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Broadcasts in Graphs: Diametrical Trees


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Broadcasts in Graphs: Diametrical Trees

L. Gemmrich


and C.M. Mynhardt

Department of Mathematics and Statistics

University of Victoria, Victoria, BC, Canada





A dominating broadcast on a graph  = ( ) is a function  :  → {0 1     diam()} such that  () ≤ () (the eccentricity of ) for all  ∈  , and each  ∈  is at distance at most  () from a vertex  with  () ≥ 1. The upper broadcast domination number of  is Γ() = max{P∈  () :  is a minimal dominating broadcast on }. As shown by

Erwin in [D. Erwin, Cost domination in graphs, Doctoral dissertation, Western Michigan University, 2001], Γ() ≥ diam() for any graph .

We investigate trees whose upper broadcast domination number equal their diameter and, among more general results, characterize caterpillars with this property.

Keywords: broadcast on a graph, dominating broadcast, minimal dominating broadcast, up-per broadcast domination number

AMS 2010 Subject Classification Number: 05C69, 05C05, 05C12



Suppose a telecommunications company has to provide radio coverage to a collection of geo-graphic regions. A single tower transmitting with a strength (or cost) of one unit can provide coverage to the region it is located in and all regions immediately adjacent to it. The company aims to minimize its expenses by erecting as few towers as possible. If we consider each region as a vertex of a graph , where two vertices are adjacent if their corresponding geographic regions are adjacent, then any dominating set  (i.e. each vertex of  belongs to  or is adja-cent to a vertex in ) represents a suitable arrangement of radio towers, and a dominating set of minimum cardinality represents a minimum cost arrangement. However, if the company is able to build its towers with varying signal strength so that a tower may transmit its signal a greater distance, but at a proportionally greater cost, the total cost could be significantly less than for the former arrangement. This situation can be modelled with a broadcast on , as defined below.

To appear in the Australasian Journal of CombinatoricsUndergraduate research student


Unless stated otherwise, all graphs considered here are assumed to be simple, nontrivial and connected. For undefined graph theoretic concepts and terminology we refer the reader to [7] and [13].

A caterpillar is a tree of order at least three, the removal of whose leaves produces a path. We use standard notation for functions and write  :  →  to denote the fact that  is a function from  to ; we also write  = {( ()) :  ∈ }. If  and  are functions with the same domain  such that () ≤ () for each  ∈ , we write  ≤ . If in addition ()   () for at least one  ∈ , we write   .

As usual we denote the domination and upper domination numbers of a graph  by () and Γ(), respectively. A broadcast on a graph  = ( ) is a function  :  → {0 1     diam()} such that  () ≤ () (the eccentricity of ) for all  ∈  . A broadcast  on  is dominating if each  ∈  is at distance at most () from a vertex  with () ≥ 1, and minimal dominating if no broadcast 0 on  with 0   is dominating. The cost of a broadcast  is ( ) = P

∈  ().

The broadcast domination number of  is

() = min{() :  is a dominating broadcast on }

and the upper broadcast domination number of  is

Γ() = max{() :  is a minimal dominating broadcast on }

Broadcast domination was introduced by Erwin [11, 12], who proved the bounds

()≤ min{() rad()} ≤ max{Γ() diam()} ≤ Γ() (1)

for any graph . Graphs for which () = rad() are called radial graphs. Radial trees are

characterized in [16, 17]. The upper broadcast domination number Γ() is also studied in

[1, 2, 10, 21]. Other studies of broadcast domination can be found in [3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25].

Our purpose is to investigate trees whose upper broadcast domination number equals their diameter. Following the terminology for broadcast domination numbers, we call such trees diametrical trees. The characterization of diametrical trees is listed as an open problem in [21]. After presenting further definitions and known results in Section 2, we state a number of lemmas concerning properties of non-diametrical trees in Section 3. To avoid interrupting the flow of the proof of our main theorem, we defer the proofs of all lemmas to Section 5. A con-sequence of these lemmas is that a tree containing a path of length at least three, internally disjoint from a diametrical path, is non-diametrical. This result hints that the caterpillars may contain classes of diametrical trees, which is indeed the case. Our goal is to prove the charac-terization of diametrical caterpillars stated in Theorem 1.1 below, which we do in Section 4. We conclude with open problems in Section 6.

