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On the equivalence covering number of splitgraphs


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On the equivalence covering number of splitgraphs

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Blokhuis, A., & Kloks, A. J. J. (1994). On the equivalence covering number of splitgraphs. (Computing science reports; Vol. 9439). Technische Universiteit Eindhoven.

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Eindhoven University of Technology

Department of Mathematics and Computing Science

On the equivalence covering number of splitgraphs

ISSN 0926-4515 All rights reserved

editors: prof.dr. J.C.M. Baeten profdr. M. Rem


A. Blokhuis and T. Kloks 94/39

Computing Science Report 94/39 Eindhoven, September 1994


On the equivalence covering number of splitgraphs

A. Blokhuis' and T. lOoks t

Department of Alafh.ematics and Computing Science Eindhoven University of Technology

P.O.Box 5iS. 5600 MB Eindhoven, The Netherlands

Keywords: Graph algorit"ms~ equivalence

cov-ering, splitgraphs.


An equivalence graph is a disjoint ulllon of cliques. For a graph G let eq( G) be the Ininimll111 number of equivalence subgra,phs of G needed to cover aU edges of G. We call eq(G) the equivalence covering number of G. We show that the equivalence cover· ing number for splitgraphs can be approxi· mated within an additive constant 1. "Ve also show tha.t obta.ining the exa.ct value of the equivalence number of a splitgraph is an NP· hard problem. Using a· similar method we also show that the computation of the equivalence number remains NP·complete for graphs with Inaxilllnll1 degree 6 and with 111axinul1l1 clique number 4.



Definition 1 An equivalence graph,s a vel" tex disjoint union of clique8. An equivalence covering of a graph G is a family of equiva·

lence slI.bgraI'h8 of G sllch that every edge of G

is an edge of a.t least one member of the fam· ily. The equivalence covering number of G,

denoted by eq(G), i8 t.he minimllm umlinality of all equivalence covering8 of G.

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The equivalence covering number was stud· ied first in [2J. Interesting bounds for the equivalence covering number jn terms of max-imal degree of the complement were obtained in [lJ. In this note we mainly consider the computation of the equivalence covering num· bel' of splitgraphs. We first show an approx· imation within an additive constant 1. Then we show that obtaining the exact value is an NP·hard problem.

Definition 2 A graph G = (V, E) is a split graph, if the're i8 a. partition V = S


K of its

vate:c set into ({. 8/.able 8et S and a clique K.

There is no restriction on edges between ver-tices of S' and vertices of J(. Notice that in general the partition into S' and K need not be unique. Splitgraphs are exactly those graphs which, together with their complements, are chordal. For more general information on splitgraphs we refer to [4J.



In this sect.ion we show that the equivalence covering number of a. splitgraph can be ap· proximated wit.hin an additive constant l. Consider a. partition V




K of the vertex set into an independent set 5' a.nd a clique K.

For a vertex x in J( let 8( x) be the number of neighbors of x; in S. Let L'1 = max{8(x)


x E K}.


Proof. Consider a vertex '" E ]( with o( x) =

.6. and its neighbors in S. This is a· ](1.'"

induced subgraph of G. This induced sub-graph has equivalence covering number .6., since ea.ch equivalence graph in the cover-ing can have only one edge. This proves the

lemma. 0

Lem ma 2 eq( G) ::; .6.



Proof. Let YI, ...


be the vertices of S. For each vertex x in Ii.." consider a.n a.rbitrary or-dering of its neighbors in S. For i


1, ... ,.6. define the equivaleuce graph Gi as follows.

Gi is t.he disjoint. union of cliques Hii.}


{Yj} U {x E ](

I the ith neighbor of

x is Yj}.

for j = 1, ... , t. It is easy to check t.hat the cliques lVi.;i for j


1, ... , tare all dis-joint. We define one more equivalence graph G "'+1 consisting of the clique ](. Obviously, this gives an equivalence covering with .6.



equivalence graphs. 0

The approxima.tion given in Lemma 2 can be

computed in linear tilne. This proves the

fol-lowing theorem.

