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A second order formulation for the analysis of slender, elastic beams


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A second order formulation for the analysis of slender, elastic


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Frenken, L. P. J. (1985). A second order formulation for the analysis of slender, elastic beams. (DCT rapporten; Vol. 1985.014). Technische Hogeschool Eindhoven.

Document status and date: Published: 01/01/1985

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L.Ph.J. Frenken

WFW 85.014

Eindhoven University of Technology Department of Mechanical Engineering The Netherlands


January 1985



The author wishes to take this opportunity to sincerely thank

Dr. C.M. Menken for the patience and guidance he generously extended during

the course of this investigation. The author also thanks Mrs. Marleen van

Boxtel for skillful typing the manuscript.



A second order formulation €or the analysis of elastic beams is presented. Shear deformation and distorsion of the cross section is not considered in the present theory. Based on energy considerations the analysis is able to predict the bifurcation-type buckling condition for slender beams taking into account the prebuckling deformation. As an example a closed form

solution for the lateral buckling of a simply supported beam subjected to uniform bending is presented.




1 .







6 . 1 . Simply supported beam in uniform bending







9 10 15 19 26 27 27 30 31 3 3 36 3 8 41


LIST OF SYMBOLS A by'bZ 1 r C 2 E G IO I 1 Y' J - J L M


' a


m a = cross-sectional area = monosymmetry parameters = warping parameter

= amplitudes o f displacement variations

= Young's modulus o f elasticity = shear modulus of elasticity

= polar moment o f inertia about the shear center

= moments of inertia about the Y and Z axis, respectively = St. Venant's torsion section constant

= Jacobian

= beam length

= moment

= bimoment

= critical moment

= moments about the X , Y and Z axis, respectively = bimoment per unit length



mx,m rm



= moments per unit length about the X, Y and Z axis, respectively

= vector normal to the surface of the cross section P R 'ij S O U U

= total potential energy

= critical loads for buckling about the shear center, Y and Z axis, respectively

= forces in the x, y and z-direction, respectively

= loads per unit length in the


y and z direction, respectively

= rotation matrix

= Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor o f the second kind

= surface coordinate of the cross section

= polar fourth moment of cross-sectional area about the shear center

= strain energy

= the x component of the displacement of the origin when no warping occurs

= the y and z components, respectively, of the displacement of the shear center






= displacements in the x, y and z direction respectively of any point in the cross section

= generalized displacement

= coordinate axes

= coordinates o f any point of the beam, prior to deformation

= coordinates o f the shear center prior t o deformation = angles of rotation about the X , Y and Z axis respectively = warping constant

yxy :yys_ i

~ X I E y l E Z = strain components

= first and second variations



= axial strain

= Green-Lagrange strain tensor

= linearized deformation tensor

= geometric constant of beam


LIST OF SYM3ûLS (cont'd) is ij


- UI ij Superscripts


= stress components

= Cauchy stress tensor

= warping function

= liiiearized rotation tensor

* &

* i T x

= reference to the local coordinate system x r y z



The summation index is adopted t o repeated lower case subscripts.

Subscripts preceded by a comma denote differentiation with respect to these



Mechanical nonlinearities, such as plasticity effects, more than geometric effects are usually considered to be important in the load-carrying capacity of beams. Nevertheless, in the case of slender beams, buckling occurs in the

elastic range and the nonlinear stability problem has not been widely investigated.

In the classical buckling analysis of beams, it is assumed that the

prebuckling displacements are small enough to be neglected in the derivation of the governing differential equations [ l - 4 1 . However, for example in

aluminium extrusions with open cross sections where the ratios of the major axis flexural stiffness to the minor axis flexural stiffness and the

torsional stiffness may be less than three, the actual flexural-torsional buckling load may exceed the classical predictions by up to 25%, due to the

prebuckling displacements [5-111. Also for thin walled beams, interaction phenomena between local and global modes of buckling may affect the load-

carrying capacity of beams considerable [12-171.

The purpose of this paper is to present a set of nonlinear equilibrium equations for slender beams with undeformed cross section under various loading and support conditions. A straightforward way for deriving the equations governing the bifureation-type buckling condition taking into account the prebuckling deformation is also presented. The analysis is used to obtain a closed form solution for the lateral buckling of a simply



We consider an initially straight, prismatic, homogeneous beam of length L and cross-sectional area A, subjected to end, surface and volume loading. The beam is referred to rectangular Cartesian coordinates x I y I z I where the X-axis is the longitudinal axis, as shown in Fig. 1 .

