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Dynamics of geometrically nonlinear sliding beams


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Kamran Behdinan

B.A.Sc., K. N. Toosi University o f Technology, 1985 M .A.Sc., Sharif University o f Technology, 1988 A Dissertation Submitted in Partial Fulfillment o f the

Requirements for the D egree o f DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY

in the Department o f Mechanical Engineering

We accept this dissertation as conforming to the required standard

Dr. B. Tabarrok, Supervisor (Mechanical Engineering)

D n ^ Nahon<Blepartmen> Member (M echanical Engineering)

p f. R. Podhofodeski, Department Member (Mechanical Engineering)

Dr. W-S. Lu, Outside Member (Electrical & Computer Engineering)

Dr. M.P. Paidoussis, Lxiqfiial Examiner (Mechanical Engineering, M cGill University) © KAMRAN BEHDINAN, 1996

University o f Victoria

All rights reserved. Dissertation may not be reproduced in whole or in part, by photocopying or other means, without the permission o f the author.



The elasto-dynamics o f flexible frame structures is o f interest in many areas o f engineer­ ing. In certain structural systems the deflections can be large enough to warrant a nonlin­ ear analysis. For example, offshore structures, long suspension bridges and other relatively slender structures used in space applications require a geometrically nonlinear analysis. In addition, if the structure has deployable elements, as in som e space structures, the required analysis becom es even more complex. Typical exam ples are spacecraft anten­ nae, radio telescopes, solar panels and space-based manipulators with deployable ele­ ments.

The main objective o f the present work is to formulate the problem o f sliding beams undergoing large rotations and small strains. Further w e aim to develop efficient finite ele­ ment technique for analysis o f such complex systems. Finally w e w ish to examine the nature o f the motion o f sliding beams and point out its salient features.

We start with two well known approaches in the nonlinear finite elem ent static analysis o f highly flexible structures, namely, the updated Lagrangian and the consistent co-rotational methods and extend these techniques to dynamic analysis o f geometrically nonlinear beam structures. We analyse several examples by the same methods and compare the per­ formance o f each for efficiency and accuracy.

Next, using M clver’s extension o f Hamilton’s principle, we formulate the problem o f geo­ metrically flexible sliding beams by two different approaches. In the first the beam slides through a fixed rigid channel with a prescribed sliding motion. In this formulation which we refer to as the sliding beam formulation, the material points on the beam slide relative to a fixed channel. In the second formulation the material points on the fixed beam are observed by a moving observer on a sliding channel and the beam is axially at rest. The governing equations o f motion for the two formulations describe the same physical prob­ lem and by mapping both to a fixed domain, using proper transformations, we show that the two sets o f governing equations become identical.


numerical method to obtain the transient response o f the problem for the special case axi­ ally rigid beam. Next we follow a more elegant approach wherein w e use the developed incremental nonlinear finite element approaches (the updated Lagrangian and the consis­ tent co-rotational method) in conjunction with a variable time domain beam finite ele­ ments (where the number o f elements is fixed and as mass enters the domain o f interest, but the sizes o f elements change in a prescribed maimer in the undeformed configuration). To verify the formulation and its computational implementation w e analyse m any exam­ ples and compare our findings with those reported in the literature when possible. We also use these illustrative examples to identify the importance o f various terms such as axial flexibility and foreshortening effects. Finally we look into the problem o f parametric reso­ nance for the beam with periodically varying length and we show that the regions o f sta­ bility obtained in the literature, using a linear analysis, do not hold when a m ore realistic nonlinear analysis is undertaken.


Dr. B. Tkbarrok, Supervisor (Mechanical Engineering)

igit/dember.(M echanical Engineering)

L Podhofodeski, Department Member (Mechanical Engineering) Nahon, D

Dr. W-S. Lu, Outside Member (Electrical & Computer Engineering)

Dr. M.P. Paidoussis, Extemaf Examiner (Mechanical Engineering, McGill University)


Table o f Contents... iv List o f Figures... ix Nomenclature... xv Acknowledgments... xxv D edication... xxvi

Chapter 1: Introduction... 1

1.1 Problem Description and History...1

1.1.1 Geometrically Nonlinear Flexible Structures: Statics... 1

1.1.2 Geometrically Nonlinear Flexible Structures: D ynam ics... 5

1.1.3 Flexible Sliding Beam s... 7

1.2 Thesis Organisation...10

Chapter 2: Nonlinear FE Static and Dynamic

Analysis of beams... 12

2.1 Nonlinear Finite Element Static Analysis... 12

2.1.1 Updated-Lagrangian Formulation for Beams...13 Displacement Field... 14 Interpolation Functions... 14 Nonlinear Kinematics... 16 Constitutive Equations...19 Equilibrium Equations...19 Solution Procedure...20 Illustrative Examples...23

2.1.2 Consistent Co-Rotational Formulation for Planar Euler-Bemoulli Beam: Engineering Strain M easures...31 Co-Rotational Element Kinematics and Constitutive R elations...31

2 .1.2.2 Virtual Displacements in the Local F ram e...36


2.1.3 Consistent Co-Rotational Formulation: Higher Order Strain Measures...44 Strain M easures... 45 Equilibrium Equations... 46 Illustrative Exam ples... 48

2.2 Nonlinear Finite Element Dynamic A nalysis...55

2.2.1 Newmark Direct Tim e Integration for Nonlinear Systems: Updated Lagrangian Form ulation... 55

2.2.2 Nonlinear Dynamic Analysis: Consistent Co-rotational Formulation... 57 Complementary Kinetic E nergy...58 Element Lagrangian F unction... 61 Discretized Equations o f M otion...62

2.2.2A Illustrative Exam ples...63

2.3 Conclusions...81

C h a p t e r 3 : E q u a t io n s o f M o t i o n f o r S l i d i n g B e a m s ...82

3.1 Sliding Beam Formulation... 82

3.1.1 Kinematic Descriptions... 84

3.1.2 Equation of Motion for Axially Inextensible Flexible Sliding B eam s... 89 Extended Ham ilton’s Principle...89 Complementary Kinetic E nergy... 95 Strain E nergy ... 96 Lagrangian...96 Equation o f M otion... 97 Sliding Beam in Uniform Gravitational Field... 98

3.1.3 Equation of Motion for Axially Extensible Flexible Sliding Beams... 99 Complementary Kinetic E nergy... 99 Strain E nergy ...100 Lagrangian... 101

3 .1.3.4 Equations o f M otion... 102

3.2 Alternative Formulation - The Sliding Channel... 105

3.2.1 Kinematic Descriptions... 106

3.2.2 Equation of Motion Obtained from Alternative Formulation... 107 Extended Ham ilton’s principle...107 Complementary Kinetic E nergy... 108 Strain E nergy ...109 Lagrangian... 109 Equation o f M otion...109