TheorelTI 1 There eX£8ts a linear time

01(/0-rithm to compute an equivalence covering of a splitgmph G with a.t most eq( G)


1 equiva-lence graphs.

Remark 1 Notice tha.t, in case the splilgl'Oph

is a. threshold gra.ph (see, e.g.,


its eljviva-fence nu.mber cw{' easily be computed e:fflctly.



We use a reduction from EDGE-COLORING.

The chromatic index of a. graph G, denot.ed by X'(G), is t.he number of colors required to color the edges of t.he graph in such a way t.hat no t.wo adjacent. edges have the same color. By Vizing's theorem (see, e.g., [3]) the clll'o-matic index is eit.her dol' d + 1, where d is the

lllaxinlUll1 vertex degree.


Notice that, in general, the chromatic index is an upperbound for the equivalence covering !lumber. Also, these parameters coincide for t.riangle-free graphs. It follows that, for bipar-tite graphs, the equivalence covering number equals the maximum degree. Unfortunately, for split.graphs the bound is not of much use, which is illustrated by a clique.

It. is by now well-known that it is NP-complete to determine the chromatic index of an arbitrary graph [.5, 6J. Holyer [5J obtained the following result..

Theorem 2 It. i8 NP-complete to determine whethe!' the chroma/.ie index of a cubic graph

i.< S or

"I-Consider a cubic graph G and construct a graph H as follows. For each edge e of G introduce a. He\V vertex Xe and make this

ad-jacent to the two end vertices of e. We call Xe the .special vertex a.t. e.

Lemma 3 X'(G)


3 {} eq(H)



Pmof. First. assume X'(G) = 3. Notice that

eq(H) ~ 3 since II has an induced ](1,3 sub-graph. (If p is a vertex of G incident with edges e,


and 9 in G'~ then {p,xe,xj,xg }

in-duces a 1(1.3 in 11.) Consider an edge coloring of G with three colors. For each color class de-fine an equivalence graph as follows. For each edge in that. color class, the triangle consist-ing of the edge and the special vertex at that edge is a clique of the equivalence graph. It is easy t.o check that. t.his defines an equivalence

covering with three equivalence graphs.

Nmv a.ssume If ha.s an equivalence covering with three equivalence graphs 11], Hz and 113 .

We cla.im that no triangle of G is contained in a clique of one of the equivalence graphs. As-Stl me, by way of contradiction, that {a, b, c} is a. triangle of G which is contained in a clique of 111 , Vertex o. is adjacent to three special

vertices, sa.y


X2 a.nd X3. Then each of

the edges ({/.,


is contained in a clique of an equivalence gra.ph, and no two are in a clique


of generality we may assume that ((l, Xi) is contained in a. clique of Hi. But then HI can-not contain the triangle {(l, b, c} since XI has degree two and hence the clique cont.aining (l

and Xl ca·ll have at nlost two vertices of G.

We can color the edges of G as follows. If the edge e is contained in a clique of IIi then we give it color i. (If e is contained in cliques of more than one equivalence graph, we can choose one arbitrarily). By the remark above this gives a correct edge-coloring with three

colors. 0

Corollary 1 It i8 NP-complete to determine whether the equivalence cov€r'ing number oj (f

[Jr'aph with nUlximunt degree::; 6 and without.

induced Ii'4 is




Given a. cubic graph G we construct a,

split-graph G' as follows. The vertex set of G" is split into a clique Ii' a.nd an independent set S. The vertices of J( are the vertices of G. For each edge e of G introduce two new vertices

Xe,1 and '"e,2 which are both made adjacent. to the end vertices of e. For each nonedge


equivalence graph as follows. For each edge in that color class add the other special ver-tex and let that triangle be a clique of the equivalence gra.ph.

Clearly, this defines an equivalence covering of G' with 11


2 equivalence graphs.

