, a perfect shortening is not possible in the

case of SISO systems. However, the purpose here is to convert the doubly selective channel into a frequency-selective channel in the MMSE sense.

4A TV FIR TEQ with delay spread larger than zero has been


Defining r ¼ q0þq; we can write (12) as z½i ¼ X ðQ0þQÞ=2 r¼ ðQ0þQÞ=2 XL l¼0

fr;l½i Dr½i Zlx½i

þ X


q0¼ Q0=2

gq0½i Dq0½i g½i ; ð13Þ

where the 2-D function fr;l½i is given by fr;l½i ¼ X


q0¼ Q0=2

gq0½i hr q0;l½i : (14)

Defining f½i ¼ ½f ðQ0þQÞ=2;0½i ; :::; fðQ0þQÞ=2;0½i ; :::;

fðQ0þQÞ=2;L½i T; we can further rewrite (13) as

z½i ¼ ðfT½i  INÞA½i x½i þ ðgT½i  INÞB½i g½i ; (15) where g½i ¼ ½g Q0=2½i ; :::; gQ0=2½i T; and A½i and

B½i are given by

A½i ¼ D ðQ0þQÞ=2½i Z0 .. . DðQ0þQÞ=2½i Z0 .. . DðQ0þQÞ=2½i ZL 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 3 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 ; B½i ¼ D Q0 =2½i .. . DQ0=2½i 2 6 6 4 3 7 7 5: Defining Hl½i as Hl½i ¼ h Q=2;l½i ::: hQ=2;l½i 0 . . . . . . 0 h Q=2;l½i ::: hQ=2;l½i 2 6 6 4 3 7 7 5;

and H½i ¼ ½H0½i ; :::; HL½i ; we can also derive from (14) the following linear relationship:

fT½i ¼ gT½i H½i : (16)

As mentioned earlier, the purpose of the one-tap TV TEQ is to convert the doubly selective channel into a TIR that is purely frequency-selective of order L00pn: Note that a perfect shortening TEQ, a.k.a. a zero-forcing (ZF) solution, doesn’t exist for the case of SISO systems. In this paper, we are therefore aiming at designing an MMSE TV TEQ. Conditions for the existence of the ZF solution for

the case of SIMO systems will be discussed at the end of this section.

As shown inFig. 2, we require to design a TEQ g½i ; and a TIR b½i ¼ ½b0½i ; :::; bL00½i Tsuch that the

error between the upper and lower branch is minimized. Defining the error vector in the ith OFDM block as e½i ¼ ½eðiðN þ nÞ þ nÞ; :::; eðði þ 1ÞðN þ nÞ 1Þ T; we can express e½i as

e½i ¼ ðfT½i  INÞA½i x½i þ ðgT½i  INÞB½i g½i


L0 0


bl00½i Zl00x½i

¼ ðfT½i  INÞA½i x½i þ ðgT½i  INÞB½i g½i

ð~bT½i  INÞA½i x½i ; ð17Þ

where the augmented vector ~b½i is ~b½i ¼ Cb½i ; with C given by C ¼ T  0ðQþQ0 Þ=2 1 0ðQþQ0Þ=2 2 6 4 3 7 5; (18) where T is given by T ¼ IL 00þ1 0ðL L00ÞðL00þ1Þ :

Hence, we can write the mean-square error cost function as

J ¼ EfeH½i e½i g

¼trfðfT½i  INÞA½i RxAH½i ðf½i  INÞg þtrfðgT½i  INÞB½i RZBH½i ðg½i  INÞg þtrfð~bT½i  INÞA½i RxAH½i ð~b

½i  INÞg 2trfRfðfT½i  INÞA½i Rx

AH½i ð~b½i  INÞgg; ð19Þ

where Rx and RZ are the input covariance matrix and the noise covariance matrix, respectively.

Let us now introduce the following properties: trfðvTINÞVg ¼ vTsubtrfVg;

trfðvTINÞVðvINÞg ¼vTsubtrfVgv;

where subtrfg splits the matrix into N  N submatrices and replaces each submatrix by its


trace.5 Hence, the cost function in (19) reduces to J ¼ gT½i H½i RA~½i HH½i

þRB~½i g½i þ ~b T ½i RA~½i ~b  ½i 2RfgT½i H½i RA~½i ~b  ½i g; ð20Þ

where RA~½i ¼ subtrfA½i RxAH½i g; and RB~½i ¼ subtrfB½i RZBH½i g: In order to avoid the trivial solution (zero vector g½i and zero vector b½i ) when minimizing the cost function in (20), a non-triviality constraint is needed, e.g., a unit tap constraint, b0½i ¼ 1; a unit-norm constraint, kb½i k2¼1 or kg½i k2¼1; or a unit-energy con-straint, ~bH½i RA~½i ~b½i ¼ 1 or gH½i RB~½i g½i ¼ 1: More details about these constraints for TI channels can be found in[2] for the unit-tap and unit-norm constraints, and in [21] for the unit-energy constraint. To find g½i and b½i we solve the following:


g½i ;b½i J subject to non-triviality constraint InTable 1, we show the different constraints and the corresponding solutions, considering only the unit-norm and the unit-energy constraints.