Theorem 1.1 A caterpillar  with diametrical path  : 0 1      is diametrical if and only


() each  ∈ {1      − 1}, is adjacent to at most two leaves,

() for any ∈ {1      − 2}, min{deg() deg(+1)} = 2,

() whenever  and    , are adjacent to at least two leaves each, there exists an index



Definitions and Known Results

For a broadcast  on a graph  = ( ), define + = { ∈  : ()  0}. The vertices in+ are called broadcast vertices. A vertex  hears the broadcast  from some vertex  ∈ +, and   -dominates , if the distance ( ) ≤ (). An edge  hears  if both  and  hear  from the same vertex  ∈ +. A vertex  ∈ + overdominates a vertex  if ( )   (). For  ∈ +, define the

• -neighbourhood of  as [] ={ ∈  () : ( ) ≤ ()}

• -boundary of  as () ={ ∈  () : ( ) = ()}

• -private neighbourhood of  as PN() ={ ∈ [] :  ∈ [] for all  ∈ +− {}},

• -private boundary of  as PB() ={ ∈ [] : is not dominated by ( −{( ())})∪

{( () − 1)}}.

Note that if  () = 1, then PB() = PN(), and if  () ≥ 2, then PB() = ()∩

PN(). For example, consider the tree  in Figure 1. The broadcast  defined by  () =

4  () = 2  () = 3  () = 1 and  () = 0 otherwise is a dominating broadcast such that PB() ={0} for each  ∈ {  }, and PB() = ∅.

The property that makes a dominating broadcast minimal dominating, determined in [11] and stated in [21] in terms of private boundaries, is essential in the study of upper broadcast numbers. We state it again here.

Proposition 2.1 [11] A dominating broadcast  is a minimal dominating broadcast if and only if PB()6= ∅ for each  ∈ +.

By Proposition 2.1 the broadcast  in Figure 1, although dominating, is not minimal dom-inating. The broadcast 0 = ( − {( 2)}) ∪ {( 0)} is a minimal dominating broadcast on  .

In general it is not true that if  is a dominating broadcast on a graph , then some broadcast 0 with 0 ≤  is a minimal dominating broadcast on , nor is it necessarily true that if  is a

broadcast on  such that PB()6= ∅ for each  ∈ +, then some broadcast 0 with  ≤ 0 is

a minimal dominating broadcast on . Consider the tree  and broadcast  shown in Figure 2. Here, PB() = {0} for each  ∈ { } and  is not -dominated. Moreover,  cannot

4 w' u' v w 1 u z' 2 z = 3 T

Figure 1: A tree  with a dominating broadcast  such that PB() = {0} for each  ∈


4 v' v w 1 u 3 z 2 T y w'

Figure 2: A tree  with a broadcast  such that PB()6= ∅ for each  ∈ +, but  cannot

be extended to a minimal dominating broadcast.

be extended to a broadcast that dominates  without leaving  or  with an empty private boundary.

It is well known that any independent set of vertices in a graph  can be extended to a maximal (but not necessarily maximum) independent set of , and that a maximal independent set is also a minimal dominating set (cf. [13, pp. 70 — 71]). Denoting the cardinality of a maximum independent set of  by (), it follows that () ≤ Γ() for all graphs .

Remark 2.2 [11] The characteristic function of a minimal dominating set in a graph  is a minimal dominating broadcast on . Hence Γ()≥ Γ() ≥ () for any graph .

Proposition 2.3 [11] If  is a broadcast on a graph  and for each  ∈ {1 2} we have  ∈ +,

0 ∈ PB(), where 1 6= 2, and  is a  — 0 geodesic, then 1 and 2 are disjoint.

Using Proposition 2.3, Erwin [11] shows that Γ() ≤ |()| for any graph , and together

with the lower bound (1) this implies that Γ() = − 1 for each  ≥ 2. Proposition 2.3 is

used frequently in the proofs in Section 5.


Non-Diametrical Trees

In this section we state a number of sufficient conditions for a tree  to be non-diametrical. The proofs are given in Section 5. We assume throughout that  has diameter  and a diametrical path  : 0 1     . For each  ∈ {0     }, let  be the subtree of  induced by all vertices

that are connected to  by paths that are internally disjoint from  . Note that  = 1 if and

only if  ∈ {0 }, or  ∈ {1      − 1} and deg() = 2. For example, in the tree  in Figure

3, 2 ∼= 13 4 ∼= 2 6 ∼= 4 and  = 1 for  ∈ {0 1 3 5 7 8}.

A stem of a tree  À 2 is a vertex adjacent to a leaf and a strong stem is a stem that is

adjacent to at least two leaves; in Figure 3, 1 4 and 6 are (not the only) examples of stems.

The complete bipartite graph 1 ≥ 1, is also called a star. Thus a tree  with diametrical

path  as above is a caterpillar if each  is either a star or 1.

