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Locating the zoning plan in ground lease documents by applying text classification with different representations of text


Academic year: 2021

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Locating the zoning plan in ground lease documents by applying text classification with different

representations of text

submitted in partial fulfillment for the degree of master of science Tom Verburg


master information studies data science

faculty of science university of amsterdam


Internal Supervisor External Supervisor Title, Name Dr Maarten Marx Ramses Oomen

Affiliation UvA, FNWI, IvI Gemeente Amsterdam, Data op Orde Email maartenmarx@uva.nl r.oomen@amsterdam.nl


Locating the zoning plan in ground lease documents by

applying text classification with different representations of text

Tom Verburg

University of Amsterdam tom_verburg@hotmail.nl


A recurring problem in the Natural Language Processing (NLP) field is choosing the correct representation for text classification, as it depends on both the task and data at hand. The municipality of Amsterdam has the task of processing an enormous amount of ground lease documents to find and extract the zoning plan because of the recent change in ground lease system. Due to repeated media attention, there is an interest to explore whether this task can be accelerated by applying NLP techniques. Ground lease documents are long legal documents and the relevance of the zoning plan is highly dependent on the context and location in which it is stated. This research compares different text vectorization methods and applies these to predict the location of the zoning plan on page level. The vectorization methods that are applied to represent the individual pages are a TF-IDF, character Trigram and a DBOW model. A logistic regression is applied as a binary classifier. Other non-textual features such as page number and type of document are fused with the different representations in an attempt to improve performance. Experimental results show that applying the character Trigram method results in the highest performance with a F1 score of 57% when fused with the non-textual features. The success of the Trigram method can be owed to the robustness towards errors in the extracted text which are caused by the poor quality of the documents.



In Amsterdam it is common to have a ground lease agreement with the municipality and pay a canon (lease payment). The system has been in effect in the city of Amsterdam since 1896 [25]. Since January 2017 it is possible for leaseholders in Amsterdam to change their continuous leasehold plan to a perpetual leasehold plan and has resulted in numerous applications for a change in method of payment [1] . For each of these applications, the original zoning plan needs to be determined from older ground lease documents. This information is manually extracted by municipality employees at the Data op Orde department. This is a strenuous task and employees currently apply crude methods such as CTRL+F to search for signal words. However, in most cases employees will have to read the entire document in order to extract this zoning plan. Locating signal words is not sufficient, as context is essential to whether the right information is extracted. In order to solve this task and automate it, the first step to take is to transform the problem into a natural language processing (NLP) task.

When applying NLP techniques, one of the challenges lies with how to represent text as efficiently as possible, while retaining the maximum amount of information. This research attempts to predict

the location of the zoning plan on page level for ground lease docu-ments. Different text vectorization methods are applied to evaluate to what extent the content of a page can be captured effectively. If successful, this method could also potentially be applied in other NLP tasks within the legal domain or documents of similar quality. The vectorization methods that are applied in this research are TF-IDF, character Trigram and Le and Mikolov’s doc2vec DBOW model [20]. The TF-IDF captures the relevance of individual words, the Trigram captures small nuances in writing style and sequences of characters and the DBOW model captures the semantic and syntactic context of the text.

Currently the municipality has over 30000 applications with 180000 documents that need to be processed. Over 10000 of these documents are annotated because municipality employees have highlighted the zoning plan during the extraction process. As a result, these documents have become a labelled dataset with the presence or absence of a highlight indicating whether the zoning plan is stated on a particular page. The quality of the documents and the highlights can vary, which complicates the classification task. In order to enhance the performance, categorical features and numerical features such as document type and page number are fused with the different representations of text. To evaluate the performance of the different vectorization methods, a logistic regression is applied for all methods. Based on the predictions, the precision and recall are computed to determine the performance.



In order to address the stated problem, the following main question is posed:

With what precision and recall can binary text classification be applied to predict the presence of the zoning plan in ground lease document pages, when comparing TF-IDF, character Trigram and doc2vec DBOW vectorization methods?



To answer the main question, several specific sub questions are posed:

(1) To what extent do the precision and recall of the doc2vecs DBOW model change if no stemming and stop word removal is applied on the processed text?

(2) What vectorization method, between character Trigram, TF-IDF and doc2vec, results in the highest precision and recall when classifying ground lease pages of all document types? (3) What influence do categorical and numerical features have regarding the precision and recall when fusing them with different text representation methods of all document type pages?


(4) To what extent are the precision and recall of the classifica-tion task dependent on the type of document pages when fusing textual, categorical and numerical features for all text representation methods?




Ground Lease Documents

A ground lease is an agreement which allows a leaseholder to make use of a specific piece of property during a specified lease period, also known as the legal right to use a piece of land. There are a variety of different types of deeds, but all share some underlying characteristics. All deeds are agreements between two or more parties, with an independent notary who drafts the deed. For acts relevant to the municipality, these parties consist of the municipal-ity, leaseholders and the independent solicitor.

From a content perspective, all the documents contain informa-tion regarding the zoning plan of a lease. The zoning plan is how a property is allowed to be used, such as a home or a business premise. This zoning plan, as well as some surrounding details, is what the Data op Orde department of the municipality wants to extract and document for all individual ground leases.

