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De wetenschappelijke produktie van het IPO 1970-1980


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De wetenschappelijke produktie van het IPO 1970-1980

Citation for published version (APA):

Cardozo, B. L. (1981). De wetenschappelijke produktie van het IPO 1970-1980. (IPO memorandum; Vol. 220). Instituut voor Perceptie Onderzoek (IPO).

Document status and date: Gepubliceerd: 01/01/1981

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De Wetenschappelijke Produktie van het lPO 1970 - 1980


) Inhoud O. VooX'Woord 1. Dissertaties 2. Publicaties I 3. Octrooiaanvraqen 4.1 Publicaties.II

4.2 Artikelen Annual Progress Report 5.1 Voordrachten

5.2 Nevenactiviteiten, ondersCbeidingen e.d. 6. Dienstverlening, aan Philips voornamelijk

1 2 3 14 15 19 30 48 50


De Wetenschappelijke Produktie van het lPO 1970 - 1980



De laatste tijd wordt lanqs verschillende kanalen qevraaqd naar het zicht-baar maken van de Wetenschappelijke Produktie van het IPO.

De manier van qroeperen, de kriteria, de peilperiode, etc. zijn telkens iets verschillend. Bet leek evenwel efficient eenmaal een memorandum samen te stellen, dat als een soort qrootste qemene deler antwoord qeeft op de meeste tot dusver qestelde vraqen.

Periode: Dit memo werkt teruq in de tijd vanaf 31 dec 1979 tot 1 jan 1970. Rubrieken: Overeenkomstiq de Voorlopiqe Checklist Onderzoek THE van

23 jan 1980, Bijlaqe 2, is de iridelinq in zes rubrieken qehanteerd. 1. Dissertaties

2. Artikelen in qespecialiseerde wetenschappelijke tijdschriften 3. Octrooien

4. Artikelen in niet qespecialiseerde wetenschappelijke tijdschriften~f korte bijdraqen in qespecialiseerde wetenschappelijke tijdschriften 5. Overiqe wetenschappelijke activiteiten

6. Dienstverleninq Toelichtinq

In rubriek 1 zijn uitsluitend de dissertaties vermeld, die vollediq in het IPO zijn bewerkt.

Rubriek 2 bevat bijdraqen tot (internationale) vaktijdschriften, tot proceedinqs van (internationale) conqressen, eventueel ook invited papers en boekbijdraqen op academisch niveau. De afqrenzinq tussen de rubrieken 2 en 4 is niet scherp.

Rubriek 3 bevat octrooiaanvraqen qebaseerd op ui tvindinqen, qedaan door lPO-medewerkers. Bier is de datum van de octrooiaanvraaq als peildatum qenomen.

Rubriek 4 bestaat uit twee deelverzamelinqen. 4.1 omvat bijdragen aan niet qespecialiseerde tijdschriften, korte bijdragen aan gespecialiseerde

wetenschappelijke tijdschriften, syllabi en leerboekbijdragen. In 4.2 zijn de artikelen opgesomd, die zijn verschenen in het IPO Annual Proqress Report, dat een verzendlijst h. eft van ca 1000 vakqenoten.

Rubriek 5 vermeldt voordrachten, conferentiebijdragen, etc., inhet algemeen voordrachten buiten het lPO, de THE of PhIlips, in de paragraaf 5.1.

In paragraaf 5.2 is een overzicht samengesteld van wetenschappelijke nevenactiviteiten zoals: gastcolleqes, postacademisch onderwijs, redactie-lidmaatschappen van wetenschappelijke tijdschriften, optreden hiervoor als referent, het organiseren van internationale wetenschappelijke symposia of congressen, het lidmaatschap van besturen van wetenschappelijke vereniqingen of stichtingen of het lidmaatschap van wetenschappelijke advieslichamen. Ook worden hier vermeld de wetenschappelijke prijzen en onderscheidinqen,

toeqekend aan IPO medewerkers.

Rubriek 6 tenslotte verantwoordt een belanqrijk stuk activiteit van IPO medewerkers in de vorm van dienstverlening aan derden. Veruit het grootste. aandeel bestaat uit adviezen aan diverse instanties bij Philips. Dergelijke adviezen berusten soms op ad hoc onderzoek en soms op toepassing van bestaande kennis op een speciaal qeval. In vele gevallen verqen adviezen ook systematisch onderzoek, waarover dan in een later stadium gepubliceerd wordt. Rubriek 6 geeft slechts een bloemlezing. Bet direkt, persoonlijke contact dat onontbeerlijk is voor effectieve dienstverlening staat op gespannen voet met schriftelijke vastlegging.


1. Dissertaties qebaseerd op onderzoek dat door de promovendus in het I.P.O. werd verricht.

Rooij, J.J. de Speech Punctuation: an Acoustic and Perceptual Study of some Aspects of Speech Prosody in Dutch.

Dissertation Utrecht, 1979.

Bouwhuis, D.G. Visual recoqnition of words. Dissertation Nijmeqen, 1979.

Brokx, J.P.L. Waarqenomen continuIteit in spraak: het belanq van toonhooqte.

Proefschrift T.H. Eindhoven, 1979.

Enqel, F.L. Visual Conspicuity as an External Determinant of Eye Movements and Selective Attention.

Dissertation Eindhoven, 1976.

Schiepers, Chr.W.J. Global Attributes in Visual Word Recoqnition. Dissertation Nijmeqen, 1976.

Noorden, L.P.A.S. van Temporal Coherence in the Perception of Tone Sequences.

Dissertation Eindhoven, 1975.

Katwijk, A. van Accentuation in Dutch. Diss~rtation Utrecht, 1974.

Roufs, J. A. J • Dynamic Properties of Human Vision. Dissertation Eindhoven, 1973.

Nooteboom, S. G. Production and Perception of Vowel Duration. Dissertation Utrecht, 1972.

Collier, R. From Pitch to Intonation.

Dissertation, Catholic University, Leuven, 1972. Duifhuis, H. Perceptual Analysis of Sound.


2. Wetenschappelijke publicaties

In deze rubriek zijn publicaties opqenomen die direct gericht zijn tot vakgenoten. Het betreft zowel bijdragen tot (internationale) vaktijd-schriften, tot proceedings van internationale congressen (eventueel invited papers), als boekbijdragen op academisch niveau.

De afgrenzing tussen rubriek 2 en rubriek 4 is niet altijd duidelijk.

Nooteboom, S.G. More attention for words in speech communication research? Frontiers of speech communication research. Ed. by B. Lindblom and S. Ohman.

London, etc.: Academic Press, 1979. pp. 203-211.

Bouma, H. Introduction to section: "Letter and word recognition" -symposium: The processing of visible language". Ed. by P.A. Kolers, M.E. Wrolstad, and H. Bouma.

New York: Plenum Press, 1979. PP.221-225

Bouma, H. Introduction to section: "Technological media" - symposium: "The processing of visible language". Ed. by P.A. Kolers,

M.E. Wrolstad and H. Bouma.

New York: Plenum Press, 1979. PP.447-449

Duifhuis, H.; Willems, L.F. ond Sluyter, R.J. An outline of pitch analysis in speech: a hearing theory approach.

Experimental brain research supplementum 2: Hearing mechanisms and speech: EBBS-Workshop, Gottingen, ••• 1979.

Ed. by


Creutzfeldt, H. Schleich, and Chr. Schreiner. Berlin, etc.: Springer, 1979, pp. 254-259.

Cardozo, B.L. and Veen, K.G. van der Estimation of annoyance due to low level sound.

Applied acoustics 12, 1979, no. 5, pp. 389-396.

Bouwhuis, D.G. Word knowledge and letter recognition as determinants of word recognition.

Processing of visible language, ed. by P.A. Kolers, M.E. Wrolstad and H. Bouma.

New York, etc.: Plenum Press, 1979, pp. 269-281. Kolers, P.A.; Wrolstad, M.E. and Bouma, H.; Eds.

language; vol. 1.

New York, etc.: Plenum Press, 1979. 537p.

Processing of visible

Wagenaar, W.A. and Tinmers; H. The pond-and-duckweed problem: three experiments on the misperception of exponential growth.

Acta psychologica. 43, 1979, pp. 239-251.

Roufs, J. A. J • , (contributor) Light as a true visual quanti: ty: principles of measurement, by CIE Technical Committee 1.4 "Vision".

Paris: Bureau Central de CIE, 1978. 40p., fign., tabn. Publication

on. CIE 41 (TC-l.4). .

Bouma, H. In: Michon J.A., Eykman E.G.J. and de Klerk L.F.W. (eds.) Handbook of Psychonomics, vol. 1 pp. 427-531


Hart, J. tt, and Collier, R. intonation in Dutch.

