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The role of abca1 in atherosclerosis: lessons from in vitro and in vivo models - Chapter 10 Truncation mutations in ABCA1 suppress normal upregulation of full-length ABCA1 by 9-cis-retinoic acid and 22-r-hydroxycholesterol


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The role of abca1 in atherosclerosis: lessons from in vitro and in vivo models

Singaraja, R.R.

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Singaraja, R. R. (2003). The role of abca1 in atherosclerosis: lessons from in vitro and in vivo


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Chapter r

Truncationn mutations in ABCA1 suppress normal

upregulationn of full-length ABCA1 by 9-cis-retinoic

acidd and 22-R-hydroxycholesterol

Cheryll L. Wellington*, Yu-Zhou Yang


, Stephen Zhou


, Susanne M. Clee\

Bingg Tan


, Kenichi Hirano


, Karin Zwarts*, Anita Kwok\ Allison Gelfer*,

Michell Marcil


, Scott Newman


, Kirsten Roomp


, Roshni Singaraja*,

Jenniferr Collins


, Lin-Hua Zhang*, Albert K. Groen*, Kees Hovingh*, Alison

Brownlie^,, Sherrie Tafuri


, Jacques Genest Jr.


, John J.P. Kastelein*, and

Michaell R. Hayden*



'Centree for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics, Childrens' and Women's Hospital, Universityy of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada 'Xenon Genetics, Inc., Vancouver, Canadaa 'Pfizer Global Research, Ann Arbor, Michigan ^ Graduate School of Medicine,

Osakaa University, Osaka, Japan ^Cardiovascular Genetics Laboratory, University Health Centre,, Montreal, Canada * Academic Medical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands


Abstract t

Mutationss in ABCA1 uniformly decrease plasma HDL-cholesterol and reduce cholesterol efflux, yett different mutations in ABCA1 result in different phenotypic effects in heterozygotes. For example,, truncation mutations result in significantly lower HDL-C and apoA-l levels in heterozygotess compared to nontruncation mutations, suggesting that truncation mutations mayy negatively affect the wild-type allele. To specifically test this hypothesis, we examined ABCA11 protein expression in response to 9-cis-retmoic acid and 22-R-hydroxycholesterol in a collectionn of human fibroblasts representing eight different mutations and observed that truncationn mutations blunted the response to oxysterol stimulation and dominantly suppressed inductionn of the remaining full-length allele to 5-10% of wild-type levels. mRNA levels between truncationn and nontruncation mutations were comparable, suggesting that ABCA1 expression wass suppressed at the protein level. Dominant negative activity of truncated ABCA1 was recapitulatedd in an in vitro model using transfected Cos-7 cells. Our results suggest that the severee reduction of HDL-C in patients with truncation mutations may be at least partly explained byy dominant negative suppression of expression and activity of the remaining full-length ABCA1 allele.. These data suggest that ABCA1 requires a physical association with itself or other moleculess for normal function and has important pharmacogenetic implications for individuals withh truncation mutations.


Introduction n

Mutationss in the ABCA1 gene have been identified as the underlying cause of Tangier Disease (TD)) and of a dominantly inherited form of hypoalphalipoproteinemia (FHA) associated with reducedd cellular cholesterol efflux (1,2,3,4). TD is u u i t fuim of HDL-C deficiency in which patientss have mutations in both alleles of ABCA1, resulting in greatly impaired cholesterol effluxx and virtually no circulating HDL-C (5). Intracellular cholesterol accumulation in TD patients oftenn results in clinical manifestations of orange tonsils, hepatosplenomegaly, and peripheral neuropathyy (5).

Personss heterozygous for ABCA1 mutations have FHA, a less severe clinical outcome of deficient cholesteroll efflux (6). Generally, cells of FHA patients do not have excessive intracellular cholesterol esterr accumulation, a feature attributed to the activity of the remaining wild-type allele. Compared too unaffected family members, heterozygotes have HDL-C and apoA-l levels that are reduced byy approximately 4 0 % accompanied by a miid decrease in apoA-ll and decreased HDL-C particle sizee (6,7).. In some instances, certain FHA families have cholesterol efflux and HDL-C measurements thatt are considerably less than 50% of wild-type levels, raising the possibility that the function off the wild-type gene product is negatively affected by particular mutations (6). Understanding thee molecular consequences of ABCA1 mutations on protein function will provide crucial i n f o r m a t i o nn about the relationship between ABCA1 expression and HDL-C, w h i c h is a demonstratedd protective factor against the development of cardiovascular disease.

Too this end, we investigated the effect of eight different ABCA1 mutations on expression of ABCA11 mRNA and protein in primary fibroblasts in individuals from FHA and TD families (6). Thee mutations investigated in this study are dispersed throughout the ABCA1 gene and were specificallyy chosen to represent several different types including missense, small in-frame deletions,, frameshift, and nonsense mutations. ABCA1 expression is induced by 9-cis-retinoic acidd (9-cis-RA) and 22-R-hydroxycholesterol (22-R-OH-Chol), which signal the presence of excess cholesteroll (8,9,10,11,12). Here, we report t h a t the normal upregulation of full-length ABCA11 protein in response to 9-cis-RA, 22-R-OH-Chol is dominantly suppressed when one ABCA1 allelee is prematurely truncated, resulting in ABCA1 protein levels that are approximately 5-10% off those observed in wild-type cells, despite comparable mRNA levels.

Materialss and Methods

Subjects s

Subjectss heterozygous for ABCA1 mutations from TD and FHA kindreds have been described (6).. One new heterozygous subject is included in this study, who is from a new TD kindred (JP2)) and contains the truncation mutation R1851X (13). All subjects have informed consent forr participation and protocols were ethically approved as described (6).


