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Secondary use of routine data employing a common data model: towards a formalized description for endotyping of asthma/COPD


Academic year: 2021

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Secondary use of routine data employing a common data model:

towards a formalized description for endotyping of asthma/COPD

Bor Ditewig


Daily tutor

PD dr. med. Martin Boeker Supervisor

dr. ir. Ronald Cornet

Hosting institution

University of Freiburg, Faculty of Medicine, Institute for Medical Biometry and Statistics, Freiburg

Home institution

University of Amsterdam, Academic Medical Centre, Department of Medical Informatics, Amsterdam




Endotypes of asthma/COPD could be indicated using a predictive model. In this work, to train a predictive model, routine data originating from different, isolated

information systems is used. The latter brings a uniformity problem. In a process model for developing a harmonized data model, a dataset to describe asthma/COPD endotypes is determined and described in the OMOP CDM.


This work covers the clinical considerations of in- and excluding data items and the development of the semantic model. Literature research, surveys and expert meetings with physicians are held to determine the relevance and availability of data items. Then, the description of the dataset the OMOP CDM is made using a Delphi method variant.


A dataset of 125 data items is established, defined, and coded in LOINC. A

representation of this set is described in the OMOP CDM using 8 standardized tables. Doing the former, a process model is demonstrated.


Secondary use of data narrows but does not eliminate establishing a dataset to

represent a complex clinical entity. To serialize the dataset, a description of the use of the OMOP CDM is given.


Today, healthcare data is largely stored in isolated information silos, such as hospital

information systems. Each system has its own data model and uses its own terminologies, the health informatics structure is highly fragmented1. This makes exchange of information

between healthcare organizations challenging and use of data for (clinical) research purposes hard, which leads to the development of research-specific multi-centre data stores. This results in a costly and time-consuming infrastructure and hampers the improvement of the quality of clinical data. To overcome this, several approaches for data integration have been developed world-wide. One of these is OHDSI’s Observational Medical Outcomes

Partnership (OMOP) Common Data Model (CDM)2, which will be elaborated on later.

The German MIRACUM consortium3, as part of the national Medical Informatics

Inititative4, unifies multiple university medical centres, aimed to foster IT innovations for

healthcare research and medical care. One of the objectives of MIRACUM is the implementation of data integration centres (DIC) at each partner site. Besides the

establishment of the DIC, MIRACUM thrives for sharing their applicability in use cases in which the DIC are used in real-world research scenarios. For “Use Case 2 From Data to Knowledge – Clinico-molecular Predictive Knowledge Tool”, the objective is (1) to describe the patient populations at the sites of the consortium, and, based on the former, (2) to develop, train and evaluate predictive models for, among other major medical conditions, asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Within these medical conditions endotypes exist5-7. Anderson defines an endotype as “a subtype of disease defined functionally and

pathologically by a molecular mechanism or by treatment response”5. Asthma/COPD are

conditions with pathophysiological similarities and differences for which patients need to be characterized better to define subtypes8. When a predictive model is deployed, cluster

membership of asthma/COPD patients can be indicated automatically. Through this, patients’ clinical care can be adjusted to their needs. As the prevalence of airway diseases in the western world is increasing, its impact could be reduced by better adjusted therapies9.


However, recent treatments are based on an old definition of the diseases9, in which

endotypes have not been defined in an unambiguous, generally accepted way.

To train this predictive model, MIRACUM gathers data of all participating university medical centres. As not all sites use the same routine information technology (IT) systems and representations of relevant data, a uniformity problem arises. Data not stored in a common data model and with a fixed semantic cannot be used for distributed analysis across sites. As a harmonized target model, MIRACUM will use the OMOP CDM. The underlying data and their representation in the common data model need to be formally described and defined. As we want to create a harmonized dataset for the endotyping of asthma and COPD the

objectives of this work are

(1) to determine what data are needed to distinguish endotypes,

(2) to investigate which data are available at the different partner sites, and

(3) to evaluate how OHDSI’s OMOP CDM can be optimally used to represent the data from within the MIRACUM consortium.



This study is conducted in Freiburg as part of the MIRACUM consortium. Other partner sites are located in Erlangen, Frankfurt, Gießen, Magdeburg, Mainz, Marburg, and Mannheim3.

MIRACUM is one of the consortia funded by the German Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF)4. The medical informatics initiatives scope is to provide access to clinical

information for patients, doctors and researchers.