On the interaction of accentuation and Proceedings of the ninth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Copenhagen 6-11 August 1979.

Copenhagen: Inst. of Phonetics, Univ. of Copenhagen, 1979. Vol. II, pp. 395-402.

Nooteboom, S.G. Complex control of simple decisions in the perception of vowel length.

Proceedings of the ninth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Copenhagen, 6-11 August 1979.

Copenhagen: Inst. of Phonetics, Univ. of Copenhagen, 1979, Vol II, pp. 298-304.

Marcus, S.M. Perceptual centres (P-centres).

Proceedings of the ninth International Congress Jf Phonetic Sciences, Copenhagen: Inst. of'Phonetics, Univ. of Copenhagen, 1979. Vol •. I~ pp. 238.

Katwijk, A.F.V. van Auditory feedback as a factor in disturbed speech production.

Proceedings of the ninth International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Copenhagen, 6-11 August 1979.

Copenhagen: ~nst. of Phooetics, Univ. of Copenhagen, 1979. Vol. I, pp. 193.

Bunt, H.C. Ensembles and the formal semantic properties of mass terms. MASS terms. Ed. by F.J. Pelletier. Dordrecht: Reidel, 1979. pp. 249-277. Bouwhuis, D.G. and Bouma, H. Visual word recognition of three-letter

words as derived from the recognition of the constituent letters. Perception & psychophysics. 25, 1979, pp. 12-22.

Bouma, H. Visual search and reading: eye movements and functional visual field: a tutotial review.

attention and performance: proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Attention and performance, Senanque, 1976.

Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum, 1978. Chapter 7, pp. 115-147.

Bouwhuis, D.G. letters.

A model for the visual recognition of words of three attention and performance: proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Attention and performance, Senanque, 1976.

Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum, 1978. Chapter 33, pp. 631-644.

Nooteboom, S.G.; Brokx, J.P.L. and Rooij, J.J. de Contributions of prosody to speech perception.

Studies in the perception of language. Ed. by W.J.M. Levelt and G.B. Flores d'Arcais.

New York: Wiley, 1978. Chapter 2: pp. 75-107.


Bunt, B.C. A formal semantic analysis of mass terms and amount terms. Proceedings of the.second Amsterdam colloquium on Montague grammar and related topics, January 1978. Ed. by J. Groenendijk and

M. Stokhof.

Amsterdam.: The Uni versi ty, 1978.

Bunt, B.C. Dialogue analysis and speech act theory.

Papers from the Fourth Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics. Ed. by K. Gregersen. Odense University Press.

Wagenaar, W.A. and Timmers, B. Extrapolation of exponential time series is not enhanced by having more data points.

Perception & psychophysics. 24, 1978, pp. 182-184.

Vogten, L.L.M. Low-level pure-tone masking: a comparison of "tuning curves" obtained with simultaneous and forward masking.

Journal of the Acoustical SoCiety of America. 63, 1978, pp. 1520~ 1527.

Vogten, L.L.M. Simultaneous pure-tone masking: the dependence- of masking asymmetries on intensity.

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 63, 1978, pp. 1509-1519.


B. en van"Nes, F.L. "De leesbaarheid van lijnsegmentcijfers op displays.

Nederlands tijdschrift voor de psychologie en haar grensgebieden. 33, 1978, pp. 289-303.

Katwijk, A.F. V. van Accentpattems in number name sequences. Zonneveld, W., ed.: Linguistics in the Netherlands 1974-1976. Lisse: de Ridder, 1978. pp. 109-115.

Schiepers, C.W.J. Global attributes in visual word recognition: contour perception of three-letter strings.

Acta psychologica. 42, 1978. pp. 205-223.

Wagenaar, W.A. and Timmers, B. Intuitive prediction of growth. Environmental assessment of socio-economic systems. Ed. by D.F. Burkhardt and W.B. Ittelson. Plenum, 1978. pp. 103-122. Marcus, S.M. Distinguishing "slit" and "split": an invariant timing

cue in speech perception.

Perception & psychophysics. 23, 1978, pp. 58-60.

Bunt, B.C. The formal semantics of mass terms.

Papers from the third Scandinavian conference of linguistics. Banasaari, October 1-3, 1976. Ed. by F. Karlsson.

Turku: Academy of Finland, 1976. pp. 81-94.

Timmers, B. and Wagenaar, W.A. Inverse statistics and misperception of exponential growth.


Vroon, P.A.; Timmers, H. and Stan Tempelaars On the hemispheric representation of time.

Attention and performance, vol. 6. Ed. by S. Dornic. Erlbaum, 1977. Chapter 12: pp. 231-245.

Leshowitz, B. and Lindstrom, B. Measurement of nonlinearities in listeners with sensorineural hearing loss.

Psychophysics and physiology of hearing: an international symposium ••• ; ed. by E.F.,Evans and J.P. Wilson. London: Academic Press 1977, pp. 283-293.

Duifhuis, H. Cochlear nonlinearity and ,'second filter: a psychophysical evaluation.

Psychophysics and physiology of hearing: an international symposium ••• ; ed. by E.F. Evans and J.P. Wilson. London: Academic Press 1977, pp. 153-163.

Collier, R. La perception de l'intonation anglaise par des anglophone~ et n~erlandophones.

Vlllemes journ~es dletude sur la parole. Aix-en-Provence, 25-27 Mai 1977.

Hart, J. It Vers une base psychophonetique de la stylisation. Vlllemes journees d'~tude sur la parole.

Aix-en~Provence, 25-27 Mai 1977.

Noorden, L.P.A.S. van Minimum differences of level and frequency for perceptual fission of tone sequences ABAB.

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 61, 1977, pp. 1041-1045. Legein, Ch.P. and Bouma, H. Dyslectic and normally-reading children.

I. Exploration of a letter-search test for screening purposes.

II. Follow-up and further exploration in 4 weak and 4 normal readers on letter, word and number recognition.

Documenta Ophtalmologica. 42, 1977, pp. 391-396.

Engel, F.L. Visual conspicuity, visual search and fixation tendencies of the eye.

Vision Research. 17, 1977, pp. 95-108.

Katwijk, A.F. V. van Implicit knowledge of pitch patterns in the perception of accented syllables.

Lowen und Sprachtiger: Akten des VIII. Kolloquiums, Loween, 19-22. September 1973. pp. 385-394.

Hart, J. It How distinctive is intonation?

LOwen und Sprachtiger: Akten des VIII Linguistische Kolloquiums, Lowen, 1973. pp. 367-383.

Schiepers, Chr.W.J. Global attributes in visual word reCognition. Part 2: The contribution of word length.

Vision Research. 16, 1976, pp. 1445-1454.

Bouma, B. and Legein Ch.P. Foveal and parafoveal recognition of letters and words by dyslexics and by average readers.



Schiepers, Chr.W.J. Global attributes in visual word recognition. Part 1: Length perception of letter strings.

Vision Research. 16, 1976, pp. 1343-1349.

Nooteboom, S.G. Contextual variation and the perception of phonemic vowel length.

Proceedings of the Second Seminar on Speech Communication, Stockholm, August 1-3, 1974.

Stockholm: Almqvist & Wiksell, 1975, 149-153.

Nes, F.L. van Analysis of keying errors. Ergonomics ~ (1976), 165-174.

Duifhuis, H. Cochlear nonlinearity and second filter: possible mechanism and implications.

J.Acoust.Soc.Amer. 59 (1976), 408-423. Bouma, B. Pe:r":.:eptieve functies.

J.A. Michon e.a. (Red~). Bandboek der psychonomie.

Deventer: Van Loghum Slaterus, 1976, hfdst. 8.

Nooteboom, S.G. Anticipation in speech production and its implications for perception.

Cohen, A., and Nooteboom, S.G. (Eds).

Structure and process in speech perc~ption.

Berlin: Springer, 1975, 124-145.

Collier, R. and Hart, J. ' t The role of intonation in speech perception. Cohen, A., and Nooteboom, S.G. (Eds).

Structure and process in speech perception. Berlin: Springer, 1975, 107-123.

Nooteboom, S.G. on the internal auditory representation of syllable nucleus durations.

Fant, G., and Tatham, M.A.A. (Eds).

Auditory analysis and perception of speech. London: Academic Press, 1975, 413-430. Nooteboom, S.G. Session V. Chairman1s re.view.

Fant, G., and Tatham, M.A.A. (Eds).

Auditory analysis and perception of speech. London: Academic Press, 1975, 383-386.

