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Development of second-generation sample enrichment probe for improved sorptive analysis of volatile organic compounds


Academic year: 2021

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Supplementary data

Fig. S1. SEP holder with four SEP30s held in place with an aluminium foil strip. The SEPs are aligned by four parallel slits in the glass.

Fig. S2. Sampling in quadruplicate


Fig. S3. Introduction of SEPs into storing tubes by dropping the tubes open-end-down onto the SEPs. Here the fitst one is already in position.

Fig. S4. Feeding the back end of a SEP through the septum and cap while the PDMS sleeve is still in the cold storing tube.


Fig. S5. The position of the septum and cap on the stalk of the SEP is adjusted using marks previously made on the tube. The SEP is still in the cold storing tube.

Fig. S6. A paramagnetic Type 2 SEP is removed from the injector with a spherical magnet (3mm) attached to a stainless steel tube (2 mm o.d.).


Fig. S7. Corkscrew vibration executed by a Type 2 SEP while moving visibly slower down into the injector.

Fig. S8. Black mark on the septum cap indicates the position the cap has to be in to assure that its thread will immediately catch that of the injector body so that it can be tightened within one quarter of a turn.



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