The initial model for the phenotype of asthma/COPD to build upon is set up by a laboratory clinician. The first version contained 7 categories, Demographics and Vital signs (11), Laboratory results (422, of which 350 allergens), Lung function (39), Cardiac function (4), Questionnaires (4), Diagnosis and Medication (5), and Imaging (2), adding up to 487 items. Conceptual model for asthma and COPD

Starting with the initial dataset, a qualitative literature study is done to complete the dataset using other points of view and experience from previous studies. Also, the individual data items are described and defined to create a good comprehension for all non-clinical team members. Scientific literature is searched in the Google Scholar and the PubMed search engines. Both engines are searched for asthma (resp. “asthma”[MeSH Terms]), COPD (resp. “pulmonary disease, chronic obstructive”[MeSH Terms]), endotype and endotypes in

different compositions using Boolean operators. The collected literature is assessed on its goals and reasoning based on which we decided to in- or exclude variables. All used literature aimed to determine heterogeneity in asthma or COPD based on physically measurable data. Further quantitative and qualitative evaluation of dataset and its availability

To create a quantitative assessment of the proposed dataset, a survey is distributed across all partner sites. The preliminary dataset is assessed by pneumologists to assess on which

subjects consensus is still missing. In the survey, clinicians will be asked to assess every data item on its relevance in the description and diagnosis of asthma or COPD on a Likert scale with items Keine Bedeutung (no meaning), Weniger wichtig (less important), Wichtig

(important), and Entscheidend für Diagnose (crucial for diagnosis). Also, an assessment of the availability of data items is made by asking the clinicians to indicate, with a Boolean yes or no, whether an item is measured regularly.

Next, the dataset is discussed in expert meetings with experts from all partner sites. The results of the survey are presented to start a discussion about the composition of the


dataset. The discussion is led to elaborate on multiple subjects: in- and exclusion, current availability, potential availability, missing items, differentiation between importance of items, and methods.

As routine data is used, not all items appropriate for endotyping asthma/COPD are available. The expert meetings and questionnaires are leading in the determination of data-availability. Figure 3 summarizes the above process of determining a valid dataset.

Common data model

To provide a harmonized data model, OHDSI’s OMOP CDM v5.3 used10. This common data

model is developed to store medical data and is optimized for data analysis and predictive modelling2. The CDM contains built-in standardized vocabularies such as ICD-10 for

conditions11 CPT4 for procedures12 and the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes

(LOINC) for measurements13. All included standardized terminologies are accessible via

Athena14. In this tool, many terminologies are mapped to OHDSI’s standard vocabulary. The

OMOP CDM consists of 39 tables of which 2 are obligatory to fill in every implementation of the model. The model is person-centric and leaves room for customization, notwithstanding the fact that the ways of storing clinical data, vocabularies, provider data and health

economics are all predefined15.

To prepare the implementation of the CDM, source data is observed. Anonymized sample test results of lung function tests and coding schemas of the Medical Centre of the University Freiburg are necessary to create a correct mapping to LOINC. The Regenstrief institute offers the tool, RELMA (version 2.63), to map from local mappings to LOINC, taking names, units and specimen into consideration16.

Lastly, to define our implementation of the CDM, a method based on the Delphi method is used (see Figure 2). To optimize the use of the provided CDM, a description is written, then an expert can comment on this whereafter changes can be applied. This process iterates until the model description is satisfactory. In this paper, the specification of a common data model is limited to the domains Demographics and Vital signs and Lung function.

Figure 2: Delphi-based method for developing a custom OMOP CDM implementation

Evaluate requirements (Re)formulate proposal OMOP experts comment Reformulate proposal


The practical implementation of the model in this consortium is described in Figure 1. Talend Open Studio for Data Integration 6.5.117 is used to extract the data from their source systems,

e.g. HL7v2 OBX messages for lung function measurements and CSV files for lab data. The data warehousing tool i2b218 functions as a staging area in which the data are consolidated.

This provides the possibility to adjust the CDM without having to re-extract the data from their source systems. At last, the data will be transferred to OMOP CDM in which analysis can be performed.



The key results of the process of determining a workable dataset for classifying

asthma/COPD endotypes are shown in Figure 3. Appendix B shows an overview of data items used in six recent studies. In the literature, the most frequently used factor in differentiating between endotypes, is Th2-inflammation5-7,19-21, a type of inflammation characterized by the

cytokines produced by CD4 positive T helper cells22 which leads to consequences such as

B-cell IgE production, eosinophilic inflammation and mast B-cell growth5,22. Also, the ratio and

quantity of eosinophils, neutrophils and granulocytes in general is frequently taken into consideration5-7,19,21. Furthermore, granulocyte type distribution has been used7,20,21. Studies

also report that treatment effectiveness can mark endotypes5-7,19,21.