3.2.3 Equation of Motion for Axially Extensible Flexible Beams with Sliding Boundaries-Altemative Form ulation... 110 Complementary Kinetic Energy...111 Strain E nergy...111 Lagrangian... 111 Equation o f M otion... 112

3.3 Comparison o f Two Formulations... 114


Galerkin’s Method

... 118

4.1 Axially Inextensible Flexible Sliding Beams in Fixed D om ain ...119

4.1.1 Lagrangian in the Fixed D om ain ... 119

4.1.2 Equation o f Motion for Linear Axially Inextensible Flexible Sliding Beams in Fixed D o m ain ...123

4.1.3 Solution Procedure: G alerkin’s Method... 125

4.1.4 Time Integration of System Equations...126 Spaghetti and Reverse Spaghetti Problems: Quadratic Sliding M otion... 128 Spaghetti and Reverse Spaghetti Problems: Repositional M otion... 129 Reverse Spaghetti Problem: High Frequency Perturbation... 131

4.2 Nonlinear Axially Inextensible Flexible Sliding Beams in Fixed D om ain... 132

4.2.1 Nonlinear Equation of Motion o f Inextensible Flexible Sliding Beams in the Fixed Domain... 133

4.2.2 Transformation o f the PDE to a set o f ODEs: Galerkin s M eth o d ... 142

4.2.3 Time Integration and R esults... 144 Cantilever C ondition... 145 Clamped-Clamped C ondition... 155

4.3 Nonlinear Axially Inextensible Flexible Sliding Beams in Uniform Gravitational Field and in Fixed D om ain... 158

4.4 Conclusions... 161

Chapter 5: Incremental FE Discretization of System

Equations for Flexible Sliding Beams...


5.1 Updated Lagrangian M ethod...163

5.1.1 Variable-Domain Beam Elem ents...163 Elem ent Lagrangian F unction... 163 Finite element discretization... 166 Discretized Equations of M otion...168

5.1.2 Constant-Domain Stretched Beam E lem ent... 170 Alternative Formulation: Lagrangian in the Fixed D om ain... 171 Elem ent Lagrangian F unction... 173 Finite Element Discretization... 174 Discretized Equations o f M otion...176

5.1.3 Comparison o f Two Form ulations... 178

5.2 Consistent Co-Rotational M eth od ... 178

5.2.1 The sliding Channel F orm ulation...179 Complementary Kinetic Energy...181 Element Lagrangian F unction... 185 Discretized Equations o f M otion...186

5.2.2 The Sliding Beam Formulation...187 Complementary Kinetic Energy...188

5.3 Conclusions... 191


6.1 Inextensible Flexible Sliding Beams; Linear Analysis... 193

6 .1. 1 Spaghetti and Reverse Spaghetti Problems; Quadratic Sliding M otion... 193

6.1.2 Spaghetti and Reverse Spaghetti Problems; Repositional M o tio n ... 197

6.1.3 Spaghetti and Reverse Spaghetti Problem; High Frequency Perturbation... 200

6.1.4 Parabolic Extrusion... 201

6.2 Flexible Constant Length Beam: Nonlinear A n alysis...202

6.3 Free Vibration Test C a ses... 203

6.3.1 Small Amplitude M otions... 204

6.3.2 Large Amplitude M otions... 208

6.4 Forced Vibration Illustrative Exam ples... 212

6.4.1 Constant Velocity Spaghetti Problem; Infinite Duration Concentrated Tip L o a d ...212

6.4.2 Accelerated Reverse Spaghetti Problem; Infinite Duration Concentrated Tip L o a d ... 213

6.4.3 Constant Velocity Spaghetti Problem; Further Examples...215

6.4.4 Accelerated Reverse Spaghetti Problem; Concentrated Ramp-Ramp Tip L o ad ... 218

6.4.5 Spaghetti and Reverse Spaghetti Problem; Repositional M otion...218 Low Frequency Extrusion... 220 Low Frequency Spaghetti P roblem ...220 High Frequency Extrusion... 223

6.4.5 4 High Frequency Retraction... 223

6.5 Instability o f the Motion for Periodically Varying Length: Parametric R esonance...226

6.6 C onclusions... 230

C h a p t e r 7 ; C l o s i n g C o m m e n t s ... 231

R e f e r e n c e s ... 234

A p p e n d i c e s ...245

Appendix A: The Equation o f Motion for Axially Inextensible Flexible Sliding Beam s...245

Appendix B: Euler-Lagrange Equations for a Second Order Lagrangian Function with Two Dependent and Two Independent Variables... 250

Appendix C: The Equation o f Motion Obtained from the Alternative Formulation... 255


in the Fixed Domain... 258 Appendix E: Equation o f Motion for Linear Axially Inextensible

Flexible Sliding Beams in Fixed Domain... 262 Appendix F: Element Internal Force Vector and Tangent Stiffness Matrix 264 Appendix G: Expression for the Rate o f Change o f in Tim e... 267 Appendix H: The Nonlinear Dependence o f the Out o f Balance Force

in the Orientation o f A x is ... 268


Figure 1.1: Figure 2.1.1: Figure 2.1.2 Figure 2.1.3 Figure 2.1.4 Figure 2.1.5: Figure 2.1.6: Figure 2.1.7: Figure 2.1.8: Figure 2.1.9: Figure 2.1.10: Figure 2.1.11: Figure 2.1.12: Figure 2.1.13:

A Flexible Sliding Beam ... 2 Updated Lagrangian Formulation: Three dimensional Beam

element at different configurations in the Global Coordinate

system ... 15 Cantilever Beam Subjected to an End Moment...24 Cantilever Subjected to an End Moment: Beam Positions... 25 Cantilever Subjected to an End Moment: Tip Deflections

and Slope, 8 Elements, 60 Load Increm ents...25 Cantilever Subjected to an End Moment: Transverse Tip

Deflection, 8 Elements and 30 Load Increments, 8 Elements

and 60 Load Increments, Exact S o lu tio n ... 26 Cantilever Subjected to an End Moment: Transverse

Deflection 4 Elements and 60 Load Increments, 8 Elements

and 60 Load Increments... 26 Cantilever Subjected to a Concentrated Tip Load... 27 Cantilever Subjected to a Concentrated Tip Load: Beam

Positions... 28 Cantilever Subjected to a Concentrated Tip Load: Transverse Tip Deflection, 4 Elements and 60 Load Increments,

8 Elements and 30 Load Increments, 8 Elements and 60

Load Increments... 28 3D 45-Degree B en d ... 29 3D 45-Degree Bend: Beam Tip D eflections... 30 45-Degree Bend: Beam Tip Deflection in z-direction,