The first challenge is that the zoning plan is only valid if it is mentioned in the exceptional provision or ground lease condition section of that deed. The second challenge when extracting the zoning plan is that the lease can be split into several leases: For example, an initial lease for a home can be split into two homes, or a home and a shop. In the case of the latter, the change in zoning plan has to be agreed upon by the municipality and is called a decree. Once this decree is agreed upon by all parties, it becomes the new zoning plan of that lease and is drafted in a lease document. The third challenge is that the ground lease system is a 100 years old and therefore the structure and content of these deeds have changed over time. Finally, the deeds are always drafted by an independent notary. Even though a notary is bound by laws on how to draft a deed, they do have some degree of freedom regarding the structure and content.

In this research only a subset of all the document types are in-cluded to maintain a certain consistency in labelling and content. This is because highlights, definition of document type and content can vary enormously between documents. The document types that are included are: uitgifte, splitsing and levering. Documents are not necessarily a single type: a document can be both an uitgifte and a splitsing document. Documents that fall into one or more of the previously named categories are included in this research. Doc-uments that fall into one or more categories that are not mentioned are excluded. The descriptions of the documents that are included are listed in the appendix in section A.1.


Vectorization Methods

In order to be able to apply NLP techniques for this problem, the text of the deeds needs to be converted to a vector representation. Vector representations include the general bag-of-words models such as Term Frequency (TF) and Term Frequency Inverse Docu-ment Frequency (TF-IDF) [28]. These methods can be applied at character or word level, each having its own advantages. Further-more, the sequence of items can be of any size, resulting in different

ngrams. For Bag-Of-Words models, one of the main challenges is the curse of dimensionality [2]. Each unique word in the corpus adds another dimension to the problem at hand and creates a de-mand for more training data to make meaningful relations between variables [13]. To illustrate, the "raw" vector for the processed text for this research would consist of 109396 dimensions because this is the amount of unique words in the corpus (see table 1).

For TF the raw term count is implemented for each word in a document, whereas for TF-IDF the raw term frequency is multiplied by the inverse document frequency of a word. The latter takes into account the rarity of a term over the whole corpus whereas the former does not. Furthermore, neither method takes into account word order and results in loss of information. There are variations to the weighting schemes of the TF-IDF vectorization for both the TF and IDF [22] [27]. Even though the concept of TF-IDF is low in complexity, it has proven to be an effective method for representing text.

In contrast to the bag of words vectorization methods, embed-ding methods retain semantic and syntactic meaning. Examples of work within this field are doc2vec [20], Glove [26] and Starspace [33]. All of these methods are unsupervised neural approaches to reduce dimensionality and represent text in a vector space with word embeddings. One of the first neural language models was proposed by Bengio et al. which predicts the next word based off of other words in context [2]. This idea inspired the creation of word2vec, which implements a CBOW (continuous bag of words) and SG (skip-gram model) to create a vector representation of words based on their semantics, as words with similar meaning and con-text will be close to one another in this vector space [24]. With word2vec showing promising results, various other implementa-tions for word embeddings followed that also retained semantics in the vectorization process by implementing word embeddings.

Le and Mikolov [20] created an unsupervised model which im-plements word embeddings and can vectorize on paragraph and document level called doc2vec. In their paper doc2vec shows su-perior results compared to Bag-Of-Words models and other repre-sentations for text classification and sentiment analysis. Doc2vec is proposed in two different variants. Firstly, there is the DBOW (distributed bag-of-words) variant which ignores word order. The second variant is the DMPV (distributed memory paragraph vector) variant. This is the more complex model of the two, as it remembers word order.

To understand the DBOW model which is applied in this paper, the original SG model of the word2vec paper needs to be discussed [24]. The SG model is the model that is at the core of the doc2vec DBOW model. It applies a neural approach to predict a context word based on an input word (a one word vector). The number of left to right context words that are predicted is dependent on the set window size hyperparameter.

In the new DBOW model, the SG model is extended by replacing the input with a special token/id to represent a document as can be observed in figure 1. Besides this token, other tags can be added and do not need to be unique to the document. The vectors for the documents are obtained by training a neural network to predict a context word from a whole document (instead of only a single word like the original SG model).


Figure 1: Distributed Bag of Words version of paragraph vec-tors by Le and Mikolov [20]


Feature Selection and Fusion

In order to battle the curse of dimensionality, it is important to carefully select which features to serve as input for your model. By selecting features, the inferences made from results become more valuable and explainable.

One of the approaches to reduce the amount of features when vectorizing documents in a corpus is by removing words that occur in only a few documents. This approach is called selection based on Document Frequency (DF) and the amount of features can be set indirectly by determining a threshold for the minimal DF a term should have. Another approach could be to select features that have the highest Mutual Information (MI) . MI is a method that calculates the amount of information obtained about one feature by observing the effect of the presence or absence of that feature. This gives an indication about how much information is held by that single feature [8]. A third approach could be to apply χ2selection method. This method implements the χ2to discretize numeric features until inconsistencies are found in the data [21]. For both the MI and χ2 method the amount of features to be implemented can be directly selected by ranking the respective scores. Based on this ranking the top k features can be selected for implementation.