Celll Culture and transfection

RAWW murine macrophages and human fibroblasts were maintained in DMEM (Canadian Life Technologies;; w i t h 10% FCS, 50 U/ml penicillin-streptomycin, 2 mmol/L L-glutamine, 1X nonessentiall ammo acids (Canadian Life Technologies), and 10 ng/ml EGF (Sigma). ABCA1 expressionn was stimulated by the replacement of the growth medium with media containing delipidatedd serum (Sigma) with either ethanol (control) or 10 umol/L 9-cis RA (10 mg/ml stock inn ethanol, Sigma) and 4 M 9 /m l 22-R-OH-Chol (4 mg/ml stock in ethanol, Steraloids) for up to 244 h. Cos-7 cells were cultured in DMEM with 10% FCS, 50 U/ml penicillin-streptomycin, 2 mmol/LL L-glutamine. One day prior to transfection, cells were seeded at 1.6 x 10'/well into 12-welll places coated with type I collagen. The next day, cells at approximately 95% confluence w e r ee t r a n s f e c t e d using L i p o f e c t a m i n e 2 0 0 0 (Canadian Life Technologies) using the manufacturer'ss recommendations. Cells were transfected with wild-type or truncated human ABCA11 cDNA expression constructs tagged with the FLAG epitope (DYKDDDDK) at the C-terminuss to permit verification of expression in transfected cells as described (13).

Proteinn isolation and Western blotting

Celll pellets were lysed by trituration in 20 mmol/L Hepes, 5 mmol/L KCI, 5 mmol/L MgCI2, 0.5%% (v/v) Triton X-100, and Complete protease inhibitor (Roche Molecular Biochemicals). Celll debris was removed by centrifugation at 5,000 rpm for 4 mm at . The supernatant was collectedd and stored at . Protein concentration was determined by a Lowry assay. Equal amountss of protein were separated on 7.5% SDS-PAGE gels and electrophoretically transferred too PVDF membrane (Millipore) prior to immunodetection antibodies specific for the C-terminus off ABCA1 (14), anti-glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH, Chemicon) as a loading control,, anti-FLAG (Sigma), or anti-Xpress (Invitrogen), according to the manufacturer's recommendations.. Immunoreactivity was detected by ECL (Amersham). Protein abundance wass calculated by densitometry using NIH Image 6.0 software and normalized to GAPDH levels.. Densitometry was performed on duplicate or triplicate gels run from at least three independentt experiments, and a wild-type control was included in each gel.

TD44 SNP analysis and Southern blotting

Genomicc sequencing of the ABCA1 locus including all exons, splice junctions, and promoter regionn was performed as previously described (1). Southern blot analysis of TD4 genomic DNA wass performed as described (1), using DNA restricted with BamHI, Hindlll or EcoRI and detection withh either a probe encoding the entire human ABCA1 cDNA or corresponding to the promoter regionn of ABCA1 from - 7 1 6 to intron 1.


RNAA isolation

Cytoplasmicc RNA was extracted by lysmg cell pellets in 10 mM Tris-HCI (pH 7.8), 150 mM NaCl,, 1 mM EDTA, 1 % NP40 followed by centrifugation for 30 sec. The supernatant was mixedd with an pqual "r,l,,mp of ?00 mM Trir pH ~> 5. 350 mM NaCl, 2% CDS, 25 mM LDIA, extractedd twice with phenolxhloroform, once with chloroform, and precipitated with 1 ml ethanol.. Pellets were resuspended in 10 mM Tris-HCI pH 7.5, 1 mM MgCl2, 0.1U RNAse-free DNAsell {Roche Molecular Biochemicals), incubated for 30 min, phenol extracted and precipitated withh ethanol. Pellets were resuspended in RNAse-free water and quantitated by absorbance spectrophotometry. .

Northernn Blotting

Equall amounts (20 pg) of cytoplasmic RNA were electrophoresed through 1 % agarose, 2M formaldehydee gels in MOPS buffer and then transferred to Hybond N+ membrane (Amersham). Membraness were prehybridized and hybridized in a buffer containing 50% formamide, 10% dextrann sulfate ( w / v ) , 0 . 2 % BSA, 0 . 2 % Ficoll, 50 m M Tris HCI (pH 7.5), 0 . 1 % sodium pyrophosphate,, 1 % SDS, 0.5% polyvinylpyrrolidone, 1M NaCl, and 0.1 mg/ml denatured salmon spermm DNA. Murine ABCA1 was detected using a 605 bp fragment of spanning nt positions 1-6055 of the murine ABCA1 sequence (Genbank accession X75926). Probe was randomly labelled withh a-^'P-dCTP using Rediprime (Amersham) and incubated with the membrane overnight at 42CC.. Membranes were washed sequentially in 2X SSC at 42'C, and 2X SSC, 1 % SDS at C

priorr to exposure of film.

Quantitativee PCR

H u m a nn ABCA1 p r i m e r s ( f o r w a r d 5' CCTGACCGGGTTGTTCCC 3' and reverse 5' TTCTGCCGGATGGTGCTCC 3' and the TaqMan probe (5'ACATCCTGGGAAAAGACATTCGCTCTGA 3')) were designed using Primer Express software (Applied Biosystems, Fostercity, CA). RT-PCR reactionss were performed on an ABI P..., 7700 machine in a final volume of 50 u.1, containing 40ngg of total RNA, 200 u M human ABCA1 primers and 600 uM probe in 1x TaqMan One-Step RT-PCRR Master mix (PE Biosystems, CA), according to the manufacturer's instructions. Ribosomal 18ss rRNA primers and probe mix (PE Biosystems) were included in the reaction as an internal control.. RT reactions were run at 4 8 X tor 30 mm and heat inactivated at 95CC for 10 mm. PCR reactionss were carried out for 30 cycles (denaturation at 95'C for 15 sec, annealing and extention att 60CC for 1 min). Data quantification and analysis were performed according to the

manufacturer'ss protocol (PE Biosystems). Values were calculated relative to the level of the control. Eachh sample was assayed in duplicate in at least two independent experiments.

Forr semiquantitative analysis of RNA extracted from transfected Cos-7 cells, RT-PCR reactions usingg murine-specific or human-specific ABCA1 and 18 S ribosomal primers were performed as previouslyy described (14).