4 Elements and 60 Load Increments, 8 Elements and 30

Load Increments, 8 Elements and 60 Load Increments... 30 Consistent Co-rotational Formulation: Kinematics

Description... 32


Figure 2.1.15:

Figure 2.1.16: Figure 2.1.17: Figure 2.1.18: Figure 2.1.19: Figure 2.1.20: Figure 2.1.21: Figure 2.1.22: Figure 2.1.23: Figure 2.1.24: Figure 2.1.25: Figure 2.2.1 : Figure 2.2.2: Figure 2.2.3: Figure 2.2.4: Figure 2.2.5: Figure 2.2.6: Figure 2.2.7: Figure 2.2.8: Figure 2.2.9: Figure 2.2.10: Figure 2.2.11: Figure 2.2.12: Figure 2.2.13: Figure 2.2.14: Figure 2.2.15: Figure 2.2.16: Figure 2.2.17: Figure 2.2.18: Figure 2.2.19: Figure 2.2.20: Figure 2.2.21: Figure 2.2.22: Figure 2.2.23: Figure 2.2.24: Figure 3.1.1: Figure 3.1.2: Figure 3.1.3:

Consistent Co-rotational Formulation: Rigid body Motion

and Elastic Deform ation... 36

Non-Dimensional Horizontal Displacement o f Free End... 49

Non-Dimensional Vertical Displacement o f Free End... 5 0 Nodal Positions and Co-rotational A xes...50

Non-Dimensional Horizontal Displacement o f Free End... 51

Non-Dimensional Vertical Displacement o f Free End...51

Nodal Positions and Co-rotational A xes...52

Post Buckling Behaviour o f a Cantilever...53

Non-Dimensional Horizontal Displacement o f Free End... 53

Non-Dimensional Vertical Displacement o f Free End... 5 4 Nodal Positions and Co-rotational A xes... 54

Co-rotational Frame for a Deformed Beam Element... 58

Bathe Pendulum...64

Bathe Pendulum: Time History...65

Bathe Pendulum: Time History, Effect o f Iteration...65

Bathe Pendulum: Time History, Effect o f Tolerance... 66

Snap Through Problem ... 67

Static Equilibrium with varying Spring Stiffness...67

Phase Diagram, K = 0.0... 68

Phase Diagram, K =0.125...68

Phase Diagram, K = 0.5... 69

Bifurcation of a Single Degree o f Freedom System ... 70

Static Equilibrium... 71

Phase Diagram Under Ideal Im pulse... 71

Time History...72

Trace o f End Point: Time step 0.01 s ... 73

Trace o f End Point: Time step 0.1 s ...73

Beam Geometry and Load H istory...75

Mid-Span Displacement History... 75

Beam Geometry and Load H istory...76

Time Response o f the T ip ...77

Beam Geometry and Load H istory...78

Tip Displacement History...78

Beam Geometry and Load H istory...80

Tip Displacement History...80

Sliding beam: initial undeformed, sliding undeformed and deformed configurations... 83

Centerline Kinematics of a deformed beam... 85


Figure 3.1.5:

Figure 3 .1.6: Figure 3.2.1: Figure 3.2.2: Figure 3.2.3: Figure 3.2.4: Figure 4 .1 .1 : Figure 4.1.2: Figure 4.1.3: Figure 4.1.4: Figure 4.1.5: Figure 4.1.6: Figure 4.1.7: Figure 4.1.8: Figure 4.2.1: Figure 4.2.2: Figure 4.2.3: Figure 4.2.4: Figure 4.2.5: Figure 4.2.6: Figure 4.2.7: Figure 4.2.8: Figure 4.2.9: Figure 4.2.10: Figure 4.2.11 : Figure 4.2.12: Figure 4.2.13: Figure 4.2.14:

Axially inextensible sliding beam undergoing large

overall motion: Kinematics o f deformation... 95

Flexible sliding beam undergoing large overall motion: Kinematics o f deformation...99

Sliding channel: Material and spatial configurations... 105

Axially inextensible beam with sliding channel undergoing large overall motion: Kinematics o f the deformation... 106

Sliding channel: Open and closed control volum es... 108

Flexible beam with sliding channel undergoing large overall motion: Kinematics o f deformation...112

Mapping a fixed point in S to a moving point in 5 ...120

Reverse Spaghetti Problem: Constant Velocity Extrusion...128

Spaghetti Problem: Constant Acceleration retraction... 129

Reverse Spaghetti Problem: Low Frequency Extrusion...130

Spaghetti Problem: Low Frequency Retraction... 130

Reverse Spaghetti Problem: High Frequency Extrusion...131

Spaghetti Problem: High Frequency Retraction... 132

Reverse Spaghetti Problem: High Frequency Perturbation... 133

Test Case #1: Constant Velocity Retraction = -0.1145 ( m / s ) ...146

Test Case #1: Constant Velocity Retraction = -0.5725 ( m / s ) ...146

Test Case #2: Constant Velocity Extrusion = 0.041 ( m / s ) ... ...147

Test Case #2: Constant Velocity Extrusion = 0.123 ( m / s ) ... ...147

Test Case #2: Constant Velocity Extrusion = 0.205 ( m / s ) ... ...148

Test Case #4: Constant Acceleration Extmsion = 0.004 ( m / s ) , = 0.0075 ( m/ s ^ ) ... 149

Test Case #4: Constant Acceleration Extrusion = 0.008 ( m / s ) , = 0.015 ( m/ s ^) ...149

Test Case #5: Low Frequency Extrusion = 0.7 (m) ...150

Test Case #5: Low Frequency Extrusion = 2.1 (m) ...150

Test Case #5: Low Frequency Extrusion = 3.5 (m) ...151

Test Case #6: High Frequency Extrusion = 0.7 (m) ... 152

Test Case #6: High Frequency Extrusion = 1.05 (m) ...152

Test Case #7: High Frequency Retraction = -0 .7 (m) ...153

Test Case #7: High Frequency Retraction = -2 .1 (m) ...153


Figure 4.2.16: Figure 4.2.17: Figure 4.2.18: Figure 4.2.19: Figure 4.2.20: Figure 4.3.1: Figure 4.3.2: Figure 5.1.1: Figure 5.1.2: Figure 5.1.3: Figure 5.2.1 : Figure 5.2.2: Figure 5.2.3: Figure 5.2.4: Figure 6.1.1: Figure 6.1.2: Figure 6.1.3: Figure 6.1.4: Figure 6.1.5: Figure 6.1.6: Figure 6.1.7: Figure 6.1.8: Figure 6.1.9: Figure 6.1.10: Figure 6.1.11 : Figure 6.2.1 : Figure 6.2.2: Figure 6.3.1: Figure 6.3.2: = 0.1145 ( m / s ) ... 154