To combine features extracted from different information streams (such as textual, categorical and numerical features) into a single vector, these have to be fused together. Two different approaches for this include late and early fusion. Snoek et al. defines the two different fusion methods as follows [31]:

Early Fusion: Fusion scheme that integrates unimodal features before learning concepts

Late Fusion: Fusion scheme that first reduces unimodal features to separately learned concept scores, then these scores are integrated to learn concepts.

In this research early fusion is applied in order to fuse the cate-gorical and numerical features with the different representations of text. This decision is made to minimise training time for the different models.


Text Classification

Text classification (or categorization) is the task of attempting to classify texts into predefined classes. In this research, pages are classified as TRUE (there is a zoning plan highlight) or FALSE

(there is no zoning plan highlight). In the case a classification task consists of two classes it is called binary classification task and is often applied in the information retrieval domain.

There have been a variety of different approaches concerning the categorization and classification of texts over the years [17] such as regression [35], naive bayes [23], k-nearest neighbours [9] and decision trees [12]. The last years deep learning approaches have taken big steps when it comes to natural language processing tasks [36]. These approaches include the implementation of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) for the categorization of text [6][15].

Although many of these techniques are state of the art and ap-plied today, models such as SVM’s and logistic classifiers are stan-dard techniques for binary classification comparison when compar-ing different vectorization techniques [20]. Because this research aims to compare different methods of text representation, a single logistic regression classifier is applied to measure performance.



In this section, previous research concerning the individual sub-questions is explored.

The first question focuses on whether stemming and stop word removal have any influence when applying the DBOW model. The original papers concerning doc2vec and word2vec do not explic-itly mention stemming or stop word removal, but do mention that filtering on frequent words improves training time and accuracy [20]. The question is whether the stop words add any syntactic meaning or context to the word embeddings when applying the DBOW model for ground lease documents. Camacho-Collados and Pilehvar found that the added value of complex pre-processing can be dependent on whether the dataset originates from a specialized (medical) domain. Furthermore, their research suggests that word embeddings that are trained on multiword corpora (grouping of to-kens into single toto-kens) result in higher performance when applied to textual data that is only tokenized [3].

The second research question concerns the overall performance of different vectorization methods, including the doc2vec DBOW model. Hughes et al. [14] describe in their paper how they applied the doc2vec on sentence level for text classification on medical records. The results of this research suggest that the doc2vec with logistic regression is inferior to the bag-of-words with doc2vec for this specific task. In another research, Lau and Baldwin [19] found the evaluation of doc2vec in Le and Mikolovs’ paper limited [20] and therefore performed an extensive evaluation of the both the doc2vec models. The doc2vec model is tested against the word2vec model [24] and a variety of other baseline models. All models were tested against a semantic similarity and a question duplication task. The results of both tasks suggest that the doc2vec works well and the DBOW variant is superior to the DMPW variant, even though it is the simpler model. Lau and Baldwin suggest a variety of hyperparameters for both variants as well. These include implementing pre-trained word embeddings, seeing as this is an improvement over the randomly distributed embeddings when initializing the model.

The third and fourth research question focus on fusing the tex-tual features with categorical and numerical features such as page


number, amount of unique words and the type of document. Snoek et al. show in their research that late fusion outperforms early fu-sion, but comes at a great cost in the form of learning time when combining textual with visual and auditory features [31]. How-ever, other research suggests that early fusion can be superior to late fusion [11]. Therefore, late fusion is not guaranteed to result in superior performance to early fusion, but does result in longer learning time.



The raw data consists of a dataset of 11692 ground lease deeds in PDF format, all of which have been processed in the last two years by the municipality since the change in ground lease plan. Most of the pages in these documents contain text and all are written in Dutch. The Data op Orde department is mainly interested in the judicial zoning plan of a lease. This information is present in all documents that are taken into consideration in this research, regardless of the type. An example of a highlighted zoning plan in a PDF can be seen in figure 2.

Figure 2: Example of zoning plan highlight


EDA clean dataset

After all the preprocessing, what remains is a dataset of unique pages labelled as either TRUE or FALSE based on the presence of a zoning plan highlight on that page. The descriptives regarding the final dataset can be observed in table 1. Furthermore, an exploratory data analysis is performed to gain insight into the differences be-tween the two classes and what other features would be suitable for the classification task at hand.

All the features in figure 3, 4 and 5 show distinct differences between the two classes: The page number distribution of the FALSE pages shows a tendency to be more spread over the whole document, while the TRUE pages are located more towards the beginning of a document. This distribution of page numbers can be seen in figure 3. The distribution of the amount of unique words in figure 4 of the FALSE class shows a bimodal distribution, while the TRUE class shows a unimodal distribution. When observing the different document types in figure 5 the TRUE labels are evenly distributed across the different types, while the FALSE pages are far more common in splitsing documents compared to the levering and uitgifte documents. Based on these observations and the distinct differences between the two classes, these features are fused with the different vector representations in this research in an attempt to improve the overall performance.