Cholesteroll Efflux

Lipidd levels in TD and FHA patients were measured as described and HDL-C is expressed as mmol/LL (1,4). Cellular cholesterol efflux assays on primary human fibroblasts were performed ass described (1,4,6). Briefly, efflux in the absence or presence of either 20 or 30 ug/ml apoA-II was measured over 24 h and calculated as the percent of free cholesterol in the medium relativee to total cholesterol. Each experiment was performed in triplicate, averaged, and expressed ass the percentage of efflux relative to the average efflux values obtained from primary fibroblasts off t w o healthy controls included as standards within the same experiment. Transfected Cos-7 cellss were labeled with 1.0 mCi/ml 3H-cholesterol on the day after transfection. After labelling forr 18 h, the cells were washed three times with PBS, incubated for 2 h with DMEM plus 0.2% defattedd bovine serum albumin (BSA, Sigma). The media was then replaced with fresh DMEM, 0.2%% BSA with or without 15 ug/ml apoA-l for 4 h. Radioactivity in the media was counted directly,, cells were dissolved with 0.1N NaOH and counted, and percent efflux was calculated ass above. Each experiment was performed at least in triplicate.

Statisticall Analysis

Demographics,, HDL-C and apoA-l levels in truncation versus nontruncation heterzygotes were comparedd using a two-tailed Student's t test. Analysis of the proportion of individuals within givenn HDL-C percentile ranges was performed by Chi-square analysis. Comparisons of ABCA1 mRNAA and protein expression were performed using two-tailed unpaired Student's t tests or, wheree applicable, one-way ANOVA with a Neuman-Keuls posttest. All statistical analyses were performedd using Prism (version 3.0; Graphpad Software for Science Inc., San Diego, CA) or Systatt (version 8.0, SPSS Inc, Chicago, II).

Results s

HDL-CC and apoA-l levels are significantly reduced in heterozygous carriers of mutations resultingg in truncated compared to nontruncated ABCA1 alleles

Wee previously examined the phenotypes of 77 heterozygous individuals from 11 FHA and TD familiess that represent 13 different ABCA1 mutations and identified an approximately 40-50% decreasee in HDL-C and apoA-l in heterozygotes compared to unaffected family members (6). In thee present analysis we excluded t w o individuals presumed to be heterozygous based on phenotype andd cosegregation analyses because no mutation within the ABCA1 open reading frame has yet beenn identified. We also obtained one additional confirmed heterozygous individual (JP2) (13). Thee cohort analysed in this study therefore consisted of 76 confirmed heterozygous individuals. Too determine the significance of mutation type on HDL-C and apoA-l levels, heterozygous individualss from these families were divided into two groups. One group consisted of all individuals withh any mutation predicted to result in premature truncation of ABCA1, including nonsense,


frameshift,, and splice-site mutations. The other group consisted of individuals with missense or smalll in-frame deletions that would result in maintenance of a full-length allele and specific preservationn of the C-terminal end of ABCA1. This division differed from a previous analysis (6) byy sepdidtiny the groups based on predicted protein length (truncation vs nontruncation) rather thann on presumed severity (missense vs truncation as well as in-frame deletions).

Comparisonn of the overall demographics between the truncation and nontruncation groups showedd no differences in age, body mass index, or gender distributions (Figure 1A), In contrast, apoA-ll and HDL-C levels were significantly reduced in heterozygotes for truncation mutations

75 5 50 0 "O O SS 25 Demographics s p=0.21 1 p=0.81 1





II I ni Dl

266 50 20 40 Agee BMI 100 22 N ## male


Apo-A11 and HDL-C byy mutation type p=0.03 3 p=0.04 4 188 44 Apo-A1 1 266 50 N HDL-C C HDL-CC distribution (absolutee value) p=0.01 1 HDL-CC distribution (percentile) ) =0.02 2 nontruncation truncation

HDLL range (mmol/L) HDLL percentile range

II U Z V l l U U b

Figuree 1. Effect of ABCA1 mutation type en HDL C and apoA I levels in a cohort of 75 confirmee

individualss from 12 different FHA and TD families representing truncation (white bar) and nontruncation (black bar)) heterozygotes. (A) Age, body mass index (BMI) and sex are not significantly different between heterozygous carrierss of truncation compared to nontruncation mutations. The truncation group contained 26 individuals, forr whom BMI (kg/m~) data were available for 20 persons. 10/26 persons were male in the truncation group. Similarly,, the nontruncation group consisted of 50 individuals forr whom BMI data were present for 40 persons, andd 22/50 individuals were male. Comparison was done by Student's t test. (B) HDL-C (mmol/L) and apoA-l (g/ L)) levels are reduced in heterozygotes of truncation compared to nontruncation mutations. The HDL-C and apoA-ll values from heterozygotes for truncation or nontruncation ABCA1 mutations were averaged and comparedd using a Student's t test. (C and D) HDL-C distributions by absolute level (C) and by age-and sex-normalizedd percentile (D) analysed by Chi-square analysis.


comparedd to nontruncation mutations (p=0.03 and 0.04, respectively) (Figure 1B). Comparison off the distribution of HDL-C levels between the groups showed that HDL-C levels are shifted towardd lower levels in truncation compared to nontruncation heterozygotes (Figure 1C,D). Significantly,, not a single heterozygote for a truncation mutation had an HDL-C level greater thann 1.0 mmol/L, whereas these levels were observed in approximately 20% of nontruncation mutationn heterozygotes (p=0.01) (Figure 1C). Finally, significantly more truncation heterozygotes hadd HDL-C levels below the 5" percentile for age and sex than nontruncation heterozygotes (p=0.02)) (Figure 1D). These results provide the first indication that the type of mutation in ABCA11 has a significant effect on HDL-C levels in vivo and that truncation mutations depress HDL-CC levels significantly more than nontruncation mutations.