Test Case #8: High Frequency Perturbation Extrusion = 0.3435 ( m /s ) ... 155

Test Case #9: Constant Velocity Extrusion = 0.5725 ( m / s ) ... 156

Test Case #10: High Frequency Extrusion = 0.7 (m) ...157

Test Case #10: High Frequency Extrusion = 0.931 (m ) ....157

Test Case #11: High Frequency Retraction = -0 .7 (m )...158

Spaghetti Problem: Uniform Gravitational Field, Constant Velocity Retraction = -0 .1 1 4 5 ( m / s ) ... 160

Spaghetti Problem: Uniform Gravitational Field, Constant Velocity Retraction = 0.5725 ( m / s ) ... 160

Variable-Domain Beam Elements... 164

Element coordinate system ...165

constant domain stretched beam elem en t...174

Sliding Channel Formulation: Kinematics Description... 179

Sliding Channel Formulation: Co-rotational A x e s ...180

Sliding Beam Formulation: Kinematics Description... 188

Sliding Beam Formulation: Co-rotational elem ent...189

Spaghetti Problem: Constant Velocity Retraction, UL Program... 194

Reverse Spaghetti Problem: Constant Velocity Extrusion, C.C. Formulation... 195

Spaghetti Problem: Constant Accelerated Retraction, CC Formulation... 196

Reverse Spaghetti Problem: Constant Accelerated Extrusion, UL Formulation...196

Low Frequency Reverse Spaghetti Problem: CC Formulation.... 197

Low Frequency Spaghetti Problem: UL Technique...198

High Frequency Reverse Spaghetti Problem: UL Formulation... 199

High Frequency Spaghetti Problem: CC Formulation... 199

Spaghetti Problem: High Frequency Perturbation, UL Formulation...200

Reverse Spaghetti Problem: High Frequency Perturbation, CC Formulation... 201

Similarity Simulation: Tip Deflection History... 202

Tip Displacement History: UL formulation...203

Tip Displacement History: CC Formulation...204

Spaghetti Problem: Constant Velocity Retraction... 205

Spaghetti Problem: Accelerated Retraction...206


Figure 6.3.4: Figure 6.3.5: Figure 6.3.6: Figure 6.3.7: Figure 6.3.8: Figure 6.3.9: Figure 6.3.10: Figure 6 .3 .II: Figure 6.3.12: Figure 6 .4 .1 : Figure 6.4.2: Figure 6.4.3: Figure 6.4.4: Figure 6.4.5: Figure 6.4.6: Figure 6.4.7: Figure 6.4.8: Figure 6.4.9: Figure 6.4.10: Figure 6 .4 .11 : Figure 6.4.12: Figure 6.4.13: Figure 6.4.14: Figure 6.4.15: Figure 6.4.16: Figure 6.4.17: Figure 6.4.18: Figure 6.4.19: Figure 6.4.20: Figure 6.4.21: Figure 6.4.22: Figure 6.5.1:

Reverse Spaghetti Problem: Low Frequency Extrusion... 207

Spaghetti Problem: Low Frequency Retraction... 207

Reverse Spaghetti Problem: High Frequency E xtrusion...208

Spaghetti Problem: Constant velocity Retraction... 209

Spaghetti Problem: High Speed Constant Retraction...210

Reverse Spaghetti Problem: Accelerated Extrusion... 210

Reverse Spaghetti Problem: High Speed Extrusion...211

Reverse Spaghetti Problem: Low Frequency Extrusion... 211

Reverse Spaghetti Problem: High Frequency E xtrusion... 212

Concentrated Tip Load History... 2 13 Spaghetti Problem: Constant Velocity Retraction... 214

Reverse Spaghetti Problem: Accelerated Extrusion... 214

Concentrated Tip Load History... 215

Spaghetti Problem: Constant Velocity Retraction, Ramp-Ramp L o a d ...216

Concentrated Tip Load History... 216

Spaghetti Problem: Constant Velocity Retraction, Ramp-constant Load... 217

Concentrated Tip Load History... 217

Spaghetti Problem: Constant Velocity Retraction... 218

Concentrated Tip Load History... 219

Reverse Spaghetti Problem: Accelerated Extrusion... 219

Concentrated Tip Load History... 220

Reverse Spaghetti Problem: Low Frequency Extrusion... 2 2 1 Reverse Spaghetti Problem: High Speed Low Frequency Extrusion...2 2 1 Concentrated Tip Load History... 222

Spaghetti Problem: Low Frequency Retraction... 222

Concentrated Tip Load History... 223

Reverse Spaghetti Problem: High Frequency E xtrusion... 224

Concentrated Tip Load History... 224

Spaghetti Problem: High Frequency Retraction, Finite Duration L oad...225

Concentrated Tip Load History... 225

Spaghetti Problem: High Frequency Retraction, Ramp-Constant L oad... 226

Periodically Varying Length Beam: Stable Region, = 0 .6 7 ...227

V 1


M = ‘ ...

Figure 6.5.3: Periodically Varying Length Beam: Nonlinear Analysis,

É = ' ...

Figure 6.5.4: Periodically Varying Length Beam: Linear Analysis,

= 1 .7 ... 229

Figure 6.5.5: Periodically Varying Length Beam: Nonlinear Analysis,

= 1 .7 ... 229


This list defines the symbols used throughout the thesis. The list does not include all the symbols and other symbols are defined as and when they occur. The reader will find some symbols to be assigned for more than one definition however the context in which a sym­ bol is used is clearly pointed out in the text and no ambiguity should arise.

3 j, b p b , the axes lying in the cross sectional planes o f node 1, 2

ÛQ to Newmark time integration coefficients

A beam element cross sectional area

^ incremental strain-displacement matrix in the local coordinates

b beam width

incremental displacements coefficient matrix for the linear part o f strain-displacement relations in local coordinates

incremental displacements coefficient matrix for the nonlinear part o f virtual strain-displacement relations in local coordinates

C damping matrix

[ element equivalent damping matrix

[ c j , [c j ] element dynamic damping matrix



E Ë i, Ë2



f F, F la

/ -

àhdt g T T T §2 18 2 28 1 G G h fiik 14


II, %2

element material property matrix

co-rotational axis

Young’s modulus

co-rotational axis at initial configuration

element internal force vector

element internal force vector in the fixed domain

element internal force vector

equivalent sliding inertia force vector

forces without potential acting on the particle

internal force vector

element inertia force vector due to sliding motion

gravitational acceleration

strain vectors related to co-rotational frame

strain-displacement matrix

potential energy o f the sliding beam in a uniform gravitational field

beam height

matrix o f shape functions

component o f linear shape functions vector

standard Hermitian shape functions vector

second moment o f area

global coordinate axes, unit vectors


element equivalent stiffness matrix

[k^] element stiffness matrix, sliding motion effects

[^j.] element tangent stiffness matrix

k^ 3 geometric tangent stiffness matrices

Kg, Kg first and second parts o f the element tangent stiffness matrix

k ^ material stiffness matrix

kj geometric tangent stiffness matrix

ky. element tangent stiffness matrix

[K^^] assembled equivalent stiffness matrix

[k^] element stiffness matrix in the fixed domain due to sliding motion element equivalent stiffness matrix in the fixed domain

