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Voedingsdistributie in IJsland


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Voedingsdistributie in IJsland

April 2020


Flanders Investment and Trade Oslo C/o Embassy of Belgium

Munkedamsveien 53B, N-0250 Oslo, Norway T: +47/22 12 83 00 | oslo@flanderstrade.com




1. Algemene informatie ... 3 2. Hagar hf ... 3

Bónus 3

Hagkaup 3

Aankoopcentrales 3

Contactgegevens 4

3. Festi hf ... 5

Nóatún 5

Krónan 5

Kjarval 5

Contactgegevens 5

4. Samkaup ehf. ... 6

Nettó 6

Kjörbúðin 6

Krambúð 6

Iceland 6

Contactgegevens 6

5. 10-11 ... 6

Contactgegevens 6

6. Costco ... 7 7. Voornaamste invoerders/distributeurs ... 7



Voedingsdistributie in IJsland pagina 3 van 10


Inwoner aantal : 364 260 op 01/01/20 Bevolkingsdichtheid : 3.4 inwoners per km2

Hoofdstad : Reykjavík (ongeveer 64% van de bevolking woont in en rond de hoofdstad) Andere grote steden : Kópavogur, Hafnarfjörður, Akureyri

Valuta : De Noorse kroon (NOK); €1 = 156,095 ISK / 1 ISK = €0,006371


Hagar hf is de belangrijkste retailketen en heeft 46 winkels binnen 5 winkelketens en 2 magazijnen. Alle activiteiten worden beheerd als afzonderlijke eenheden en hebben daarom diverse werkmodellen en culturen.

Hagar's kernactiviteit ligt vooral in de retailmarkt en in de retaildistributie. Het bedrijf is eigenaar van twee van 's lands grootste supermarkten, Hagkaup en Bónus en dienstverlenende bedrijven binnen inkoop en distributie.

Verder heeft Hagar een speciale producten-divisie binnen Hagkaup en diverse gespecialiseerde winkels die bekende lifestyle en retailmerken aanbieden (Olís,Aðföng, Bananar, Útilíf, Zara en Reykjavíkur Apótek).


• Populaire discountketen.

• Beperkt gamma producten en eenvoudige inrichting van de winkels om de kosten zo laag mogelijk te houden.

• Heeft 31 winkels in het land waarvan 19 in en rond Reykjavik (https://bonus.is/).


• Er zijn 9 supermarkten waarvan 6 in en rond Reykjavík.

• Groot gamma hoogwaardige en seizoengebonden producten.

• Hagkaup beheert ook Stórkaup; (groothandelaar voor cafetaria’s, restaurants en convenience shops).

• Twee van de Hagkaup winkels zijn 24h/24 open (https://www.hagkaup.is/).


De firma Aðföng (http://www.adfong.is/) is de aankoopcentrale van de Hagar groep voor food en non-food producten zoals waspoeders, reinigings- en verzorgingsproducten. Het bedrijf is ook verantwoordelijk voor de warehousing en distributie. Aðföng koopt ongeveer 60% van de waren via IJslandse groothandelaars (Innes, Karl Karlsson, OJ & K, Nammi, Ölgerðin).

De firma Bananar ehf (https://www.bananar.is/) is verantwoordelijk voor de aankoop van verse groenten en fruit. Verse en bewerkte vleeswaren alsook kant-en klare gerechten worden geleverd door de firma Ferskar Kjötvörur (https://www.ferskar.is/).