Cohen, A. and Nooteboom, S.G. Structure and process in speech perception: Proceedings of the Symposium on Dynamic Aspects of Speech Perception held at I.P.O., Eindhoven, Netherlands, August 4-6, 1975.

Berlin: Springer, 1975.

Andriessen, J.J. and Bouma B. Eccentric vision: adverse interactions beteen line segments.

Vision Research ~ (1976), 71-78.

Slis, I.B. Consequences of articulatory effort on articulatory timing. Fant, G., and Tatham, M.A.A. (Eds).

Auditory analysis and perception of speech. London: Academic Press, 1975. p.397-412.


c ..


Hart, J. ' t and Collier R. Integrating different levels of intonation analysis.

Journal of Phonetics 3 (1975) p.235-255.

Engel, F.L. Visibility, conspicuousness and attention. Ophtalmological2l (1975)p.41-42.

Roufs, J.A.J. The standard observer: a controversial subject. Ophtalmologica 171 (1975) p.43-44.

Rau, G. and Vredenbregt J. Mechanical and electromyographic phenomena during normal finger tremor oscillations.

6° Congresso Internacional de Medicina Fisica, 2-6 Julio 1972, Barcelona.

Volumen II, p.316-322.

Cardozo, B.L. Some notes on frequency discrimination and masking. Acustica


(1974) p.330-336

Duifhuis, H. A crude quantitative theory of backward masking.

Facts and models in hearing: Proceedings of the Symposium on Psycho-physical Models and Physiological Facts in Hearing held at Tutzing, April 22-26, 1974. Ed. by E. Zwicker and E. Terhardt. Berlin:

Springer, 1974, p.275-284.

Cardozo, B.L. Frequency diserimination at the threshdld.

Facts and models in hearing: Proceedings of the Symposium on Psychophysical Models and Physiological Fact.. in Hearing heldt at Tut2;ing, April 22-26, 1974. Ed. by E. Zwicker and E. Terhardt. Berlin: Springer, 1974, p.164-177.

Vogten, L.L.M. Pure-tone masking: a new result from a new method.

Facts and models in hearing: Proceedings of the Symposium on Psycho-physical Models and Physiological Facts in Hearing held at Tutzing, April 22-26, 1974. Ed. by E. Zwicker and E. Terhardt. Berlin:

Springer, 1974, p.142-155.

Duifhuis, H. An alternative approach to the second filter. (General comment) •

Facts and models in hearing: Proceedings of the Symposium on Psychophysical Models and Physiological Facts in Hearing held at Tutzing, April 22-26, 1974. Ed. by E. Zwicker and E. Terhardt. Berlin: Springer, 1974, p.100-103.

Duifhuis, H. Comments on: A model for mechanical to neural transduction in the auditory receptor (Schroeder and Hall).

Facts and models in hearing: Proceedings of the Symposium on Psychophysical Models and Physiological Facts in Hearing held at Tutzing, April 22-26, 1974. Ed. by E. Zwicker and E •. Terhardt. Berlin: Springer, 1974, p. 94.

Cohen, A. and Hart, J. ' t Comparison of Dutch and English intonation contours in spoken news bulletins.

Acta Universitatis Carolinae-Philologica 1. 1972 p.65-72

Phonetica Pragensia III Symposium on Intonology. Prague, october 6-8, 1970.


Roufs, J.A.J. Dynamic Properties of Vision - VI: Stochastic Threshold Fluctuations and thei'r Effect on Flash-To-Flicker Sensitivity Ratio. Vision Research, .!.i, 1974, 871-888. ?

Roufs, J.A.J. Dynamic Properties of Vision - V: Perception Lag and Reaction Time in Relation to Flicker and Flash Thresholds. Vision Research,.!.i, 1974', 853-869.

Roufs, J.A.J. Dynamic Properties of Vision - IV: Thresholds of

Decremental Flashes, Incremental Flashes and Doublets in Relation to Flicker Fusion.

Vision Research, .!.i, 1974, 831-851.

Engel, F. L. Visual Conspicui ty and selective background interfereTlce in eccentric vision.

Vision Research, .!.i, 1974, 459-471.

Nooteboom, S.G. Experimentele bijdragen aan de fonologie. Forum der letteren,


1974, 73-99.

Bouma, H. and Voogd, A.H. de On the control of eye saccades in Reading. Vision Research, .!.i, 1974, 273-284.

Bouma, H. Perception as a physical phenomenon. Light and Sight. An Anglo-Netherlands Symposium, Amsterdam, Mei 1973.

North-Holland Publ. Company, Amsterdam, 1974, 7-27.

Duifhuis, H. Consequences of peripheral frequency selectivity for non-simultaneous masking.

Journal Acoust. Soc. of America, 54, 1973, 1471-1488. Hart, J. It Over de struktuur van intonatiecontouren.

Handelingen v.h. 32ste Nederlands Filologencongres, Utrecht, 1972, 28-40.

Hart, J. ' t and Cohen, A. Intonation by_ rule: a perceptual quest. Journal of Phonetics


1973, 309-327.

Vredenbreqt, J. and Rau, G. EMG - Force Relationship during Voluntary Static Contractions (M.Biceps).

Third Intern. Seminar on Biomechanics, Rome, September 1971, 270-274.

Vredenbreqt, J. and Rau, G. Muscle Coordination in Simple Movements. Third Intern. Seminar on Biomechanics, Rome, September 1971, 239-242.

Bouma H. Der Einflusz zweier Mydriatica auf die statischen Lichtreaktionen der menschlichen Pupille.

Symposium der Deutschen Ophtalmologischen Gesellschaft Bad Nauheim. Verlag J.F. Bergmann, MUnchen, 1973, 216-221


Nooteboom, S.G. and Slis, I.H. The phonetic feature of vowel length in Dutch.

Language and Speech,


1972, 301-316. Nooteboom, S.G. Temporal patterns in Dutch.

Proceedings of the Seventh Intern. Congress of Phonetic Sciences, held at the University of Montreal 22-28 August 1971, Den Haag, Mouton, 1972, 984-989.

Koster, W.G. The Influence of the intensity of tone bursts on the psychological refractory period.

Attention and performance IV, ed. by S. Kornblum, New York, Academic Press, 1973, 55-69.

Bouma, H. Visual interference in the parafoveal recognition of initial and final letters of words.

Vision Research,


1973, 76-'~782.

Katwijk, A. van On the perception of stress. Paper presented at the Symposium on intonoloqy.

Prague, 6-8 oct. 1970.

Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Philologica 1, Phonetica Pragensia III, 1972, 127-135.

Hart, J. I t Intonational R,hxme • Paper presented at the Symposium on

Intonoloqy, Prague 6-8 oct. 1970.

Acta Universitatis Carolinae, Philologica 1, Phonetica Pragensia III, 1972, 105-109.

Collier, R. and Hart, J. I t Perceptual experiments on Dutch intonation. Proceedings of the Seventh Int. Congress of Phonetic SCiences,

University of Montreal, 22-28 August 1971, 880-884.

Nooteboom, S.G. The perceptual reality of some prosodic durations. Journal of Phonetics,


1973, nr. 1, 25-45.

Leopold, F.F. and Bleileven, H.J. Human Factors in the Development of an Eme:.. ;Jency Telephone System.

Sixth International Symp. on Human Factors in Telecommunication, Stockholm, 26-30 Juni 1972, VI.2 1 -'VI.2 5.

Roufs, J.A.J. Dynamic properties of Vision - III: Twin flashes, single Flashes and Flickerfusion.

Vision Research,


1973, 309-323.

Slis, I.H. The influence of articulatory effect on the timing of speech. Occasional Papers, University of Essex, 1972, nr. 13, 128-150.

Nooteboom, S.G. of vowels.

Some timing factors in the production and perception

-Occasional Papers, University of Essex, 1972, nr. 13, 49-76. Vredenbregt, J. and Rau, G. Surface Electromyography in Relation to

Force, Muscle Length and Endurance.

New Developments in Electromyography and clinical Neurophysiology, Vol.l. J.E. Desmedt (Ed.), Karger, Basel, 1973,607-622.


Nes, F.L. van Motor Programming and errors in handwriting.

Neurophysiology studied in man. Proceedings of a Symposium held in Paris at the Faculte des Sciences, 20-22 July 1971.

Duifhuis, H. Peripheral Aspects of non-simultaneous masking. Symposium on Hearing Theory, Eindhoven, 1972, 16-26 •. Vredenbregt, J. Ein Muskelreizgerat fur ein- und doppelseitig


5. Internationaler Kurs der Schweizerischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft fUr Prothesen und Orthesen (APO) ZUrich.

Georg Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, 1972, 85-87.