For white additive noise and white input (i.e., RZ¼s2ZI and Rx¼s2xI), RA~½i can be written as RA~½i ¼ s2xJ½i  ILþ1;

where J½i is a ðQ þ Q0þ1Þ  ðQ þ Q0þ1Þ matrix with: ½J½i r;r0 ¼ N; r ¼ r0; ej2pðr r0ÞðiðNþnÞþnÞ=K 1 ej2pðr r 0ÞN=K 1 ej2pðr r0Þ=K ; rar0; (

and the ðQ0þ1Þ  ðQ0þ1Þ matrix RB~½i is given by ½RB~½i q0;q00 ¼s2Z N; q0 ¼q00; ej2pðq0 q00ÞðiðNþnÞþnÞ=K 1 ej2pðq0 q00ÞN=K 1 ej2pðq0 q00Þ=K ; q0aq00: (

Now that we have designed g½i ; we can filter the received sequence by the one-tap TEQ gðn; 0Þ and remove the CP. In conjunction with the one-tap FEQ, an estimate of the frequency-domain symbol at the kth subcarrier of the ith OFDM block can then be obtained as ^ SðkÞ½i ¼ 1 dðkÞ½i pffiffiffiffiffiN X N 1 m¼0 zðnÞe j2pmk=N ¼ 1 dðkÞ½i pffiffiffiffiffiN X N 1 m¼0 X Q0=2 q0¼ Q0=2 gq0½i ej2pnq 0 =KyðnÞe j2pmk=N; ð21Þ

where dðkÞ½i is the one-tap FEQ coefficient corresponding to the frequency response of the TIR at the kth subcarrier of the ith OFDM block. In the SIMO case with Nr41 receive antennas, we can easily show that a necessary condition for a perfect shortening TV TEQ (ZF solution) is NrðQ0þ1ÞXðQ þ Q0þ1ÞðL þ 1Þ: This implies that we require at least ðL þ 2Þ receive antennas for the ZF solution to exist. For more details on the existence of the ZF solution see [4,6].

Table 1

Constraints of the TEQ

1. kb½i k2¼1 Unit norm constraint gT½i ¼ ~bT½i ðHH½i R 1

~ B½i H½i þ R 1 ~ A½i Þ 1 HH½i R 1 ~ B½i b½i ¼ eigminðR?½i Þ

a R?½i ¼ CTð HH½i R 1 ~ B½i H½i þ R 1 ~ A ½i Þ 1C

2. ~bT½i RA~½i ~b½i ¼ 1 Unit energy constraint gT½i ¼ ~bT½i ðHH½i R 1

~ B½i H½i þ R 1 ~ A½i Þ 1 HH½i R 1 ~ B½i b½i ¼ eigmaxð ~R

? ½i Þa ~

R?½i ¼ CTðHH½i R 1B~ ½i H½i þ R 1 ~ A ½i Þ 1 HHR 1B~ ½i HRA~½i C aeig

minðAÞ (eigmaxðAÞ) is the eigenvector corresponding to the minimum (maximum) eigenvalue of matrix A:


Let A be the pN  qN matrix: A ¼

A11 ::: A1q .. . . . . .. . Ap1 ::: Apq 2 6 6 4 3 7 7 5;

where Aij is the ði; jÞth N  N submatrix of A: The p  q

matrix subtrfAg is then defined as: subtrfAg ¼

trfA11g ::: trfA1qg .. . . . . .. . trfAp1g ::: trfApqg 2 6 6 4 3 7 7 5:


5. Frequency-domain per-tone equalization

In Section 4, a mixed time- and frequency-domain ICI mitigation technique is proposed, consisting of a one-tap TV TEQ and a one-tap FEQ. The one-tap TV TEQ optimizes the performance on all sub-carriers in a joint fashion. In this section, we propose a frequency-domain per-tone ICI mitiga-tion technique, which is obtained by transferring the TEQ operation to the frequency-domain.