Assume that G' has an equivalence cover-ing with n


2 equivalence graphs. Consider a vertex a E Ii'. This vertex (l is a.djacent to 11+2 special vertices, and each of the edges be-tween a and a special vertex defines a unique equivalence graph. It follows that no trian-gle of G can he contained in a clique of an equivalence graph. \Ne thus obtain a correct edge-coloring of G in the saIne ma.nner as in

(;he proof of Lemma 3. 0

Corollary 2 It i" NP-complete to determine whether the equivalence covering nwnber of a

"plitgraph, in which every vertex of the inde-pendent set has degree two, is








= max{ 5(,")


X E Ii'} for a given

)Jar/.ilion of t.he ve-rte," set into a clique J( and

an independent. set S.

Concluding remarks

of G, we introduce one new vertex Yj which


is made adjacent to the endvertices of.f. We aga.in call the new vertices, which are t.he

ver-tices of S, special vert.ices. Tn this note we considered the equivalence covering number for splitgraphs. Related prohlems are the clique covering number, and the clique pa.rt.it.ion number. The clique cover-ing 1Hl111her is the mini1l1U111 number of cliques which cover all the edges of the graph. It was shown in [8J tha.t the clique covering number can he computed in linear time for chordal gra.phs. Ti,e clique pa.rtition number is the minimum number of cliques such that every edge is contained in exactly one clique. De-termining the clique partition number is NP-hard for chordal graphs [9J. It would be in-terest.ing to determine the complexity of the computation of the clique partition number for split graphs. It should be remarked how-ever that it is unlikely that a polynomial time a.lgorithm exists, due to the following [10, 7J. Consider the following splitgraph G. Take a Lemma 4 X'(G)


3 {} eq(G')





where 11 i" the '/lumber of vertices of G.

Proof. The proof goes along the same lines

as the proof of Lemma 3. Assume G can he

edge-colored with three colors. Notice that





2 since I{1,n+2 is an induced

suhgraph. Since G is cubic, 11 is even. We

ca.n construct an equivalence covering for G"

as follows. First., consider an edge-coloring of Ii' with 11 - 1 colors (see [3]). For each color class, define an equivalence graph as follows. For each edge in Ii' in tha.t color class, add one special vertex at tha.t edge and let tha.t triangle be a clique of the equivalence graph. Next consider an edge-coloring of G with three colors. For each color class define an


clique with m2+m+l-r vertices and an

inde-pendent set with T vertices. Make every ver-tex of the independent set adjacent to every vertex of the clique. (G is sometimes denot.ed as Km'+m+l \ Kr .) If 2









t.hen the clique part.ition number of G is at least 1102


111 with equality holding if and

only if a projective plane of order m exists and r







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Computing Science Reports

In this series appeared: 91/01 D. Alstein 91/02 R.P. Nederpelt H.C.M. de Swart 91/03 J.P. Katoen L.A.M. Schoenmakers 91/04 E. v.d. Sluis A.F. v.d. Stappen 91/05 D. de Reus 91/06 K.M. van Hee 91/07 E.Poll 91/08 H. Schepers 91/09 W.M.P.v.d.Aalsl 91/10 R.C.Backhouse P.J. de Bruin P. Hoogendijk G. Malcolm E. Voermans J. v.d. Woude 91/11 R.c. Backhouse PJ. de Bruin G.Malcolm E.Vocrmans J. van der Woude 91/12 E. van der Sluis

91/13 F. Rietman 91/14 P. Lemmens

91/15 A.T.M. Aerts K.M. van Hee

91/16 AJ.J.M. Marcelis

Department of Mathematics and Computing Science Eindhoven University of Technology

Dynamic Reconfiguration in Distributed Hard Real-Time Systems, p. 14.

Implication. A survey of the different logical analyses "if...,then ... ", p. 26.

Parallel Programs for the Recognition of P-invariant Segments, p. 16.

Performance Analysis of VLSI Programs, p. 31.

An Implementation Model for GOOD, p. 18. SPECIFlCATIEMETHODEN, een overzicht, p. 20.

CPO-models for second order lambda calculus with recursive types and subtyping, p. 49.

Terminology and Paradigms for Fault Tolerance, p. 25. Interval Timed Petri Nets and their analysis, p.53. POLYNOMIAL RELATORS, p. 52.

Relational Catamorphism, p. 31.

A parallel local search algorithm for the travelling salesman problem, p. 12.

A note on Extensionality, p. 21.