Eggermont, J. Some Aspects of the Speech Reading Process.

Proceedings of the International Congress on Education of the Deaf, Stockholm 1970, Volume I, 173-182.

Nee. F.L. van Determining Temporal Differences with Analogue and Digital Time Displays.



1972, 73-79.

Katwijk, A. van Een goed verstaander heeft maar een half woord nodig: de vraag is welke helft?

Le Langage et L'Homme, 1972, nr. 18, 15-19.

Eggermont, J.P.M. Systematiek in de verwarring bij het spraakafzien. Taalwetenschap in Nederland, 1971.

Universiteit van Amsterdam, 1972, 131-138. Roufs, J.A.J. Dynamic Properties of Vision - II:

Theoretical Relationship between Flicker and Flash Thresholds. Vision Research, ~, 1972, 279-292.

Roufs, J.A.J. Dynamic Properties of Vision - I: Experimental Relationship between Flicker and Flash Thresholds.

Vision Research, ~, 1972, 261-278.

Katwijk, A. van De samenstelling van toonhoogtekontoeren. Taalwetenschap in Nederland, 1971.

Universiteit van Amsterdam, 1972, 85-S8.

NootebooIll, S.G. De besturing van spraak: invariante motor commando , s of· vaste doelpositie?

Taalwetenschap in Nederland, 1971.

Universiteit van Amsterdam, 1972, 89-92.

Koster, W.G. and Vredenbregt, J. Analysis and Synthesis of Handwriting. Visual Information Processing and Control of Motor activity.

Proceedings of the International Symposium Sofia, 23-26 July, 1969, 533-538.

Slis, I.B. Some Observations on the Distinction between Voiced and Voiceless Consonants.



1971, 373-374.

Bart, J. ' t Clues for Intelligibility. Audiology, lQ, 1971, 372-373.


Nierop, D.J.P.J. van A Study of the Forward Masking Effect of Vowels on the Perception of Voiceless Plosives.

Audiology,~, 1971, 372.

Cardozo, B.L. and Jong, Th.A. de Measurements of Consonant-To-Vowel Ratio for Voiceless Plosives.

Audiology, ~, 1971, 371-372.

Cardozo, B.L. a Note on Speech Audiometry. AudiOlogy, ~, 1971, 370-371.

Bouma, B. and Baghuis, L.C.J. Bippus of the Pupil: Periods of Slow Oscillations of Unknown Origin.

Vision Res.


1971, 1345-1351.

Slis, I.H. Articulatory effort and its durational and electromyographic correlates.

Phonetica, ~, 1971, 171-188.

Nooteboom, S.G. Enkele opmerkingen over de relatie tussen generatieve fonologie en experimentele fonetiek.

Studia Neerlandica,


1971, 169-178.

Nooteboom, S.G. Over de lengte van korte klinkers, lange klinkers en tweeklanken in het Nederlands. . .


De Nieuwe Taalgids, ~, 1971, 396-402. Vredenbregt, J. and Leeuwen J. van


A Muscle Stimulator for Hemiplegic Proceedings of the lInd International Seminar on Biomechanics, 1971, 285-287.

Koster, W.G. and Vredenbregt, J. AnalYSis and Synthesis of Handwriting. Proceedings of the lInd International Seminar on Biomechanics,

1971, 77-82.

Vredenbregt, J. and Wartenweiler J. Biomechanics II. Vol. 6, Medicine and Sport.

J. Vredenbregt, J. Wartenweiler (Eds:), S. Karger, Basel, 1971. Engel, F.L. Visual Conspicuity, Directed Attention and Retinal Locus.

Vision Res.


1971, 563-576.

Bouma, H. Visual Recognition of Isolated Lowercase Letters. Vision Res.


1971, 459-474.

Katwijk, A.F.V. van De samenstelling van toonhoogtekontoeren. ITL Review of Applied Linguistics,


1971, 51-58.

Duifhuis, H. Audibility of High Harmonics in a Periodic Pl;llse II. Journal Acoust. Soc. of America, 49, 1971, 1155-1162.

Schouten, J.F. Potential Applications of Learning Systems. Proceedings AGARD Bionics Symposium, Brussel, 1971, 169-172.


Roufs, J.A.J. Threshold Perception of Flashes in Relation to Flicker. The Perception and Application of Flashing Lights.

Adam Bilger Ltd., London, 1971, 29-42.

Duifhuis, B. Audibility of Bigh Barmonics in a Periodic Pulse. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 48, 1970, 888-893. Katwijk, A.F.V. van and Bart, J. It Sequential Properties of Accented

(A) and Unaccented (u) Syllables.

Review of the Institute of Applied Linguistics (ITL),


1970, 3-10-Bouma, B. and Andriessen, J.J. Induced changes in the perceived

orientation of line segments.

Vision Research,


1970, 333-349. Ishak, I.G.B.; Bouma, B.1 Bussel, B.J.J. van

Colour Attributes for Surface Colours. Vision Research,


1970, 489-500.

Subjective Estimates of

Katwijk, A.F.V. van and Bart, J. It A complex unit of intelligibility: The Syllable.

Proceedings 10th International Congress of LinguistiCS, Bucarest, 1967, 305-308. L'Academie de Roumanie, 1970.

Bilsen, F.A. and Ritsma, R.J. Repetition Pitch and its Implication for Bearing Theory, Acustica, 22, 1969/1970, 63-73.

Ritsrua, R.J. and Bilsen, F.A. Some Parameters influenCing th~ Percep-tibility of Pitch.

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 47, 1970, 469-475. Slis, I.B. Articulatory Measurements on Voiced, Voiceless and Nasal

Consonants. A Test of a Model. Phonetica, ~, 1970, 193-210.

Slis, I.B. What causes the voiced-voiceless distinction?

Proceedings 6th International COngress of Phonetic Sciences, Prague, 1967, 841-844. Academia Publishing Bouse, 1970.

Katwijk, A.F.V. van and Bart, J. It Intelligibility of syllable-tied interrupted speech.

Proceedings 6th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Prague, 1967, 471-473. Academia Publishing Bouse, 1970. Bart, J. It Experiments with artificial intonation contours.

Proceedings 6th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Prague, 1967, 429-431. Academia Publishing Bouse, 1970. Bouma, B. . Interaction Effects in Parafoveal Letter Recognition.

Nature 226, 1970, 177-178.



3. Octrooien

Bieronder volgt een lijstje met de titels, aanvraagnummers en -data van octrooiaanvragen. Deze zijn afkomstig van IPO medewerkers. De octrooitechnische behandeling der uitvindingen wordt verzorgd door de Octrooiafdeling van Philips.

TlTEL: -Aanvr.nr. Aanvr.dat.

Inrichting voor hoorbare weergave 7004341 25.03.70 van een cardiogram

Loopstimulator 7102659 27.02.71

Buidelektrode 7402355 21.02.74

Versterkingen voor akoestische siqnalen 7612358 08.11.76 voorzien van middelen voor het

onder-drukken van onqewenste stoorsignalen

Werkwijze en inrichtinq voor het 7812151 14.12.78 bepalen van de toonhoogte in

menselijke spraak.

Spraakanalysesysteem 7902631 04.04.79

Inrichtinq voor het lezen van een 7904469 07.06.79 gedrukte code en het daarvan omzetten


4.10verige wetenschappelijke publicaties.

Katwijk, A.F.V. van The role of respiration effort in accentuation.

Anniversaries in phonetics: studia gratulatoria, dedicated to Bendrik Mol. Amsterdam: Institute of Phonetic Sciences, University of Amsterdam,

1979.pp. 188-196.

Nooteboom, S. G. Perceptual adjustment to speech rate: a case of backward perceptual normalization.

Anniversaries in phonetics: studia gratulatoria, dedicated to Bendrik Mol. Amsterdam: Institute of Phonetic Sciences, University of Amsterdam,

1979. pp. 255-269.

Hart, J. ' t Looking for rhythmical structures evoked by isochronous syllable strings.

Anniversaries in phonetics: studia gratulatoria, dedicted to Hendrik Mol. Amsterdam: Institute of Phonetic Sciences, Un :.-"ersity of Amsterdam,

1979. pp. 170-187.

Bouma, H. Preventie in het verkeer.

Bijdrage aan het symposium: De Ingenieur en preventie, gehouden op 26 oktober 1979. pp. 53-396.

Bouma, B. Algemeen interactief gebruik van beeldschermen.

Tijdschrift van het Nederl~ds Elektronica- en Radiogenootschap. 44, 1979, no. 3, pp. 173.