From (21) we can see that it is possible to transfer the TEQ operation to the frequency-domain result-ing into a frequency-domain per-tone equalizer (PTEQ) that allows us to optimize the equalizer coefficients for each subcarrier separately. Let us now discuss this in more detail. As mentioned earlier, we assume that K is an integer multiple of the block size N, i.e., K ¼ PN; where P is an integer

greater than or equal to 1. Defining Q ¼

f Q0=2;    ; Q0=2g; and Qp ¼ fq 2 Qj jqj mod P ¼ pg for p ¼ 0;    ; P 1; we can write (21) as

^ SðkÞ½i ¼ 1ffiffiffiffiffi N p X N 1 m¼0 X P 1 p¼0 X qp2Qp gqp½i =d ðkÞ ½i ej2pqpn=KyðnÞe j2pmk=N ¼ X P 1 p¼0 X qp2Qp wðkÞp;l p½i 1 ffiffiffiffiffi N p XN 1 m¼0e j2ppn=KyðnÞ |fflfflfflfflfflfflffl{zfflfflfflfflfflfflffl} ~ypðnÞ e j2pmðk lpÞ=N ¼ X P 1 p¼0 X qp2Qp wðkÞp;l p½i ~Y ðk lpÞ p ½i ; ð22Þ where lp ¼ ðqp pÞ=P: Here w ðkÞ p;lp½i ¼ gqp½i e

j2plpðiðNþnÞþnÞ=N=dðkÞ½i is the coefficient

operat-ing on the ðk lpÞth subcarrier of the pth FFT (see below) to compute the symbol SðkÞ½i transmitted on the kth subcarrier. Y~ðk lp pÞ½i is the frequency response of ~ypðnÞ on the ðk lpÞth subcarrier. From (22), the receiver structure can be realized as depicted in Fig. 3. The proposed ICI mitigation technique is simply achieved by taking P FFTs of different modulated versions ~ypðnÞ of the received sequence yðnÞ: Note that this actually corresponds to oversampling the received sequence in the

frequency-domain by a factor of P. To detect a symbol on the kth subcarrier of the ith OFDM block, jQpjneighboring subcarriers are combined at the output of the pth FFT. The resulting outputs are subsequently combined to obtain the symbol transmitted on that subcarrier. Note that (22) allows us to optimize the equalizer coefficient wðkÞp;lp½i for each subcarrier k without taking into account the specific relation between wðkÞp;lp½i ; gqp½i and d

ðkÞ ½i : For each subcarrier, we can find the MMSE equalizer coefficients by minimizing the following cost function: min wðkÞp;l p½i JðwðkÞp;lp½i Þ ¼ min wðkÞp;l p½i

Efk ^SðkÞ½i SðkÞ½i k2g

¼ min



EfkwðkÞT½i FðkÞ½i y½i SðkÞ½i k2g; ð23Þ

where wðkÞ½i ¼ ½wðkÞT0 ½i ; :::; wðkÞTP 1½i T; wðkÞp ½i ¼ ½:::; wðkÞp; 1½i ; wðkÞp;0½i ; wðkÞp;1½i ; ::: T; and FðkÞ½i ¼ ½FðkÞT0 ½i ; :::; FðkÞTP 1½i T; where

FðkÞp ½i ¼ .. . Fðk 1ÞDp½i FðkÞDp½i Fðkþ1ÞDp½i .. . 2 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 4 3 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5

with FðmÞthe mth row of the unitary DFT matrix

F: The received vector y½i ¼ ½yðiðN þ nÞ þ

nÞ; :::; yðði þ 1ÞðN þ nÞ 1Þ Tis given by y½i ¼ H½i FHs½i þ g½i ;

where H½i is the TV channel matrix given by

H½i ¼ X


q¼ Q=2

Dq½i Hq½i ; (24)

with Hq½i a circulant matrix with ½hq;0½i ; :::; hq;L½i ; 0N L 11 Tas its first column. Furthermore, s½i is the vector of the frequency-domain trans-mitted symbols s½i ¼ ½Sð0Þ½i ; :::; SðN 1Þ½i T; and g½i is the noise vector similarly defined as y½i : Solving


for wðkÞ½i in (23) we obtain wðkÞT½i ¼ eðkÞTRsFHH½i FðkÞH½i

ðFðkÞ½i H½i FHRsFHH½i FðkÞH½i

þFðkÞ½i RZFðkÞH½i Þ 1; ð25Þ where eðkÞ is the N  1 unit vector with a 1 in position k þ 1; and Rsand RZ are the data and the noise covariance matrices, respectively. For white data and white noise with variances s2

s and s2Z;

respectively (i.e., Rs¼s2sIN and RZ¼s2ZIN), (25) reduces to

wðkÞT½i ¼ FðkÞHH½i FðkÞH½i

 FðkÞ½i H½i HH½i FðkÞH½i

þs 2 Z s2 s FðkÞ½i FðkÞH½i ! 1 : ð26Þ


It is worth noting that our PTEQ solution (26) unifies and extends earlier proposed techniques for both TI and TV channels.