The object of beam theory is to reduce a three-dimensional problem to an approximate one dimensional one. Slender beam theory may be derived in terms of the following simplifying approximations.

1 .

During bending and/or stretching, cross sections normal to the undeformed longitudinal axis are assumed to remain plane, normal and undeformed, so that transverse normal and shearing strains may be neglected in deriving the beam kinematic relations.

2. During twisting the cross sections of the beam rotate about the shear- center axis, while the normal displacement of any point in the cross

section is equal to the product of the angle of twist per unit length, and the so called warping function $(y,z), which is a function of the cross section geometry only.

3 . Transverse normal stresses are assumed to be small compared with the other normal stress component, so that they may be neglected in the stress-strain relations.

These assumptions are known as the Bernoulli-Euler-Vlasov assumptions. Let us now consider the beam in a slightly deformed configuration, as shown in Fig. 2. Let u denote the x-component of the displacement of the origin when no warping occurs, and let v and w denote the y and z

components, respectively, of the displacement of the shear center. In the following we will restrict ourselves to the intermediate class of

deformations, which is defined by the limitation that the strains be small compared with unity, and rotations moderately small (see appendix A ) . As a consequence rotations may be described by a vector, letting a , $, y denote the x, y and z components of the rotation o € the shear center respectively. Then, as a consequence of the first two approximations, the displacement


- -

-components at any point in the beam u, v, w r may be expressed by the



* 1 2

w = w t (y-y )U - -(z-z )a

O 2 0

Here y

Subscripts preceded by a comma denote differentiation with respect to these subscripts. The superscript

and z o denote the location of the shear center prior to deformation.



is used to denote quantities with respect to




the local coordinate directions x





of the beam in deformed configuration. These quantities are related to the global coordinate directions x, y, z through the rotation matrix [RI, i.e.

in which cos (


) indicates the directional cosine of the two axes. For small angles of rotation the matrix [RI may be presented in the linear form

(see also appendix BI

’i Y -B U f3 - a 1 so ( 2 . 3 ) and



vr X


X W,

Furthermore, neglecting the shear deformation,

p = -w,


Y = VIx ( 2 . 6 )

Substituting Eqs ( 2 . 6 ) into Eqs (2.4) and ( 2 . 5 ) and neglecting terms in- volving products of u r X , since u, =

appendix A ) , yields

is small compared with unity (see


xx X


v I X =


t w, a X X ( 2 . 7 )



X w I X - - v r x a t w,

The second order equations ( 2 . 1 ) may be considered as an attempt to construct a general theory of deformation of slender beams, based on Ref. [ 1 8 ] Eqs (VI.49) and (VI.83). The linearized form of the deformation

field ( 2 . 1 ) is used in a majority of the earlier studies (Bleich, 1952; Vlasov, 1961; Timoshenko and Gere, 1961; Galambos 1 9 6 8 ) . However, in

contrast with the linearized form, the present nonlinear deformation field

( 2 . 1 ) makes it possible to investigate the stability of slender beams,

taking into account the prebuckling deformation.

Neglecting the shear deformation (Wagner-hypothese), then for the intermediate class of deformations the





strain-displacement relations for a three-dimensional medium are (see appendix A):

components of the xz


- 1 - 2


- -Y

= u, + VI + VlxVI + WIxW,

YxY Y X Y (2.8)

- -

are extensional and shearing strain components at any

XI Yxy' where


point through the cross section. Introduction of Eqs (2.1) and (2.5) gives


E = u, X - y(v,,,+ wlxxa)


z(wlxx- vlx,,a)

X + $ ( a , xx


VI xwI xxx+ WI xvI xxx) 1 2 2 2 x X o x x t -tv,








2y0w,xalx 2 2 2

+ [ ( y


Yo) f ( 2 - zo) larx}

- = [$, - (z - z o ) l ( a I x - v l x ~ l x x + wlxvIxx) si XY Y $, , =


z+ (Y-Y,)


(a, x- VI xwl xx+ WI


xx) (2.9)

where higher order terms have been neglected. Eqs (2.9) are the kinematic relations for the beam.



