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University of Groningen Porphyromonas gingivalis – an oral keystone pathogen challenging the human immune system Stobernack, Tim


Academic year: 2021

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University of Groningen

Porphyromonas gingivalis – an oral keystone pathogen challenging the human immune


Stobernack, Tim

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Stobernack, T. (2019). Porphyromonas gingivalis – an oral keystone pathogen challenging the human

immune system. University of Groningen.


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Porphyromonas gingivalis – An oral keystone

pathogen challenging the human immune system

Tim Stobernack

Porphyromonas gingivalis

An oral keystone pathogen challenging

the human immune system


Porphyromonas gingivalis - An oral keystone pathogen challenging the human immune system

Dissertation of the University of Groningen

ISBN: 978-94-034-1764-6 (printed version) ISBN: 978-94-034-1763-9 (electronic version)

Cover photo: Porphyromonas gingivalis being caught by neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) Layout by: Bregje Jaspers, ProefschriftOntwerp.nl

Printed by: Ipskamp drukkers Copyright © Tim Stobernack, 2019

The work described in this thesis was performed in the Laboratory of Molecular Bacteriology, Department of Medical Microbiology of the University of Groningen and the University Medical Center Groningen (The Netherlands).

Printing of this thesis was financially supported by the Graduate School of Medical Sciences of the University of Groningen and the Groningen University Library. Their support is highly appreciated.


Porphyromonas gingivalis – An oral keystone

pathogen challenging the human immune system

PhD Thesis

to obtain the degree of PhD at the University of Groningen

on the authority of the Rector Magnificus Prof. E. Sterken

and in accordance with the decision by the College of Deans. This thesis will be defended in public on

Monday 1 July 2019 at 12.45 hours by

Tim Stobernack

born on 23 September 1989 in Wesel, Germany



Prof. J. M. van Dijl Prof. A. J. van Winkelhoff Prof. P. Heeringa Co-supervisor Dr. J. Westra Assessment committee Prof. M. Schmidt Prof. Y. Stienstra Prof. U. Völker



Dr. Corinna Glasner Bimal Prajapati


Table of contents

Chapter 1 General introduction and scope of this thesis 9

Chapter 2 The peptidylarginine deiminase gene is a conserved feature of

Porphyromonas gingivalis

Scientific Reports 2015 Sep 25;5:13936


Chapter 3 There’s no place like OM: Vesicular sorting and secretion of the peptidylarginine deiminase of Porphyromonas gingivalis

Virulence. 2018 Jan 1;9(1):456-464


Chapter 4 Extracellular proteome and citrullinome of the oral pathogen

Porphyromonas gingivalis

Journal of Proteome Research 2016 Dec 2;15(12):4532-4543


Chapter 5 A secreted bacterial peptidylarginine deiminase can neutralize human innate immune defenses

mBio. 2018 Oct 30;9(5). pii: e01704-18. doi: 10.1128/mBio.01704-18


Chapter 6 The peptidylarginine deiminase enzyme of Porphyromonas gingivalis modulates the proteome of human neutrophils and macrophages

Manuscript under revision for publication in Journal of Proteome Research


Chapter 7 Summary and future perspectives 139

Chapter 8 Nederlandse samenvatting List of publications Biography

Acknowledgements – Dankwort – Dankwoord

159 164 167 169




gingivalis in periodontal tissue destruction, the group of gingipains appear to be a major factor 33,34 that does not only degrade adhesion molecules, but also the

gingivalis in vitro aanzienlijk gestimuleerd kan worden door humane neutrofielen aan te bieden als een soort ‘voedingssupplement’ voor de bacterie ( hoofdstuk 7).. Samenvattend kan

Another important factor is an enzyme called Porphyromonas peptidylarginine deiminase (PPAD), which citrullinates arginine residues inside a protein and may protect the

In the never-ending confl ict between human immune cells and bacterial pathogens, it is crucial for the bacteria to uti lize multi ple smart and eff ecti ve ways of delivering

In this context, it is particularly noteworthy that the microbiome was recently purported to play a potential role in the production of amyloids by human

The remaining protein complement identified for each strain is regarded as the respective variable proteome (Table S5). Of note, considering possible misannotations of

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As shown by Western blotting, the two sorting types did not display major differences in gingipain secretion (Fig. To exclude the possibility that the suppressed appearance of