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Novel thyroid specific transcripts identified by SAGE: implication for congenital hypothyroidism - Titlepage


Academic year: 2021

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Novel thyroid specific transcripts identified by SAGE: implication for congenital


Moreno Navarro, J.C.

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Citation for published version (APA):

Moreno Navarro, J. C. (2003). Novel thyroid specific transcripts identified by SAGE:

implication for congenital hypothyroidism.

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NovelNovel thyroid specific transcripts

identifiedidentified by SAGE:

implicationsimplications for congenital hypothyroidism


Moreno,, José Carlos

"Novel"Novel thyroid specific transcripts identified by SAGE: implications for congenital hypothyroidism" hypothyroidism"

Thesiss University of Amsterdam with summary in Dutch, English and Spanish

©© J. C. Moreno, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 2003.

Alll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in anyy form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording orr any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission of the author. .

Cover:: View of a three dimensional model for the thyroidal DEHAL1 enzyme. Design:: Eliane Beyer, based on an illustration included in Chapter 4 of this thesis. Printing:: PrintPartners Ipskamp B.V., Enschede, The Netherlands.

Financiall support from the Stichting Amsterdam Thyroid Club, the University of Amsterdam,, Emma Children's Hospital AMC. the Fund Pediatric Endocrinology AMC,, Novo Nordisk A/S. and Pharmacia is gratefully acknowledged.


NovelNovel thyroid specific transcripts identified by SAGE:

impiicationsimpiications for congenital hypothyroidism

Academischh Proefschrift

terr verkrijging van de graad van doctor aann de Universiteit van Amsterdam opp gezag van de Rector Magnificus

Prof.. mr. P.F. van der Heijden

tenn overstaan van een door het college voor promoties ingestelde commissie,, in het openbaar te verdedigen in de Aula der Universiteit

opp vrijdag 11 april 2003. te 12.00 uur

door r

Joséé Carlos Moreno Navarro


Promotiee commissie:

Promotorr Prof. dr. J.J.M. de Vijlder

Co-promotor:: Dr. C. Ris-Stalpers

Overigee leden: Prof. Dr. H. Heijmans Prof.. dr. D. Roos Dr.. P. Sannsteban Dr.. T. Vulsma

Prof.. Dr. W. Wiersinga

Universiteitt van Amsterdam Faculteitt Geneeskunde

Thee research described in this thesis was carried out in the Laboratory of Pediatrie Endocrinology.. Academic Medical Center. Amsterdam, The Netherlands.


"Desocupado"Desocupado lector, sin juramento me pod ras ere t't' que quisiera que este

tibro,tibro, eomo lü/'o de nu entendimiento, fuera el mds hermoso, el mdsgaflardo x

masmas discreto que pudiera imaginarse. Lero no he pod id o xo eontravenir a la

ordenorden de naturaleza, que en ella eada cosa engendra su semejaute '.

DonDon Q^ui/ote de La Mancha.

'Miguel'Miguel de (enautes.

may believe me without an oath, gentle reader that 1 (Vish this

bool{,bool{, LIS the child oj nix brain, nere the most beautiful, the most sprightly,

andand the most ingenious, that can be imagined. Hut I could not control the

orderorder of nature, alierehx each thing engenders its lif{e'.

Chiiehotte of -The 'Mancha.

de Cervantes

"Ledige"Ledige lezer, je zult zonder mijn eren oord best (villen getoi en hoe graag

il{.ditil{.dit boef{,, als spruit (an mijn brein, had zien uitgroeien tol het mooiste,

fierstefierste en verstandigste dat men zich r;qn deugen. :Maar ih k[on de nat nu ra et

nietniet breien die inhoudt dat alles zifusgelijke -voortbrengt".

Quichot -van La Manctta.

MiguelMiguel de ("ervautes.


AA mi padre,

queque me ensenó la religion del trabajo v, quizes

ineonscientemente,ineonscientemente, a pcrseguir lo imposible.

AA mi madre,

fuentefuente inagotable de pequenas v grander

ilusiones. ilusiones.

AA todo el que apareció en mi vida,

ensenandomeensenandome algo.

ToTo my father,

whowho taught me a religion called, work , and that

searchingsearching for the impossible has a meaning.

ToTo my mother,

aa never ending source of hopeful support.

ToTo anyone that appeared in my life, teaching

meme something.




In control C57BL/6 mice, the thickness of the endothelial gly- cocalyxx was not affected by vasodilation, but the increases in glycocalyx porosityy and capillary tube

If you believe that digital publication of certain material infringes any of your rights or (privacy) interests, please let the Library know, stating your reasons. In case of

If you believe that digital publication of certain material infringes any of your rights or (privacy) interests, please let the Library know, stating your reasons.. In case of

1.22 Historical view on the endothelial glycocalyx 13 1.33 Characterization of the endothelial glycocalyx 14 1.44 Composition of the endothelial glycocalyx 19 1.55

Withh the progress of cell biology and elucidation of cell-membrane struc- turee it was found that, indeed, a layer of polysaccharides consisting of the ectodomainss of

Althoughh early electron microscopic studies revealed already decades ago thatt carbohydrate rich endothelial surface structures form the interface be- tweenn blood and the

Wee determined the effect of oxidized low density lipoproteins (OX-LDL) on capillaryy tube hematocrit as well as capillary red cell velocity to test the hypothesiss that OX-LDL

Thee present study shows that specific degradation of the endothelial gly- cocalyxx by heparitinase treatment enhanced firm adhesion of leukocytes too endothelial cells