Dynamicss of ABCA1 expression upon 9-cis-RA, 22-R-OH-Chol t r e a t m e n t

Wee then sought to determine the mechanism underlying the effect of mutation type on HDL-CC levels using a collection of primary human fibroblasts representing eight different mutations inn ABCA1. Because cAMP does not induce ABCA1 expression in fibroblasts (15), we began by


Fibroblastt ABCA1 mRNA expression 00 4 8 16 24 h

Fibroblastt ABCA1 protein expression 00 4 8 16 24 h ABCA1 1


-jj ABCA1


Fibroblastt ABCA1 expression RAWABCA11 expression RNA A

Protein n

00 4 8 12 16 20 24

hh after 9-cis-RA. 22-R-OH-Chol

TO TO CD D O O £= = CD D > > CD D 100500 -RNA A Protein n 00 4 8 12 16 20 24 hh after 9-cis-RA. 22-R-OH-Chol Figuree 2. Dynamics of ABCA1 expression in primary human fibroblasts and RAW murine macrophages in responsee to 9-cis-RA, 22-R-OH-Chol stimulation. (A) Northern blot showing induction of ABCA1 mRNA from 4-166 h after stimulation. (B) Western blot showing stimulated normal human fibroblasts contain abundant ABCA1 proteinn from 8-24 h after stimulation. (C) Densitometry quantitation of expression dynamics in human fibroblasts.. ABCA1 mRNA levels were expressed relative to rRNA levels, and ABCA1 protein levels were normalized too GAPDH expression. Data are representative of two independent experiments. (D) Densitometnc quantitation off induction kinetics of murine ABCA1 mRNA and protein showing maximal mRNA expression at 4 h and maximall protein expression 8 h after stimulation.


characterizingg the dynamics of ABCA1 expression in primary human fibroblasts obtained from healthyy controls and RAW macrophages after treatment with 9-cis-RA, 22-R-Oh-Chol (8). In primaryy human fibroblasts, ABCA1 mRNA expression peaks 8 h after stimulation with 9-cis-RA, 22-R-UH-Choll and diminishes siuwiy to baseline levels by 24 h (Figure 2A, L). A B t A I protein levelss rise rapidly between 4 and 8 h, peak at 16 h, and are slightly lower at 24 h than at 16 hh in fibroblasts (Figure 2B, C). In RAW cells, ABCA1 mRNA peaked 4 h after stimulation whereass protein levels were maximal by 8 h and both mRNA and protein levels declined to nearr baseline levels by 24 h (Figure 2D).

Truncatedd ABCA1 dominantly suppresses protein expression of wild-type ABCA1 in humann fibroblasts

Havingg determined appropriate conditions for detecting ABCA1 protein in primary fibroblasts, thee effect of ABCA1 mutations was evaluated by Western blot analysis of protein extracted fromm primary, nontransformed human fibroblasts from eight FHA and TD families that were specificallyy selected to represent a variety of ABCA1 mutations distributed throughout the ABCA11 coding region. The fibroblasts examined contained several types of mutation, including missense,, in-frame deletion of one or more amino acids, frameshift, and nonsense mutations (Tablee 1). Several of the mutations, including a missense splice site mutation, frameshift, and nonsensee mutations, would be predicted to result in premature termination of translation of thee mutated ABCA1 allele resulting in the generation of a truncated ABCA1 fragment. Because bothh antibodies used in this study recognise the C-terminus of ABCA1, Western blot analysis off the human fibroblasts containing truncation mutations would only detect the response of thee remaining full-length allele to 9-cis-RA, 22-R-OH-Chol stimulation. In the case of heterozygous

Tablee 1. Expression data by mutation

Family y FHA1 1 FHA2 2 FHA3 3 FHA4 4 FHA5 5 TD1 1 TD1-h* * TD3 3 TD3-hh * + TD4 4 control l Mutation n Dell L 693 R2144X X Dell E,D 1893, 1894 R909X X M1091T T ivs25+1G-C,, C1477R C1477R R GGB277C-- 1636X, T929I I Dell C 6825-2145X, none e T929I I unidentified d Proteinn * * * induced/unmduced d 5.94 4 2.45 5 7.82 2 2.32 2 66 42 3.46 6 10.28 8 2.89 9 6.65 5 1.14 4 11.31 1 (0.82) ) (0.19) ) (1.48) ) (0.52) ) (00 29) (0.50) ) (1.07) ) (0.59) ) (0.10) ) (0.13) ) (0.68) ) HDL-C C (mmol/L) ) 0.4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 18 8 39 9 18 8 1 1 1 1 9 9 09 9 12 2 03 3 63 3 nett effl u x * * * * * %% of control 79.47 7 64.01 1 60.03 3 73.28 8 477 24 2.73 3 58.14 4 23.3 3 51.8 8 17.22 2 1000 00 (22.63) ) (11.12) ) (11.85) ) (1801) ) (379) ) (1.05) ) (5.49) ) (1.29) ) (1.30) ) (0) ) (7.09) )

** TD1-h is the heterozygous parent of the TD1 proband. ** TD3-h is the heterozygous parent of the TD3 proband ++ *+ protein values are pooled from all determinations (n=3-7) and are represented as mean (standard error).

"*"" * "^ * Efflux values are pooled from at least three determinations expressed as % mean ('standard deviation) relative too control fibroblasts from the same experiment.


FHAA fibroblasts, the remaining allele is wild-type and is predicted to be functional (Table 1). Cellss from the TD probands are compound heterozygotes and contain one truncation and one nontruncationn mutation (Table 1).