[^7-] element tangent stiffness matrix in the fixed domain

initial length o f the beam element

I length o f the beam element

/g current beam element length in co-rotational axes

Lg total length of the beam

L beam len g ±

Lj linear part o f the equation o f motion o f axially inextensible sliding


/ ( t) element length in the undeformed configuration

/, location o f element coordinate system with respect to system coor­

dinate system in the fixed domain


dinate system

Î, (r) time varying length o f the beam in the undeformed configuration

L Lagrangian function

L{ x\ ) nondimensionalize hnear part o f the equation o f motion o f axially inextensible sliding beams

nondimensional additional linear terms due to gravity to be added to the equation o f motion o f axially inextensible sliding beams in uniform gravitational field

[m] element mass matrix

m- mass o f the particle

M ,, M2 nodal bending moments

M mass matrix

n number o f elements


normal to the control surface across which mass is transported

|_A^J vector o f shape functions

additional nonlinear terms due to gravity to be added to the equa­ tion o f motion o f axially inextensible shding beam in uniform grav­ itational field

pi n

P tip load

P element axial force

qj modal coefficients

[ Q] transformation matrix


r^. position vector o f the particle

{ r } , { /? } element external force vector, assembled external force vector

position vector o f material point m

{ element applied load vector

t + A/_

R nodal applied force vector

(f) open control surface at time r

5 curvilinear coordinate o f a point on the centerline o f the beam

[S stress vector at time t in the coordinate axes

^ current second Piola-Kirchhofî vector

(5 ) element stress matrix

components o f the stress vector S

S stretched curvilinear coordinate

S5^, Ô5 the distance between two points lying on the centerline o f the beam

in the undeformed and deformed configurations

t time

Ar time increment

T transformation matrix

Tj* kinetic co-energy o f the element

Theta 9

U[, Uj nodal displacement vector in global coordinate system

zzj, z< 2 displacements components o f a material point on the centerline o f

the beam


bal coordinate system

^U. incremental displacement

(x, y, z) displacement field

{ m} nodal degrees o f freedom vector

M beam element axial extension

incremental nodal point displacements

{ à } nodal variables

M,, « 2 components o f the displacement vector o f a material point on the

centerline o f the beam in the fixed domain: sliding beam formula­ tion

Ô j, components o f the displacement vector o f a material point along the

element axis

£/ (Ç) local axial stretch o f any point on the centerline of the beam ele­


f / , ( Q local transverse displacement o f any point on the centerline o f the

beam element

incremental displacement field within each element


angular displacements o f node i with respect to ÿ and x axes

U velocity o f the particle

V nondimensional velocity

V; beam element volume

(r) volume o f the closed control volume at time t


element volume


velocity of a mass point m on the centerline o f the beam as seen by a moving observer

velocity o f a point on the centerline due to rigid body sliding motion o f the beam

V prescribed sliding velocity o f the beam

velocity o f a point on the centerline due to elastic deformation o f the beam

1/ velocity o f the open control surface

SiV virtual work

t + At

X. current coordinates


\x. coordinates for the last known equilibrium configuration

x,y,z coordinates o f any material points in the undeformed configuration o f the beam

Xj, ^ 2 material point coordinates in the deformed configuration

X , coordinate of a material point on the centerline o f the beam in the

undeformed configuration with respect to the material frame

X,, X-, coordinates o f a material point on the centerhne o f the beam in the

deformed configuration with respect to the moving observer

;Çj position along the element with respect to element coordinate sy s­


coordinate o f a material point along the element axis in the unde­ formed configuration with respect to the element local coordinate system


beam and the horizontal axis in chapter 3

a , P total nodal rotations in co-rotational formulation, chapter 2

a , S Newmark time integration constants

Py roots o f characteristic equation

E, axial strain

E ^ effective axial strain

E (ic) rotated engineering strain

^5,-j incremental Green-Lagrange strains

ôfE incremental virtual strain tensor

Ç natural local coordinate along the beam axis

ÇI, damping coefficients

■q,, T|, stretched coordinates for the sliding beam formulation

q nondimensional transverse displacement

q j, q , stretched coordinates for the alternative formulation

0^ angular displacement

0, nodal angular displacements with respect to z axis

§1, 0 2 nodal rotational degrees of freedom

©o initial local slope

K curvature due to transverse local displacements

^ element natural coordinate

n the strain energy o f the beam




Vo (P 9 , 0 P j % , , % 2 CO. G5 stress tensor

Cauchy stress vector

unit vector tangent to the centerline o f the beam at some material point

nondimensional time

out of balance force vector

initial orientation o f the beam

total orientation o f the co-rotational axis

rigid body rotation o f the co-rotational axis o f the i* element

out of balance force vector in global coordinates

modal functions

material point coordinates in the undeformed configuration

instantaneous natural frequency of the beam

the first natural frequency o f the beam at initial configuration



central processing unit

two dimensional

three dimensional

co-rotational engineering strain measure

co-rotational Green-Lagrange strain measure

engineering strain measure


elm element

inc. increment

ODE ordinary differential equation

d.o.f. degree o f freedom

CC consistent co-rotational UL updated Lagrangian FE finite element


Ô variational operator A increment operator

D ( ) /D r material time derivative

d { ) / d t the time derivative following a control volume

^ ^ partial differentiation with respect to x and t

( ) ’ , ( ) partial differentiation with respect to x and r

Coordinate System Variable

( ) global coordinates

( ) variable in element co-rotational axes

( ) variable in the fixed domain (sliding beam formulation)

( ) variable in alternative formulation


variable in the fixed domain (alternative formulation)

( ) variable in sliding beam element


I am grateful to my supervisor. Professor B. Tabarrok, for his unwavering attention, assis­ tance, encouragement, and support throughout this research. I would like to thank Dr. M.C. Stylianou for many insightful discussions which directly contributed to the quality o f this work. Professor J.B. Haddow, kindly, made him self available to periodically review my progress and gave me numerous precious suggestions. Many thanks to all friends at the Department who facilitated the progress o f this work by sharing their technical know­ how.

