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van Mispelaar, V.

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van Mispelaar, V. (2005). Chromametrics. Universal Press.

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References s

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5 Higher mass loadability in GC×GC–MS: improved analytical performance for metabolomics analysis

used for the analysis of the metabolome are nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy (NMR) and hyphenated techniques, such as gas chromatography (GC) and liquid

The challenges in comprehensive GC-MS based metabolomics analysis are discussed and recommendations on method development, data processing, method validation and

The samples were measured with the GC-MS method and the calibration curves for the test compounds were calculated (Table 2). The calibration curves for most

inertness of the analytical system, the compound class of the metabolite and the sample matrix, on the analytical performance of a range of different metabolites (Table

With a wider bore column (0.32 mm ID) in the second dimension the mass loadability was improved 10-fold, and the more inert column surface of the thicker film second

The goal in this study was to assess the feasibility of using a processing strategy based on commercially available software (i.e. ChromaTOF software, LECO) for the unbiased,

The use of smaller autosampler vials (100 – 150 µL inserts) might be possible, but using an autosampler vial for derivatization and subsequent injection of a 1-µL aliquot into