1 Op 20/04/2020 verkregen via https://www1.oanda.com/currency/converter/



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Hagar hf (overkoepelend) Hagasmari 1, IS-201 Kopavogur T. +354 530 5500

hafasamband@hagar.is | http://www.hagar.is/ / http://en.hagar.is/

Contactpersonen: http://www.hagar.is/um-haga/starfsmenn/

• Finnur Árnason, Chief Executive Officer, fa@hagar.is BÓNUS skrifstofur

Skútuvogi 13, IS-104 Reykjavík T. +354 527 9000

bonus@bonus.is | https://bonus.is/

Contactpersonen: https://bonus.is/um-okkur/ (onderaan pagina)

• Guðmundur Marteinsson, Managing Director, gummi.m@bonus.is

• Ómar Valdimarsson, Reclame en Marketing, omar@bonus.is Hagkaup

Skútuvogi 5, IS-104 Reykjavík T. +354 563 5000

hagkaup@hagkaup.is | https://www.hagkaup.is/

• Sigurður Reynaldsson, Managing Director

• Brynjar Ingólfsson, hoofd inkoop en marketing Aðföng

Skútuvogi 7, IS-104 Reykjavík T. +354 530 5600

upplysingar@adfong.is | http://www.adfong.is/

Contactpersonen via de website Bananar ehf.

Korngörðum 1, IS-104 Reykjavík T. +354 525 0100

bananar@bananar.is | https://www.bananar.is/

Contactpersonen: https://www.bananar.is/starfsmenn/

• Kjartan Már Friðsteinsson, Managing Director | kjartan@bananar.is

• Bárður Marteinn Níelsson, Purchasing | bardur@bananar.is Ferskar Kjötvörur

Síðumúli 34, IS-108 Reykjavík T. +354 414 6300

upplysingar@ferskar.is | https://www.ferskar.is/

Contactpersonen: https://www.ferskar.is/um-okkur/

• Ingibjörn Sigurbergsson, Managing Director | ingibjorn@ferskar.is



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Festi hf. (http://festi.is) beheert, naast de supermarkten Nóatún, Krónan en Kjarval, de Elko-winkels, (leverancier van kleine en grote elektrische huishoudelijke apparaten), de N1 benzinestations en het magazijn Bakkinnn.


Nóatún is een high-end food retailer. Voorheen hadden zij 3 supermarkten die een breed assortiment van verse waren aanboden, momenteel nog maar 1. https://noatun.is/


Discountketen en tegenhanger van discount Bonus. Heeft in totaal 23 outlets. http://www.kronan.is


Convenience shop die vooral in kleinere steden en gehuchten aanwezig zijn. Er zijn in totaal 2 outlets.



Festi HF (overkoepelend) Dalvegi 10-14, IS-201 Kópavogi T. +354 440 1000

festi@festi.is | https://festi.is Nóatún (1 winkel)

Skarfagarðar 2, IS-104 Reykjavík T. +354 559 3000


• Sólmundur Oddsson, Inkoop Nóatún, T: +354 5593056, solmundur@noatun.is Krónan

Dalvegur 10 – 14, IS-201 Kópavogur T. +354 585 7000

kronan@kronan.is | https://kronan.is/um-kronuna/hafa-samband/


Skarfagörðum 2, IS-104 Reykjavík T. +354 585 7000




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Samkaup ehf. is een coöperatieve en overkoepelt Nettó, Kjörbúðin, Krambúð, Samkaup Strax (1 winkel), en Iceland.


• 16 discount shops gelegen buiten Reykjavik, https://netto.is/um-netto/vinnustadurinn/

• Contactpersonen: https://netto.is/um-netto/fjolmidlar/


• 17 winkels https://kjorbudin.is/


• 17 discount shops gelegen buiten Reykjavik

• Contactgegevens: krambud@krambud.is | https://www.krambudin.is/


• 6 winkels in IJsland; https://icelandbudir.is/

• Contactpersonen: https://icelandbudir.is/skrifstofa/


Samkaup hf (Overkoepelend) Krossmóa 4, IS-260 Reykjanesbær T. +354 421 5400

samkaup@samkaup.is | https://www.samkaup.is

• Ómar Valdimarsson, Manager, omarv@samkaup.is

• Stefán Ragnar Guðjónsson, Purchasing Manager, stefan@samkaup.is

5. 10-11

10-11 is een keten van convenience shops die alle dagen van de week geopend zijn van 10u ‘s morgens tot 23u ‘s avonds. Het aanbod is eerder beperkt.