The PDB Hypermedia Package. Why and how it was built, p. 63.

Eldorado: Architecture of a Functional Database Management System, p. 19.

An example of proving attribute grammars correct: the representation of arithmetical expressions by DAGs, p. 25.


91/17 AT.M. Aerts P.M.E. de Bra K.M. van Hee 91/18 Rik van Geldrop 91/19 Erik Poll 91/20 AE. Eiben R.Y. Schuwer 91/21 J. Coenen W.-P. de Roever J.Zwiers 91/22 G. Wolf 91/23 K.M. van Hee LJ. Somers M. Yoorhoeve 91/24 A.T.M. Aerts D. de Reus 91/25 P. Zhou J. Hooman R. Kuiper 91/26 P. de Bra G.J. Houben J. Paredaens 91/27 F. de Boer C. Palamidessi 91/28 F. de Boer 91/29 H. Ten Eikelder R. van Geldrop 91/30 J.C.M. Baeten F.W. Yaandrager 91/31 H. ten Eikelder 91/32 P. Struik 91/33 W. v.d. Aalst 91/34 J. Coenen

Transforming Functional Database Schemes to Relational Representations, p. 21.

Transformational Query Solving, p. 35.

Some categorical properties for a model for second order lambda calculus with subtyping, p. 21.

Knowledge Base Systems, a Formal Model, p. 21.

Assertional Data Reification Proofs: Survey and Perspective, p. 18.

Schedule Management: an Object Oriented Approach, p. 26.

Z and high level Petri nets, p. 16.

Formal semantics for BRM with examples, p. 25.

A compositional proof system for real-time systems based on explicit clock temporal logic: soundness and complete ness, p. 52.

The GOOD based hypertext reference model, p. 12.

Embedding as a tool for language comparison: On the CSP hierarchy, p. 17.

A compositional proof system for dynamic proces creation, p. 24.

Correctness of Acceptor Schemes for Regular Languages, p. 31.

An Algebra for Process Creation, p. 29.

Some algorithms to decide the equivalence of recursive types, p. 26.

Techniques for designing efficient parallel programs, p. 14.

The modelling and anal ysis of queueing systems with QNM-ExSpect, p. 23.

Specifying fault tolerant programs in deontic logic, p. 15.


91/35 F.S. de Boer 1.W. Klop C. Palamidessi 92/01 1. Coenen 1. Zwiers W.-P. de Roever 92/02 1. Coenen 1. Hooman 92/03 1.C.M. Baeten 1.A. Bergstra 92/04 1.P.H.W.v.d.Eijnde 92/05 1.P.H. W. v.d.Eijnde 92/06 1. C.M. Baeten 1.A. Bergstra 92/07 R.P. Nederpelt 92/08 R.P. Nederpelt F. Kamareddine 92/09 R.C. Backhouse 92/10 P.M.P. Rambags 92/11 R.C. Backhouse 1.S.C.P.v.d.Woude 92/12 F. Kamarcddine 92Jl3 F. Kamareddine 92/14 J.C.M. Baeten 92/15 F. Kamareddine 92/16 R.R. Seljee

92/17 W.M.P. van der Aalst

92/18 R.Nederpelt F. Kamareddine 92/19 1.C.M.Baeten 1.A.Bergstra S.A.Smolka 92/20 F.Kamareddine

Asynchronous communication in process algebra, p. 20.

A note on compositional refinement, p. 27.

A compositional semantics for fault tolerant real-time systems, p. 18.

Real space process algebra, p. 42.

Program derivation in acyclic graphs and related problems, p. 90.

Conservative fixpoint functions on a graph, p. 25. Discrete time process algebra, p.45.

The fine-structure of lambda calculus, p. 110. On stepwise explicit substitution, p. 30.

Calculating the Warshall/Floyd path algorithm, p. 14. Composition and decomposition in a CPN model, p. 55. Demonic operators and monotype factors, p. 29.

Set theory and nominalisation, Part I, p.26. Set theory and nominalisation, Part II, p.22. The total order assumption, p. 10.

A system at the cross-roads of functional and logic programming, p.36.

Integrity checking in deductive databases; an exposition, p.32.

