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Academic year: 2021

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VU Research Portal

Knee-ankle-foot orthosis treatment in children with spastic cerebral palsy

Maas, J.C.


document version

Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record

Link to publication in VU Research Portal

citation for published version (APA)

Maas, J. C. (2017). Knee-ankle-foot orthosis treatment in children with spastic cerebral palsy.

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510046-L-bw-Maas 510046-L-bw-Maas 510046-L-bw-Maas 510046-L-bw-Maas Processed on: 8-5-2017 Processed on: 8-5-2017 Processed on: 8-5-2017

Processed on: 8-5-2017 PDF page: 7PDF page: 7PDF page: 7PDF page: 7


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Processed on: 8-5-2017 PDF page: 9PDF page: 9PDF page: 9PDF page: 9




Af phLJsiŽlŽŐical crŽss-secƟŽnal area

A-FdĨ anŬle-ĨŽŽt dŽrsiŇedžiŽn AFO anŬle-ĨŽŽt ŽrthŽsis CP cerebral palsLJ

ѐ chanŐes between cŽnsecuƟǀe ϯ mŽnthlLJ assessments EM' electrŽmLJŽŐraphLJ

ijĨŽŽt-ϰNm anŐle between ĨŽŽtplate ŽĨ the ĨŽŽt ĮdžaƟŽn ŽĨ the hand-held dLJnamŽmeter and Ɵbia at ϰNm anŬle dŽrsiŇedžiŽn mŽment ijĨŽŽt-clin anŐle between hind ĨŽŽt sŽle and Ɵbia bLJ nŽn-instrumented clinical assessment

ijĨŽŽt-MST anŐle between ĨŽŽt sŽle and Įbula at mid stance ŽĨ Őait ijĨŽŽt-TSt anŐle between ĨŽŽt sŽle and Įbula at terminal swinŐ ŽĨ Őait

ijŬnee-LOt lŽwest anŐle between Įbula and Ĩemur in terminal stance phase ŽĨ Őait ijŬnee-MST anŐle between Įbula and Ĩemur at mid stance ŽĨ Őait

ijŬnee-TSt anŐle between Įbula and Ĩemur at terminal swinŐ ŽĨ Őait

a(f-t) anŐle between ĨŽŽtplate ŽĨ the ĨŽŽt ĮdžaƟŽn ŽĨ the hand-held

dLJnamŽmeter and Ɵbia 'AS m. ŐastrŽcnemius

'L m. ŐastrŽcnemius lateralis 'M m. ŐastrŽcnemius medialis

'MFCS ŐrŽss mŽtŽr ĨuncƟŽn classiĮcaƟŽn sLJstem 'MFM-ϲϲ ŐrŽss mŽtŽr ĨuncƟŽn measure ϲϲ item set

ICF-CY internaƟŽnal classiĮcaƟŽn ŽĨ ĨuncƟŽninŐ͕ disabilitLJ and health in children and LJŽuth

<AFO Ŭnee-anŬle-ĨŽŽt ŽrthŽsis MRI maŐneƟc resŽnance imaŐe

MsC madžimal ǀŽluntarLJ muscle cŽntracƟŽn RCT randŽminjed cŽntrŽlled trial

ROM ranŐe ŽĨ mŽƟŽn SOL m. sŽleus

TA m. Ɵbialis anteriŽr


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Processed on: 8-5-2017 PDF page: 10PDF page: 10PDF page: 10PDF page: 10



ɴ reŐressiŽn cŽeĨĨicients CI cŽnĮdence interǀal Ĩem Ĩemur

a(fasc) pennaƟŽn anŐle ;anŐle between Ĩascicle and apŽneurŽsisͿ

Ca lenŐth ŽĨ the apŽneurŽsis

CAf lenŐth ŽĨ phLJsiŽlŽŐical crŽss-secƟŽnal area

C(fasc) Ĩascicle lenŐth

Cm muscle bellLJ lenŐth

C(m th) muscle thicŬness

Ct tendŽn lenŐth

MST mid stance

nedžp number ŽĨ parƟcipants in the edžperimental ŐrŽup ncŽn number ŽĨ parƟcipants in the cŽntrŽl ŐrŽup rϮ edžplained ǀariance

ShB subcuƟs Ɵb Ɵbia


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Processed on: 8-5-2017 PDF page: 11PDF page: 11PDF page: 11PDF page: 11



the information from the S&amp;OP Handbook, some employees and their activities within OpCo Y are interdependent with S&amp;OP characteristics, communication from

1983] suggested (hal these differences might be explamed by inlolorance with respect to lefl-handod writing possihK slill persisting in the Netherlands. hut not elsewhere

In order to study worldwide developments in the research agenda on social and epidemiological research on alcohol between 1983 and 2017, papers presented at the

Other questions focused on the context of a research internship at CHDR, and asked students to compare their experiences at CHDR with previous internships at aca- demic

By employing co-word analysis, we identified the main topics of research on rice from a corpus of more than 100,000 publications, distinguishing among (i) plant protection di-

A randŽminjed cŽntrŽlled trial studLJinŐ eĨĨicacLJ and tŽlerance ŽĨ a Ŭnee-anŬle-ĨŽŽt ŽrthŽsis used tŽ preǀent eƋuinus in children with spastic cerebral

De doelstelling van dit onderzoek is het inventariseren en verzamelen van informatie over projecten, waarbij hydrologische maatregelen zijn (of worden) uitgevoerd en waarbij er is

Het onderzoek naar het alcoholgebruik van automobilisten in Zuid-Holland wordt sinds 1996 uitgevoerd door acht controleteams van de politie, in principe twee per politieregio, en