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Dynamics in the lowest excited triplet state of Rh?+-chelates - 3761y


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Dynamics in the lowest excited triplet state of Rh?+-chelates

Giesbergen, C.P.M.; Glasbeek, M.



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Journal of Luminescence

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Citation for published version (APA):

Giesbergen, C. P. M., & Glasbeek, M. (1994). Dynamics in the lowest excited triplet state of

Rh?+-chelates. Journal of Luminescence, 60/61, 853-856.


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ELSEVIER Journal of Luminescence 60&61 (1994) 853 856

Dynamics in the lowest excited triplet state of Rh3 ~-chelates

C.P.M. Giesbergen*, M. Glasbeek,

Laborators br Ph;’3lcal Chemistry, Unwersity 01 Amsterdam, !Vieuwe Achtergracht 127, 1018 W~,Amsterdam, The Netherlands


For a number of Rh3 ~-chelatesthe spin dynamics in the ligand-localized lowest excited3itir” state is studied by means

of coherent ODMR spectroscopy. Irreversible triplet spin dephasing and non-stationary spin-diffusion in the photo-excited Rh3~-che1atesis attributed to hyperfine couplings with randomly fluctuating proton spins present in the ligand

molecules having trapped the3itit~excitations.

1. Introduction mixing with ldlt* states in which the metal

d-orbital is involved in cr-bonding to the ligand The spectroscopic study of chelate complexes of is most important in enhancing the radiative d6 transition metal ions and aromatic bidentate decay [3].

ligands has attracted considerable interest in recent In this paper, we report on optically detected years [1 5], partly because such complexes may be electron spin echo and stimulated spin echo transi-applicable in devices for the storage of solar energy. ent experiments performed for photo-excited Recently, we have shown the feasibility of zero- and [Rh(thpy)2(bpy)] + and [Rh(thpy)(phpy)(bpy)]~,

low-magnetic field optically detected magnetic res- doped for 0.25% and 0.5%, respectively, in a single onance (ODMR) studies for a series of Rh3 + (d6) crystal of [Rh(phpy)2(bpy)]PF6. Here, thpy =

trischelates in the lowest excited state [1 3]. The 2,2’-thienylpyridine, phpy = 2-phenylpyridine

experiments provided definite proof of the ligand- and bpy = 2,2’-bipyridine. In the crystal lattice, the

localized 3irir~nature of the luminescent state in dopant complex cations are substitutional for host these compounds. In addition, the study of the spin complex cations in such a way that dopant-bpy population relaxation dynamics in the phosphores- always occupies a host-bpy site [4]. We use the cent 3ir7t~state of the Rh3+ chelates was reported notation TTB~for [Rh(thpy)2(bpy)]~ the two

using optically detected microwave recovery tech- conformations for [Rh(thpy)(phpy)(bpy)] + are

ab-niques [3]. Typically, the lifetime of the individual breviated as TPB+ and PTB~. The structures of

triplet sublevels varies from 200 to 1500 l.ts. The the TPB~ and PTB~ cations differ in that the lowering of the lifetime as compared to the free- positions of the phpy and thpy ligands are inter-ligand molecule values by two orders of magnitude changed. From low-field ODMR anisotropy has been discussed in terms of the heavy-atom measurements it was previously established that effect, in which the spin orbit coupling-induced the lowest excited triplet state in the three dopant cations is localized only one thpy -ligand, which

* Corresponding author, is sited at the same crystallographic site in

0022-2313 94/$07.00 C 1994 Elsevier ScienceBy. All rights reserved


5c4 C’P tl (ncihe,’gi’n, ti Gb sbcd~ Journal atI muonic eme60&O I 1994 N~3 N~6

TTB~and TPB~.whereas in PTB~ the excited

thpy -ligand occupies the other non-bpy site in the (a) complex [2].

It I)(~ 2. Experimental

The crystals used in the experiment were pre-pared as described previously [4]. Optical

excita-tion was achieved by means of a cw Ar~laser at (1)) a wavelength of 488 nm for TTB 502 nm for

TPB~, and 476 nm for PTB ~ The emission was

dispersed by a Monospek 1000 monochromator. II ~I (, having a 51 ~ nm cut-off filter in front, and

photo-detected by means of a GaAs photomultiplier tube. In all experiments, TTB~.TPB~and PTB~could be individually studied, using the zero-phonon line

positions in the emission spectrum at 520.2, 519.3 () 10 20 30 4()

and 517.1 nm [2,4], as the respective detection t (ps) wavelengths in the double resonance experiments.