Thee pattern of ABCA1 protein expression in response to a 16 h treatment with 9-cis-RA, 22-R-OH-Choll treatment fell into t w o groups. In one group, the abundance of ABCA1 protein in all fibroblastss with missense or small in-frame deletions was approximately 70% that observed in wild-typee fibroblasts after 16 h of stimulation (Figure 3A,B, Table 1). A second pattern was

Non-truncationn mutations




Truncationn mutations

^ j f l l


Non-truncationn mutations Truncation mutations

ABCA1 1 GAPDH H 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 WTT TD1 TD1-h TD3 TD3-h -apoA1 +apoA1

. I . I I

WTT TD1 TD1-h TD3 TD3-h

Figuree 3. ABCA1 protein expression in response to 9-cis-RA, 22-R-OH-Chol stimulation. (A) RAW murine

macrophages,, wild-type human primary fibroblasts, and primary fibroblasts from eight TD or FHA families were harvestedd after a 16 h exposure to delipidated serum growth media without (-) and with (+) 10 u.M each of 9-cis-RA,, 22-R-OH-Chol. ABCA1 protein is markedly reduced in stimulated cells with truncation mutations compared too nontruncation mutations. Equivalent results were obtained using two different verified ABCA1 antibodies. (B) Densitometricc quantitation of ABCA1 :GAPDH protein upregulation in stimulated fibroblasts, demonstrating reducedd ABCA1 levels in stimulated fibroblasts with truncation mutations compared to nontruncation mutations. Valuess represent the mean of 3-5 independent experiments for each fibroblast cell type. Three different wild-typee fibroblasts, each assayed in triplicate, were pooled to give an overall induction in wild-type fibroblasts. Statisticall comparison is by one-way ANOVA with a Neuman-Kuels posttest. (C) Western blot of ABCA1 protein inn wild-type, TD1 and TD3 compound heterozygote, andTD1-handTD3-h heterozygous fibroblasts stimulated ass above. (D) Densitometric quantitation of triplicate experiments from (B), in which one wild-type fibroblast was usedd as a control. Data from the quantitations in (B) and (D) were pooled to give the values represented in Table 1.. (E) Cholesterol efflux activity over 24 h in wild-type, TD1 and TD3 compound heterozygote, and TDI-h and TD3-hh heterozygous fibroblasts. Data represent the mean of triplicate measurements performed side by side withh two wild-type controls (pooled) in the absence or presence of 20 ug/ml apoA-l.


observedd in FHA or TD fibroblasts that contain one truncated allele. In these cells, the abundance off the remaining full-length ABCA1 allele in response to 9-cis-RA, 22-R-OH-Chol treatment was markedlyy reduced (Figure 3, Table 1). Densitometric quantitation of ABCA1 protein levels demonstratedd that in carriers of one truncated allele, the remaining full-length allele was induced onlyy approximately 1.2-2.5 fold by 9-cis-RA, 22-R-OH-Chol, compared to the 10-fold mean inductionn observed from pooled data from three different wild-type control fibroblasts (Figure 3A,B,, Table 1). Importantly, dominant suppression was observed in all cases with a truncation mutationn regardless of whether the second allele was wild-type (in FHA fibroblasts) or contained ann additional mutation (in TD proband fibroblasts). Additionally, equivalent suppression of proteinn expression was observed regardless of whether protein was harvested at 16 or 24 h afterr stimulation (not shown). These findings suggest that truncation mutations act to suppress orr prevent expression of full-length ABCA1 protein by a dominant negative mechanism. Becausee the TD fibroblasts contain t w o mutations, we next tested whether the decrease in proteinn abundance in these compound heterozygous cells was due to the missense rather than thee truncation mutation. ABCA1 protein levels in heterozygous fibroblasts from the TD1 and TD33 kindreds that contained only the missense mutations were comparable to a wild-type controll and were clearly more abundant than in the TD1 or TD3 compound heterozygous cells (Figuree 3C). Densitometic quantitation showed that the missense mutation alone resulted in a decreasee of no more than 30% in fold induction of ABCA1 protein upon stimulation with 9-cis-RA,, 22-R-Oh-Chol, whereas the additional presence of a truncation mutation further decreased ABCA11 protein abundance by approximately 65% compared to wild-type control (Figure 3D). Additionally,, efflux assays on these primary fibroblasts demonstrated that the missense mutation alonee slightly diminished apoAI-dependent cholesterol efflux compared to wild-type controls, whereass the combination of a missense plus a truncation mutation further decreased efflux activityy nearly to baseline levels (Figure 3E). These data confirm that truncation, rather than missense,, mutations in ABCA1 dominantly suppress expression and functional activity of ABCA1. Ass a negative control, we included TD4 fibroblasts, which are homozygous for a deletion of C68255 that would result in truncation of both ABCA1 gene products. Homozygosity in TD4 cellss is supported by complete sequencing of the ABCA1 gene, a cSNP analysis that demonstrated homozvoosityy across the ABCA1 oenp except at the extreme 5' end, and Southern blot analysis demonstratingg equivalent bands detected in both TD4 and wild-type control lanes (data not shown).. Even in stimulated TD4 fibroblasts, ABCA1 protein is undetectable by either C-terminal antibody,, which confirms the specificity of these antibodies to ABCA1 without detectable cross-reactivityy to other ABC transporters.


Suppressionn of ABCA1 protein induction by 9-cis-RA, 22-R-OH-Chol occurs att the protein level in fibroblasts containing one truncated allele

1 0 0 0

Inducedd ABCA1 mRNA

Non-truncationn mutations Truncation mutations


Protein/RNA A

Non-truncationn mutations Truncation mutations

Figuree 4. ABCA1 mRNA expression in response to 9-cis-RA,, 22-R-OH-Chol stimulation in human fibroblasts. Cytoplasmicc RNA was collected from unstimulated cells ass well as cells stimulated for 8h and subjected to quantitativee determination of ABCA1 mRNA using the Light-Cycler.. (A) Data from two independent experiments,, each performed in triplicate, are pooled. Levelss of ABCA1 mRNA in stimulated cells vary among individuall fibroblasts, but are not consistently lower in truncationn vs nontruncation samples. Statistical comparisonn is by one-way ANOVA with a Neuman-Keulss posttest. (B) Relative protein per RNA was calculatedd by determining the ratio of fold induction off ABCA1 protein (normalized to GAPDH) relative to foldd induction of ABCA1 mRNA (normalized to 18s rRNA)) in stimulated compared to unstimulated fibroblasts.. Values represent means from two independentt experiments, with each measurement performedd in triplicate. Statistical comparison is by one-wayy ANOVA with a Neuman-Keuls posttest.