Variations in text and highlights

The PDF documents were highlighted manually during the reading process by municipality employees. There are no policies set in place for highlighting practices, nor for how to submit information to the system when processing the documents. The highlighting of the document purely serves as a tool to assist the reader into

Figure 3: Density plot of the distribution amount of the page number for pages with (TRUE) and without (FALSE) a zoning plan highlight

Figure 4: Density plot of the distribution of the amount of unique words on a page for pages with (TRUE) and without (FALSE) a zoning plan highlight

Figure 5: Grouped histogram showing the distribution of the different types of documents for pages with (TRUE) and without (FALSE) a zoning plan highlight

Description Value

Pages in the corpus 40291 Total amount of unique filenames 3049 Total amount of unique words 109395 Total amount of FALSE labels 36237 Total amount of TRUE labels 4054 Table 1: Summary of the cleaned dataset

remembering where relevant information is stated relating to the zoning plan. This means other elements besides the zoning plan can


be highlighted as well. The overall quality of the PDF documents is often low due to many documents having been scanned from physical documents. This results in the OCR text to not be an accurate representation of what is actually written in the document. An example of this can be seen in figure 6 where the document is scanned and the word nummer is extracted as nurmner. All these factors degrade the quality of the data and complicate the labelling and classification of the data.

Figure 6: Example of bad OCR in scanned document




Extracting text

The first step of pre-processing the documents is to extract the text from individual PDF files. To extract highlights and their location, the Python script of Andrew Baumann1is adopted. This script makes it possible to extract the location and text of a highlight. The script implements the PDFminer2library, and therefore this library is also used to extract the rest of the text from the documents. By applying the same method for extracting the text from the highlights and processing the PDF pages, it makes it easier to locate the highlight on a page and determine whether it is related to the zoning plan.

The selection process of what documents to include is also per-formed during this early stage. In theory, all the documents should yield a result when searching for a highlight using the highlight extraction script. Documents that yield an error or no results when attempting to extract the highlights are not included. These are documents from which text cannot, or only partially, be extracted. After parsing, the documents are split on page level and labelled either TRUE or FALSE, based on whether a highlight relating to the zoning plan is present on that page or not. Finally the XML tags and white space characters are removed using the Beautifulsoup python package3.



All of the pages are tokenized using the NLTK tokenizer4and lowercased. This was performed on page level and all punctuation symbols are removed from the tokenized text.


Stop word removal

Functional words such as "zijn", "de", "op" are removed from the tokenized text using a set of Dutch stopwords5for the TF-IDF and DBOW (only the first sub-question) method. For the character Tri-gram method functional words are kept because they can indicate

1https://github.com/0xabu/pdfannots 2https://github.com/pdfminer/pdfminer.six

3https://www.crummy.com/software/BeautifulSoup/bs4/doc/ 4https://www.nltk.org/api/nltk.tokenize.html


to certain writing practices. The words are normally removed be-cause they do not offer information or context to the text on their own. Other words that are removed are words that linger in the text from the PDF XML tags because they give away whether there was a highlight on that page. These tags contain a highlight tag coupled with the username of the employee who processed the document.



All of the remaining words are transformed to their "stem" using the NLTK Dutch snowball stemmer6for the TF-IDF and DBOW (only the first sub-question) method for the first research question. This results in different conjugations of the same verb, as well as plural and singular nouns, to be transformed to their stem form. By applying a stemmer, all different conjugations of a word can be treated as the same word.



The filename of each individual PDF contains meta data regarding the ground lease document as can be seen in the following example:

2016 - 03 - 04 Akte van Uitgifte en Splitsing E14462-1 Hyp4 dl 69370 nr 30.pdf

The date, type of document and doc number can be extracted from the filename by using Python regular expressions. The type of doc-ument can overlap, as can be observed in the example. In this case, the document is both an uitgifte and a splitsing document.


Duplicates and irrelevant highlights

The raw PDF dataset contains a variety of duplicates due to docu-ments being relevant for different cases and therefore containing different highlights. In order not to have overlapping training and validation/test examples, all duplicate pages are removed.

As mentioned in section 5.2, there is a lot of variance regarding the highlighting practices of the employees at the municipality. A page can contain multiple highlights as shown in figure 6, or relate to a specific address in a splitsing document as shown in figure 7. In both these cases it is difficult to determine whether the highlight contains a relevant zoning plan. In the first case the highlight is relevant, but determining this is complicated due to the page containing several highlights.

In case of the latter the only paragraph that is highlighted is the paragraph containing a specific address for a specific case. This is not a general relevant zoning plan for the whole document, only for a specific address and should therefore not be included. Irrelevant highlights that do not directly relate to the zoning plan are not taken into consideration. This is done by processing the highlights and removing all the numbers such as addresses and postal codes that may be unique to a certain address. If the content of the processed highlight is unique to a page, it is kept. When it appears twice it is dependent on whether general terms relating to the zoning plan such as bepaling, bestemming, or algemeen are present on that page. If that is the case, the highlight is kept and in all other cases it is removed. If the content of a highlight appears three or more times it is also removed. This method was tested on 150 individual

6https://www.nltk.org/_modules/nltk/stem/snowball.html 5


highlights over different documents and resulted in an accuracy of 94.6% (8 highlights that were removed or kept in error).




Term frequency models

7.1.1 TF-IDF. The first method of text representation that is ap-plied is the standard TF-IDF implementation by scikit-learn with L2 normalization7. The implementation of scikit-learn varies slightly from the classic function by adding a 1 to both the numerator and denominator regarding the idf function to prevent zero divisions (also known as idf smoothing) and can be seen in equation 1.

idf(t )= log 1+ n

1+ df(t)+ 1 (1) Here df(t) is the document frequency of term t and n is the total number of documents in the corpus. To compute the TF-IDF score, this idf score is multiplied by the raw frequency of that term in the document.

