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The over the orange times, World War One imaginary : an explanation


Academic year: 2021

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(1)Historia. . Historia�blog� � The�OVER�THE�ORANGE�TIMES,�� World�War�One�Imaginary:�An�explanation� . Bill�Nasson*�   Œ     

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(165) ŒŸ History� Matters:�Selected�Writings�1970�2016‘ ‰ ‰  ‰ˆ     .  How�to�cite�this�article:��  

(166)  Historia 


(168)            

(169) Historia� 


(171)  ­€­‚€­ƒ  Copyright:„ 

(172) † ‡ˆ ‰   ŠƒŠ


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(189)   Over� the� Orange� Times ‰ Œ  ‰                  

(190)  .    .     The�Wipers�Times     The�Wipers�TimesŽ ‘       ’     .                   “     ƒ  ƒ‹ The�Wipers�Times        

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(207)   Blackadder    “  •   €    ˜    €    .  156.

(208) OVER�THE�ORANGE�TIMES� . King�and�Country







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(415) OVER�THE�ORANGE�TIMES� .  The� Wipers� Times    


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(456)    The�Rand�Daily� MailThe�Natal�Mercury

(457) The�Potchefstroom�Herald� 

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(461)       ‰   . ‹           The� Great� War� Parodies:� East,� Central� African�and�Flanders�Campaigns�of�Well�Known�Songs


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(509) Over�the�Orange�Times 


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(513)  � � The�OVER�THE�ORANGE�TIMES,�December�1917�   ­€  ‚  People�we�take�our�hats�off�to�   ƒ

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(568)  . „   � � � .  159.

(569) OVER�THE�ORANGE�TIMES� . Letters�to�the�Editor�   The�Mombasa�&�Port�Shepstone�Clarion



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(594)        ­.  NO�SEATS�RESERVED€

(595)  ‚ƒ„        † ƒ‡    „    biltong„ ‚ melktert  ƒ‚vetkoek Daily�Timesˆ„‰Š‹ƒ‚Œ„‰Ž‘ƒ‚ „’ƒ‚“„’‘ƒ‚ � � Our�Monthly�Poetry�Selection�Winners� . . Almost�over�by�Xmas�  ”“ ƒ •–   •– –—ƒ ƒ

(596)   ˜„™Œ‚–€— š ›— œ ƒ–. The�Sands�of�Success� š    œ ž œ‚ œ ‚   ˜“  Ÿ–“ƒ  � Beating�about�the�Bush�

(597) ‚  –‚¡  –– ž–  –‚– œ   — š  —Askari�    š –  “ “ slim�¡ —  ‚–.   Grand�Sale�of�Choice�Items�(all�reasonable�offers�considered)�  

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(599) ƒƒ – •˜– ‚‚   š¤ƒ“ š‚  161 .

(600) . . . . OVER�THE�ORANGE�TIMES� .     

(601)                   .       ­     €   ‚   ƒ   „

(602)      . � And�so�on,�and�so�forth�….��. .  162.




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