Bouma,.B. Techniek is voor mensen: rede uitgesproken bij de officiile aanvaarding van het ambt van buitengewoon hoogleraar in de perceptie-en informatieleer aan de Technische Hogeschool Eindhovperceptie-en op 18 mei 1979. Booftschrijver, P.B.; Meyer, F.; Sanders, A.B.T.; Sanders, B.A.J.;

~lotte, B.E.M. en Bouma, B. Door hoofdbewegingen te bedienen

schrijf-toestel voor motorisch gehandicapten.

Nederlands tijdschrift voor qeneeskunde. 123, 1979, no. 12, pp. 460-466. Beijden, P.B.; Meyer, F. van der; Sanders, A.H.T.; Sanders, B.A.J.;

Melotte, H.E.M. and Bouma, B. Writing apparatus controlled by head movements for motor handicapped people.

Applied ergonomics. 10, 1979, no. 1, pp. 39-45.

Bouma, B. en Legein, Ch.P. Leesprocessen bij leeszwakke kinderen. Wagenaar, W.A., en P.A. Vroon: Proeven op de som: psychonomie in het dagelijks leven.

Deventer: Van Loghum Slaterus, 1978. pp. 184-188. Bouma, B. Visuele maskerinqen in het leesproces.

Z.W.O. jaarboek 1976, pp. 112-119.

Bouwhuis, D.G. Recensie van: J.M. DIRKEN: Leesbaarheid: on~erscheiden, opnemen en verwerken.


Admiraal, D.J.H.; Cardozo, B.L.; Domburg, G. en Neelen, J.J.M.

Hinderlijkheid van modulatieruis en van korte onderbrekingen bij magnetische qeluidsregistratie.

Philips Technisch Tijdschrift. 37, 1977, no. 2/3, pp. 29-38. Annoyance due to modulation noise and dropouts in magnetic sound recording.

Philips Technical Review. 37, 1977, no. 2/3, pp. 29-37.

Bouwhuis, D.G. Recensie van: PSYCHOLINGUISTICS. Ed. by N.H. Markel. Massa communicatie. 4, 1976, no. 4, pp. 235-237.

Duifhuis, H. and Simons, W.F. The critical band: its relation to cochlear nonlinearity and second filter.

Journal of the Acoustical, Society of America 60, 1976, S39-40 (Abstract of paper contributed to 92nd meeting of the A.S.A.).

Du1fhuis, H. Cochlear nonlinearity and second filter: psychophysical-estimation of model parameters.

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America. 60, 1976, S39. (Abstract of a paper contributed to 92nd meeting of the A.S.A.).

Willems, L.F. . L.P.C.-Analyse en formantsynthese van spraak.

Tijdschrift van het Nederlands Elektronica- en Radiogenootschap. 01. 41, 1976,' no •. 3. pp. '87-90.

Roufs, J.A.J. Visuele perceptie.

Cursus Verlichting 19751976. Stichting Postakademiale vorming -Gezondheidstechniek. Sectie V. 3, pp. 1-31.

Nooteboom, S. G. en Cohen A. Spreken en verstaan: een inleiding tot de experimentele fonetiek.

Assen/Amsterdam: van Gorcum, 1976.

Katwijk, A. van Taalkunde, een vak om in te experimenteren. G.. Koeford en A. Evers (red.)

Lijnen van taaltheoretisch onderzoek.

Groningen, Tjeenk Willink, 1976, pp. 142-159. Engel, F.L. Het meten van visuele opvallendheid.

Philips Technisch Tijdschrift 36 (1976), 45-47. Slis, I. H. Spraaksynthese door reqels.

Najaarsvergadering 1974: Voordrachten over diverse akoestische onder-werpen, gehouden op 6 november 1974 te Utrecht.

Nederlands Akoestisch Genootschap, publ. 32, p. 1-7.

Duifhuis, H. A theory on cochlear nonlinearity and second filter. Fifth International Biophysics Congress of the International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics, Copenhagen, Denmark

Auqust4-9, 1975. Poster Abstract 57.

Shackel, B. and Nes, F.L. van Ergonomics in Brazil. Applied ErgonOmics ~ (1975) p. 43-44.


toepassinq voor kwantificerinq van de spieractiviteit.

Sport, lichamelijke vorminq en wetenschap: een overzicht van het wetenschappelijk onderzoek in Nederland op het qebied van de sport en lichamelijke vormi~q, onder red. van J.E. Huetinq en R.A. Binkhorst. Leiden: Meander, (1972), p. 83-94.

Noorden, L. van Perception of temporal coherence in tone sequences. The Eight International Congress on Acoustics, London, July 1974. Contributed papers vol. I. Trowbridge: Coldcrest Press, p. 147. Nooteboom, S.G. P. Ladefoqed. Preliminaries to linguistic phonetics.

Univ. of Chicago Press, 1971. Reviewed by S.G. Nooteboom. Lingua 34 (1974) p. 253-264.

Bouma, H. The Philips Television Enlarger.

American Foundation for the Blind Research Bulletin, 1974, nr. 27, 266. Vellen, A.W.C. van~ Kinds, G.F.; WiJllands, H.S.; Bouma, H.

Verkennend onderzoek naar de TV-!oep als nieuw hulpmiddel voor vtsueel qehandicapte kinderen bij het lezen.

Ned. T. Geneeskunde 118, 1974, 664-671.

Willems, L.F. Spraakklanken qemaakt m.b.v. de computer. Informatie, ~ (1973)? 1-37-138.

Hart, J. It Toohhooqte in- spraak. Informatie, ~ (1973), 137.

Slis, I.H. Spraaksynthese volgens reqels. Informatie, ~ (1973), 136-137.

Nooteboom, S.G. Spraaksynthese in het fonetisch onderzoek. Informatie, ~ (1973), 136.

Duifhuis, H. Audibility of Harmonics in periodic "white noise". Journal Acoust. Soq. of America, 54, 1973, 317 (A).

Duifhuis, H. Implications of Peripheral frequency selectivity for non-simultaneous maSking.

Journal Acoust. Soc. of America, 53, 1973, 312 (A). Katwijk, A. van Faktoren in de waarneming van klemtoon.

Verslagen van de voorjaarsvergaderinq van de Ned.Ver.v.Fonetische Wetenschappen. p. 29-34.

Admiraal, D.J.H. Een tienkanaals Fourier-synthetisator: de pansfluit. Polytechnisch Tijdschrift, 27, 1972, 278-285.

Slis, I.H. Enkele aspecten van de produktie en waarneminq van spraak-klanken.

Boerhaave cursus: Afasia - Behandelinq van Afatische Patienten. 10-14 April 1972, 48-50.

Vriendt-De Man, M.J. de; Vriendt, S. de; Eqgermont, J.P.M.; Nes, J.van; Wambach, M. Methode audio-visueile de Neerlandais I: Excercises de


Marcel Didier, Paris, 1972.

Schouten, J.F. Waan, Waarneming en werkelijkheid. Organorama, ~, 1971, 13-17.


Vriendt-De Man, M.J. de; Eggermont, J.P.M.; Wambach, M. M4thode audio-visuelle de Neerlandais 3.

Marcel Didier, PariS, 1971. Nooteboom, S. G. Boekbespreking.

Lingua, 27, 1971, 282-287. (Sprachliche Kommunikation und Linguistische Analyse).

Vredenbregt, J.; Koster, W.G. Analyse en Synthese van Handschrift. Philips Techn. Tijdschr.32, 1971, 74-79.

Slis, I.H. Boekbespreking.

Lingua, 26, 1971, nr. 2, 209-210.

Bouma, H. Enige aspecten van het normale lezen. Tijdschr. voor Orthopedagogiek,


1971, 2-13.

Bouwhuis, D. Review of W.G. Koster, Ed., Attention Performance II,· .. Proceedings of the Danders centenary Symposium on reaction time. Amsterdam, North Holland Publishing Com~any, 1969.

Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Psychologie, 1970, 25, 700-703. Bouwhuis, D. Review of J.G. Greeno, Elementary Theoretical Psychology,

Reading, Mass. Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 1968.

Nederlands Tijdschrift


de Psychologie, 24, 1969, 610-611. 3chouten, J.F. Het Evoluon, een permanente tentoonstellil.q van het

Philips Technisch Tijdschrift, ~, 1970, nr. 5/6. Schouten, J.F. Tijd voor toonhoogte.

Verslag van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen, Afd. Natuurkunde,november 1970, 150-154.



, ..