7.1.2 Character Trigram’s. The character Trigram method which is applied in this research applies the same TF-IDF method as de-scribed in section 7.1.1. However, instead of calculating the TF-IDF scores for terms, the Trigram vectorization method calculates the TF-IDF score for character trigrams. Also, no stemming or tokeniza-tion is applied for this method to retain the maximum amount of information. The reason for applying character Trigram vectoriza-tion is twofold.

First, by implementing Trigram character vectorization the clas-sification model becomes more tolerant towards spelling and gram-mar errors [4]. Because the quality of the extracted text can vary as described in section 5.2, this results in errors similar to spelling and grammar. Therefore, by applying character Trigrams, the hy-pothesis is that the model becomes more robust against errors in the extracted text.

The second reason to apply character Trigram vectorization is related to the nature of the data. Ground lease documents often consist of very similar phrases and sentences which are constantly copied and reused in different contexts. By applying TF-IDF on character level, it may be possible to catch small nuances in writing



Figure 7: Example of case dependent highlight

style. In turn, this opens up possibilities such as classifying text based on author characteristics such as gender, age and native language. [16][18]. The ability to capture these nuances suggests that this same method can also be applied for catching phrases which relate to the zoning plan in a ground lease document. Lastly, analysing text on Trigram character level acts as a unique type of stemmer: different conjugations of the same word share many of the same letters and are therefore share many of the same trigrams.


Doc2vec vectorization models

7.2.1 Dbow. The third and final vectorization method applied in this research is the DBOW doc2vec method. This deep neural approach is an attempt to capture the actual context of the ground lease document pages. The DBOW model is selected over the DMPV alternative due to its lower complexity and because research sug-gests that the DBOW model is superior [19]. There are a variety of hyperparameters that can be tweaked for optimal performance when applying the DBOW model using the scikit-learn api and gensim8. Fortunately, research has been conducted focussing on the optimization of these hyperparameters and these settings are adopted for this research [19]. The most important hyperparameter to be tuned according to Lau and Baldwin is sample (threshold to downsample high frequency words). Therefore, a cross validation grid search is performed to optimise the sample hyperparameter.

7.2.2 Pre-trained embeddings and tags. Previous research also recommends using pre-trained word embeddings and tagging the documents with the corresponding label for classification in addi-tion to the unique token [19]. For this reason, both these elements were implemented in the training process of the DBOW model. The 320 dimensional pre-trained word embeddings that are applied for training the DBOW model are selected based on the research of Tulkens et al. concerning Dutch word embeddings created by the word2vec model [32].



In order to obtain optimal performance with all the vectorization methods, different amounts of textual features are selected for the TF-IDF and Trigram vectorization methods. For the TF-IDF and Trigram approach the k-best features were selected based on the χ2feature ranking, while for the DBOW model the vector size is set to 300 as recommended by Lau and Baldwin [19].

7.3.1 χ2Dimensionality Reduction. In order to select the k-best features to include in the vector representation the χ2method is applied. χ2is an established method that performs on par with MI [5]. Furthermore, MI has a bias towards less frequent words and this could result in lower performance for classification tasks [34]. The χ2implementation of sklearn9is applied for this research. The formula can be observed in equation 2 where Okis the observed

value and Ekthe expected value.

χ2= n Õ k=1 (Ok− Ek)2 Ek (2) 8https://radimrehurek.com/gensim/sklearn_api/d2vmodel.html 9https://scikit-learn.org/stable/modules/generated/sklearn.feature_selection.chi2. html 6


Figure 8: Pipeline for feature extraction and fusion

7.3.2 Categorical and Numerical Features. To answer the third sub-question, different features are selected to fuse with the dif-ferent vector representations. This research makes the distinction between categorical and numerical features.

Categorical features refers to the different types of documents, as well as the year it was drafted. These features are extracted during the pre-processing of the filenames. By applying one hot encoding for all the different types and years, the features are transformed and fused with the different text vectors.

Numerical features refers to the page number and the amount of unique words on a page and are scaled by applying the Scikit-learn StandardScaler10. The numerical features are extracted during the PDF processing stage and fused together with the categorical features with the different vector representations by applying early fusion. The pipeline of feature extraction and engineering can be observed in figure 8.


Classification model

7.4.1 Logistic Regression. In order to classify the pages, a lo-gistic regression is applied. Lolo-gistic regression is the classifier of choice because of the following reasons: it is a binary classifier, it has shown great performance for text categorization tasks, and is a method which has been applied often in previous research [30][10][7][29]. The scikit-learn implementation11of logistic re-gression is applied in this research. The hyperparameter C for regularization is tuned for the logistic regression in a grid search and differs between different models.


Evaluation measures

7.5.1 Train, test and validation sets. The dataset is split into a train, validation and test set. These consist of a 60%, 20% and 20% split respectively. The train and validation set are used for creating the baselines and grid searches for hyperparameter optimization. All grid searches are performed with a 4-fold cross validation search. The test set is held till the end for answering the research questions. When the test set is implemented, the remaining 80% of the data serves as the training data.