Lemma 3.1 Let  be a tree with diameter  ≥ 3 and diametrical path  : 0 1     . If

there exists an  ∈ {1      − 2} such that each of  and +1 is adjacent to a leaf other than




v0 2 v4 v6 v8

Figure 3: A tree  and diametrical path  : 0 1  8 such that 2 ∼= 13 4 ∼= 2 6 ∼= 4

and  = 1 otherwise.

Lemma 3.2 If there exists a subscript  ∈ {2      − 2} such that  has an independent set

of cardinality 3 that dominates but does not contain , or if max{deg(1) deg(−1)} ≥ 4, then

Γ( )  diam( ).

Lemma 3.3 If there exists a subscript  ∈ {2      − 2} such that  has an independent set

of cardinality 2 that does not dominate , then Γ( )  diam( ).

Lemma 3.4 If diam()≥ 4 for some , or if diam() = 3 and  is a peripheral vertex of ,

then Γ( )  diam( ).

By Lemmas 3.2 — 3.4, if  is a diametrical tree, then each  is isomorphic to either 1, 2,

3 with  either a leaf or the stem of 3, or 4 with  being a stem of 4. Thus, diametrical

trees are “nearly” caterpillars. We henceforth restrict our investigation to caterpillars. By Lemma 3.1, if  ∼= 2, we may assume that neither −1 nor +1 is isomorphic to 2. If

 ∼= 3 with  being a leaf of 3, or if  ∼= 4, then  is not a caterpillar and we ignore these

cases. We give one more sufficient condition for a caterpillar to be non-diametrical.

Lemma 3.5 Let  be a caterpillar with diametrical path  : 0 1     . If two vertices

 +2 are strong stems, for some  ≥ 1 and some integer  such that  + 2 ≤  − 1, and +2

is a stem for each  ∈ {1      − 1}, then Γ( )  .


Diametrical Caterpillars

If  is a diametrical caterpillar, then  does not satisfy the hypothesis of any of Lemmas 3.1 — 3.5. In this section we show that the converse is also true: If the caterpillar  does not satisfy the hypothesis of any of Lemmas 3.1 — 3.5, then  is diametrical. The negation of these hypotheses, applied to caterpillars, gives the characterization of diametrical caterpillars stated in Theorem 1.1, which we restate here for convenience.

Theorem 1.1 A caterpillar  with diametrical path  : 0 1      is diametrical if and

only if

() each  ∈ {1      − 1}, is adjacent to at most two leaves,


() whenever  and    , are strong stems, there exists an index      , such

that deg() = deg(+1) = 2.

Proof. Suppose  is a diametrical caterpillar. By Lemma 3.2, each   ∈ {2      − 2}, is

adjacent to at most two leaves, while 1 and −1 are adjacent to at most one leaf other than

0 and , respectively, hence () holds. Similarly, condition () follows directly from Lemma

3.1. For (), condition () already implies that of any two consecutive internal vertices of  , at least one has degree 2. Lemma 3.5 now implies that if  and  are both strong stems, then

some pair of consecutive strong stems between  and  (inclusive) are separated by at least

two vertices of degree 2. Hence () holds.

For the converse, note that the only caterpillars of diameter three or less that satisfy con-ditions () — () are 3 4 and the tree obtained by joining a new leaf to a stem of 4. It

is easy to verify that they are diametric. Assume that Theorem 1.1 is false and let  be a smallest non-diametrical caterpillar that satisfies () — (). Then  has diameter at least four. We state two more lemmas, the proofs of which are also given in Section 5.

Lemma 4.1 No vertex of  is a strong stem.

Lemma 4.2 No vertex  ∈ {2      − 2}, is adjacent to a leaf.

By Lemmas 4.1 and 4.2,  = +1, which is impossible because Erwin [11] showed that

Γ() = − 1 = diam() for all  ≥ 2. ¥


Proofs of Lemmas

This section contains the proofs of Lemmas 3.1 — 4.2, restated here for convenience.

Lemma 3.1 Let  be a tree with diameter  ≥ 3 and diametrical path  : 0 1     .

If some  and +1,  ∈ {1      − 2}, are adjacent to leaves other than 0 or , then

Γ( )  diam( ).

