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Acute leukaemia in children : aspects of diagnosis and treatment Willemze, A.J.


Academic year: 2021

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Acute leukaemia in children : aspects of diagnosis and treatment

Willemze, A.J.


Willemze, A. J. (2009, September 3). Acute leukaemia in children : aspects of diagnosis and treatment. Retrieved from


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Acute leukaemia in children Aspects of diagnosis and treatment

1. Specific chemokine receptor expression by leukaemic blasts contributes to the migration and survival of leukaemic blasts in extramedullary sites. (this thesis)

2. Evaluation of the biologically effective dose (BED) of total body irradiation (TBI) schemes, as part of the conditioning regimen before allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation, ensures optimal leukaemic cell kill. (this thesis)

3. Adequate measurement of systemic exposure (~AUC) by the use of limited sampling in combination with population pharmacokinetics improves our understanding of the relationship between Cyclosporin A dose and biological effect in children following haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (SCT). (this thesis)

4. Donor-derived cells are involved in the repair of damaged endothelium as well as in the maintenance of vascular homeostasis, following haematopoietic SCT. (this thesis) 5. Improvements in treatment of childhood leukaemia may come from improved risk-group

stratification, based either on novel genetic abnormalities, or on the monitoring of minimal residual disease. (Kaspers et al. Haematologica., 2007)

6. Haplo-identical HSCT from an NK-alloreactive relative could become a first option for treatment of children with high risk leukaemia (Locatelli et al. Clin Immunology, 2009).

7. The off-label prescription of pharmaceutical drugs in current paediatric practice is not a self-evident part of medical care, but an inevitable harm, since many of them have not been sufficiently studied in children. (According to a NVK press release, 2008)

8. The global reaction of stress, even panic, caused by the worldwide economic crisis may suppress the immune system and therefore contribute to the spread of the new variation of recent influenza pandemic coming from Mexico.

9. The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails. (William Arthur Ward)

10. Moeder is de overtreffende trap van moe. (Daphne Deckers)

11. Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end. (Unknown) Annemieke J. Willemze

Leiden, 3 september 2009



During medical training the research on late effects of total-body irradiation (TBI) and haematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HCT) was started at the department of oncology of

The research described in this thesis was performed in the Laboratory of Immunology, Department of Pediatrics, Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), Leiden, the Netherlands,

Confirmation of the prognostic value of CXCR4 expression and investigation of the expression of other chemokine receptors in relationship to outcome in childhood leukaemia is

Figure 1. Unique expression of CCR9 and CD103 on the leukaemic cells of patient 7125. Multi-colour flow cytometry was carried out on a peripheral blood sample obtained at

Yet, CXCR7 is thought to regulate several important biological processes including cell survival, cell clustering and tumour development as shown for prostate, lung and breast

Results of 58872 and 58921 trials in acute myeloblastic leukemia and relative value of chemotherapy vs allogeneic bone marrow transplantation in first complete remission: the

Our study shows that low systemic exposure to CsA (~AUC) during the early post transplantation period was significantly associated with lower relapse risk and higher overall

Chapter 1 gives a general introduction to the possible involvement of chemokines and chemokine receptors in the migration and survival of malignant cells, and the modern