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The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/45536 holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation

Author: Molenmaker, Welmer E.

Title: The (un)willingness to reward cooperation and punish non-cooperation

Issue Date: 2017-01-19







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At this point in the experiment, participants in all conditions had only learned about person M’s (possible) choice in the public good task (see Footnote 2), and were asked

As explained in Chapter 1, this present dissertation focuses not only on the type of sanction that people have at their disposal, but also on how situational factors –

the choice behavior of a group member in a public good task, while they themselves either were involved in the task (second party conditions), were dependent on the outcome of

In Hoofdstuk 2 – over wat voor soort (non-)coöperatief gedrag men kan sanctioneren – heb ik onderzocht of de voorkeur voor het belonen van coöperatie boven

Als laatst wil ik al mijn vrienden en (schoon)familie bedanken, niet alleen voor jullie steun en belangstelling de afgelopen jaren, maar ook zeker voor de nodige afleiding

Title: Patient controlled remifentanil and epidural analgesia during labour : satisfaction, costs

The objective of this study is to test the hypothesis that remifentanil PCA is as effective as epidural analgesia with respect to patient satisfaction and pain appreciation

Chapter 5 An economic analysis of patient controlled remifentanil and epidural 57 analgesia as pain relief in labour (RAVEL trial); a randomised controlled