Interval timed coloured Petri nets and their analysis, p. 20.

A unified approach to Type Theory through a refined lambda-calculus, p. 30.

Axiomatizing Probabilistic Processes: ACP with Generative Probabilities, p. 36.


92/21 F.Kamareddine 92/22 R. Nederpelt F.Kamareddine 92/23 F.Kamareddine E.Klein 92/24 M.Codish D.Dams Eyal Yardeni 92/25 E.PoIl 92/26 T.H.W.Beelen WJ.J.Stut P.A.e. Verkoulen 92/27 B. Watson G. Zwaan 93/01 R. van Geldrop 93/02 T. Verhoeff 93/03 T. Verhoeff 93/04 E.H.L. Aarts J.H.M. Korst PJ. Zwietering 93/05 J.e.M. Baeten e. Verhoef 93/06 J.P. Veltkamp 93/07 p.o. Moerland 93/08 J. Verhoosel 93/09 K.M. van Hee 93/10 K.M. van Hee 93/11 K.M. van Hee 93/12 K.M. van Hee 93/13 K.M. van Hee

Non well-foundedness and type freeness can unify the interpretation of functional application, p. 16.

A useful lambda notation, p. 17.

Nominalization, Predication and Type Containment, p. 40.

Bottum -up Abstract Interpretation of Logic Programs, p. 33.

A Programming Logic for Fro, p. IS.

A modelling method using MOVIE and SimCon/ExSpect, p. 15.

A taxonomy of keyword pattern matching algorithms, p. 50.

Deriving the Aho-Corasick algorithms: a case study into the synergy of programming methods, p. 36.

A continuous version of the Prisoner's Dilemma, p. 17 Quicksort for linked lists, p. 8.

Detenninistic and randomized local search, p. 78.

A congruence theorem for structured operational semantics with predicates, p. 18.

On the unavoidability of metastable behaviour, p. 29 Exercises in Multiprogramming, p. 97

A Fonnal Detenninistic Scheduling Model for Hard Real-Time Executions in DEDOS, p. 32.

Systems Engineering: a Fonnal Approach Part I: System Concepts, p. 72.

Systems Engineering: a Formal Approach Part II: Frameworks, p. 44.

Systems Engineering: a Formal Approach Part III: Modeling Methods, p. 101. Systems Engineering: a Formal Approach Part IV: Analysis Methods, p. 63.


93/14 1.C.M. Baeten 1.A. Bergstra 93/15 1. C.M. Baeten 1.A. Bergstra R.N. Bol 93/16 H. Schepers 1. Hooman 93/17 D. Alstein

P. van der Stok 93/18 C. Verhoef 93/19 G-l. Houben 93/20 F.S. de Boer 93/21 M. Codish D. Dams G.


M. Bruynooghe 93/22 E. Poll 93/23 E. de Kogel

93/24 E. Poll and Paula Severi 93/25 H. Schepers and R. Gerth

93/26 W.M.P. van der Aalst 93/27 T. Kloks and D. Kratsch 93/28 F. Kamareddine and

R. Nederpelt

93/29 R. Post and P. De Bra 93/30 1. Deogun

T. Kloks D. Kratsch H. Muller 93/31 W. Korver

93/32 H. ten Eikelder and H. van Geldrop

Part V: Specification Language. p. 89.

On Sequential Composition. Action Prefixes and Process Prefix. p. 21.

A Real-Time Process Logic. p. 31.

A Trace-Based Compositional Proof Theory for Fault Tolerant Distributed Systems. p. 27

Hard Real-Time Reliable Multicast in the DEDOS system. p. 19.

A congruence theorem for structured operational semantics with predicates and negative premises. p. 22. The Design of an Online Help Facility for ExSpect. p.21. A Process Algebra of Concurrent Constraint Program-ming. p. 15.

Freeness Analysis for Logic Programs - And Correct-ness? p. 24.

A Typechecker for Bijective Pure Type Systems. p. 28. Relational Algebra and Equational Proofs. p. 23. Pure Type Systems with Definitions. p. 38.