(1) In the TI case with P ¼ 1; Q ¼ Q0¼0: the solution in (26) then boils down to the MMSE solution obtained in [20]:

wðkÞ½i ¼ HðkÞ½i HðkÞ½i þs 2 Z s2 s ! 1 HðkÞ½i ; (27) where HðkÞ½i is the frequency response of the TI channel on the kth subcarrier in the ith OFDM block.

(2) In the TV case with P ¼ 1; Qa0: the solution in (26) then boils down to the MMSE solution obtained in[ 7], where only one FFT is applied and Q0adjacent subcarriers are used to cancel interference.

Note that, to implement the PTEQ we require P-FFTs in addition to Q0þ1 multiply–add (MA) operations per subcarrier. Whereas, to implement the MTFEQ we require 1 FFT in addition to 2 multiplications per subcarrier. On the other hand, the design complexity of the PTEQ is higher than the design complexity of the MTFEQ. We can easily show that the design complexity of the MTFEQ requires OððQ þ Q0þ3ðL þ 1Þ3Þ MA operations, while it requires OððQ0þ2N2Þ MA operations per OFDM symbol for the PTEQ. Note that, computing FðkÞ½i H½i requires ðQ0þ

1ÞðL þ 1ÞN MA operations and FðkÞ½i H½i

HH½i FðkÞH½i requires ðQ0þ1Þ2N MA operations. Hence, the overall design complexity of the PTEQ requires OððQ0þ1Þ2N2Þ MA operations per OFDM symbol. The complexity associated with inverting a ðQ0þ1Þ  ðQ0þ1Þ matrix requires OððQ0þ1Þ3Þ MA operations, which is small compared to the above complexity. This complex-ity is much less than the design complexcomplex-ity associated with the block MMSE equalizer, which

requires O N 3 MA operations per OFDM

symbol (assuming that Q05N; which is the case in practice and in our simulations). The design complexity of the MTFEQ is mainly due to a matrix inversion of size ðQ þ Q0þ1ÞðL þ 1Þ  ðQ þ Q0þ1ÞðL þ 1Þ: The complexity associated

with computing the max (min) eigenvector of an ðL00þ1Þ  ðL00þ1Þ matrix which requires OððL00þ 1Þ2ÞMA operations[10], is negligible compared to the above matrix inversion.

6. Simulation results

In this section, we show some simulation results for the proposed ICI mitigation techniques. We consider a SISO system with a doubly selective channel of order L ¼ 6 and a maximum Doppler

spread fmax¼100 Hz: The channel taps are

simulated as i.i.d., correlated in time with a correlation function according to Jakes’ model Efhðn1; l1Þhðn2; l2Þg ¼s2hJ0ð2pfmaxTðn1

n2ÞÞdðl1 l2Þ; where J0 is the zeroth-order Bessel function of the first kind, T is the sampling time, and s2

h denotes the variance of the channel. We consider N ¼ 128 subcarriers, and a CP of length n ¼ 6: The sampling time is T ¼ 50 ms; the total OFDM symbol duration is 6:7 ms: QPSK signaling is assumed. We define the signal-to-noise ratio

(SNR) as SNR ¼ s2

hðL þ 1ÞEs=s2Z; where Es is the QPSK symbol power.

We use the BEM to approximate the channel. The channel BEM resolution is determined by K ¼ PN; where P ¼ 1; 2: The number of complex exponentials is then determined by Q ¼ 2 for P ¼ 1 and Q ¼ 4 for P ¼ 2: Note that for both values of P, Q=ð2KT ÞXfmax is satisfied. We only assume the knowledge of the BEM coefficients of the channel at the receiver, and not the knowledge of the true Jakes’ channel, which is rather difficult to obtain in practice. For the lth tap of the channel, in the ith OFDM block, the BEM coefficient vector hl½i ¼ ½h Q=2;l½i ;    ; hQ=2;l½i T is obtained by

hl½i ¼ Ly½i hðJakesÞl ½i ;