4.2 Artikelen in het IPO-Annual Progress Report

De behoefte aan een wetenschappelijk voortgangsrapport van het Instituut is ontstaan als gevolg van de grote diversiteit van vaktijdschriften waarin dOor onze medewerkers wordt gepubliceerd. Een bijkomend voordeelis dat de korte APR artikelen ca. 2 jaar eerder verschijnen dan de uitvoerige publicaties in de internationale tijd-schriften. Bet APR:, waarin oak korte bijdragen over ontwikkelde apparatuur en laboratorium foefjes in de know-how sfeer worden afgedrUkt, wordt verspreid onder ca. 1000vakgenoten.

Boewel het APR, onder andere vanwege de diversiteit van onderwerpen niet gezien kan worden als een vaktijdschrift, worden bijdragen erin wel geciteerd door vakgenoten. Bet wordt oak gebruikt door de volgende abstracttijdschriften:

1. Psychological abstracts: nonevaluatie summaries of the world1s literature in psychology and related disciplines.

Washington: American-Psychological Association. 2. LLBA: Language and language behavior abstracts.

San Diego: Sociological abstracts, Ltd. 3. WHITE, F.E., and D.C. TEAS

References to contemporary papers on acoustics.

Supplement by: Journal. qf the Acoustical Society of Ame.rica. New York: American Institute of Physics. 4. ERGONOMICS abstracts.

London: Taylor & Francis. 5. SCIENCE citation index.

Philadelphia: Institute for Scientific Information. 6. SOCIAL sciences citation index.

Philadelphia: Institute for Scientific Information. Inhoudsopgave APR 14 (1979)

Developments (H. Duifhuis and S.G. Nooteboom~ B. Duifhuis and J.J .W. van de Vors1;

Non-linear mechanical hair cell stimulation in the cochlea B. Duifhuis and J .T.S. Smits

Pure-tone masking and partial masking in relation with hearing loss B.L. Cardozo and R.A.J .M. van Lieshout

Estimates of annoyance of sounds of different character S.M. Marcus

Context-sensitive coding in speech perception - a simulation L.L.M. Vogten

Elimination of the buzz in LPC-synthetic speech by a trapezoidal window


Melodic accent in computer composed metrical tone sequences M.T.M. Scheffers

The role of pitch in perceptual separation of simultaneous vowels J.P.L. Brokx, S.G. Nooteboom and A. Cohen


J. It Hart

Explorations in automatic stylization of Fo curves J.R. de Pijpers

Close-copy stylizations of British English intonation contours

Developments (J.A.J. Roufs)

E. van der Zee and M.H.W.A. Boesten Colour brightness

J.A.J. Roufs and J.A. Pellegrino van Stuyvenberg

On the Broca-Sulzer effect: concerning the brightness of time-dependent stimuli

F.J.J. Blommaert

Local visual responses in space and time H. Bouma and Ch.P. Legein

Dyslexia as a deficient link between normal vision and normal speech

Developments (H.C. Bunt andH. Bouma)

A.F.V. van Katwijk, F.L. van Nes, H.C. Bunt, H.F. Muller and F.F. Leopold Naive subjects interacting with a conversing information system

Developments (F.F. Leopold) K.G. van der Veen

Serial versus parallel keying behaviour F .L. van Nes and J .H. Tromp

Is viewdata easy to use? Developments (H.E.M. Melotte) L. Zabel

Use of optical aids in reading by elderly people H.E.M. Melotte and L. Bes

An illumination unit for stand magnifiers Developments (L.F. Willems)

P.M. Boers and J.C. Jacobs

Praatboek: optical reading of sound E. de Braal and B.A.C. van Geffen

SLIM: A simple light intensity monitor J.J.G.M. Dobek, A.C. van Nes and L.F. Willems

Some applications of the multiplying DAC Inhoudsopgave APR 13 (1978)

Developments (H. Duifhuis and S.G. Nooteboom) A. Bezemer

Lateralisation applied to masking experiments B.L. Cardozo and Th.A. de Jong

Experimental comparison of two types of speech audiometry in noise H. Du1fhuis, L.F. Willems and R.J. Sluyter

Measuring pitch in speech J. It Hart and R. Collier

A course in Dutch Intonation J. Thomassen

Some observations on melodic accent H. Zelle

A computer implementation of PEST (Parameter Estimation by Sequential Testing) for auditory masking experiments


Developments (J .A.J. Roufs) A.J. Breimer and C. Zwaan

Visual search in a one-dimensional pattern A.J. Breimer, H. Timmers and K. v.d. Veen

The legibility of televised text H. Timmers

An effect of contrast on legibility of printed text L. Zabel, H. Bouma and Ch.P. Legein

Visual recognition by dyslectic children Developments (D.G. Bouwhuis)

D.G. Bouwhuis, J. Bergmans and J.J. de Rooij

A model for the perception of prosodic boundaries

D.G. Bouwhuis, C.J.W. Schiepers, U.O. SchrOder and H. Timmers Temporal structure of visual word recognition responses B.C. Bunt, F.F. Leopold, H.F. Muller and A. van Katwijk

In search of pragmatic principles in man-machine dialogues Developments (F.F. Leopold)

F.L. van Nes and J. v.d. Heijden

The use of computers by ordinary people K. v.d. Veen

Touch controls and feedback Developments (H.E.M. MEUotteJ • L. Zabel and H. Melotte

Investigation into the use of the television magnifier in the Netherlands

Developments (L.F. Willems) A. Melchers

A sequential filing system

H.F. Muller, J. Dobek and A.C. van Nes An experimental word recogniser Inhoudsopqave APR 12 (1977)

B. Leshowitz

Speech intelligibility in noise for listeners with sensorineural hearing damage .

H. Duifhuis, J. Smits, J. v.d. Vorst and M. Scheffers Further psychological data on two-tone suppression J. Thomassen

Preliminary experiments on accent perception in tone sequences B.L. Cardozo and K.G. van der Veen

Estimation of annoyance due to low-level sound H.F. Muller, S.G. Nooteboom and L.F. Willems

An experimental system for man-machine communication by means of speech L.L.H. Vogten and L.F. Willems

The Formator: a speech analysis-synthesis based on formant extraction from linear prediction coefficients

J. It Hart

Pitch contour stylisation on a high-quality analysis-resynthesis system A.F. V. van Katwijk

Auditory feedback as a factor in disrupted speech production D. Bouwhuis and J. de Rooij


R. Collier

The perception of English intonation by Dutch and Englisn listeners S.M. Marcus

The IPO squeezing system F.J.J. Blommaert

Spatial processing of small visual stimuli B. Bouma, Ch.P. Legein and A.L.M. van Rens

Visual recognition by dyslectic children: response latencies for letters and words



Backward masking in a reading-like situation B. Timmers

Letter cancellation in words and nonwords B. Bouma, D.G. Bouwhuis and B. Timmers

Processing of visible language: a SympOSium B.C. Bunt

Towards an analysis of dialogue organization principles Knowledge of Dutch three-letter words


B. Bouma and F.L. van Nes

Legibility of rectilinear digits

P.B. van der Beijden, B. Bouma, B.E.M. Melotte and F. Meyer

A typewriter for a motorically handicapped person, operated by head movements . .

B.E.M. Mt!Hotte

The IPO relief-drawing set.

L.F. Willems, G. Moonen, C. Lammers, J. Dobek, A. van Nes and B. Jimenez Nichols

A controlled voice switch Inhoudsopqave APR 11 (1976) B. Duifhuis and W.F. Simons

Theoretical Responses of the "Hair-Cell BPNL Model" to Bands of Noise J. ' t Bart

Psychoacoustic Backgrounds of Pitch Contour Stylisation J.J. de Rooij

Perception of Prosodic Boundaries A.F. V. van Katwijk

Accentuation in Number-Name Triads S.M. Marcus

OVID - A further Tool for Speech Perception Studies S.G. Nooteboom, J .P.L. Brokx and J.J. de Rooij

Contributions of Prosody to Speech Perception J.A.J. Roufs and J.A. Pellegrino van Stuyvenberg

Gain CUrve of the Eye to Subliminal Sinusoidal Modulation of Light H. Bouma, Ch.P. Legein and A.L.M. van Rens

Visual Recognition by Dyslectic Children H. Timmers

Reading Geometrically Transformed Letters and Text

'-J.C. Jacobs, A.L.M. van Rens and D.G. Bouwhuis Knowledge of Dutch Three-Letter Words


F.L. van Nes

Memory Scanning of Ambiguous Visual Stimuli B.C. Bunt

Some Recent Developments in Semantics F. F. Leopold

Ergonomics at I.P.O. K.G. van der Veen

Direction-Finding Experiment B.E.M. MtUotte and F.F. Leopold

Development of Aids for the Perceptually Bandicapped L. F. Willems

I.P.O. Instrumentation 1976

Inhoudsopqave APR 10 (1975)