Thee failure to observe upreguiation of wild-type ABCA11 protein by 9-cis-RA, 22-R-OH-Chol in fibroblastss containing one truncated allele could occurr at the mRNA or p r o t e i n levels. To d i s t i n g u i s hh b e t w e e n these possibilities, cytoplasmicc RNA was collected from fibroblasts beforee and after an 8 h treatment with 9-cis-RA,, 22-R-OH-Chol and quantitatively analysed forr ABCA1 expression using real-time RT-PCR analysiss using the Light Cycler (Roche). The 8 hh time point was selected because it coincided w i t hh the midpoint of mRNA expression as determinedd by Northern blot analysis of wild-typee fibroblasts. Real-time PCR quantitation showedd that ABCA1 mRNA was present in each fibroblastt type 8 h after stimulation (Figure 4A). Althoughh there are differences in the level of ABCA11 mRNA detected among fibroblasts from differentt genetic backgrounds, there were no significantt differences between the truncation comparedd to nontruncation samples (N=5-8, p>0.05),, confirming t h a t ABCA1 mRNA is upregulatedd in response to 9-cis-RA, 22-R-OH-Chol inn all cell types. Additionally, we determined the ratioo of fold induction of ABCA1 protein relative too the fold induction of ABCA1 mRNA (Figure 4B).. Furthermore, wild-type cells and the nontruncationn mutations were found generate similarr levels of ABCA1 protein per mRNA (Figuree 4B, p > 0 . 0 5 ) , w h e r e a s all of the fibroblastss containing truncation mutations were impairedd in their ability to generate ABCA1 proteinn (Figure 4B, p<0.0001). Additionally, the inductionn of ABCA1 mRNA is not significantly differentt between truncation and nontruncation


f i b r o b l a s t ss ( p > 0 . 0 5 ) . T h e r e f o r e , t h e f a i l u r e t o o b s e r v e A B C A 1 p r o t e i n u p r e g u l a t i o n in cells c o n t a i n i n gg t r u n c a t i o n m u t a t i o n s is m o s t likely d u e either t o decreased translational efficiency of thee full-length allele or increased t u r n o v e r of t h e full-length p r o t e i n in t h e presence of t h e t r u n c a t e d p r o t e i nn p r o d u c t . 1 22 3 4 5 Anti-XPress s Anti-Flag g



fulll length-ABCA1 fulll length-ABCA1 truncated-ABCA1 1 Mock+Mock k Xpresss WT+Mock Xpresss WT+WT/FLAG Xpresss WT+R1851X/FLAG Xpresss WT+N1611D/FLAG

ApoA1-dependentt efflux

** 1.5 co o "55 1.0 u . . QJ J - 4 — ' ' CO O



o o ?SS o.o

Lil l

p<00 001 p>0 05 J_____L L 1 22 3 4 5 Mock+Mock k Xpresss WT+Mock Xpresss WT+WT/FLAG Xpresss WT+R1851X/FLAG Xpresss WT+N1611 D/FLAG 18s s ABCA1 1 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 blank k untransfected d WT/FLAG G R1851X/FLAG G N16111 D/FLAG WT/Xpress s

Figuree 5. Dominant negative suppression of ABCA1 activity in transfected cells. Cos-7 cells were transfected

singlyy with vector (mock), Xpress-tagged wild-type human ABCA1 cDNA (WT/Xpress), or cotransfected with

FII AT, f a n c i e d w i l d t v n p ARC"A1 A / W T / v ^ r r ^ r ^ \ / \ / T / n A<t\ ci A r . i ^ n ^ A p r A 1 ^ ^ ^ t ^ l ^ l ^ ^ + k a M i ^ i i n m M + ^ + i ^ ^ ii L n u L u y y v . ^ 1 V V I I V J ^ L J ^ ^ I ^ . . i / A p i L j J " - ' / ' L - ^ ^ J / , ' L ^ ^ - J ^ y y ^ - ^ ' \ u * _ ^ I ^ mu y u i t 11 1 \J I I U I I I W t . u L, W . ,

(WT/Xpresss - N161 1 D/FLAG), or with FLAG-tagged ABCA1 containing the R1851X mutation (WT/Xpress + R1851X/FLAG).. (A) Western blot analysis of vector or ABCA1-transfected cells using the Xpress or FLAG antibodies.. The positions of full-length or truncated ABCA1 are marked. (B) apoA-l-dependent cholesterol efflux activityy in vector or ABCA1-transfected cells. Efflux is expressed as the percent of counts in the medium relative too total counts in cells plus medium. Data are representative of three independent experiments. Statistical comparisonn is by one-way ANOVA with a Neuman-Kuels posttest. (C) Semiguantitative RT-PCR using human-specificc ABCA1 primers as well as 18s rRNA primers as an internal control. RNA was prepared from untransfected Cos-77 cells or cells singly transfected with FLAG-tagged ABCA1 constructs.


Dominantt negative suppression of ABCA1 activity in vitro

Dataa presented above support the hypothesis that truncation mutations in one ABCA1 allele dommantlyy suppress protein induction of the remaining full-length allele. To test this hypothesis further,, we evaluated the effect of truncation vs missense mutations on ABCA1 expression and cholesteroll efflux activity using Cos-7 cells cotranfected w i t h wild-type and truncated or nontruncatedd human ABCA1 cDNA constructs.

Cellss transfected with Xpress-tagged wild-type ABCA1 alone expressed ABCA1 protein and exhibited apoA-l-dependentt cholesterol efflux compared to vector only (mock) transfected cells (p<0.001, N=3,, Figure 5A,B). Cotransfection of FLAG-tagged wild-type and Xpress-tagged wild-type ABCA1 resultedd in a doubling of efflux activity (p<0.001, N=3), and Western blotting showed that wild-typee ABCA1 protein was expressed from both constructs (Figure 5A,B). It should be noted that becausee the Xpress and FLAG antibodies have different affinities, Western blotting cannot be used too estimate the relative levels of ABCA1 expressed from either tagged construct.