The crystals were placed inside a slow-wave helix Fig. I. Hahn echo decay curves for the DI LI 7cm field

and immersed in a liquid helium bath. The ODMR ODMR transition of TTB , with resonance frequencs

“578MH7. detected at the emission maximum of 5”O.2nm. at spin echo spectrometer has been described else- T 1 4 K.(a) magnetic fieldH 0. T~ 7 14Os,(h) magnetic

where [6]. The spin coherent transients were meas- field H 2) G: TM 0 77 is. ured at a temperature of 1.4 K.

As an example, in Fig. 1(a) the Hahn echo decay 3. Results and discussion curve for the Dl El transition of TTB~ is shown. All measured Hahn echo decays could be In zero magnetic field, ODMR resonances are fitted to a mono-exponential decay function. observed for TTB~(at 1730, 2580 and 4310 MHz), A summary of all measured phase memory times. TPB~(at 1675, 3970 and 5640 MHz), and PTB1 Tm. and the corresponding homogeneous line

(at 1485 and 2875 MHz) in the photo-excited triplet widths, (ItTm) ~. is given in Table 1. Compared to

state [2]. The ODMR lines are inhomogeneously the inhomogeneous line widths of 15 45 MHz of broadened with line widths in the range the zero-field ODMR transitions, the homogene 15 45 MHz. Using coherent ODMR techniques ous line widths are about two orders of magnitude we obtain information concerning the dynamical smaller.

processes underlying the homogeneous broadening Irreversible dephasing is about two orders of of the ODMR transitions. Optically detected Hahn magnitude faster than population relaxation of the echo decays were measured by applying individual triplet sublevels. This result implies that ait 2 ~ it it 2 pulse sequence at one of the spin a pure dephasing mechanism is responsible for the

resonance microwave frequencies, while optically irreversible loss of phase coherence. Most likely, exciting the Rh~-complex.Spin coherence within this dephasing has its origin in hyperfine couplings the phosphorescent triplet state, created after the to nuclear spins, probably proton spins in the first pulse, is restored at a time t’ — t after the ligand molecule. As in the photo-excited triplet

second pulse. The third it 2 pulse serves as the state in the free ligand molecule [7], the random

probe pulse to optically detect the spin coherence flipping of surrounding nuclear spins will cause as an intensity change of the phosphorescence [6]. a change in the local field felt by the triplet spins,


C.P.M. Giesbergen, M. Glasbeek Journal of Luminescence 60&61 (1994) 853 856 855

Table 1

Resonance frequencies and inhomogeneous line widths of the four ODMR transitions for which optically detected Hahn echo decays were measured. The resulting phase-memory times, TM, and the corresponding homogeneous line widths (in brackets) are given in the last row


2IEl IDI (El DI El Dl (El

v,,, (MHz) 1726 2578 3972 1485

T,,50,,,(MHz) 15 28 30 25

TM (us) 3.42 (93) 3.14 (101) 4.32 (74) 1.70 (187)

(T50m (kHz))

resulting in a variation of the precessional fre- sinusoidally, with a period 1/i, across the in-quency and a loss of phase coherence. This spin homogeneously broadened line. As T is scanned, dephasing mechanism is supported by the results in the grating pattern is erased due to spin diffusion a small magnetic field. When magnetic fields (up to and population relaxation processes. In case the 21 G) are applied, the dephasing time shortens con- relaxation of the stimulated spin echo amplitude is siderably, as can be seen in Fig. 1(b). (For magnetic found to vary with the applied grating 1/i period field strengths higher than 30 G the S/N ratio of this is taken as evidence for the presence of spin the echo decay becomes too small to reliably re- diffusion. Fig. 2 illustrates for TTB+ the variation

solve the echo signal.) The origin of the magnetic- of the observed stimulated echo decays with the field induced enhanced dephasing is well known grating period. 1/i. The stimulated echo decay [7]: the magnetic field partially lifts the quenching transients were fitted to a function of the form [6], of the (zero-field) triplet electron spin magnetic

moment and, as a result, hyperfine couplings to ‘SE cx [exp(—k1T) + exp( k2T)]

fluctuating nuclear spins, that give rise to

irrevers-ible electron spin dephasing, now become first or- Xexp( k(i)RT). (1) der. It is noted from Table 1 that the phase memory In Eq. (1), the first factor is representative of the times for TTB+ and TPB+ are comparable in mag- population relaxation of the spin levels probed in