Figure 3: Process of determining a valid dataset and the main results

The resulting dataset which was presented to the physicians as a survey and its

complete results can be found in Appendices C and D. Six of the eight partner sites responded and the main results are displayed in Table 1. A cut-off point of 40% is taken, to include items based on their relevance according to physicians. Consequently, 86,7% of the proposed items sufficed. Also, an availability of 50% or more is necessary to guarantee a sufficient populated working set. This prerequisite was not met by 24,8%. Mandatory items by OMOP, for

example ethnicity, race and birth year, are included irrespective of survey outcomes. The expert meetings raised several new topics for discussion. These include non-pathophysiological information which will be discussed later. Important data, such as

bronchial challenge testing, initially were missing and are added to the dataset. The complete final dataset can be found in Appendix E.

Conceptual model for asthma

and COPD

•487 items •7 categories •Compiled with one

clinician Definition and completion of data items •Literature based •Add items •Assign standardized coding Consolidation and prioritization of data items •Physicians from participating hospitals cooperate in surveys and expert meetings •Detect unavailable


•Detect missing items

Valid dataset •125 items •9 categories •Supported and defined by literature and experts


Table 1: relevance and availability of data items according to physiologists from partner sites #items (%items) <40% relevance >=40% relevance #items (%items) 165 (100%) 22 (13,3%) 143 (86,7%) <50% availability 41 (24,8%) 19 (11,5%) 22 (13,3%) >50% availability 124 (75,2%) 3 (1,8%) 121 (73,3%) Data model

In the OMOP CDM, the PERSON and OBSERVATION_PERIOD tables are obligatory. Clinical data tables are linked to PERSON as pictured in the model in Figure 4. Observation period is the time in which a Person is at risk of having clinical events recorded within the source systems. On these source systems, queries will run on J44.*, Sonstige chronische obstruktive Lungenkrankheit (Other chronic obstructive pulmonary disease), and J45.*, Asthma bronchiale (bronchial asthma), of ICD-10-GM – German Modification, the German variation on 10 - to extract data from the right patients. Types already defined in ICD-10-GM classification are identified in CONDITION_OCCURRENCE. Measurements are stored in MEASUREMENT and can be categorised in the field

“measurement_type_concept_id”. The latter can be relevant for query purposes. Other results, including surveys and cardiac testing, are stored in OBSERVATION. To be able to identify measurements such as lung function before and after bronchodilation,

PROCEDURE_OCCURRENCE, and DRUG_EXPOSURE are used because not all items measured before and after bronchodilation are differentiated by codes in the standardized vocabulary. The administration of a bronchodilator is stored in

PROCEDURE_OCCURRENCE with CPT4-code 94060, which is linked to the

measurements before and after this exposure by using the “Occurs before” and “Occurs after” concepts in FACT_RELATIONSHIP. To specify the bronchodilator DRUG_EXPOSURE is applied and linked to the measurement and procedure.


In this work, we aimed to define a valid dataset for the clinical description of asthma/COPD and the identification of their endotypes as well as the final representation of these data with a standardized terminology in the OMOP CDM.

The initial conceptual model of physiological characteristics which could indicate asthma/COPD endotypes, is extended based on literature research. The considered literature predominantly executed research specific to asthma/COPD endotypes. This facilitated a broad spectrum of possible biomarkers. Next, experts from partner sites assessed the dataset in expert meetings and discussed the dataset, which provided multiple changes. Missing items were added esp. parts of lung function tests. Furthermore, the realistic view on the availability of data items re-shaped the dataset drastically because only commonly used data can be obtained. For clinical assessment, not only physiological data items (biomarkers) are important, but signs and symptoms (conditions) are crucial as well. Factors such as clinical signs, living area, pollution, disease phase during measurements, comorbidities, mortality and exacerbations are important. Also the type of and response to medication are considered as foundational indicators for the description of the diseases and thus of their endotypes. Therefore, it is essential to include functional test outcomes and exacerbation severity combined with administered medications. A strength of this work is the participation of technical experts as well as clinical experts, pneumologists and allergologists, with broad experience in the diagnosis of pulmonary conditions.

The final dataset is based on literature and local knowledge which reduces the risk of a delimited or biased initial view. Yet, local availability of data has had a leading influence on the exclusion of several items. Therefore, research in other regions should consider following


the procedure in Figure 3 in their respective area. Cut-off points for the rating of relevance of data items need to be considered carefully. In this work, an open approach has been chosen. Data items are included with consent of 40% of experts to facilitate a broad spectrum of yet unrecognized factors affecting asthma/COPD. Only 13,3% of the proposed items are considered inadequate after consulting the physicians. Even items are kept in the dataset which are not available at all partner sites.