7.5.2 F1, precision and recall. To evaluate the performance of the classification task the precision, recall and F1 measure are cal-culated. Precision, recall and f1 are measures that are mostly used





in the information retrieval domain and binary classification tasks. Precision is the fraction of correctly retrieved relevant documents out of all retrieved relevant documents, recall is the fraction of relevant documents that are retrieved and f1 is a measure that com-bines both precision and recall into a single unified measure [22]. The formulas can be observed in the appendix in section A.2. These measures are selected due to the class imbalance and because the problem is framed as a binary classification task. Due to these fac-tors the approach is similar to an information retrieval task which means that precision, recall and f1 are appropriate measures.

7.5.3 Baselines. In order to compare the proposed methods of finding the zoning plan, two different baselines are established for comparison. The first baseline is a method in which the assumption is made that the zoning plan is stated on the first page of the ground lease document. Based on this assumption, all pages of the processed dataset are labelled accordingly and performance is computed based on these labels.

The second baseline searches for specific signal words relating to the zoning plan: bestemming, besluit, bepaling and algemeen. If one or more words are present on a page, the assumption is made that the page contains the zoning plan. The performance of both baselines can be observed in table 2. The second baseline illustrates the importance of certain words within the document. As can be observed in table 2, an extremely high recall is achieved by simply filtering pages on these words. However, by looking at the precision it is evident that these words are not the only factor which plays a role in the location of the zoning plan.

Measure First page baseline Keyword baseline Precision .06 .15

Recall .04 .93

F1 .05 .25

Table 2: Baselines for the classification task for the clean dataset as described in table 1




Hyperparameter tuning

Several cross validation grid searches are performed to obtain the optimal hyperparameters for testing. These grid searches are regard-ing the regularization hyperparameter C for the logistic regression, χ2k best for the feature selection of the TF-IDF and Trigram method and the sample hyperparameter for the DBOW method. The other


settings for the TF-IDF and Trigram are the regular settings as defined by scikit-learn.

For the DBOW model all hyperparameters with the exception of the sample are borrowed from previous research [19]. Furthermore, all the grid searches are fit to the F1 score seeing as it enables the grid search to optimize the hyperparameters on both precision and recall at the same time. The hyperparameter setting that results in the highest mean cross validation score is selected. An unexpected finding of these searches is that the optimal value for the sample hyperparameter is far greater compared to the recommended values as set by Gensim12. The result of this grid search can be seen in figure 9 for both approaches as described in section 8.2.1.



8.2.1 To what extent do the precision and recall of the doc2vecs DBOW model change if no stemming and stop word removal is applied on the processed text?

The results of this research question are stated in table 3. It shows how the mean cross validation scores for F1 are exactly the same for both models after rounding them off. However, the test score of the method without stemming and no stop word removal is higher by a single point. It is important to note that all the hyperparameters except for sample are the same for both DBOW methods, including the logistic regression hyperparameter C. The sample hyperparameter differs between the two approaches and is determined by the grid search as shown in figure 9.

Stop word removal No stop word removal and stemming and no stemming

Train Test Train Test

Mean SD Score Mean SD Score Precision .64 .02 .61 .66 .02 .67

Recall .42 .01 .41 .41 .01 .40

F1 .51 .01 .49 .51 .00 .50

Table 3: Doc2vec’s DBOW performance when applying stop word removal + stemming (sample = 0.12) and no stop word removal + no stemming (sample = 0.13) and logistic regres-sion (C = 1000)

Because of the slightly higher mean validation score of the method that applies no stemming and no stop word removal as can be seen in figure 9, this method is applied for all DBOW models in the other research questions. The test score is not used to optimize this hyperparameter to prevent over-fitting on the test set. The results show how applying stemming and removing stop words do not seem to have any significant effect on performance.

8.2.2 What vectorization method, between character Trigram, TF-IDF and doc2vec, results in the highest precision and recall when classifying ground lease pages of all document types?

In table 4 the results of comparing the different vectorization methods can be observed. From this table it can be deduced that the Trigram vectorization has the highest test and mean validation score. Both the TF-IDF and the Trigram method have a higher performance on both the validation and test scores compared to the DBOW method. Furthermore, the TF-IDF method and the Trigram


Figure 9: Grid search for sample hyperparameter against the mean validation F1 measure for the DBOW model with logis-tic regression (C=1000). The highest mean validation score is for No stemming + No stop word removal with sample = 0.13

method have the same optimized hyperparameters for the amount of features with k = 2500. This is interesting because individual trigrams hold less information compared to whole words, and yet it outperforms the regular TF-IDF method with stemming and stop word removal while implementing the same amount of features. This suggests that the Trigram method is a more robust method compared to the TF-IDF and DBOW method for this data and task.

TF-IDF Trigram DBOW Train Test Train Test Train Test Mean SD Score Mean SD Test Mean SD Score Precision .67 .01 .72 .68 .01 .68 .66 .02 .67 Recall .46 .01 .44 .47 .02 .48 .41 .01 .40 F1 .54 .01 .55 .55 .01 .56 .51 .00 .50

Table 4: Validation and Test results for TF-IDF (k = 2500), Trigram (k = 2500) and DBOW (sample = 0.13) vectorization methods and logistic regression (C = 10, C = 100 and C = 1000 respectively)

8.2.3 What influence do categorical and numerical features have regarding the precision and recall when fusing them with different text representation methods of all document type pages?

