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Human herpesvirus 8 and Kaposi's sarcoma in the Amsterdam cohort studies. Disease association, transmission and natural history - Dankwoord


Academic year: 2021

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Human herpesvirus 8 and Kaposi's sarcoma in the Amsterdam cohort studies.

Disease association, transmission and natural history

Renwick, N.M.

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Citation for published version (APA):

Renwick, N. M. (2001). Human herpesvirus 8 and Kaposi's sarcoma in the Amsterdam cohort

studies. Disease association, transmission and natural history.

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ankwoord d

II wish to thank my promoter, Jaap Goudsmit, for his guid-ance,, support and teaching during this PhD. The research thatt is described in this thesis is due in large part to the fore-sightt of our founding fathers (Frank, Jan, Jaap, Joep and Roel)) to establish and develop the Amsterdam Cohort Studiess on HIV-1 infection and AIDS. I appreciated the op-portunitiess that came from working in the Department of Humann Retrovirology. I enjoyed Jaap's infectious enthusi-asmm for microbiology and am very grateful for having my eyess opened to the exciting possibilities of a career in medi-call research.

Claudiee Breuer, Joke Brouwer, Bianca Hemmelder, Irma vann Kempen and Margreeth Valk all kindly took time from theirr busy teasing schedule to provide invaluable technical assistance.. Margreet Bakker managed the HHV8 database andd proofread manuscripts with praeternatural skill. Marion Cornelissen,, John Dekker, Jolanda Maas, Abeltje Polstra andd Folkla Zorgdrager contributed their expertise in molec-ularr biology and I wish them and the rest of the Department off Human Retrovirology continued successes in their re-search.. Erna Albers and Debby Koops provided strong ad-ministrativee and secretarial support and Tonja van der Kuyl kindlyy translated my summary into Dutch.

Thiss work would not have been possible without the excep-tionall epidemiological and statistical abilities of Gerritjan Weverlingg at the Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatisticss and Nicole Dukers and Roel Coutinho at the Municipall Health Service, Amsterdam. Thank you all for yourr hard work, enthusiasm, patience and support.

Paulinee Wertheim-van Dillen, Jan Weel and the staff of the Departmentt of Clinical Virology generously shared their knowledgee on the other seven human herpesviruses. Carla Kuikenn at the Los Alamos National Laboratory stoically ed-itedd a lengthy review article and Lucy Phillips continued her editoriall crusade to helpfully prevent PhD students from committingg crimes against the English language. Wim van Est,, Rob Lutgerhorst and Eelco Roos at the Photographic Unitt exemplified the tolerant nature of the Dutch with my lastt minute requests for slides.

II wish to thank the following co-authors for their insightful contributions;; Debbie van Baarle, Brigitte Beer, Ronald Geskus,, Siem Heisterkamp, Egbert Hovenkamp, Maria Josee Kersten, Joep Lange, Remko van Leeuwen, Frank Miedema,, Steve Norley, Marinus van Oers, Jan Prins, Ste-venn Pals, Peter Portegies, Maria Prins, Peter Reiss, Marijke Roos,, Guy Simpson, Cees Sol, Jan Veenstra, and Ferdinand Wit.. Special thanks to Teysir Halaby, an outstanding micro-biologist,, who painstakingly reviewed the clinical data in the cohort. .

II am indebted to Thomas Schulz at the Department of Vi-rology,, Medizinische Hochschule Hannover for his imagi-nativee scientific input and critical and extensive editing of all paperss in this thesis. It was exciting to work with such a brightt lab group and I thank Julie Sheldon and Julie Greensilll for their friendly supervision on matters serologicall and simian. Peter Erb and Marion Wernli at the Departmentt of Medical Microbiology, University of Basel kindlyy helped me formulate ideas on primary HHV8 infec-tion. infec-tion.


II have been ven,- fortunate to share an office with our visit-ingg professor, D.Carleton Gajdusek, during my PhD. His expertisee on unconventional agents requires an encvclope-dicc knowledge of conventional infections and my research onn HHV8 has often benefited from a lunchtime conversa-tionn about research that will never be available on Pubmed! Thankk you for taking time out of your hectic retirement to inspiree yet another researcher.

Thee final words are reserved for mv paranvmphs, Spencer Vallii and Marcel Beld. Thanks for standing by me for most off this PhD (I say "most" because I remember one tequila eveningg wrhen no one was left standing). One of life's plea-suress is to have a pint of beer and argue science with bright youngg scientists.



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