Next,, cells were cotransfected with Xpress-tagged wild-type and FLAG-tagged mutant ABCA1. Byy Western blot, expression of the FLAG-tagged truncated construct is detectable but low, suggestingg that truncation of ABCA1 may destabilize the protein (Figure 5A). Additionally, abundancee of the wild-type Xpress-tagged construct was reduced when coexpressed with truncatedd ABCA1. Coexpression of FLAG-tagged ABCA1 truncated at amino acid 1851 (R1851X) significantlyy inhibited efflux compared to cells transfected with a single copy of wild-type ABCA11 ( p O . 0 0 1 , N=3, Figure 5B). Finally, cells were cotransfected with Xpress-tagged wild-typee and FLAG-tagged missense ABCA1 (N1611D). Western blot analysis confirmed that both alleless expressed protein and that the presence of ABCA1 containing a missense mutation did nott decrease the abundance of wild-type ABCA1 (Figure 5A). As expected, efflux was comparable too cells singly transfected with wild-type ABCA1 (p>0.05r N=3, Figure 5B). These data confirm

thatt truncated ABCA1 interferes with the expression and functional activity of wild-type ABCA1. Too rule out the possibility that differences in mRNA expression between the FLAG-tagged wild-type,, truncation and missense constructs was responsible for the observed differences in protein levell and efflux activity, semiquantitative RT-PCR analysis was performed on transfected cells. Thee results show that each of the FLAG-tagged constructs is similarly expressed in transfected cellss (Figure 5C), confirming that the dominant negative inhibition of ABCA1 protein levels andd efflux activity occurs at a posttranscriptional level.

ABCA11 protein levels predict HDL-C levels

Thee clinical spectrum of TD and FHA patients results from defective ABCA1-mediated efflux of cholesteroll and/or phospholipid, which in turn is a function of ABCA1 level and catalytic activity.. Increasing ABCA1 protein levels in mice has recently been shown to increase HDL-C levelss in vivo in t w o of three animal models (16,17,18). Because the sample size of fibroblasts


iss small, it is d i f f i c u l t t o d r a w s t r o n g c o n c l u s i o n s a b o u t t h e e f f e c t of A B C A 1 p r o t e i n level a n d HDL-CC levels in vivo. Nevertheless, w e did observe t h a t p r o t e i n i n d u c t i o n a n d HDL-C c o r r e l a t e d s t r o n g l yy (Figure 6 A , r:

= 0 . 6 7 , p = 0 . 0 0 2 ) , s u g g e s t i n g t h a t t h e d e g r e e o f A B C A 1 p r o t e i n expression inn p r i m a r y f i b r o b l a s t s p r e d i c t e d HDL-C levels in v i v o . A B C A 1 p r o t e i n levels a n d c h o l e s t e r o l e f f l u xx a c t i v i t y in f i b r o b l a s t s w a s also c o r r e l a t e d a n d n e a r l y r e a c h e d s t a t i s t i c a l s i g n i f i c a n c e (Figuree 6B, r = 0 . 3 3 , p = 0 . 0 6 ) . Strikingly, f o r b o t h c o r r e l a t i o n s , all o f t h e f i b r o b l a s t s expressing A B C A 11 w i t h t r u n c a t i o n m u t a t i o n s c l u s t e r e d near t h e b o t t o m of t h e c u r v e , w h e r e a s all o f t h e f i b r o b l a s t ss expressing n o n t r u n c a t i o n A B C A 1 m u t a t i o n s c l u s t e r e d at an i n t e r m e d i a t e p o s i t i o n b e t w e e nn w i l d - t y p e a n d t r u n c a t i o n m u t a t i o n cells. 2 0 0 0 11 75 11 50 11 25 11 00 0.75 5 00 50 0 2 5 5 0 0 0 0 -025 5 -00 50 'J-'J-x 'J-'J-x OO TD3-h ©© TD1-h 'Z-'Z-FHA4FHA4 F H AJ TD11 O FHA5 •• Wild-type OO Nontruncation mutation AA Truncation mutation rr = 0 68 pp = 0 002 22 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 16 Ratioo mduced:uninduced protein

1200 1000 800 -6 0 4 0 2 0 0 --TD4 4 A A AA FHA4 AA FHA2 A T D 3 3 AA TD1 OO FHA1 -^\P-^\P TD3-h FHA5 5

• •

TD1-h h 0 0 WT T •• Wild-type 00 Nontruncation mutation AA Truncation mutation r;; = 0.33 pp = 0 06 2.5 5 55 0 7.5 5 Ratioo induced uninduced protein

Figuree 6. ABCA1 protein levels correlate with plasma HDL-C levels and efflux activity. (A) The fold increase in

ABCA1:GAPDHH levels observed upon stimulation of primary fibroblasts with 9-cis-RA, 22-R-OH-Chol (x axis) are plottedd against the HDL-C levels from the patient from w h o m the fibroblasts were obtained (y axis), showing a strong,, significant positive correlation (r = 0.68, p=0.002). Black square: wild-type; grey circle: nontruncation mutation,, open triangle: truncation mutation. (B) The fold increase in ABCA1 :GAPDH levels (x axis) are plotted againstt the cholesterol efflux activity from the patient from w h o m the fibroblasts were obtained (y axis), showingg a positive correlation that nearly reaches statistical significance (r; = 0.33, p=0.06). Black square: wild-type;; grey circle: nontruncation mutation; open triangle: truncation mutation.


Discussion n

ABCA11 has been identified as a key initiator of reverse cholesterol transport and plays an importantt role in mediating susceptibility to atherosclerosis (19). Using a large cohort of affectedd and unaffected family members that allow us to partly control for other genetic and environmentall influences, we recently showed that ABCA1 heterozygotes have reduced HDL-CC and apoA-l levels that are gene-dose dependent and demonstrate a critical role for ABCA1 in determiningg HDL-C levels (6). In this analysis, the effect of mutation type was assessed by comparingg the HDL-C levels in carriers of missense vs frameshift, nonsense, and small in-frame deletionss and no significant effect was found (6). However, when separated by the effect of thee mutation on protein length, heterozygotes for truncation mutations were found to have significantlyy lower HDL-C and apoA-l levels than heterozygotes for nontruncation mutations, suggestingg that truncation mutations have a deleterious effect in vivo.