TF-IDF + features Trigram + features DBOW + features Train Test Train Test Train Test Mean SD Score Mean SD Score Mean SD Score Precision .72 .01 .72 .68 .01 .69 .64 .01 .64 Recall .45 .01 .46 .48 .02 .48 .43 .03 .45 F1 .55 .01 .56 .56 .02 .57 .51 .02 .53

Table 5: Validation and Test results for TF-IDF (k = 2500), Trigram (k = 2500) and DBOW (sample = 0.13) vectorization methods with categorical and numerical features and logis-tic regression (C = 10, C = 100 and C = 1000 respectively)

When comparing table 4 and table 5, the method of fusing cate-gorical and numerical features with the text representations results in higher performance for the mean validation and test scores for all three vectorization methods. The Trigram approach has the highest performance when it comes to the F1 measure for both


Figure 10: Precision, Recall and F1 Test scores for different document types and vectorization methods with categorical and numerical features

the mean validation and test scores. However, it is only a single percentage point better compared to the TF-IDF measure. DBOW has the lowest performance out of all the models with and without categorical and numerical features. These results show that the fusion of numerical and categorical features can improve perfor-mance for different vectorization methods with lower quality text data.

8.2.4 To what extent are the precision and recall of the classifi-cation task dependent on the type of document pages when fusing textual, categorical and numerical features for all text representation methods?

When comparing the scores of different documents in figure 10, differences in performance between document types can be observed. The zoning plan seems more difficult to locate in splits-ing documents compared to uitgifte and leversplits-ing documents. The largest difference between types is in the recall scores which di-rectly influences the F1 measure. When observing the differences in class imbalance for all the document types, splitsing documents show the largest imbalance.

The distribution of TRUE to FALSE pages differ significantly when comparing the label distribution in figure 5 between different document types. This class imbalance is similar to the distribution of F1 scores between the different document types as displayed in figure 10. The reason for this large imbalance is because splitsing documents are much longer compared to both uitgifte and leverings documents.

The χ2top selected features between the different document types are also analysed to give insight in what words are decisive in the classification task for each document. There are various terms that overlap between the uitgifte (figure 11) and splitsing (figure 12) document types such as bepaling and algemeen. This suggests that the difference in performance between types may not be due to textual content of the zoning plan pages. More about possible reasons why splitsing documents have lower recall is discussed in section 9.3.




Data quality

One of the major issues regarding this research lies with the ground lease document dataset as supplied by the municipality. A major

Figure 11: Top 20 terms: χ2score for uitgifte documents

Figure 12: Top 20 terms: χ2score for splitsing documents

part of the documents are scanned from their physical (and some-times handwritten) counterpart. The lack of quality in the docu-ments result in a variety of different errors when attempting to extract the text. Furthermore, many of the deeds reappear several times in the dataset with different highlights and labelled as differ-ent documdiffer-ent types. Due to these many shortcomings regarding the initial quality of the raw data, it is difficult to pin down how much of the errors still remain in the processed dataset and have influenced the performance of all the models tested in this research. After all the pre-processing and elimination of documents not suited for analysis, a significantly smaller dataset remains and it could be argued that it is not representative for the problem at hand.


Overall performance

All three vectorization methods have superior performance com-pared to both baselines in table 2. Furthermore, the results suggest that the DBOW model is inferior to both the TF-IDF and Trigram method when it comes to predicting the location of the zoning plan. The Trigram method performs best overall as can be seen in figure 4 and 5. This is beneficial because the character Trigram approach is a cheap option from a computational and storage perspective compared to a neural model such as DBOW.


There are several possible reasons why the Trigram method is the best performing method and what advantages it has over the DBOW and TF-IDF methods. First of all, the Trigram method is able to pick up judicial phrases in documents that relate to the official zoning plan. This is because the character Trigram approach looks on a smaller level compared to the TF-IDF and DBOW and is even able to analyse sets of characters across multiple words. A second reason is that the Trigram approach is relatively less sensitive to the text extraction errors compared to the TF-IDF and DBOW methods. OCR mistakes for single characters in the extracted text have greater influence on the TF-IDF and DBOW method compared to the character Trigram method.


Analysis of errors

To be able to analyse the validity of the results, it is helpful to analyse the errors that are made. The intersection of the True Positives (TP) are compared to the intersection of the False Negatives (FN) of all the methods. By doing so, several new insights are created regarding the difference between pages that are always retrieved correctly and pages that are always overlooked.

The TP pages have more unique words and occur on lower page numbers compared to the FN pages. This is because the recall of splitsing documents is far lower compared to both levering and uitgifte when observing the overlapping TP and FN pages for all methods. It is also far lower than the recall scores observed in figure 10 for splitsing documents for the individual vectorization methods. This shows there is little overlap between the predictions of different methods regarding the correctly retrieved pages for splitsing documents. The longer length of the splitsing documents explains why the FN pages show a distribution towards higher page numbers. The fact that there are more unique words for TP pages is also due to splitsing pages because these often consist of lists of addresses with similar descriptions.

Finding that there is relatively little overlap in splitsing document pages that are retrieved by different methods indicates that there may be some other underlying factor besides the class imbalance that complicates the classification task. One reason could be that the content is significantly different due to the repeated descriptions of individual addresses in splitsing documents. The exact reason why splitsing document pages are harder to retrieve remains unclear and requires further research.