Borgartún 26, IS-105 Reykjavík T. +354 530 7900

10-11@10-11.is | https://10-11.is/

Contactpersonen: https://10-11.is/starfsfolk/



Voedingsdistributie in IJsland pagina 7 van 10


De Amerikaanse retailer Costco heeft in mei 2017 een filiaal geopend in IJsland en het ziet ernaar uit dat dit een sterke impact heeft op de IJslandse retailmarkt.

Costco Wholesale Iceland ehf.

Kauptun 3, IS-210 Gardabaer

costco@costco.is | https://www.costco.is/



Skútuvogi 7, IS-104 Reykjavík T. +354 530 5600

upplysingar@adfong.is | http://www.adfong.is/

Contactpersonen via de website Ásbjörn Ólafsson ehf.

Köllunarklettsvegi 6, IS-104 Reykjavík T. +354 414 1100

asbjorn@asbjorn.is | https://www.asbjorn.is/

Bananar ehf.

Korngörðum 1, IS-104 Reykjavík T. +354 525 0100

bananar@bananar.is | https://www.bananar.is/

Contactpersonen: https://www.bananar.is/starfsmenn/

• Kjartan Már Friðsteinsson, Managing Director | kjartan@bananar.is

• Bárður Marteinn Níelsson, Purchasing | bardur@bananar.is Ekran ehf.

Klettagörðum 19, IS-104 Reykjavík T. +354 530 8500

soludeild@ekran.is | https://ekran.is

Contactpersonen: https://ekran.is/starfsfolk/

Garri ehf.

Hádegismóar 1, IS-110 Reykjavík T. +354 570 0300 | F: +354/570 0301 garri@garri.is | https://www.garri.is/

• Magnús R. Magnússon, Managing Director

Since 1973, Garri, a family owned and operated company founded by Mr. Magnus R. Jonsson and family, has specialized in the import of quality goods and food packaging and sale to professional chefs and clients in the food preparation industry in Iceland.



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Garri strives to achieve high quality customer service and build on the trust we have build with our customers and our suppliers. We are always on alert for changes and innovations in the market and product offerings of our suppliers. We are proud of our product line, products that have earned a permanent place with our customers.


Fossaleyni 21, IS-112 Reykjavík T. +354 530 4000

innnes@innnes.is | https://innnes.is/

Innnes is a leading importer and wholesaler in Iceland, focusing on high quality food products. The company´s headquarters are located in Reykjavik, the capital of Iceland. Innnes employees are around 140 and form a team dedicated in making the company a pioneer in the market. Innnes represents brands from all over the world, a substantial part of those are market leaders. The company is continuously exploring new brands to further strengthen its brand portfolio. Innnes is a sister company to the Nordic importer Haugen-Gruppen and the companies cooperate closely in regards to operations and product assortment. Innnes‘ objective is swift service and good personal contact with its customers. The CEO of Innnes is Mr. Magnus Oli Olafsson.


Blikastaðarvegur 2-8, IS-112 Reykjavík T. +354 522 2700

isam@isam.is | http://www.isam.is

Ísam was founded on 15 April 1964. The company operates in five different locations, but the headquarters are on Tunguháls 11 in Reykjavik. The company is owned in full by the company Kristinn Inc. from the Vestmann Islands.

From day one the company has been focused on importing and marketing quality brands in close cooperation with producers and customers.

Ísam currently has five different sales departments; Procter & Gamble, food products, food industry and large scale food production, nursing- and research, and sports products. The company runs its own warehouse and distributes products with its own fleet of trucks. Ísam currently employs 400 staff.

John Lindsay

Klettagörðum 23, IS-104 Reykjavík T. +354 533 2600 | F: +354/533 2620 lindsay@lindsay.is | https://lindsay.is/

Karl K. Karlsson ehf.

Nýbýlavegur 4, IS-200 Kópavogur T. +354 540 9000

soludeild@kallik.is | https://kallik.is/

Karl K. Karlsson, established in 1946, is a reputable import/wholesale business. Our focus is on high quality, premium range brands. We take pride in our extensive portfolio, which includes beer, wine, spirits, food, beverages, confectionaries and hygiene products. Each brand receives our full attention, ensuring maximum results on the market. The company operates on all levels, including trade, retail and travel retail. We are always interested in new brands that align with our vision. Strong partnerships, long term vision, innovation and motivation are our core values.