In previous similar research, the OMOP CDM has been used successfully23. It turned

out to be an adaptable reference model. The wide range of integrated standardized

terminologies creates an adequate vocabulary and saves the effort of mapping between several terminologies. In our work LOINC is used, where this did not satisfy our needs, local terms are mapped to OMOP’s standard vocabulary which does not cover all data items either24. But,

Figure 4: Data model for storing lung function data in the MIRACUM consortium, based on the OMOP CDM10


if OMOP’s standard vocabulary does not cover an item, the obligatory field in which the code is stored, is given value ‘0’ and a custom code can be assigned in the intended provided field. Although the FACT_RELATIONSHIP table is not yet explicitly defined in OHDSI’s open source software tool, Atlas, we have chosen to incorporate it extensively in our proposal because of the relational structure that has to be defined for a proper description of clinical conditions. Lung function tests before and after bronchodilation are measured in short temporal succession. Therefore, the timestamps of measurements might not be documented sufficiently fine-grained enough to guarantee a clear differentiation between them.

Additionally, causality and other relations between clinical observations (e.g. drugs

administered through a certain procedure, or biomarkers observed under certain conditions) are documented to create a coherent semantical network.

Limitations and prospects

The goal of this work is to re-use routine data. This limits the composition of the dataset to items used in contemporary diagnostics, hence there is no possibility to assess relationships between diseases and items that are not regularly measured. However, with already 9000 patients within the target population in one hospital (Medical Centre of the University Freiburg), the available patient set is significantly larger than possible in cohort studies with the same financial resources. Also, by using data from only academic hospitals in Germany, the available data is limited to inpatient visits. Whilst COPD and especially asthma patients visit smaller practices like general practitioners, a next step in using routine data for

secondary clinical use, should pursuit the inclusion of outpatient data.

Concluding, we demonstrated a process model to compile a custom dataset and used it to create a dataset for endotyping asthma/COPD. Secondary use of clinical data narrows but does not eliminate the availability of relevant data. Based on this work, a recommendation for the use of OHDSI’s OMOP CDM has been given for all partner sites to serialize the defined dataset. In this way the work presented here, is the foundation for a consortium-wide

harmonized dataset is available for distributed analysis of asthma and COPD.


Special thanks to Martin Boeker and Ronald Cornet for the extensive guidance while conducting and writing this work. MIRACUM is funded by the BMBF under the Funding Number FKZ 01ZZ1606H.


1. Soto GE, Spertus JA. 2007. EPOCH and ePRISM: A web-based translational framework for bridging outcomes research and clinical practice. Computers in Cardiology, 205-208. 2. OHDSI OMOP Common Data Model. Available from: https://www.ohdsi.org/data-standardization/the-common-data-model/. Accessed 25th May 2018.

3. MIRACUM consortium MIRACUM. Available from: http://www.miracum.org. Accessed 25th May 2018.

4. THM Medizin Informatik Initiative. Available from: http://www.medizininformatik-initiative.de. Accessed 25th May 2018.

5. Anderson GP. 2008. Endotyping asthma: new insights into key pathogenic mechanisms in a complex, heterogeneous disease. Lancet 372, 1107-19.


6. Fijačko V, Labor M, Fijačko M, et al. 2018. Predictors of short-term LAMA

ineffectiveness in treatment naïve patients with moderate to severe COPD. Wiener klinische Wochenschrift, 1-12.

7. Lötvall J, Akdis CA, Bacharier LB, et al. 2011 Asthma endotypes: a new approach to classification of disease entities within the asthma syndrome. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 127(2), 355-360.

8. Postma DS, Rabe KF. 2015. The Athma-COPD Overlap Syndrome. The new England journal of medicine 373(13), 1241-1249.

9. Holgate S, Agusti A, Strieter RM, et al. 2015. Drug development for airway diseases: looking forward. Nature Reviews 14(6), 367.

10. Clair Blacketer OMOP Common Data Model v5.3 Specifications. Available from: https://github.com/OHDSI/CommonDataModel/wiki. Accessed 25th May 2018.

11. Clair Blacketer CONDITION_OCCURRENCE. Available from:

https://github.com/OHDSI/CommonDataModel/wiki/CONDITION_OCCURRENCE. Accessed 25th May 2018.

12. Clair Blacketer PROCEDURE_OCCURRENCE. Available from:

https://github.com/OHDSI/CommonDataModel/wiki/PROCEDURE_OCCURRENCE. Accessed 25th May 2018.