I gratefully acknowledge the support o f the Ministry o f Culture and Higher Education o f the I.R.Iran for awarding me the scholarship to pursue my Ph.D. in University o f Victoria.

Finally, I am deeply grateful to my family for their guidance, understanding and patience. To them I am indebted.


untfîout Her ùn>e, patience and sacrifices this

and miudi eCse ■would not 6e possiBle.

T o k in a and A s fia, fo r their Cove and patience.




Problem Description and History

The main objective o f the present work is to study the dynamics o f flexible sliding beams undergoing large rotations and small strains, see Figure 1.1. Thus the problem is geometrically nonlinear and the nonlinearities arise due to significant rigid body rotations in the overall motion o f the beam. To develop the ground work for this study we first consider the large deflection analysis of non-sliding beams. This is an active area o f research and potentially o f interest to structural and aerospace engineers. This leads to an ongoing broad area o f nonlinear structural dynamics that is o f interest to many researchers in the field.


Geometrically Nonlinear Flexible Structures: Statics

Specifically the analysis o f flexible structures is o f interest in such systems as offshore structures, long suspension bridges and other slender structures which may deflect sig­ nificantly under loads. Recently renewed interest in this area o f study has been moti­ vated by the stringent requirements o f the space industry. Structures used in space


cases, as in the Canadarm, they cannot support their own weight in Ig environment. For such flexible systems, large displacement behaviour should be included in any type o f analysis.

R i^ td Clieinntd

SU din;^ l)c t(> n n c d Bcctiii

I n i t i a l L 'l uic forn u -d H c a n t

S l i d i n g I'in U 'fa r n icil Hc tnii

Figure 1.1: A Flexible Sliding Beam.

The subject o f large deflections o f slender beams has received considerable attention in the past. Specifically in the case o f beams o f constant length (the elastica), we may refer to Frisch-Fay, 1962, Holden, 1972, and Lau, 1982 and a survey o f the relevant lit­ erature given by Schmidt and DaDeppo, 1971. For the elastica, elliptic integrals offer exact solutions. Mattiasson, 1981, presented accurate numerical results from large deflection analysis o f beams and frames computed by elliptic integrals.

In the more general case. Stoker, 1968, showed that there exists a unique adjusted nor­ mal deformation which, when applied to the deformed body, w ill make the linear strain o f the resulting combined deformation small; for then the linear theory is appli­ cable in the neighborhood o f a point on the centerline o f the beam. Then he used this concept to exemplify the one and two dimensional elastica theory.


the neighborhood o f the undeformed (or original) configuration, the analysis is classi­ fied as first order. On the other hand, when the equilibrium and kinematic relationships are written for the deformed configuration, the analysis is referred to as second order. Unlike the first order analysis where the solution procedure is straight forward and rel­ atively simple, in the second order analysis, solutions can normally be found only through iterations. Thus a converged solution is obtained in a step by step manner. At each increment the obtained equilibrium configuration is used to determine the equi­ librium configuration in the next increment.

In structural analysis, in general, we have two types o f nonlinearities: geometric and material nonlinearity. Geometrical nonlinearity, when small, can be taken into account by the use o f stability stiffness functions in a beam-column formulation or by the use o f a geometrical (or initial stress) stiffness matrix in a finite elem ent formulation. However when geometric nonlinearities are large so that the current equilibrium con­ figuration differs greatly from the unloaded configuration o f the structure, then, a full nonlinear analysis must be undertaken since such an analysis is outside the limitations o f the stability functions and the geometric stifftiess matrix m e±ods.

W hile the nonlinear analysis o f cable nets (trusses) is by now quite common, frames are still the subject o f some interest, e.g. Argyris et al., 1979, Bathe and Bolourchi, 1979, Sim o, 1985, Simo and Vu-Quoc, 1986, Rankin and Brogan, 1986, Dvorkin et al., 1988, Meek and Loganathan, 1989, Spillers, 1990, Crisfield, 1990, Saje, 1990, Chen and Agar, 1993, Yang and Leu, 1994, Orth and Surana, 1994, Petrolito, 1995, Pai and Palazotto, 1996 and Crisfield and Moita, 1996. The reason for such prolific lit­ erature in this area is due to premature linearization, difficulty o f dealing with the kine­ matics o f finite rotations in three dimensions, inaccuracy in the solution and difficulty with the rate o f convergence and finally omission o f terms in the geometric stiffness matrix that cause significant problems, specifically in the stability analysis o f struc­ tures. Among the methods developed for structural nonlinearities we will consider: the updated Lagrangian and the consistent co-rotational method because o f their effi­ ciency and popularity.

Bathe and Bolourchi, 1979, developed an updated Lagrangian and total Lagrangian formulation for large displacement and large rotation analysis o f a three dimensional


stiffness matrices and nodal point force vectors. However, in their analysis, they proved that the updated Lagrangian formulation is computationally more effective. Because o f premature linearization, their formulation does not include all the nonlin­ ear effects. Also, the variation o f the transformation matrix is not considered in their solution procedures. Thus their formulation fails for very large deflections o f some problems such as a slender cantilever subjected to a large end moment. The computa­ tional cost o f their formulation is also relatively high. Some other researchers have attempted to increase the efficiency o f the Bathe and Bolourchi formulation, e.g. Chen and Agar, 1993, who presented a technique to express the geometric stiffness matrix either by a one dimensional integration o f the stress resultants or a closed form compu­ tation o f element-end forces.

The co-rotational method was first introduced by Wempner, 1969, and further devel­ oped by Belytschko and Hsieh, 1973, and Belytschko and Glaum, 1979. Further progress was made by: Rankin and Brogan, 1986, Hsiao, 1987, Nour-Omid and Rankin, 1991 and Crisfield et al., (1990, 1992, 1996). The adoption o f co-rotational approach allows, at the element level, simple strain measures to be used and the con­ sistent derivation of the tangent stifftiess matrix and the out o f balance force vector leads to improved efficiency and accuracy in the solution. The effect o f the coordinate system on the accuracy o f co-rotational formulation was also studied by lura, 1994. He showed that numerical solutions obtained by the co-rotational formulation approach the solutions based on the theory o f finite displacements with increasing number o f elements. It was also shown that the convergence o f numerical solutions obtained by the secant coordinates is faster than that by the tangent coordinates.

The pioneering work o f Rankin and Brogan, 1986, in which a general approach appli­ cable to any structural element was presented, freed the consistent co-rotational for­ mulation from the specifics o f any element. Earlier works on the consistent co- rotational formulation were element dependent. Further investigation on the use o f projectors in finite rotation analysis and consistent linearization was undertaken and Crisfield and Moita developed the co-rotational method as a unified framework for solids, shells and beams in 1996. This method has shown good potential for geometri­ cally nonlinear problems and its further development is needed for dynamic analysis o f structures. This latter development is undertaken in the present study.