where hðJakesÞl ½i ¼ ½hðJakesÞl ðiðN þ nÞ þ nÞ; :::; hðJakesÞl ðði þ 1ÞðN þ nÞ 1Þ T is the lth tap of the TV channel modeled by Jakes’ model over N symbol periods, and L½i is an N  ðQ þ 1Þ matrix with

the ðq þ Q=2 þ 1Þth column given by

½ej2pqðiðNþnÞþnÞ=K;    ; ej2pqððiþ1ÞðNþnÞ 1Þ=K T: The BEM coefficients of the approximated channel are used


to design the MTFEQ (considering the unit-norm constraint (UNC) and the unit-energy constraint (UEC)), and the PTEQ. The block MMSE equal-izer for OFDM over doubly selective channel used here is obtained based on a full channel knowledge. For the MTFEQ and the PTEQ equalizers we consider Q0¼6 TV complex exponentials. The TIR order is always chosen to be equal to the CP, i.e., L00¼n: The proposed MTFEQ and PTEQ are used to equalize the true Jakes’ channel. The perfor-mance is measured in terms of BER vs. SNR.

As shown in Fig. 4, the performance of the proposed MTFEQ for P ¼ 2 suffers from an early and high error floor for both the UNC and UEC, which exhibits almost the same performance. The performance of the PTEQ is also plotted, for different BEM resolutions P ¼ 1; 2: For P ¼ 1; we see that the BER curve suffers from an early error floor at 5  10 2: This result coincides with the result obtained in[7]. On the other hand, for P ¼ 2 the performance is significantly improved, and the error floor is clearly reduced to 5  10 3: Note that Q0 is the same for P ¼ 1; 2: This means that the frequency spread of the equalizer is twice as large for P ¼ 1 than for P ¼ 2; but still it does not give a better performance. In other words, oversampling the received sequence in the frequency-domain is really crucial. We can also see that the proposed PTEQ slightly outperforms the MMSE equalizer for OFDM over TI channels when P ¼ 2 for low

SNR (SNRp20 dB). We also consider the perfor-mance of the block MMSE equalizer. We can see that, the PTEQ experiences an SNR loss of 3 dB

compared to the block MMSE at BER ¼ 10 2

when P ¼ 2: As a benchmark, we also show the matched-filter bound (see [7,13]), which shows that, both the PTEQ and the block MMSE are far from achieving the matched filter bound.

Finally, we measure the performance of the proposed PTEQ as a function of Q0at a fixed SNR of 20 dB. As shown inFig. 5, a significant gain can be obtained by increasing Q0 up to a certain threshold value (Q0¼2 for P ¼ 1 and Q0¼10 for P ¼ 2) after which almost no gain is obtained. Again, we clearly observe that oversampling the received sequence in the frequency-domain really pays off. In addition, the performance of the PTEQ outperforms the MMSE equalizer for OFDM over TI channels when Q0X6 for P ¼ 2: Finally, while almost no gain is obtained by increasing Q0 for P ¼ 1; we can approach the performance of the block MMSE when P ¼ 2 (Q0¼10 appears to be enough to approach the performance of the block MMSE for this channel setup).

7. Conclusions

In this paper, we propose new time- and

frequency-domain equalization techniques for

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 SNR (dB) BER MTFEQ, UEC MTFEQ, UNC PTEQ, P=1 PTEQ, P=2 Block MMSE TI TV, MFB 100 10-1 10-2 10-3

Fig. 4. BER vs. SNR for MTFEQ and PTEQ.

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 BER PTEQ, P=1 PTEQ, P=2 Block MMSE TI 100 10-1 10-2 10-3 Q′


multi-carrier systems over time- and frequency-selective channels. We present one mixed time- and frequency-domain equalizer (MTFEQ) and one full frequency-domain equalizer. The MTFEQ consists of a one-tap varying (TV) domain equalizer (TEQ) applied to the time-domain received symbols, and a one-tap FEQ applied to the frequency-domain received symbols. The full frequency-domain per-tone equalizer (PTEQ) is then obtained by transferring the TEQ operation to the frequency-domain. While the MTFEQ optimizes the performance on all sub-carriers in a joint fashion, the PTEQ optimizes the performance of each subcarrier separately. This results into a significant enhancement in perfor-mance. The resulting PTEQ uses adjacent sub-carriers to mitigate ICI on a specific subcarrier. By increasing the BEM resolution beyond the size of the FFT (i.e., oversampling the received sequence in the frequency-domain), we can outperform the MMSE equalizer for OFDM over purely fre-quency-selective channels.


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