13. Clair Blacketer MEASUREMENT. Available from:

https://github.com/OHDSI/CommonDataModel/wiki/MEASUREMENT. Accessed 25th May


14. OHDSI Athena. Available from: https://athena.ohdsi.org/. Accessed 20th May 2018.

15. Clair Blacketer Frequently Asked Questions. Available from:

https://github.com/OHDSI/CommonDataModel/wiki/Frequently-Asked-Questions. Accessed 25th May 2018.

16. Regenstrief Institute RELMA. Available from: https://loinc.org/relma/. Accessed 27th

May 2018.

17. Talend Open Studio for Data Integration Release Notes. Available from:

https://www.talend.com/products/data-integration/data-integration-manuals-release-notes/#product_release_notes. Accessed 27th February 2018.

18. Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center About i2b2. Available from: https://i2b2.cchmc.org. Accessed 25th May 2018.

19. Howrylak JA. 2013. An integrative computational framework for defining asthma endotypes [dissertation]. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh.


20. Russell DW, Wells JM, Blalock JE. 2016. Disease phenotyping in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: the neutrophilic endotype. Current opinion in pulmonary medicine, 22(2), 91-99.

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22. Hirose K, Iwata A, Tamachi T, et al. 2017. Allergic airway inflammation: key players beyond the Th2 cell pathway. Immunological reviews, 278(1), 145-161.

23. Khalilia M, Choi M, Henderson A, Iyengar S, Braunstein M, Sun J. 2015. Clinical Predictive Modeling and Deployment through FHIR Web Services. AMIA Annual Symposium Proceedings, 717-726.

24. Si Y, Weng C. 2017. An OMOP CDM-Based Relational Database of Clinical Research Eligibility Criteria. Studies in health technology and informatics 245, 950.


Appendix A: list of abbreviations used in this paper

6MWT 6-minute walk test

A1AT alpha 1 antitrypsin ABG arterial blood gas test ACT asthma control test ANA Anti-nuclear antibody

ANCA Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody BALF bronchoalveolar lavage fluid

BMI body mass index

BODE body-mass index, airflow obstruction, dyspnea, and exercise BMBF German ministry for education and research

BSG erythrocyte sedimentation rate CAT COPD assessment test

CCP cyclic citrullinated peptide CD4 cluster of differentiation 4 CDM common data model

COPD chronic obstructive pulmonary disease CPT4 current procedural terminology, 4th edition CRP c-reactive protein

CT computed tomography DIC data integration centre

DLCOc diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide DSP distance saturation product

EKG electrocardiogram

FeNO fractional exhaled nitric oxide


FVC forced vital capacity HER electronic health record ETL extract, transform, load GM German modification HBA1c glycated haemoglobin HL7 health level 7

IC inspiratory capacity

ICD international statistical classification of diseases and related health problems IgE immunoglobin E

IgG immunoglobin G

IgM immunoglobin M

LTA4H leukotriene A4 hydrolase LTE4 leukotriene E4

LZ-EKG Holter monitor

IL interleukin

IT information technology

J44.* Sonstige chronische obstruktive Lungenkrankheit (Other chronic obstructive pulmonary disease),

J45.* Asthma bronchiale (bronchial asthma)

LOINC logical observational identifiers names and codes MCH mean corpuscular haemoglobin

MCHC mean corpuscular haemoglobin concentration MCV mean corpuscular volume

MEF 25/50/75 mid expiratory volume at 25, 50 an 75% of exhalation mMRC modified British medical research council


MPO myeloperoxidase

OMOP observational medical outcomes partnership PEF peak expiratory volume

pCO2 partial pressure of carbon dioxide in blood pO2 partial pressure of oxygen in blood

SGRQ St. George´s respiratory questionnaire SO2 oxygen saturation in arterial blood Srtot specific airway resistance

RF rheumatoid factor

RL vs. O2 by room air vs. oxygen administered

Rö x-ray

Rtot airway resistance RR Blood pressure RV residual volume Temp temperature Th2 T helper cell 2 TLC total lung capacity

TNF-alpha tumour necrosis factor alpha UKG echocardiography

VA alveolar volume Vcin vital capacity


Appendix B: high granular overview of data-items used in recent studies to

differentiate asthma and COPD endotypes, not all granularity levels are


Study ® 5 6 19 7 20 21 ¯ Data-item 6MWT X A1AT X X ABG X Airflow obstruction X X BALF (as a substance) X X BMI /nutrition X X X

BODE (as an overall

index) X CAT X CRP X X Eosinophils X X X X X X Exacerbations (in stadardfragebogen) X X X X X X Exercise X X X FeNO X X X Fibrinogen X