Geometrically Nonlinear Flexible Structures: Dynamics

Generally linear and nonlinear dynamic problems are classified, depending on the effect o f the spectral characteristics o f the excitation on the overall structural response, as wave propagation problems and inertial problems.

Wave propagation problems are those in which the behaviour at the wave front is o f engineering importance, and in such cases it is the intermediate and high frequency structural modes that dominate the response throughout the tim e span o f interest. Dynamic problems not classified as wave propagation are considered as inertial type. In this case the response is governed by a relatively small number o f low frequency modes. Problems that fall into this category are seism ic response and large deforma­ tions o f elastic/elasto-plastic structures. These problems are often called structural dynamics problems.

Generally, wave propagation problems are best solved using an explicit time integra­ tion method whereas implicit time integration schem es are more effective for struc­ tural dynamics problems (see e.g. Dokainish and Subbaraj, 1989). Improvements in high speed digital computers has opened the way for more efficient time integration schemes for solution o f dynamic transient problems, see Hughes and Belytschko, 1983. This has resulted in efficient algorithms in many commercially available FE pro­ grams such as, ANSYS, MARC, ADINA, NONSAP, NASTRAN, etc. (Fredriksso et al., 1983). In this respect we may refer to Hughes, 1976, Hilber et al., 1977, Zienk- iewicz et al., 1980, Bathe, 1982, Belytschko and Hughes, 1983, Lopez-Almansa et al., 1988, Argyris and Mlejnek, 1991, Simo and Wong, 1991, Simo and Tamow, 1992, Simo et al., 1992 (a,b), Chung and Lee, 1994, Crisfield and Shi, 1994, Tamow and Simo, 1994, Simo and Tamow, 1994, Simo et al., 1995, Leung and Mao, 1995 and Owren and Simonsen, 1995.

The unconditional stability of the many conventional implicit time integration schemes (e.g. Newmark direct time integration) for linear systems does not hold for nonlinear systems (see e.g. Argyris et al., 1991). For nonlinear analysis, the developed time integration methods are of the predictor/corrector iteration type used for nonlin­ ear statics. The conventional methods often require small time steps to prevent blow up or locking in the solution (see Crisfield et al., 1994). Several researchers have


1978, who used the Lagrangian multiplier to enforce an energy constraint.

In the solution procedures, the time integration schemes are completely divorced from the element methodology (with the exception o f the provision o f the mass matrix) and these schemes satisfy the dynamic equilibrium at the end o f each time step. Recent attempts by Simo and Wong, 1991, Sim o and Tamow, 1992, Sim o et al., 1992 and Crisfield and Shi, 1994 explore the idea o f mid-point equilibrium as initially suggested by Hilber et al., 1977, and Zienkiewicz et al. 1980.

In the past two decades the dynamic behaviour o f geometrically nonlinear flexible beams has been investigated by several approaches such as: the inertial frame approach (e.g. Bathe et al., 1975, and Geradin and Cardona, 1989), the floating frame approach (e.g. Kane and Levinson, I981a,b), the geometrically-exact theory (e.g. Sim o and Vu-Quoc, 1986 and 1988), the convected co-ordinate approach (e.g. Belytschko and Hsieh, 1973, and Belytschko et al., 1977) and the co-rotational approach (Hsiao and Jang, 1991, Elkaranshawy and Dokainish, 1995, and lura and Atluri, 1995).

Because o f the simple expression for the kinetic co-energy, the inertial frame approach has been frequently employed in the dynamic analysis o f solids. Although the elastic deformations are small, the nonlinearity due to rigid-body motion o f the beam must be considered in the kinematics o f motion. Depending on the nonlinearities in the system, the linearization o f equations o f motion may introduce errors which may build up and ultimately result in solution instability. For this reason it may be necessary to iterate at each load step until, within the necessary assumptions on the variation o f the material parameters and the numerical time integration, the equations of motion are satisfied to a prescribed tolerance.

The use o f floating frame, relative to which the strains in the beams are measured, is motivated by the assumption o f infinitesimal strains. This type o f formulation leads to implicit, nonlinear and highly coupled equations o f motion. In order to simplify the inertia operator, the geometrically-exact theory was developed which conceptually is similar to the inertia frame approach but uses a more advanced beam theory capable o f accounting for large rotations o f the beam.


the large displacement effects are treated entirely by transformations o f the displace­ ment and force components between the global and convected element co-ordinates. The inertial and external forces are evaluated in the fixed global co-ordinates, while the internal forces are calculated firom the stress components measured in the con­ vected co-ordinates. The governing equations o f motion are derived under the condi­ tions that the local nodal forces o f an element must be self-equilibrated. It is obvious that within the iterations, this condition does not always hold, since the out-of-balance forces do not vanish.

The co-rotational formulation provides a simple and expedient method for large dis­ placement analysis avoiding the complexities o f the Lagrangian methods. Standard linear beam theory is used with respect to a body-attached follower firame. The nonlin­ earity is taken into account by the rotation o f this follower firame. The term consistent is used here to describe a general procedure in which virtual variations in local strains are related to virtual variations in the global displacements. This relationship is then used in the virtual work equation to determine the nodal out-of-balance force vector. Differentiation o f this expression then leads directly to a consistent tangent stiffness matrix. Using this general procedure, the variation o f all local/global transformation matrices is taken into account.

For large deflection dynamic analysis o f Euler-Bemoulli beams, using the consistent co-rotational method, there exist no published formulations that take into consider­ ation the inertial effects o f the rotating mass matrix. M ost researchers have used the element local mass matrices in the local co-rotational frame and transform them to the global co-ordinates during the assembly phase (e.g. Hsiao and Jang, 1991, Elkaran­ shawy and Dokainish, 1995). This effect becomes significant at high velocities and it has been discussed by researchers in the area o f mechanism vibration, see Cleghom et al., 1981.


Flexible Sliding Beams

The flexible sliding beam problem has been the topic o f many publications in recent years. This is due to the high demand o f such analysis in various industrial applica­ tions. Spacecraft antennae (Tabarrok et al., 1974), space based deployable structures


and mobile deployable manipulators (Modi and Marom, 1993) are some applications o f sliding beams in space industries. Other applications of this problem are associated with cable tramways, band saws, cold and hot rolling processes, magnetic tape drives and machine tools. In this respect we may refer to Mote, 1972, Mote and Wu, 1985, Wickert and Mote, 1988, Abrate, 1992 and Hwang and Perkins, 1994. A related prob­ lem is that o f a fixed beam subjected to a sUding load such as trains moving on flexible guideway (see Vu-Quoc and Olsson, 1993, and Chang and Liu, 1996).