B.L. Cardozo, B. Duifhuis, G.B. van Leeuwen, L.P.A.S. van Noorden and L.L.M. Voqten

Auditory Research in 1975

L.P.A.S. van Noorden

Temporal Coherence and the Perception of Temporal Position in Tone Sequences

B. Duifhuis

Psychophysical Two-Tone Suppression

S.G. Nooteboom. J.P. Brokx, G.J.N. Doodeman, Th.A. de Jonq, J. ' t Bart, A.F.V. van Katwijk, J.J. de ~ij, J.B. Slis and L.F. Willems

Research on Speech Perception in the lPO 1975

J. It Bart

The LOcation of the Non-Final Fall in Pit.ch Contours. in Dutch J.J. de Rooij

prosody and the Perception of Syntactic Boundaries A.F.V. van Katwijk

Accent Patterns in Number Name Sequences A. Cohen and S .G. Nooteboom

A symposium on Dynamic Aspects of Speech Perception.

lPO, Auqust 4-6, 1975

J.A.J. Roufs, J.J.Andriessen, Th.M. Bos, B. Bouma, F.L. Enqel, Ch.P. Leqein, J.A. Pelleqrino vanStuyvenberq, A.L.M. van Rensand C.W.J. Schiepers

Research on Vision 1975

B. Bouma and D.G. Bouwhuis

WOrd Recognition and Letter Recognition J.A.J. Roufs and F.J.J. Blommaert

Pulse and Step Response of the Visual System F .L. Enqel and Th.M. Bos

Small Involuntary Eye Movements

B. Bouma, Ch.P. Leqein and A.L.M. van Rens Visual Recognition by Dyslectic Children D.J.B. Admiraal

IPO Instrumentation 1957-1975

A.C. van Nes

A Speech Spectrum Rotator G. B. van Leeuwen

Electronic Ear Trumpet

J. Vredenbreqt and J.B.M. van der Straaten A MiniatureEMG Device


Inhoudsopqave APR 9 (1974)

B.L. Cardozo, H. Duifhuis, L.P.A.S. van Noorden, L.L.M. Vogten Auditory Research in 1974

L.P.A.S. van Noorden

Temporal Coherence in Random Tone Sequences L.L.M. Vogten

Low-Level Pure-Tone Masking and Two-Tone Suppression H. Duifhuis

The Auditory Second Filter

S.G. Nooteboom, J.P.M. Eggermont, J. It Bart, A.F.V. van Katwijk, I.B. Slis Time in Speech Perception

S.G. Nooteboom

Some Context Effects on Phonemic Categorization of Vowel Duration J. It Bart

Discriminability of the Size of Pitch Movements in Speech I.H. Slis

Synthesis by Rule of Two-Consonant Clusters

J.P.M. Eggermont .

Speech Tempo and Foreign Language Recognition L.F. Willems, Th.A. de Jong

Research Tools for Speech Perception Studies D. G. Bouwhuis

The Recognition of Attitudes in Speech

B. Bouma, J.J. And:riessen, Th.M. Bos, F.L. Engel, Ch.P. Legein, J. Pellegrino van Stuyvenberg, A.L.M. van Rens, J.A.J. Roufs, C.W.J. Schiepers

Research on Vision 1974 F.L. Engel, Th.M. Bos'

Visual Conspicuity and Eye Movements C.W.J. Schiepers

Response Latencies in Parafoveal Word Recognition B. Bouma, Ch.P. Legein, A.L.M. van Rens

Visual Recognition by Dyslectic Children F.L. Engel

Learning to Read with the Optacon D.J .B. Admiraal

Introduction I.P.O. Instrumentation 1974 D.J.H. Admiraal

The Window Generator Inhoudsopgave APR 8 (1973) B.L. Cardozo

I.P.O. Auditory Research in 1973 S.G. Nooteboom, I.H. Slis and L.F. Willems

Speech Synthesis by Rule; Why, What and How? H. Bouma

Research on Vision C.W.J. Schiepers

Length Estimation of Letter Strings J.J. Andriessen and A.H. de Voogd

Analysis of Eye Movement Patterns in Silent Reading F.L. Engel and T.M. Bos

Visual Conspicuity Related to Generalisation of Background Regularities W.G. Koster


D.J.B. Admiraal

Introduction I.P.O. Instrumentation 1973 D.J.B. Admiraal

CIDAT, A Continuously Adjustable Timer with Digital Display G.J.J. Moonen and Th.A. de Jong

MARIE; Interface between Computer and Experiment Inhoudsopgave APR 7 (1972)

B.L. Cardozo

Topics in Audition L.L.M. Voqten

Pure-Tone Masking of a Phase Locked Tone-Burst S. G. Nooteboom

A Brief Survey of some Investigation into the Temporal Organisation of Speech

S.G. Nooteboom

The Interaction of some Intra-Syllable and Extra-Syllable Factors Acting on Syllable Nucleus DUrations

I.B. Slis

On Coarticulation of Articulatory Effort and Syllable Boundaries B. Bouma

Introduction I.P.O. Research on Vision 1972 B. Bouma, F.L. Engel, B.E.M~·M~lotte

Technological Devices for the Visually Bandicapped: Gap Between Research Effort and Available Aids

F.L. Engel, B.G. Liqtenbarg, T.M. Bos Conspicuity and Colour

B. Bouma, A.L.M. van Rens

Reflection Problems of a Passive LX Display Provided with a Flat Mirror J. J. Andriessen

Preferred Viewing Distance and Size of the TV Picture J. J. Andriessen

On the Optimal Luminance Transfer Function in Television W.G. Koster


F. L. van Nes, R. van Schuur

Speed and Errors of Well-learned Verbal Response Sets W.G. Koster, R. van Schuur

On the Origin of Physiological Tremor W.G. Koster, R. van Schuur

A Note on Parkinsonian Tremor R. van Schuur, Th. Burema

On Controlling the Heartrate J. Vredenbreqt

EMG Application in Low Back Pain J. Vredenbreqt

Electromyophone D.J .H. Admiraal

Introduction I.P.O. Instrumentation 1972 M.A. Alewijnse


M.A. Alewijnse, J. Vredenbreqt

A Six Channel Electro-Myographic Measuring System P.W. Verhagen, M.A. Alewijnse

Photomatrix Computer Interface,

On-Line Registration of Optical Configurations for Visual Pattern Recognition·

Inhoudsopgave APR 6 (1971) B.L. Cardozo

Frequency Discrimination in short Sinusoids as a Function of Signal-to-Noise Ratio

J .J.M. Neelen, G.H. van Leeuwen

Lateralisation Accuracy as Af·fected by Interaural Jitter L.P.A.S. van Noorden

Rhythmic Fission as a Function of Tone Rate L.P.A.S. van Noorden

Discrimination of Time Intervals bounded by Tones of Different Frequencies

R. Collier, J. It Hart

A Grammar of Pitch Movements in Dutch Intonation J. It Hart

Concatenation of Intonational Blocks I.H. Slis, H.F •. Muller

A Computer Programme for Synthesis by Rule I.H. Slis

Subglottal Pressure and Linguistic Stress Th.A. de Jong

The Influence of Subglottal Pressure on the Vowel-to-Consonant Ratio S.G. Nooteboom

Whistling Rhythmic Patterns of Speech H. Bouma, A.H. de Voogd

Reading with Fixation Positions of the Eye Experimentally Controlled F.L. Engel, Th.M. Bos

Size and Luminance Contrast in Visual Conspicuity F.L. Engel

Complemental Conspicuity Areas J.A.J. Roufs, H.J. Meulenbrugge

Perception Lag: The Effect of Changes in Adaptive State by the Measurement

J. J. Andriessen, H. Bouma, E. G. J. Beerens

Interaction Between Lines in Eccentric Vision: Contrast Threshold and Just Noticeable Difference in Slant

F.L. van Nes

Errors in the Motor Programme for Handwriting W.G. Koster, R. van Schuur

The Influence of Stimulus Probability on the Refractory Period W.G. Koster, P.B.W. Boonstra

On the Effect of Advance-Information in a Synchronisatio~ Task J. Vredenbreqt, G. Rau

Coordination in Muscle Activity During Simple Movements G. Rau, J. Vredenbreqt

Force, EMG Subjective Sensations During Static Contractions G. Rau, J. Vredenbreqt



G. Rau

A New Gradation of Skeletal Neuro-Muscular Transmission J.J. Andriessen, B. Bouma

Visual Ergonomics in Viewing 70-mm ROntgenograms S. Bouma, A.L.M. van Rens

Completion of an Alpha-Numeric Matrix Display with Lower-Case Letters J.J.A.M. van Dun, S. Bouma, M.A. Alewijnse