Proof. Suppose the hypothesis of the lemma is satisfied. Say  is adjacent to the leaf  and

+1 is adjacent to the leaf 0. Define the broadcast  by (0) =  + 1, () = −  and

() = 0 otherwise. Then  ∈ PB(0) and 0 ∈ PB(), hence PB()6= ∅ for all  ∈ +. If

 is also dominating, let  = ; otherwise, let 0 be the subgraph of  induced by all vertices

that are not -dominated, let  be a maximal independent set of 0 and define the broadcast  by  () = () if  ∈  ( ) −  (0),  () = 1 if  ∈  and () = 0 if  ∈  (0)− . By

definition,  is a dominating broadcast on  . Since  and 0are leaves, no vertex in  is adjacent

to  or 0, hence  ∈ PB

(0) and 0 ∈ PB(). Since no vertex in  hears the broadcast ,

∈ PB() for each  ∈ . Hence, by Proposition 2.1,  is a minimal dominating broadcast.

Moreover, ( ) ≥  + 1 +  −  =  + 1 and the result follows. ¥ The proof of the next lemma is illustrated in Figure 4.

Lemma 3.2 If there exists a subscript  ∈ {2      − 2} such that  has an independent set

of cardinality 3 that dominates  but does not contain , or if max{(1) (−1)} ≥ 2, then


v v0 v1 2 v6 1 4 (b) v v0 2 v3 v6 1 2 v4 (a) 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 (c) v v0 2 v3 v6 1 1 v4 2 1 1 1

Figure 4: An illustration of the proof of Lemma 3.2.

Proof. We may assume that  does not satisfy the hypothesis of Lemma 3.1, otherwise we are done. Suppose (1) =  ≥ 2. See Figure 4(a). Since 0 is a peripheral vertex of  , no

vertex of 1 is at distance greater than one from 1. Hence 1 = 1and, by Lemma 3.1, 2 is

not adjacent to a leaf. Let  be the set consisting of 0 and the  leaves of 1, and define the

broadcast  by () = − 2, () = 1 if  ∈  and () = 0 otherwise. Then 2 ∈ PB()and

∈ PB() for each  ∈ , hence PB()6= ∅ for all  ∈ +. If  is dominating, let  = ,

otherwise let 0 be the subgraph of  induced by all vertices that are not dominated by .

Since 2 is not adjacent to a leaf, there exists a maximal independent set  of 0 that does not

contain a vertex adjacent to 2. Define the broadcast  by  () = () if  ∈  ( ) −  (0),

 () = 1if  ∈  and () = 0 if  ∈  (0)− . Then 

2 ∈ PB()and  ∈ PB()for each

∈  ∪ , so  is a minimal dominating broadcast on  with () ≥  + 1 +  − 2  . Hence Γ( )  .

If (−1)≥ 2 the result follows similarly. Hence assume some   ∈ {2      − 2}, has

an independent set of cardinality 3 that dominates  but does not contain . Then  has a

maximal independent set  of cardinality  ≥ 3 such that  ∈ . Define the broadcast  by

(0) = − 1, () = −  − 1, () = 1 if  ∈  and () = 0 otherwise. Since  ∈ ,

−1∈ PB(0) and +1 ∈ PB(). In addition,  ∈ PB() for each  ∈ . If  ≥ 3 and −1

is adjacent to a leaf, then we may assume, by Lemma 3.1, that −2 is not adjacent to a leaf (other than 0 if  = 3). Similarly, if  ≤  − 3 and +1 is adjacent to a leaf, we may assume

that +2 is not adjacent to a leaf (other than  if  =  − 3). Let 0 be the subgraph of 

induced by the vertices that are not dominated by  and choose a maximal independent set  of 0 as follows.

• If 0 has a maximal independent set that does not contain a vertex adjacent to 

−1or to

+1, let  be such a set. See Figure 4(b).

• If each maximal independent set of 0 contains a vertex adjacent to 


then −1 (or +1) is adjacent to a leaf. Then −2(or +2) is not adjacent to a leaf, and

there exists a maximal independent set of 0 that contains no vertex adjacent to −2 (or +2); let  be such a set. See Figure 4(c).

Define the broadcast  on  as follows. If neither −1 nor +1 is adjacent to a leaf, let

 () = ⎧ ⎨ ⎩ () if  ∈  ( ) −  (0) 1 if  ∈  0 otherwise.

Then  is a dominating broadcast such that ( ) ≥  − 1 +  −  − 1 +   , −1∈ PB(0),

+1∈ PB() and  ∈ PB() for each  ∈  ∪ .

If −1 is adjacent to a leaf and +1 is not, let

 () = ⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ − 2 if  = 0 () if  ∈  ( − 0)−  (0) 1 if  ∈  0 otherwise.