Applications o f this class o f moving materials in dynamics which indicates the motion o f robot arms with prismatic joints has motivated many researchers in the area. To this end, we may refer to the works o f Wang and Wei, 1987, Pan et al., 1990, Yuh and young, 1991 and Tadikonda and Baruh, 1992.

Another related problem is that o f pipes conveying fluids. Although physically differ­ ent, these problems have much in common with sliding beams. Literature on pipes conveying fluids is very extensive and an excellent survey o f these problems is given by Païdoussis 1991. Recently, Païdoussis and his co-workers extended the problem o f pipes conveying fluid to nonhnear analysis and studied the stability and the chaotic motion o f cantilevered pipes (see Sender, 1991, Païdoussis and Sender, 1993, Li and Païdoussis, 1994 and Sender, Li and Païdoussis, 1994).

Most investigations o f axially-moving beams deal with beams supported at two fixed points, and it is the transverse motion o f the beam within the span that is o f interest (Wickert and Mote, 1988). If such a beam is assumed to be axially rigid, then under these conditions, the mass o f the system within the domain o f interest is conserved for small-amplitude motions. But if the two support points are in motion or more simply the beam is cantilevered the mass will not be conserved.

A comprehensive derivation o f the non-linear, coupled longitudinal and transverse equations o f motion o f the flexible extendible beam was given by Tabarrok et al., 1974, through Newton’s Second Law. In addition, it was shown that for a constant axial velocity, oscillatory motions dominate the response during the irdtial stages o f deployment and that, at least within the Unear theory, the transverse deflection becomes unbounded with time. Their findings were confirmed by simulations using the assumed-modes technique. The same technique was also employed in an investiga­


it deploys from a spinning spacecraft. Several investigators have also examined the stability of beams under harmonic longitudinal motion for beams o f constant length (Eimaraghy and Tabarrok, 1975) and variable length (Zajaczkowski and Lipinski, 1979, Zajaczkowski and Yamada, 1980). Regions o f stability and instability in the excitation-amplitude and frequency parameter space were identified.

Recently, flexible extendible beams have gained prominence due to new applications in the area o f robotics, specifically in the modeling o f flexible links traveling through prismatic joints. Wang and Wei, 1987, used a modified Galerkin method to solve the equation o f motion o f an axially-moving beam. However, their derivation o f the gov­ erning equation, through Newton’s Second Law, leaves out certain terms and leads to an incorrect expression for the total energy o f the system. Yuh and Young, 1991, used the assumed-modes method and compared their simulation results with those obtained experimentally. Their simulation results for cases involving rigid-body angular accel­ erations are not plausible on physical grounds, and are in disagreement w ith results obtained by Stylianou and Tabarrok, 1994. Buffinton, 1992, also used the assumed- modes technique to model the moving beam as an unconstrained body, and treated the beam ’s finite number o f supports as kinematical constraints. Kim and Gibson, 1991, used the finite-element approach to model a sliding flexible link. However, the deriva­ tion o f the complementary kinetic energy o f the sliding flexible link, outlined by Kim,

1988, also leaves out certain terms. Stylianou and Tabarrok, 1994, used the finite ele­ ment method and developed elements with time-varying domains to investigate the dynamics o f the flexible extendible beams under more general configurations. Recently, Al-Bedoor and Khulief, 1996, used a transition element, i.e. an element which is partially housed inside the joint hub and with time dependent boundary con­ ditions simulates the prismatic joint constraint. In their work the stiffness o f the transi­ tion element changes with element length. The remainder o f the beam was modelled by conventional finite elements. This method lacks generality and can be used for rela­ tively slow sliding velocities and for short periods o f time.

M ost o f the works cited are concerned with linear axially inextensible sliding beams. This assumption w hile plausible in most cases, restricts the generality o f treatment. There is need to account for axial flexibility in a more realistic formulation. A lso in som e applications, e.g. space deployable structures or space craft antenna, the deploy­


able element can undergo large displacements and rotations. There is therefore a need for nonlinear analysis o f the problem.

Dynamics of sliding beams for large angle maneuvers was considered in a recent work by Vu-Quoc and Li, 1995. They used the geometrically exact theory (as developed by Sim o, 1985) to formulate two theoretically equivalent formulations: A full Lagrangian version, and an Eulerian Lagrangian version. Then they transformed the system equa­ tions from the time variable domain to a fixed domain via the introduction o f stretched coordinates. A Galerkin projection was then used to discretize the governing equation o f motion and some examples were solved to show the flapping phenomenon where the beam is retrieved.


Thesis Organisation

In chapter 2, we study the statics and dynamics o f geometrically nonlinear beams that undergo large rotations but small strains. Two incremental nonlinear finite element methods are used, namely, the updated Lagrangian and the consistent co-rotational methods. We solve several problems with both approaches. Then we compare the results and make comments on the performance o f each formulation.

Equations of motion for geometrically nonlinear flexible sliding beams are derived in chapter 3. Based on the Euler-Bemoulli beam theory, the governing equations o f motion are given for small deformations through an extension o f Hamilton’s principle. In another perspective, we provide an alternative formulation wherein the beam is brought to rest and the channel assumes a prescribed sliding motion.

In chapter 4, we first examine the inextensible flexible sliding beam problem undergo­ ing small deformations and transform its governing equation to a fixed domain subse­ quently and use Galerkin’s approach to study the transient response o f this problem. We then compare the obtained results with those reported in the literature. Then we extend our approach to the inextensible flexible sliding beams undergoing large ampli­ tude vibrations and solve several examples to show the differences between the solu­ tions obtained via linear and nonlinear solvers.


Chapter 5 is devoted to the finite element discretization o f geometrically nonlinear flexible sliding beams. Here we use two approaches. In the first we transform the Lagrangian to the fixed domain by using the stretched coordinates and in the second we employ the variable-domain elements. The two techniques developed in chapter 2 are then used to account for geometrical nonlinearities in the problem.

In chapter 6 we integrate the incremental finite element equations in time to obtain the transient response o f the system. Then we consider several examples to show the gen­ erality, reliability and performance o f the formulations and their implementations. In the first set o f examples we restrict the analysis to simple linear inextensible flexible sliding beams and we verify the results obtained by Stylianou, 1993. In the second set o f examples, we solve the same problems with the nonlinear effects and comment on the differences between the linear and nonlinear solutions. Then we consider some problems with large deflections (free or forced vibrations) and compare the obtained results for the linear and nonlinear formulations. Finally we consider the case o f para­ metric resonance and show that the unstable regions reported by Zajaczkowski et al.,

1979, using a linear analysis do not hold for the nonlinear analysis.

Finally, in chapter 7, we conclude our work and make some suggestions for further research in this area o f smdy.



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