A Compositional Proof Theory for Fault Tolerant Real-Time Distributed Systems. p. 31.

Multi-dimensional Petri nets. p. 25.

Finding all minimal separators of a graph. p. II.

A Semantics for a fine A-calculus with de Bruijn indices. p. 49.

GOLD. a Graph Oriented Language for Databases. p. 42. On Vertex Ranking for Permutation and Other Graphs. p. 11.

Derivation of delay insensitive and speed independent CMOS circuits. using directed commands and

production rule sets. p. 40.

On the Correctness of some Algorithms to generate Finite Automata for Regular Expressions. p. 17.


93/33 93/34 93/35 93/36 93/37 93/38 93/39 93/40 93/41

L. Loyens and J. Moonen

J. C.M. Baeten and J.A. Bergstra W. Ferrer and P. Severi J.C.M. Baeten and J.A. Bergstra J. Brunekreef J-P. Katoen R. Koymans S. Mauw C. Verhoef W.P.M. Nuijten E.H.L. Aarts

D.A.A. van Erp Taalman Kip K.M. van Hee

P.D.V. van der Stok M.M.M.P.J. Claessen D. Alstein A. Bijlsma 93/42 P.M.P. Rambags 93/43 B.W. Watson 93/44 B.W. Watson 93/45 E.J. Luit J.M.M. Martin 93/46 T. Kloks D. Kratsch J. Spinrad 93/47 W. v.d. Aalst P. De Bra G.J. Houben Y. Komatzky 93/48 R. Gerth

ILlAS, a sequential language for parallel matrix computations, p. 20.

Real Time Process Algebra with Infinitesimals, p.39.

Abstract Reduction and Topology, p. 28.

Non Interleaving Process Algebra, p. 17.

Design and Analysis of

Dynamic Leader Election Protocols in Broadcast Networks, p. 73.

A general conservative extension theorem in process algebra, p. 17.

Job Shop Scheduling by Constraint Satisfaction, p. 22.

A Hierarchical Membership Protocol for Synchronous Distributed Systems, p. 43.

Temporal operators viewed as predicate transformers, p. II.

Automatic Verification of Regular Protocols in PIT Nets, p. 23.

A taxomomy of finite automata construction algorithms, p. 87.

A taxonomy of finite automata minimization algorithms, p. 23.

A precise clock synchronization protocol,p.

Treewidth and Patwidth of Cocomparability graphs of Bounded Dimension, p. 14.

Browsing Semantics in the "Tower" Model, p. 19.

Verifying Sequentially Consistent Memory using Interface Refinement, p. 20.


94/01 P. America

M. van der Kammen R.P. Nederpelt O.S. van Roosmalen H.C.M. de Swart 94/02 F. Kamareddine R.P. Nederpeit 94/03 L.B. Hartman K.M. van Hee 94/04 J.C.M. Baeten J.A. Bergstra 94/05 P. Zhou J. Hooman 94/06 T. Basten T. Kunz J. Black M. Coffin D. Taylor 94/07 K.R. Apt R. Bol

94/08 O.S. van Roosmalen

94/09 J.C.M. Baeten lA. Bergstra 94/10 T. vcrhoeff 94/11 l Pcleska C. Huizing C. Pctersohn 94/12 T. Kloks D. Kratsch H. Muller 94/13 R. Scljee 94/14 W. Peremans 94/15 RJ.M. Vaesscns E.H.L. Aarts J.K. Lenstra 94/16 R.c. Backhouse H. Doornbos 94/17 S. Mauw M.A. Reniers

The object-oriented paradigm, p. 28.

Canonical typing and


-conversion, p. 51.

Application of Marcov Decision Processe to Search Problems, p. 21.

Graph Isomorphism Models for Non Interleaving Process Algebra, p. 18.

Fonnal Specification and Compositional Verification of an Atomic Broadcast Protocol, p. 22.

Time and the Order of Abstract Events in Distributed Computations, p. 29.

Logic Programming and Negation: A Survey, p. 62.

A Hierarchical Diagrammatic Representation of Class Structure, p. 22.

Process Algebra with Partial Choice, p. 16.

The testing Paradigm Applied to Network Structure. p. 31.