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Mata hf.

Sundagörðum 10, IS-104 Reykjavík T. +354 412 1300

sala@mata.is | https://mata.is/

Contactpersonen: https://mata.is/starfsmenn/

Ó. Johnson og Kaaber hf./ Sælkeradreifing ehf Tunguhálsi 1, IS-110 Reykjavík

T. +354 535 4000

ojk@ojk.is | https://ojk.is/en/contact-us/

ÓJ&K is a well-established wholesale company with more than a century of experience and connections and a very extensive distribution system. We import and distribute a large selection of convenience goods to the retail market. We offer many of the best-known brands in food products, candy, coffee, hygiene and cleaning products. Our sales representatives are second to none; eager and experienced and well connected – visiting clients all over the country.

Sláturfélag Suðurlands svf.

Fosshals 1, IS-110 Reykjavik T. +354 575 6000

ss@ss.is | https://www.ss.is/grillvefur/

Slaturfelag Suðurlands svf. (SS)

SS is a producers co-operative owned by farmers in the Southern and West part of Iceland and shareholders. The company was founded in 1907. Our objective is to operate on the wholesale level selling our own production and imported food products and food related products. The company is operating in three divisions : abattoir, meat processing and imports.

SG Veitingar ehf - nammi.is

Baejarhraun 24 / Bakhús, IS-220 Hafnarfjordur T. + 354 588 5577

info@nammi.is | https://nammi.is/

If you wish to shop Icelandic food, browse the selection of Nammi.is. If the legendary Icelandic candy is what you‘re after, you‘ve come to the right place. With delicacies as skyr, hangikjot, smoked salmon, herring and of course a great variety of candy, Nammi.is has you covered and then some. It goes without saying that we also carry Icelandic soft drinks as well as alcoholic beverages to complete the all-Icelandic feast.

Góa-Linda ehf. (producent) Garðahrauni 2, IS-210 Garðabæ goa@goa.is | http://www.goa.is

The candy factory Góa was first established on January 1st 1968. In the beginning the company owned one caramel machine, but in 1973 it began producing the ever popular Hraun chocolate, which has been one of its most popular products since.

As well as producing candy, Góa also imports candy from abroad and distributes to local convenience stores and other distributors.



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Today Góa reigns as the second biggest candy producer in the country. The company employs around 50 people, some of them having been with the company for over 40 years. Góa's CEO is Helgi Vilhjálmsson.


Grjóthálsi 7-11, IS-110 Reykjavik T +354 412 80 00

olgerdin@olgerdin.is | https://www.olgerdin.is/

Ölgerðin is the oldest producers of beer and soft drinks in Iceland. Our mission is to be the best at what we do and our export business is an important part of that strategy. We use pure Icelandic water in all our products.

Arka heilsuvörur

Sundaborg 1, IS-104 Reykjavík T. +354 562 6222

info@arka.is | https://www.arka.is/

Arka is a family owned whole sale focusing on import of health and lifestyle products. Our office and distribution center are situated in the middle of Reykjavík. We ship and sell products to all major retailers all over Iceland.

We think of the brands that we represent as our own and care for them in that manner. It is very important to us to provide good service to our retailers and we also try to work with them closely on offers and marketing.


Sudurlandsbraut 6, IS-108 Reykjavik T. +354 586 9201

g.jons@innco.is | https://www.innco.is/about-us.html

Innco Import Ltd imports a wide range of confectionery, non-alcoholic beverages and various other products supplying retail customers in Iceland with many of their needs.

We buy products from the world premier manufacturers offering our customers only the best products available.

We are a growing business providing our customers with more and more quality products to choose. See list of some of our products or producers;


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Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT) kan in die zin nooit verantwoordelijk gesteld worden voor gebeurlijke foutieve vermeldingen, weglatingen of onvolledigheden in deze

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