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Scientific workflow design : theoretical and practical issues - Appendix A: List of abbreviations


Academic year: 2021

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Scientific workflow design : theoretical and practical issues

Terpstra, F.P.

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Citation for published version (APA):

Terpstra, F. P. (2008). Scientific workflow design : theoretical and practical issues.

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Appendix A

List of abbreviations

AIC Akaike Information Criterion API Application Programmers Interface

ARIMA Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average arspec auto regressive spectrum

BAMBAS Bird Avoidance Model Bird Avoidance System BASIC Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code BP Business Process

BPEL Business Process Execution Language

BPEL4WS Business Process Execution Language for Web Services CERN Conseil Europen pour la Recherche Nuclaire

DAG Directed A-cyclical Graph

DAGMan Directed Acyclic Graph Manager

DAIHM Data Assimilation In Hydrological Modeling DARE Data Assimilation Recursive Estimation DART The Data Assimilation Research Testbed DE Discreet Event

DHR Dynamic Harmonic Regression

dhropt dynamic harmonic regression optimization EGEE Enabling Grids for E-sciencE



ENIAC Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer e-Science enhanced Science

GEODISE Grid Enabled Optimization and Design Search for Engineering project

GIS Geographical Information System Griphyn Grid Physics Network GUI Graphical User Interface HP Hewlett-Packard

IBM International Business Machines Corporation

ICENI Imperial College e-Science Networked Infrastructure (named after keltic tribe1)

I/O Automaton Input Output Automaton IOM Inverse Ocean Modeling system ITS Intelligent Transport Systems Jmatlink Java matlab link

KNMI Koninklijk Nederlands Metereologisch Instituut MoML Modeling Markup Language

MPMD Multiple Process Multiple Data MPSD Multiple Process Single Data MTM Multi-Tape Turing Machine NVR Noise Variance Ration

OGSA Open Grid Services Architecture Pegasus Planning for Execution in Grids PN Process Network

SCUFL Simple Conceptual Unified Flow Language SDF synchronous Data Flow

SOA Service Oriented Architecture



SOAP Simple Object Access Protocol SOVON SOVON Vogelonderzoek Nederland SPA Scientific Process Automation

SPMD Single Process Multiple Data SPSD Single Process Single Data

SUN Sun Microsystems (derived from Stanford University Network) SWMS Scientific Workflow Management System

TM Turing Machine

TU Delft Technische Universiteit Delft TVP Time Variable Parameters

UML Universal Markup Language VCR Video Cassette Recorder

VL-e Virtual Laboratory for e-Science

WRF-Var Weather Research and Forecasting (model) Variational data as-similation system

WSDL Webservice Description Language XOR eXclusive OR



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