A Comparison of Ward & Mellor's Transfonnation Schema with State- & Activitycharts, p. 30.

Dominoes, p. 14.

A New Method for Integrity Constraint checking in Deductive Databases, p. 34.

Ups and Downs of Type Theory, p. 9. Job Shop Scheduling by Local Search, p. 21.

Mathematical Induction Made Calculational, p. 36.

An Algebraic Semantics of Basic Message Sequence Charts, p. 9.


94/18 F. Kamareddine R. NederpeJt 94/19 B.W. Watson 94/20 R. Bloo F. Kamareddine R. Nederpelt 94/21 B.W. Watson 94/22 B.W. Watson

Refining Reduction in the Lambda Calculus, p. IS.

The pcrfonnance of single-keyword and multiple-keyword pattern matching algorithms, p. 46.

Beyond /3-Reduction in Church's A~, p. 22.

An introduction to the Fire engine: A C++ toolkit for Finite automata and Regular Expressions.

The design and implementation of the FIRE engine: A C++ toolkit for Finite automata and regular Expressi-ons.

94/23 S. Mauw and M.A. Reniers An algebraic semantics of Message Sequence Charts, p. 43. 94/24 D. Dams O. Grumberg R. Gerth 94/25 T. KIoks 94/26 R.R. Hoogerwoord

94/27 S. Mauw and H. Mulder 94/28 C.W.A.M. van Overveld

M. Verhoeven 94/29 l. Hooman 94/30 l.C.M. Baeten l.A. Bergstra Gh. Stefanescu 94/31 B.W. Watson R.E. Watson 94/32 J.J. Vereijken 94/33 T. Laan 94/34 R. Bloo F. Kamareddine R. Nederpelt 94/35 l.C.M. Baeten S. Mauw 94/36 F. Kamareddine R. Nederpelt

Abstract Interpretation of Reactive Systems:

Abstractions Preserving '1CTL *, 3CTL * and CTL *, p. 28.

K1,3-free and W,-free graphs, p. 10.

On the foundations of functional programming: a programmer's point of view, p. 54.

Regularity of BPA-Systems is Decidable, p. 14. Stars or Stripes: a comparative study of finite and transfinite techniques for surface modelling, p. 20.

Correctness of Real Time Systems by Construction, p. 22. Process Algebra with Feedback, p. 22.

A Boyer-Moore type algorithm for regular expression pattern matching, p. 22.

Fischer's Protocol in Timed Process Algebra, p. 38. A fonnalization of the Ramified Type Theory, p.40. The Barendregt Cube with Definitions and Generalised Reduction, p. 37.

Delayed choice: an operator for joining Message Sequence Charts, p. IS.

Canonical typing and


-conversion in the Barendregt Cube, p. 19.


94/37 T. Basten R. Bol

M. Voorhoeve 94/38 A. Bijlsma

C.S. Scholten

Simulating and Analyzing Railway Interlockings in ExSpect, p. 30.



Lemma 7.3 implies that there is a polynomial time algorithm that decides whether a planar graph G is small-boat or large-boat: In case G has a vertex cover of size at most 4 we

This result is an extension of the well-known result that the ϑ-number dominates the Hoffman-Delsarte eigenvalue bound on the stability number of a regular graph without loops.

gibb- site, bayerite and amorphous AH 3 , the reaction mecha- nism was investigated qualitatively by isothermal calo- rimetry, and by X-ray diffraction, D.T.A.,

The test proposed here increases the efficiency of the dynamic programming method considerably a nonoptimal action for a given stage (iteration) is one which does not form part of

The standard mixture contained I7 UV-absorbing cornpOunds and 8 spacers (Fig_ 2C)_ Deoxyinosine, uridine and deoxymosine can also be separated; in the electrolyte system

‘n werkstuk getiteld Postkoloniale terugskrywing: verset teen of verbond met kolonialisme, wat die vorm aanneem van ‘n essay oor die problematiek rondom die representasie van die

It is shown that by exploiting the space and frequency-selective nature of crosstalk channels this crosstalk cancellation scheme can achieve the majority of the performance gains