nitude. However, the spin dephasing time for PTB+ the SED experiment to the ground state (SLR is

differs appreciably from the values for TTB+ and negligible in this system at liquid helium

temper-TPB ~ These findings are not unexpected since the atures [3]). The second factor is the contribution to triplet state excitation in TTB and TPB+ is trap- the SED arising from spin diffusion characterized

ped at a similar thpy ligand site in both cations. by a diffusion kernel of the form, The thpy ligand in PTB+ is at a

crystallographi-cally different position within the Rh3~-chelate.An D(t, T) ~ exp{—k(t)[1 exp( RT)]}, (2) appreciable effect on the electronic charge

distribu-tion in the excited ligand molecule arising from the where k(’r) = ar for a Lorentzian-type diffusion and

different crystal field is expected, this in turn lead- k(r)= hi2 for a Gaussian-type diffusion, a and b

be-ing to different hyperfine couplbe-ings between the ing the respective stationary widths of the diffusion triplet electron spin moment and the proton spins kernel, K(w~ w~,t = ci). In Eq. (2), R is

represent-at thpy . ative of the rate of change of the width of the

The effects of spectral diffusion were studied by frequency distribution of the microwave excitation means of stimulated spin echo decay experiments in in the non-stationary diffusion limit. In Fig. 2 we which a repetitive ic/2 t ir/2 T it/2 t ic/2 pulse plot the best-fit values for k(t) for the three

ob-sequence is applied. The first two pulses produce served zero-field spin transitions as a function oft.

a spin grating such that the population difference As can be seen from Fig. 2, the stimulated echo of the two resonantly pumped spin levels varies decay rate constant increases with increasing time


856 (‘P. ti Gie.sbergen, ti Gbasheeb. Journab at Lwn,neii’enec’ 60&6/ (/994 NSb 856 k(T)


(c) 80-~ ~I 60 -




20~~t) 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 T(flS)

Fig. 2. Stimulated echo decay function k)r))cf Eq. 2) in text) as a function of timer between the first and second pulse of the SED pulse sequence’ (a) 2IEl.TTB* (b) DI IEl,TTB .(C)IDI IEl.TPB* Straight lines represent best linear fits to experimental data and are

indicative of Lorentzian type spin diffusion Inset: stimulated echo decay curve for theIDI lEl transition of TTB* when r 400 ns The drawn line represents the best fit according to Eq. (1). with R 0.15 ms and kIt) 22.

r, or, equivalently, with decreasing grating period. tion for Scientific Research (NWO). We would Evidently, non-stationary spectral diffusion takes like to thank Gabriela Frei and Hans U Güdel, place and from the linear dependence of k(’r) ont it University of Bern, for supplying the crystal

is inferred that the spin diffusion is Lorentzian. samples. Lorentzian diffusion is expected when the

environ-ment of the probed spins is non-uniform, and, as

a result, the spins on the average undergo large References frequency jumps, so the wings become more

pro-nounced than expected for a Gaussian shape, which [1] J Westra and M. Glasbeek, Chem. Phys. Lett 166 (1990)

applies in the statistical limit. This result suggests [2] CP M Giesbergen. R Sitters. G Frei, A Zilian.

that the non-stationary spin diffusion, like the irre- H U Güdel and M. Glasbeek, Chem Phys Lett 197 (1992)

versible dephasing, is caused by isotropic hyperfine 451, C.P.M. Giesbergen, C. Terletski. G. Frei. H U Gddel

couplings to fluctuating proton spins in the excited and M. Glasbeek. Chem Phys. Lett 213 (1997) 597

ligand. [3] C.P.M. Giesbergen and M. Glasbeek. J. Phys. Cheni. 97 (1993) 9942

[4] G. Frei, A. Zilian, A Raselli. H U GUdel and H B Burgi lnorg Chem. 71)1992) 4766

Acknowledgements [5] A Juris. V. Balzani. F Barigelletti. S. Campagna. P Belser

and A. von Zelewsky, Coord. Chem Rev 84 (1988) 8~ [6] R Vreeker and M. Glasbeek.J. Chem, Phys 86)1987) 2606

This work was supported in part by The Nether- [7] J. Schmidt and J H van der Waals, in’ Time Domain

Elec-lands Foundation for Chemical Research (SON) tron Spin Resonance, eds. L. Kevan and R.N. Schwarti



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