Then || ≥ 1 and −1 hears  from an adjacent leaf. Hence  is a dominating broadcast such

that ( ) ≥  − 2 +  −  − 1 +  + ||   −2∈ PB(0) +1 ∈ PB() and  ∈ PB()

for each  ∈  ∪ .

Similarly, if +1 is adjacent to a leaf and −1 is not, let

 () = ⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ −  − 2 if  =  () if  ∈  ( − )−  (0) 1 if  ∈  0 otherwise.

Finally, if both −1 and +1 are adjacent to leaves, define  by

 () = ⎧ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎨ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ − 2 if  = 0 −  − 2 if  =  () if  ∈  ( − {0 }) −  (0) 1 if  ∈  0 otherwise.

Now || ≥ 2 and  is a dominating broadcast such that () ≥  − 2 +  −  − 2 +  + || ≥ − 4 +  + ||  , −2∈ PB(0) +2∈ PB() and  ∈ PB()if  ∈  ∪ .

Hence in each case  is a minimal dominating broadcast such that ( )  , which implies that Γ( )  diam( ) ¥

Lemma 3.3 If there exists a subscript  ∈ {2      − 2} such that  has an independent set

of cardinality 2 that does not dominate , then Γ( )  diam( ).

Proof. Suppose  has an independent set  of cardinality 2 that does not dominate . If


from Lemma 3.2. Hence assume this is not the case (in particular,  is not a stem) and let 

be a maximal independent set of cardinality  ≥ 2 of  −  containing no vertex adjacent to

. Define the broadcast  on  by (0) =  () = −  − 1 () = 1 for each  ∈  and

() = 0 otherwise. Note that  ∈ PB(0), +1 ∈ PB()  ∈ PB() for each  ∈  and

() ≥  +  −  − 1 +   . We can now proceed as in the proof of Lemma 3.2 to construct a minimal dominating broadcast  on  such that ( ) ≥ ()   to obtain that Γ( )  .

The details are omitted.¥

Lemma 3.4 If diam()≥ 4 for some , or if diam() = 3 and  is a peripheral vertex of

, then Γ( )  diam( ).

Proof. If diam() ≥ 5, then  contains a subgraph isomorphic to 6, which, regardless of

which vertex of 6 corresponds to , has an independent set of cardinality 3 that dominates but

does not contain , and the result follows from Lemma 3.2. If diam() = 4and  corresponds

to a stem of a subgraph isomorphic to 5, the result follows similarly.

Suppose diam() =  ∈ {3 4} and  is a peripheral vertex of . Then  is not a stem.

Let  be a vertex of  at distance  from . Define the broadcast  on  by () =  (0) =

− 1 () = −  − 1 and () = 0 otherwise. Then  ∈ PB() −1 ∈ PB(0) and

+1∈ PB(), while () =  − 1 +  −  − 1 +   . Possibly −1 or +1 is a stem, or both

are. We proceed as in the proof of Lemma 3.2 to show that Γ( )  .

Finally, suppose diam() = 4 and  is the central vertex of a subgraph  ∼= 5 of .

Let 1 and 2 be the leaves of  and let  be the stem of  adjacent to 2. If  is a

stem of  the result again follows from Lemma 3.2, hence assume  is not a stem. Define

the broadcast  by (1) = 2 (2) = 1 (0) =  − 1 () =  −  − 1 and () = 0

otherwise. Then  ∈ PB(1)  ∈ PB(2) −1 ∈ PB(0) and +1 ∈ PB(), while

() = − 1 +  −  − 1 + 3  . As before it (eventually) follows that Γ( )  .¥

Lemma 3.5 Let  be a caterpillar with diametrical path  : 0 1     . If two vertices

 +2 are strong stems, for some  ≥ 1 and some integer  such that  + 2 ≤  − 1, and

+2 is a stem for each  ∈ {1      − 1}, then Γ( )  .

Proof. Let  be the set of leaves adjacent to +2 ∈ {0 1     }, and  = {+1 +3    

+2−1}. Then  ∪  is independent. By the hypothesis, || ≥  + 3 and so | ∪ | ≥ 2 + 3. By Lemma 3.1 we may assume that deg() = 2 for each  ∈ , otherwise the result follows.

If  = 1 and  + 2 =  − 1, then  ∪  is a maximal independent set of  of cardinality at least  + 1. Let  be the characteristic function of  ∪ .