TV Magnifier as an Aid For Reading P.B.W. Boonstra, J .A. Landeweerd

Direction-of-Motion Stereotypes of the Thumbwheel D.G. Bouwhuis

Male and Female Preferences for Simple Shapes D.J .B •. Admiraal

A Review of Signal Gates L.F. Willems, B. de Vries

The LED-Gate for Audio Signals S. de Vries

A FET-Switch and some of its Applications M.A. Alewijnse, C.M.J. Moons, W.B. Noordermeer

A Trapezium Function Generator B.L. Cardozo, Th.A. de Jong

A Note on a Sequential Up-and-Oown Method of Threshold Finding B.F. Muller

Computational Review J. Vredenbregt, C. G. Basten

A Modified Small Electromyograph

B. Bouma, B.L. Cardozo, J.J.A.M. Van Dun, J.C. Valbracht

An Automatised Routine Test for the Determination of Visual Acuity Inhoudsopgave APR 5 (1970)

B.L. Cardozo, D.J.P.J. van Nierop

Some Psycho-acoustic Measurements of Forward Masking Relevant to the Perception of Speech

B.L. Cardozo, Th.A. de Jong

Some Measurement of Dynamic Range in Speech as a Function of Vocal Level

S. Duifhuis

Backward Masking, Central or Peripheral? S. Duifhuis, B.B. Tomesen

Audibility of Barmonics in 'Periodic White Noise' S. Duifhuis

A Tentative Firing Model for the Auditory Receptor J.J.M. Neelen

Audibility of Modulation Noise in Stationary Signals J.J.M. Neelen

A Tentative Method of Predicting Audibility of Modulation Noise

B.L. Cardozo, C.A. Swenne .

On the Audibility of a Phase Effect between Non-simultaneous Tones B.L. Cardozo, J.L. Talman

Frequency Discrimination of Sinusoids as a Function of Duration J. Eggermont

Relations between Vowel Confusions in Lip Reading and the Dimensions of the Mouth

S.G. Nooteboom



S.G. Nooteboom, I.H. Slis

A Note on the Degree of Opening and the Duration of Vowels in Normal and • Pipe I Speech

S.G. Nooteboom, I.H. Slis

Measurements· on the Movement of the Lower Jaw in Speech I.H. Slis

Repetition of Articulatory Gestures and their Durational Consequences I.H. Slis, D.J.P.J. van Nierop

R. A. R. A. A. R. H. H.

On the Forward Masking Threshold of Vowels in VC-Combinations Collier, J. It Hart

Basic Patterns in Dutch Intonation Cohen, J. ' t Hart

Comparison of Dutch and English Intonation Contours in spoken News Bulletins


The Optimum Position of Prominence Lending Pitch Rises van Katwijk

Segment Durations in Different Stress Modes van Katwijk

The Composition of Pitch Contours in Dutch utterances Jongen, J. It Hart

Rhenish Accentuation and Sentence Intonation Bouma, A.L.M. van Rens

Reading Processes: On the ~cognition of single Words in Eccentric Vision


Contour Distributions of Dutch High-frequency Words J. J. Andriessen, H. Bouma

Just Noticeable Differences in Slant of Test Lines as a Function of Retinal Eccentricity

E.G.J. Beerens, H. Bouma

Oriental Specificity of Line Interaction in Eccentric Vision E.G.J. Beerens, H. Bouma

Assymetry and Symmetry in Eccentric Line Interaction F.L. Engel

Visual Conspicuity and Directed Attention J.A.J. Roufs

Statistically Induced Threshold Decre~se by Lengthening Flash-trains and Gated Sinusoidally Modulated Light

H.J. Meulenbrugge, J.A.J.Roufs

Thresholds of Flashes and Flickering Light in Relation to Stimulus Diameter for a Rod Achromat

F.L. Engel

Brightness and Chromatic Adaptation H. Bouma, J.J .A.M. van Dun

Steady-state Reactions of the Pupil: A Note on the Operational Definition F.L. van Nes

On Learning Stereotyped Responses W.G. Koster, R. van Schuur

Stimulus Intensity and the Psychological Refractory Period II, Auditive Stimuli

D.G. Bouwhuis



F.L. van Nes, B.J. Bleileven

Some Ergonomical Considerations of Car-radio Systems B.J. Bleileven, Th.A. de Jo~g

The Relation between Noise Level and Desired Sound Level of a Car-radio

F. F. Leopold

Audio-visual Communication Experiments B.J. Bleileven

Final Version of the Emergency Phone along Motorways G. Rau, J. Vredenbreqt

The Electromyogram and the Force during Static Muscular Contractions W.G. Koster

Apparatus for Continuous Measurement of Interval Times L.F. Willems, B. de Vries

Tl:.e Phonetoqraph L. F. Willems.

Measuring Circuit for Tongue and Lip Closure Duration D.J .B. Admiraal

An Envelope Follower for Speech Signals D.J.B. Admiraal

A Pitch Follower for Speech Signals C.A. Lammers, G.J.J. Moonen

The Modular Tine Measuring 'Eq14pment M.A. Alewijnse, W.G. Koster

Measurement of Tremor J.J. Andriessen, F.L. Engel

Admissibility of Colour and Brightness Deviations in Television Pictures

Th.A. de Jong, G.B. van Leeuwen

A Microphone Mouthpiece for Picking Up Whispered Speech F.L. Engel, M.A. van den Ban

A New Relief Paper for the Blind G.J.J. Moonen, B.J. Poulissen

Automatic Registration P. Mosterd

P.O.B.U. - Pulse on Tape Unit W. B. Noordermeer, C. Moons

The Vario-S-Gate, a Two Quadrant Analogue Multiplier M.A. Alewijnse, W.B. Noordermeer

A Simple Active Bandpass Filter H.F. Muller


5.1 Externe wetenschappelijke voordrachten

In deze rubriek worden de voordrachten vermeld die in de bedoelde periode door IPO medewerkers zijn gehouden voor wetenschappelijke verenigingen, voor congressen en symposia, voor werkgemeenschappen van


Stichtingen, in colloquia van andere universiteiten, laboratoria en dergelijke.

Niet vermeld zijn de interne IPO Colloquia, voordrachten binnen de eigen THE of binnen het Natuurkundig Laboratorium van Philips. :

F.L. van Nes: 27.11.1979 S.M. Marcus: 15.11.1979 J. ' t Hart: 07.11.1979 J. Thomassen: 20.09.1979 J. Terken: 27.09.1979 F.L. van Nes: 26.09.1979 B. Duifhuis: 19.09.1979 B. Duifhuis: 12.07.1979 F. Leopold: 27/31.08.1979 H. Mt§lotte: 07.09.1979 J. Roufs: 30.08.1979 J. Roufs: 20.08.1979 F.L. van Nes: 04.09.1979

".:--Experimenten met, onder andere, gesproken tekst; t.b.v. Ned.Genootschap voor Informatica.

ERIS-cont~xt-sensitive coding in speech perception; t.b.v. WG Fonetiek, Stichting Taalwetenschap.

De toestand in de wereld van het intonatie-onderzoek; t.b.v. Instituut voor Fonetiek te Nijmegen.

Melodic Accent in Tone Sequences;

t.b.v. Werkgemeenschap Muziekperceptie.

Pitch accents and the Given-New Contrast (Pilot experiments on language production);

t.b.v. Projectgroep Descriptive Language, Max Planck te Nijmegen.


t.b.v. 281e werkvergadering van het N.E.R.G. tijdens 'Het Instrument', Amsterdam.

Mechanics and nonlinearity of hair cell stimulation; t.b. v. symposium Non-linear and active mechanical processes in the cochlea, Royal Throat,

Nose and Ear Institute, London.

On the possible role of the tectorial membrane in cochlear sharpening and lateral suppression; t.b.v. J.W. Goethe Universiteit.

The emergency telephone system as an example of product ergonomics;

t.b.v. 7th Congres van de International Ergonomics Association, Warzawa.

Ergonomische aspecten van communicatie hulpmiddelen voor gehandicapteni

t.b.v. Stichting Aangepaste Hulpmiddelen Gehandi-capten .te Amstelveen.

Characteristic responses of the visual system: measurement and predictive power;

t.b.v. Auditory & Visual information processing research group (NHK Laboratories).

Temporal responses of the visual system elicited by point-sources;

t.b.v. Kyoto 19th CIE Conference.

Ergonomie van informatieverwerkende apparatuuri t.b.v. cursusdagen Ergonomie voor Bedrijfsartsen



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