Wee now provide a molecular mechanism that may help to explain the clinical variation of individuall phenotypes in FHA and TD kindreds through the analysis of ABCA1 expression in primaryy human fibroblasts representative of a variety of mutation types located throughout the ABCA11 protein coding region. We observed a profound effect of mutation type on the ability off ABCA1 protein to be upregulated in response to oxysterol stimulation. Premature truncations off ABCA1 were found to dominantly inhibit expression of the remaining full-length allele, regardlesss of whether the full-length allele was wild-type or whether it contained a second, nontruncationn mutation. In contrast, mutations that maintained ABCA1 translation to its natural C-terminuss resulted in protein levels that were approximately 70% of that observed in wild-typee cells. Furthermore, suppression of ABCA1 expression by truncation mutations occurred at thee protein level because ABCA1 mRNA levels are comparable in these fibroblasts. Therefore, a reductionn in the steady-state level of ABCA1 protein must be due either to decreased translation orr increased degradation of ABCA1 protein. These findings may explain why FHA or TD heterozygotess for truncation mutations are doubly disadvantaged; not only is one allele nonfunctionall by virtue of a severe mutation but in addition expression of the remaining wild-typee allele is also compromised.

Furthermore,, our results suggest that ABCA1 protein levels strongly predict HDL-C and cholesterol efflux.. Importantly, w e observed that t r u n c a t i o n and n o n t r u n c a t i o n mutations f o r m e d nonoverlappingg clusters in correlation analyses between ABCA1 protein levels and either HDL-CC or cholesterol efflux. For both correlations, all of the truncation mutations clustered near the bottomm of these curves, consistent with dominant negative suppression of ABCA1 expression andd activity by truncation mutations. These results confirm that truncation mutations are the mostt severe with respect to their effects on HDL-C levels, cholesterol efflux, and ABCA1 protein levels,, in contrast, all of the nontruncation mutations clustered in an intermediate region of the curve,, suggesting that nontruncation mutations do not have a dominant negative effect on


expressionn of function of the remaining ABCA1 allele.

Thee dominant negative effect of ABCA1 truncation mutations was also confirmed in a synthetic inn vitro system using Cos-7 cells transfected with tagged cDNA expression constructs encoding wild-typee ÜI truncated A b L A I . Loexpression ol wild-type ABLA1 with ABCA1 containing a missensee mutation did not inhibit expression or efflux activity of wild-type ABCA1. By contrast, coexpressionn of wild-type with truncated ABCA1 decreased cholesterol efflux from wild-type ABCA11 by approximately 65%, demonstrating that ABCA1 fragments dominantly interfere withh ABCA1 functional activity.

Dominantt negative effects are classically defined in terms of function and can manifest in severall ways. Some dominant negative mutations inactivate catalytic activity while maintaining thee ability to bind substrate (20,21,22). Other common dominant negative mutations include truncatedd molecules that maintain ligand- or target-binding functions but lack other functional domainss (23,24,25,26). Dominant negative mutations work by inhibiting the function of the wild-typee allele, which often occurs by the mutated allele "poisoning" a molecular complex or titratingg key components required for function. For example, many fibrillin-1 gene mutations generatee fibrillin monomers that impair the global function of microfibrils and result in microfibrillopathiess including Marfan syndrome (27). Additionally, a truncation mutation in endoglinn results in a protein fragment that dimerizes w i t h wild-type endoglin protein and dominantlyy impairs its trafficking to the cell surface (28). Similarly, truncated V2 vasopressin receptorss act as dominant negative regulators of wild-type V2 receptor function by inhibiting functionn and cell surface trafficking of full-length V2 receptors (29).

Thee finding that truncation mutations in ABCA1 can dominantly suppress protein expression off full-length ABCA1 suggests that association of ABCA1 molecules with other proteins may bee required for maintenance of normal ABCA1 protein levels in cells. It is possible that ABCA1 mayy form higher order complexes that may be critical for its stable accumulation or expression att the cell surface. ABCA1 is a full-size ATP-binding cassette transporter and as such contains alll domains required for transporter function in a single molecule (30). Quarter-sized and half-sizee transporters necessarily form functional complexes for activity (31,32,33,34). What is less clearr is whether full-sized ATP-binding cassette transporters also have the ability to form functional dimerss or other higher order complexes. Our results suggest that higher order complexes may bee necessary for maintenance of protein abundance and functional activity at the cell surface, becausee coexpression of one truncated allele is sufficient to significantly reduce overall protein levelss and diminish efflux activity.

Muchh current research aims to identify compounds that increase ABCA1 levels in cells. However, iff these compounds act to increase ABCA1 expression through transcriptional mechanisms, we wouldd predict that they would be less effective in patients with truncation mutations because expressionn of ABCA1 would remain impaired by the effect of the truncation mutation on


ABCA11 translation or protein stability. Conversely, compounds that act at posttranscriptional levelss to enhance ABCA1 expression or that enhance ABCA1 activity, perhaps through modulatingg the interactions of ABCA1 with its protein partners, may be more desirable as potentiall therapeutics for these patients.

Acknowledgements s

Thee authors thank Joan Keiser, Ming Wang, Omar Francone, Mark Gray-Keller, Alan Attie, Shizuyaa Yamashita,Yuji Matsuzawa and members of our respective groups for their generous contributions.. This work is supported by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (SMC, JG, MRH),, the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada (MRH), the Canadian Networks of Centres off Excellence (NCE Genetics, MRH), and Xenon Genetics Inc. KZ is supported by a grant from thee Netherlands Heart Foundation. JG is supported by a Chercheur National salary award from thee Fonds de la recherche en sante de Quebec. JJPK is an Established Investigator of the Dutch Heartt Foundation. MRH is a holder of a Canada Research Chair.

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The beginning passage of the Eighth Maḥberet goes as follows: “I wan- dered from the days of my youth through the outsides, going around in doing business, from people to people,

On this track segment four train types can be distinquished (Intercity trains, Inter-regional train service 8800, Regional train service 9800 and freight trains)?.

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