If  = 1 and  + 2   − 1, define the broadcast  on  by () = 1 if  ∈  ∪ ,  () =  −  − 2 − 1 and () = 0 otherwise. Then  ∈ PB() for each  ∈  ∪  and

+2+1 ∈ PB(). Since +2 is a stem, we may assume that deg(+2+1) = 2, otherwise the

result holds by Lemma 3.1. Therefore  is a dominating broadcast, thus a minimal dominating broadcast, and ( ) = | ∪ | +  −  − 2 − 1 ≥  + 1.

If   1 and  + 2 =  − 1, reverse the direction of  and proceed as above. Hence assume 1     + 2  − 1. See Figure 5, where  = 10  = 3 and  = 2. As above we may assume that deg(−1) = deg(+2+1) = 2. Define the broadcast  by  (0) = − 1 () =

−  − 2 − 1 () = 1 for each  ∈  ∪  and () = 0 otherwise. Then  is a dominating broadcast such that ( ) ≥  − 2 − 2 + 2 + 3   −1 ∈ PB(0) +2+1 ∈ PB() and


v v0 3 v5 v7 v10 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 v2 v8

Figure 5: An illustration of the proof of Lemma 3.5.

v v0 r f 4 b v0 vr u 5 b u g

Figure 6: A step in the proof of Lemma 5.1.

∈ PB() for each  ∈  ∪ . Hence  is a minimal dominating broadcast of  such that

( )  . The result now follows. ¥

Before proving Lemmas 4.1 and 4.2 we state and prove two additional lemmas. If  is a broadcast on  and 0 is a subtree of  , we define the restriction of  to 0 to be the broadcast

0 =  » 0 with +

0 = +∩  (0) and 0() =  ()for all  ∈  (0).

Lemma 5.1 Suppose  is a smallest non-diametrical caterpillar that satisfies Theorem 11() — (). Let  be a minimal dominating broadcast on  such that ( )  diam( ). Then 0 ∈ +

or {0} = PB() for some ∈ +, and a similar result holds for .

Proof. Suppose the conclusion is false and say  ∈ + broadcasts to 0, where  6= 0. Since

{0} 6= PB(), there exists  ∈ PB()− {0}. Possibly  is a leaf adjacent to 1, in which

case 0 ∈ PB() diam( − ) = diam( ) and  is a minimal dominating broadcast on  − .

But then  −  satisfies Theorem 1.1() — () and Γ( − )  diam( − ), contradicting the

choice of  . Hence assume  is not a leaf adjacent to 1.

Let  ≥ 1 be the largest index such that  lies on the  − 0 path in  . Possibly  =

, otherwise  is a leaf adjacent to . Since 0 is a peripheral vertex,  broadcasts to all

vertices of  for each  = 0     , and each vertex  in each such  is overdominated by

. Therefore  ∈  () for some   . In addition, if  lies on  , then  is not a stem,

otherwise the leaves adjacent to  are not  -dominated. Therefore  also broadcasts to each vertex of each  for  ≤  ≤ . See Figure 6. But then the broadcast  defined by (0) =

 ()− ( ) + (0 ) () = 0and () =  () otherwise is also a dominating broadcast

such that  ∈ PB(0) and PB() = PB() for all  ∈ + − {0}, that is,  is a minimal

dominating broadcast. Now () ≥ () − ( ) + (0 ) ≥ () − 1 + 1 = (). Hence

() = ( )if and only if  = 1 and  is a leaf adjacent to 1. In this case,  − 0 also satisfies

() — () diam( − 0) = diam( ), and  is also a minimal dominating broadcast on  − 0,

contradicting the choice of  . Hence ()  ( ) and we again have a contradiction, because ( ) = Γ( ) and no minimal dominating broadcast has cost greater than Γ( ). This proves


Lemma 5.2 Let  be a smallest non-diametrical caterpillar that satisfies Theorem 11() — () and  be a minimal dominating broadcast on  such that ( )  diam( ). Then each leaf  ∈ {0 } of  is either a broadcast vertex or PB() ={} for some  ∈ +.

Proof. Suppose the conclusion is false and  ∈ {0 } is a leaf of  that is neither a broadcast

vertex nor the only vertex in the private boundary of some  ∈ +. Then  −  is a tree with

diameter  that satisfies () — (), and  is a minimal dominating broadcast on  −  as well, contrary to the choice of  . ¥

We now return to Lemmas 4.1 and 4.2.

Lemma 4.1 If  is a smallest non-diametrical caterpillar that satisfies Theorem 11() — (), then no vertex of  is a strong stem.

