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The handle http://hdl.handle.net/1887/45536 holds various files of this Leiden University dissertation

Author: Molenmaker, Welmer E.

Title: The (un)willingness to reward cooperation and punish non-cooperation

Issue Date: 2017-01-19


The (un)willingness to reward cooperation and punish non-cooperation

Welmer E. Molenmaker


This research was supported by a grant from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO, Grant No. 404-10-026) awarded to Eric van Dijk and Erik W. de Kwaadsteniet.

Copyright © Welmer E. Molenmaker, 2016 ISBN: 978-94-6182-718-0

Layout and Printing: Off Page, Amsterdam

Photos: Tokyo, September–October 2014, by Welmer E. Molenmaker.



The (un)willingness to reward cooperation and punish non-cooperation


ter verkrijging van

de graad van Doctor aan de Universiteit Leiden op gezag van Rector Magnificus prof. mr. C. J. J. M. Stolker,

volgens besluit van het College voor Promoties te verdedigen op donderdag 19 januari 2017

klokke 15:00 uur


Welmer Eduard Molenmaker geboren op 10 december 1984

te Obdam



Prof. dr. E. van Dijk


Dr. E. W. de Kwaadsteniet


Prof. dr. C. K. W. de Dreu Prof. dr. W. W. van Dijk

Prof. dr. I. van Beest Universiteit van Tilburg

Dr. L. B. Mulder Rijksuniversiteit Groningen


Voor mijn ouders en Eliza


“I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. (…) All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain.”

Roy Batty – Blade Runner


Chapter 1

General introduction: Why study the willingness to sanction 11 in social dilemmas?

Chapter 2

On the willingness to costly reward cooperation and punish 27 non-cooperation: The moderating role of type of social dilemma

Experiment 2.1 33

Experiment 2.2 39

Chapter 3

The impact of personal responsibility on the (un)willingness to punish 47 non-cooperation and reward cooperation

Experiment 3.1 54

Experiment 3.2 60

Experiment 3.3 63

Chapter 4

The willingness to costly reward cooperation and punish non-cooperation 77 before versus after the choice behavior: Sanctioning the past, the present, or the future

Experiment 4.1 84

Experiment 4.2 91

Experiment 4.3 (in footnote) 96

Chapter 5

General discussion 101

Appendices 115

References 127

Summary in Dutch (Nederlandse samenvatting) 151

Acknowledgments (Dankwoord) 159

KLI Dissertation Series 163




In addition to sanction type, I argue and demonstrate that the type of social dilemma people face (Public good dilemma versus Common resource dilemma), the extent of

We argue and demonstrate that people’s willingness to costly reward and punish is not only determined by the type of sanction (reward versus punishment) but is also moderated

For a clear understanding of how to implement sanction opportunities in real world social dilemmas, one should understand the conditions under which people actually use sanctions

We argue and demonstrate that people’s willingness to costly reward and punish is not only determined by the type of sanction (reward versus punishment) but is also moderated

To ensure that the observed differences in sanction behavior were not explained by differences in harvest decisions, a 2 (Responsibility: Individual versus Joint) x 2 (Sanction

At this point in the experiment, participants in all conditions had only learned about person M’s (possible) choice in the public good task (see Footnote 2), and were asked

As explained in Chapter 1, this present dissertation focuses not only on the type of sanction that people have at their disposal, but also on how situational factors –

At this point, participants in all conditions had only learned about person M's (possible) choice in the public good game and were asked about their sanction response and