Genetic risk factors X X X X


IgE, mold specific X


IL1, 17, 23 X X

IL1, IL6, IL8 X X X

IL4, IL13 X LTE4 X LTA4H X Lymphocytes X X X Matrix metalloproteinase 9 X Medical history X X X mMRC X Mucus X Myeloperoxidase X Neutrophils X X X X X X Neutrophil elastase X Operational lung functioning X X X X X X Periostin X X Prolil endopeptidase X Proline glycine proline X Radiology X



(cytometry/volume) X X X X

Th2-inflammation X X X X X X

TNF-alpha X X X


Appendix D: inclusion (green) and exclusion (red) of data items based on

expert information (points overlap)


Appendix E: complete final dataset


Patient and


person_id Person field

Date of birth 21112-8 Birth date Person field

Nationality 68329-2 Country of origin Person field

Length 8302-2 Body height Measurement 3036277

Mass 29463-7 Body weight Measurement 3025315

BMI 39156-5 Body mass index Measurement 3038553

Gender 46098-0 Sex Person field

Ethnicity 74694-1 Ethnicity [AHRQ] Person field

Race 32624-9 Race Person field

Vital signs

Body temperature 8310-5 Body temperature Measurement 3020891

Blood pressure 8478-0 Mean blood pressure Measurement 3027598

Heart rate 8867-4 Heart rate Measurement 3027018

Blood oxygen

saturation 59408-5

Oxygen saturation in Arterial blood

by Pulse oximetry Measurement 40762499

Respiratory rate 9279-1 Respiratory rate Measurement 3024171

Laboratory Leukocytes 26464-8 Leukocytes [#/volume] in Blood Measurement 3010813 Erythrocytes 26453-1 Erythrocytes [#/volume] in Blood Measurement 3026361 Thrombocytes 26515-7 Platelets [#/volume] in Blood Measurement 3007461 Hemoglobin 718-7 Hemoglobin [Mass/volume] in Blood Measurement 3000963 Hematocrit 20570-8 Hematocrit [Volume Fraction] of Blood Measurement 3009542 Creatinine in serum 2160-0 Creatinine [Mass/volume] in

Serum or Plasma Measurement 3016723

C-reactive protein 1988-5

C reactive protein [Mass/volume] in

Serum or Plasma Measurement 3020460


Serum or Plasma by High sensitivity method Alpha-1 antitrypsin 9407-8 Alpha 1 antitrypsin [Mass/volume] in Stool Measurement 3014717 1825-9 Alpha 1 antitrypsin [Mass/volume] in

Serum or Plasma Measurement 3026285

Cholesterol 2093-3

Cholesterol [Mass/volume] in

Serum or Plasma Measurement 3027114

Blood glucose 2339-0 Glucose [Mass/volume] in Blood Measurement 3000483 Anti-nuclear antibody 27200-5 Nuclear Ab [Units/volume] in Serum Measurement 3021587

29953-7 Nuclear Ab [Titer] in Serum Measurement 3037522

Anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody 5128-4 Neutrophil cytoplasmic Ab [Units/volume] in Serum Measurement 3001334 21023-7 Neutrophil cytoplasmic Ab

[Titer] in Serum Measurement 3026712

complete blood count 58410-2 Complete blood count (hemogram) panel - Blood by

Automated count Measurement 40761511

small blood count 55429-5 Short blood count panel - Blood Measurement 40758558

white cells 26464-8 Leukocytes [#/volume] in Blood Measurement 3010813 red cells 26453-1 Erythrocytes [#/volume] in Blood Measurement 3026361 hemoglobin 718-7 Hemoglobin [Mass/volume] in Blood Measurement 3000963 hematocrit 20570-8 Hematocrit [Volume Fraction] of Blood Measurement 3009542 mean corpuscular


mean corpuscular

hemoglobin 28539-5 MCH [Entitic mass] Measurement 3035941

mean corpusular hemoglobin

concentration 28540-3 MCHC [Mass/volume] Measurement 3003338

neutrophil 23761-0 Neutrophils/100 leukocytes in Blood by Manual count Measurement 3027368 770-8 Neutrophils/100 leukocytes in Blood by

Automated count Measurement 3008342

lymphocyte 737-7 Lymphocytes/100 leukocytes in Blood by Manual count Measurement 3038058 736-9 Lymphocytes/100 leukocytes in Blood by

Automated count Measurement 3037511

monocyte 744-3 Monocytes/100 leukocytes in Blood by Manual count Measurement 3022407 5905-5 Monocytes/100 leukocytes in Blood by