Proof. Suppose, to the contrary, that some vertex  of  is a strong stem. Then  =  for

some , since  is a caterpillar. Say  is adjacent to the leaves  and 0. Let  be a minimal

dominating broadcast on  such that ( )  diam( ). By Lemmas 5.1 and 5.2 we may assume that each leaf of  is either a broadcast vertex, or the only vertex in the  -private boundary of some vertex in +. Let  be the vertex that broadcasts to .

Suppose  6= . Then PB() = {}. If  6= 0, then ( ) = ( 0) and we also have

0 ∈ PB

(), contrary to Lemma 5.2. Hence  = 0  (0) = 2 and PB(0) = {}. Let

1 and 2 be the subtrees of  −  that contain 0 and , respectively. If  ∈ {1  − 1},

assume without loss of generality that  =  − 1 and ignore 2. Since diam( ) ≥ 4, 1 is

nontrivial. By Theorem 1.1(), −1 is not a stem of  , hence diam(1) = − 1. Since 0

broadcasts to −1 and PB(0) ={}, −1 also hears  from some vertex  ∈ +− {0}. Since

∈ PB(0),  ∈ { } ∪  (2), hence  ∈  (1). By Proposition 2.3 applied to  0 ∈ +,

PB()⊆  (1). Therefore  » 1 is a minimal dominating broadcast on 1.

• If −2is not a stem of  , then either −2 is adjacent to only one leaf in 1, namely −1,

in which case 1 satisfies Theorem 1.1() — (), or −2is adjacent to the two leaves −1

and 0 in 1, in which case 1 ∼= 3.

• On the other hand, if −2 is a stem of  , then by Theorem 1.1() and the fact that  is

adjacent to two leaves, −2 is adjacent to exactly one leaf in  , so that it is adjacent to two leaves in 1. If −2 is the only strong stem of 1, then 1 satisfies Theorem 1.1() —

(). Hence suppose that for some 0  − 2, 0 is a strong stem (of 1 and of  ). Since

() holds for  , and deg(−2) deg()  2, there exists an index  0    − 2,

such that deg() = deg(+1) = 2. Therefore 1 satisfies Theorem 1.1() — () in

this case as well.

By the choice of  , Γ(1) = diam(1) = − 1 in all cases. Since  » 1 is a minimal

dominating broadcast on 1, ( » 1)≤  − 1. Similarly, if 1    , 2 satisfies Theorem

1.1() — () and  » 2 is a minimal dominating function of 2 such that ( » 2) ≤

diam(2) = −  − 1. But then () = ( » 1) + ( » 2) + 2 ≤  (or () = ( »

1) + 2≤  − 2 + 2 = , if  =  − 1), which is a contradiction because  is non-diametrical.

Hence we may assume that  = ; that is,  is a broadcast vertex. If  broadcasts to 0, we


0 without broadcasting to ). Then 

 ∈ PB ()for each  ∈ +. We may now define 1 and

2 as above and proceed as before to obtain a contradiction. ¥

Lemma 4.2 If  is a smallest non-diametrical caterpillar that satisfies Theorem 11() — (), then no vertex  ∈ {2      − 2}, is adjacent to a leaf.

Proof. Suppose, to the contrary, that some  ∈ {2     −2}, is adjacent to a leaf and let 

be the largest index in {2     −2} such that is a stem. By Lemma 4.1 we may assume that

 has no strong stems. By Theorem 1.1(), deg(−1) = deg(+1) = 2. Let  be the leaf

adjacent to  and let  be a minimal dominating broadcast on  such that ( )  diam( ).

By Lemmas 5.1 and 5.2 we may assume that each of  and  is either a broadcast vertex or

the only vertex in the  -private boundary of some vertex in +. We consider several cases. In each case we delete an edge to obtain subtrees of  , each of which contains at most one strong stem. Since  satisfies Theorem 1.1() — (), so do the subtrees. By the choice of  , each subtree thus obtained is diametrical. We omit these details in the cases for the sake of brevity. Case 1  belongs to a private boundary and ∈ +. Then either  ∈ 


 and  ∈ PB(), or

PB() ={} for a vertex  6= .

Case 1(a) {} = PB(). Then  () = −  + 1 and  broadcasts to −1. Hence −1

does not belong to the private boundary of any vertex in +. Therefore −1 also hears  from a vertex in +− {}. Also, {     −1} ∩ + = ∅. Let 0 be the subtree of  − −1 that

contains 0. For each vertex  ∈ +∩  (0), Proposition 2.3 applied to  and  implies that

PB()⊆  (0). Therefore  » 0 is a minimal dominating broadcast on 0. By the choice of

, ( » 0)≤ diam(0) = − 1. But now () = ( » 0) +  (

)≤  − 1 +  −  + 1 = , a


Case 1(b) ∈ PB() 6= (possibly  = ). Then  broadcasts to , hence  ∈ PB ().