The distribution of the amount of highlights per page and the year it was drafted are also analysed for TP and FN pages. However, the distributions for both these features are extremely similar be-tween TP and FN pages. Therefore, it seems that there is no relation between the amount of highlights on a page and the difficulty to retrieve a zoning plan page. All the figures relating to the error analysis can be found in section A.3.

This research predicts the zoning plan on page level and not on a smaller scale such as paragraph/sentence level. This is because the current method of highlighting makes it extremely difficult to pin down the exact location of a highlight on a page. Most of the text that is present on a page is not relevant and is noise if not explicitly highlighted. The current level of noise is one of the factors that diminishes the overall performance for all three methods.


Future work municipality

This research shows that 48 % (see figure 4 and 5) of the rele-vant pages can be retrieved when applying the character Trigram method. When relating this to the problem of the 30000 applica-tions, this would mean that half of the pages concerning the zoning plans can be retrieved automatically. Downsizing the problem from a documents search to a single page search would scale down the problem tremendously. The zoning plan itself will still need to be extracted correctly by hand due to legal limitations. This means a human analyst will remain necessary to extract the precise zoning plan from a retrieved page. To improve performance the character Trigram can be extended to implement ngrams of different size to capture more information. However, the largest gain in perfor-mance could be made if a standard practice is set in place regarding the highlighting of the zoning plan. This would enable the possibil-ity of looking at sentence or paragraph level, as well as reduce the overall noise in the data.



This research explores to what extent the location of the zoning plan can be predicted when applying different text vectorization methods. Three different vectorization methods are applied: a TF-IDF, a character Trigram and a doc2vec DBOW model. The DBOW model is applied with stemming and stop word removal and results show that there is no significant difference in performance. An interesting finding regarding the DBOW model is that during the optimization of the hyperparameter sample the optimal value is significantly higher than both the documentation and literature suggests [19]. Further research is needed to determine why this is the case and whether this may be specific for legal documents, language or task at hand.

In all cases the character Trigram method shows the best perfor-mance overall, followed closely by the regular TF-IDF method. The DBOW method shows the lowest performance in all scenarios. This shows how a less complex vectorization approach such as character Trigram can be the best option when dealing with lower quality text extracted from legal documents. When faced with higher quality data, more complex models such as DBOW might perform better. However, the main finding of this research is that when this is not the case more robust methods such as character Trigram should be applied.

The performance of the models increases for all vectorization methods when fused with other features relating to the structure and content of a document. This shows that non-textual features can improve the performance for different representations of lower quality text. This research also shows that the performance differs between document type regarding precision and recall. The analysis of errors shows that this may be due to different content factors between document types. However, more research is needed to determine exactly what these factors are.


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Document types

A.1.1 Uitgifte. An uitgifte document is a document that con-tains the original right for a ground lease. This is the first document and contains the legal decision of the municipality of how to use a particular piece of land. This type of document is often combined with splitsing documents, seeing as a zoning plan can be issued for a piece of land which is to be split over numerous apartments.

A.1.2 Splitsing. A splitsing document splits an existing ground lease right into several individual rights. Besides the regular split, there are also horizontal and vertical splits. A horizontal split is a split in which the right is split over individual apartment rights in a single building such as a flat. A vertical split is a split that allows an existing ground lease right to be split into new individual rights. This is when a large plot of land is split into individual houses, each with their own right an plan. Both these types lead to very long documents, seeing as it is possible for the apartments and houses to differ slightly and results in all the rights needing to be mentioned individually per address.

A.1.3 Levering. A levering document is an agreement between two private ground leaseholders, where one delivers the right of lease to the other. The municipality does not participate in this case, seeing as the right only changes hands.


Formulas evaluation measures

In this section the different formulas of the evaluation measures that are applied in this research are stated.

Precision (equation 3) is defined as the True Positive rate (TP) divided by True positive rate and False Positive rate (FP). This gives an indication of how many pages were classified correctly of containing the zoning plan.

precision= TP

TP + FP (3)

Recall (equation 4) is the TP divided by the TP and False Nega-tive rate (FN). This gives an indication of how many of the pages containing the zoning plan were retrieved from the total amount that should have been retrieved.

recall= TP

TP + FN (4)

F1 (equation 5) is a combined measure of both precision and recall. By only measuring either precision or recall the evaluation can become very skewed. Therefore the F1 measure is also applied in this research.

F 1=2 · precision · recall

precision+ recall (5)


Analysis of errors tables and figures

Result Uitgifte Splitsing Levering True Positives 94 41 89 False Negatives 80 131 81

Recall .54 .24 .52

Table 6: Distribution of different document types for the overlapping True positive and False Negative test results of all vectorization methods

Figure 13: Density plot showing the distribution of the amount of unique words for the overlapping False Negative and True Positive test results for all vectorization methods

Figure 14: Density plot showing the distribution of page numbers for the False Negatives and True Positives of the test results for all vectorization methods


Figure 15: Density plot showing the distribution of years for the overlap of False Negatives and True Positives of the test results for all vectorization methods

Figure 16: Density plot showing the distribution of the amount of highlights on a page for the False Negatives and True Positives of the test results for all vectorization meth-ods



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