Automated count Measurement 3011948

eosinophil 714-6 Eosinophils/100 leukocytes in Blood by Manual count Measurement 3015956 713-8 Eosinophils/100 leukocytes in Blood by

Automated count Measurement 3010457

basophil 707-0 Basophils/100 leukocytes in Blood by Manual count Measurement 3009797 706-2 Basophils/100 leukocytes in Blood by

Automated count Measurement 3013869

thrombocytes 778-1 Platelets [#/volume] in Blood by Manual count Measurement 3010834 777-3 Platelets [#/volume] in Measurement 3024929


Blood by Automated count neutrophil 753-4 Neutrophils [#/volume] in Blood by Manual count Measurement 3017501 26499-4 Neutrophils [#/volume] in Blood Measurement 3017732 lymphocyte 732-8 Lymphocytes [#/volume] in Blood by Manual count Measurement 3003215 731-0 Lymphocytes [#/volume] in Blood by

Automated count Measurement 3004327

monocyte 743-5 Monocytes [#/volume] in Blood by Manual count Measurement 3034107 742-7 Monocytes [#/volume] in Blood by

Automated count Measurement 3033575

eosinophil 712-0 Eosinophils [#/volume] in Blood by Manual count Measurement 3009932 711-2 Eosinophils [#/volume] in Blood by

Automated count Measurement 3028615

basophil 705-4 Basophils [#/volume] in Blood by Manual count Measurement 3027651 704-7 Basophils [#/volume] in Blood by

Automated count Measurement 3013429

brain natriuretic

peptide 30934-4

Natriuretic peptide B

[Mass/volume] in

Serum or Plasma Measurement 3011960

C-reactive protein 30522-7 C reactive protein [Mass/volume] in Serum or Plasma by High sensitivity method Measurement 3010156


immunoglobulin E 19113-0 IgE [Units/volume] in Serum or Plasma Measurement 3005322 immunoglobulin G 2465-3 IgG [Mass/volume] in

Serum or Plasma Measurement 3005719


M 2472-9


[Mass/volume] in

Serum or Plasma Measurement 3028026

Allergens custom allergen panel - - - - Lung function Before bronchodilatation vital capacity, maximum exhaled air volume after maximum inhalation 81440-0 Vital capacity [Volume] Respiratory system --pre bronchodilation Measurement 21493437 forced vital capacity, maximum forced exhaled air volume after maximum inhalation 19877-0 Foreced vital capacity [Volume] Respiratory system --pre bronchodilation Measurement 3037879 forced expiratory volume 20157-4 FEV1 --pre bronchodilation Measurement 3005025 inspiratory capacity, maximum inhaled air volume after

normal exhalation 19848-1 Inspiratory capacity Measurement 3009911

specific resistance of airflow - - Measurement 0 resistance of airflow 81443-4 Airway resistance --pre bronchodilation Measurement 21493440

total lung capacity 81450-9

Total lung capacity --pre bronchodilation Measurement 21493124 residual volume 81452-5 Residual volume --pre bronchodilation Measurement 21493126 diffusing capacity of the lung for

carbon monoxide 19911-7

Diffusion capacity.carbon


diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide divided by the alveolar volume 82619-8 Diffusion capacity/Alveolar volume --pre bronchodilation Measurement 42528789 peak expiratory volume 69975-1 Maximum expiratory gas flow Respiratory system airway --pre bronchodilation Measurement 42868464 mid expiratory volume 75 - - Measurement 0 mid expiratory volume 50 - - Measurement 0 mid expiratory volume 25 - - Measurement 0 After bronchodilatation vital capacity, maximum exhaled air volume after maximum inhalation 81441-8 Vital capacity [Volume] Respiratory system --pre bronchodilation Measurement 21493438 forced vital capacity, maximum forced exhaled air volume after maximum inhalation 19875-4 Foreced vital capacity [Volume] Respiratory system --pre bronchodilation Measurement 3001668 forced expiatory volume 20155-8 FEV1 --pre bronchodilation Measurement 3023550 inspiratory capacity, maximum inhaled air volume after

normal exhalation 19848-1 Inspiratory capacity Measurement 3009911

specific resistance of airflow - - Measurement 0 resistance of airflow 81442-6 Airway resistance --pre bronchodilation Measurement 21493439

total lung capacity 81451-7

Total lung capacity --pre bronchodilation Measurement 21493125 residual volume 81453-3 Residual volume --pre bronchodilation Measurement 21493445


diffusing capacity of the lung for

carbon monoxide 19911-7

Diffusion capacity.carbon

monoxide Measurement 3008905

diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide divided by the alveolar volume 82620-6 Diffusion capacity/Alveolar volume --pre bronchodilation Measurement 42528790 peak expiratory volume 69976-9 Maximum expiratory gas flow Respiratory system airway --post bronchodilation Measurement 42868465 mid expiratory volume 75 - - Measurement 0 mid expiratory volume 50 - - Measurement 0 mid expiratory volume 25 - - Measurement 0