By Proposition 2.3 and the choice of  as the largest index such that  6= −1 is a stem, there

exists an index    such that  ∈ PB() (and thus  () = − ). Evidently, then, the

edge −1 does not hear  from any vertex in +. Let 0 be the subtree of  − −1 that

contains 0. As in Case 1(a) we see that  » 0 is a minimal dominating broadcast on 0.

If  =  + 1, then  broadcasts to  and  but not to +1. (This is only possible if  = 

and  () = 1.) In this case, diam(0) =  + 1and  (

) = −  =  −  − 1.

If   +1, i.e.,  −1 ≥ +1, then diam(0) = −1. In either case we obtain a contradiction

as before as in Case 1(a).

Case 2  ∈ PB() and  ∈ PB(). By Lemma 5.1,  6= .

Case 2(a)  ∈ PB(). Then  () = 1. If PB() ={−1 }, delete the edge −2−1

and proceed as in Case 1(b) to get a contradiction. Thus, assume PB() ={}. Then −1

hears  from some other vertex as well, hence  » ( − )is a minimal dominating broadcast

on  − . By the choice of  , ( » ( − ))≤  − 1 and so () ≤ , a contradiction.

Case 2(b) {} = PB()for some  6= . Since  does not broadcast to , Proposition 2.3

and the choice of  imply that  =  for some  ≥  + 1. Since ∈ PB(),  () = − . Let


00 be the subtrees of  − 

−1 that contain 0 and , respectively. Then diam(00) = − 

and +∩  (00) ={}. Since  ≤ , () = −  ≤  − .

If  = , then       is a path from  to  ∈ PB(). Otherwise,    and, by

definition of , {          } ⊆ PN(). In either case, Proposition 2.3 again implies that

PB()⊆  (0) for each  ∈ +− {}. Hence  » 0 is a minimal dominating broadcast on

0, so that by the choice of  , ( » 0)≤ diam(0). If  =  + 1, then diam(0) = , while if    + 1, then diam(0) = − 1. In either case () ≤  + (

)≤ , a contradiction.

Case 3  is a broadcast vertex and PB() ={} for some vertex  6= .

Case 3(a) PB() = {}. Then () =  −  + 1 ≥ 3. Let  be the  −  path in  and

let  ∈ + − {}. Then  ∼=  ()+1. By Proposition 2.3,  ∈  () for some  ≤  − 1.

Also, PB()∩  ( ) = ∅. Thus, if 0 is the subtree of  − −1 that contains 0, then

diam(0) = − 1 and  » 0 is a minimal dominating broadcast on 0, which is a diametrical tree. Now ( ) = ( » 0) +  ()≤  − 1 +  −  + 1 = , a contradiction.

Case 3(b)  ∈ PB() and PB() = {}, where  ∈ { } and  6= . By Proposition

2.3,  =  for some  ≥  + 1. We now proceed as in Case 2(b) to obtain a contradiction.

Case 4  and  are both broadcast vertices. If  () = 1, then  ∈ PB(). This is Case

2(a), hence assume  () ≥ 2. Then PB() ={} for some  such that  + 1 ≤  ≤  − 2.

Evidently, then, the edge  = −1 does not hear  from any vertex. By deleting  we proceed

as before to obtain a contradiction.

Since Cases 1 — 4 and their subcases cover all possibilities for  and , the lemma follows.¥

This concludes the proofs of Lemmas 3.1 — 4.2, hence the proof of Theorem 1.1 is complete.


Open Problems

A characterization of diametrical caterpillars is presented in Theorem 1.1. In general, diametri-cal trees can have paths of length one or two, but not longer paths, that are internally disjoint from a diametrical path.

Problem 1 Characterize diametrical trees that contain at least one path of length two internally disjoint from a diametrical path.

Problem 2 Characterize trees  with () Γ( ) = ( ) () Γ( ) = Γ( ).

Problem 3 Study other classes of graphs  such that Γ() = diam().

Problem 4 [21] Determine the maximum ratio Γ()Γ() for () general graphs, () trees.

The stars 1 satisfy diam(1) = 2 and Γ(1) = , hence the ratio Γ() diam() is


The proof of Lemma 3.1 suggests the following problem.

Problem 5 If  and  are graphs and  is an isometric subgraph of , is it true that Γ() ≤ Γ()?



The authors are indebted to the referees for several corrections and improvements to the paper. In particular, Problem 5 was suggested by one of them.


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