Arterial blood gas


BGA bei room air vs. administered

oxygen 59410-1

Oxygen saturation in Arterial blood by Pulse oximetry

--on room air Measurement 40762501

pH value 2744-1 pH of Arterial blood Measurement 3019977

partial pressure of

oxygen 2703-7

Oxygen [Partial pressure] in

Arterial blood Measurement 3027801

partial pressure of

carbon dioxide 2019-8

Carbon dioxide [Partial pressure]

in Arterial blood Measurement 3027946

extent to which oxygen saturates the hemoglobin molecules in

erythrocytes 2708-6 Oxygen saturation in arterial blood Measurement 3016502 level of

bicarbonate 1960-4

Bicarbonate [Moles/volume] in

Arterial blood Measurement 3008152

amount of base present in blood 1925-7 Base excess in Arterial blood by calculation Measurement 3003396 6-minute walk test


extent to which oxygen saturates the hemoglobin molecules in erythrocytes during activity 59412-7 Oxygen saturation in Arterial blood by Pulse oximetry

--post exercise Measurement 40762503

rate of perceived exertion before

activity 82289-0

Rating of perceived

exertion [Score] Measurement 21493652

rate of perceived exertion after

activity 82289-0

Rating of perceived

exertion [Score] Measurement 21493652

ABG after activity

type of activity 73985-4 Exercise activity Measurement 44786643

pH value 2744-1 pH of Arterial blood Measurement 3019977

partial pressure of

oxygen 2703-7

Oxygen [Partial pressure] in

Arterial blood Measurement 3027801

partial pressure of

carbon dioxide 2019-8

Carbon dioxide [Partial pressure]

in Arterial blood Measurement 3027946

extent to which oxygen saturates the hemoglobin molecules in

erythrocytes 2708-6 Oxygen saturation in arterial blood Measurement 3016502 level of

bicarbonate 1960-4

Bicarbonate [Moles/volume] in

Arterial blood Measurement 3008152

amount of base present in blood 1925-7 Base excess in Arterial blood by calculation Measurement 3003396 Fractional exhaled nitric oxide 76093-4 Nitric oxide [VFr/Ppres]

Airway adaptor Measurement 21490806


challenge testing

forced expiratory

volume - pre met. 43253-4 FEV1 --pre dose methacholine Measurement 3043478 forced expiratory

volume - post

met. 43255-9 FEV1 --post dose methacholine Measurement 3045045

mass of

metacholine 65866-6 Methacholine [Mass] of Dose Measurement 40768552

forced expiratory volume - post met. 43260-9 FEV1 --post 0.025 mg/mL methacholine Measurement 3046800


forced expiratory volume - post met. 43259-1 FEV1 --post 0.25 mg/mL methacholine Measurement 3043285 forced expiratory volume - post met. 43257-5 FEV1 --post 2.5 mg/mL methacholine Measurement 3046754 forced expiratory volume - post met. 43258-3 FEV1 --post 10 mg/mL methacholine Measurement 3043291 forced expiratory volume - post met. 43256-7 FEV1 --post 25 mg/mL methacholine Measurement 3046522 Cardial diagnostics electrocardiograp hy 28010-7 EKG Report (narrative) Observation 3004283

echocardiography 42148-7 US Heart Measurement 3033702

Questionnaires chronic obstructive pulmonary disease modified british medical research council, short-of-breath-grouping - - Observation 42872763 copd assessment test, patient-completed assessing impact of copd - - Observation 44802479 asthma asthma control test, patient self-administred tool for identifying those with poorly

controlled asthma 82674-3

Asthma Control

Test [ACT] Observation 42528834

Diagnosis and


complete list of

diagnosis 29308-4 Diagnosis Condition

[ICD-10-GM: J44.*; J45.*]

main diagnosis 18630-4 Primary diagnosis Condition

[ICD-10-GM: J44.*; J45.*] ambulant vs


complete list of

medication 18605-6 Medication current Set Drug table

professional anamnesis 11340-7 History of Occupation Narrative Measurement 3010546 Imaging

x-ray thorax 24983-9 XR Thoracic spine Measurement 3018634



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