in a


The generalized Hooke's law for the strain components


yxyt three dimensional isotropic medium hac the form



1 - - T 'xz- G xz where E 2(1tv) G = (2. I O ) (2.11)

E is the modulus of elasticity, G is the shear modulus and v i s Poisson's ratio. The symbols 6 T


etc. denote stress components at any point


through the cross section. As a consequence of and


are neglegibly small. Omission from Eqs the relations the third (2.8) and approximation rearrangement - 0 Y gives ( 2 . 1 2 )



The total potential energy P o f a beam subjected to end, surface and volume loading is the sum o f the strain energy V and the potential energy of the applied conservative load R [20] :

P = U + R (3.1)

The strain energy €or a three dimensional isotropic medium referred to arbitrary orthogonal coordinates may be written

- -

- - I u = - J J J ( o e t o e + o E x x y y z z

2 v

- -




-y )dxdydz

+ T xyyxyt TXzyxzf Tyz yz (3.2)


Omission of o and in accordance with the basic approximations o f slender beam theory, introduction of Eqs (2.12) and rearrangement gives

Y' z YZ


Taking the principal axes for the cross section coordinates (y,z), and the shear center O as the pole of the normalized warping, then, by definition :

JJydydz = JJzdydz = JJJidydz =


jfyzdydz = JJyqiiydz = JJzJidydz = o


Substituting Eqs (2.10) into Eq. (3.31, integrating with respect to y and z ,

and making use of Eqs (3.4) yields

1 2 2 2


T 1 0 4 A x


- - a 1 4 ~


2 + w'xv'xxx) v ' x w ~ x x x v f x x x t b a


' X ) ( ' I X X XW' xxx i- E T ( a . x x


where 2 2 - -


'i J f ( y


z )zdydz


2Z0 b y 'y A n I =

S $

zLdydz ' A I z =

S $

y'dydz A 2 T =

S f

JI dydz A


The warping function JI i s determined by the well-known Neumann-problem (see appendix C)


*IYY+ *IZZ =



= o (3.7a)

within the cross section, and

on the surface o f the cross section. The normal vector n is positive outward, and the surface coordinate s is positive as indicated in Fig. 3.

The position of the shear center O according to the energetic definition (see appendix C ) , is given by the equations:

RIL 111e - i i û t a t i u n aiid ciytì cûnventiûnc for positive fûïces âi?U

mûments â c t i n y ûi?

a beam element are illustrated in Fig. 4, where Qx,


and Q, are the longitudinal and transverse components of the force acting on the cross section and Mxt M

cross section. The bimoment M is not a real moment, its dimension is [AL]


q,, cj


qz, mx, m r m,Z and m

acting on the beam. The potential energy of the applied loads for a

conservative system is the negative of the work done by the loads as the structure is deformed. Consequently, the potential energy for the surface loads as shown in Fig. 4 may be written

and M, are the components of the moment acting on the





Y Y a are the forces and moments per unit length,


Q = - j [qxu t q Y v t qiw t mxa - m w Y 'x t rnZvfx O







M w,


Mzv, + Ma(aI x- V I xW, xx+ W, x V ~ xx)



(3.9) o


assuming that longitudinal and transverse loads are applied at. the centroid

and shear center o f the cross section, respectively. For other load



For equilibrium the total potential energy P must be stationary; i.e. its first variation 6P must equal zero. Substituting Eqs (3.5) and ( 3 . 7 ) into Eq. ( 3 . 1 ) and applying the minimum potential energy criterion yields

1 2 2 L J EA[uIX+ ?(vlx t w l X + 22 v, a l x - 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ 6P = o x O + -b 1 a , 2 ~ ~ w ' x x x 6 v ' - w,xov'xxx~ vfxw'xxx+ w'xv~xxx 2 3, x X


Er (caIxx- 2 VI xxx6wlx 1 t -b 1 a , )(vrx6wlxXx- - Er ( a r x x - v,xw,xxx+ wfxvIxxx 2 3, x




t 22 v, a, - 2y0wIXaIx



IEA[U,~ + y(Vtx o x x 1 2 L O f GJ(aIx


~~~w~~~ + ~ I ~ ~ t ~ ~ ) 6 a ~ ~ } d x L

J i s ö u t 4y6v t qz6w t mt6a


m 6wI t mZ6vIv




-+ ma(6aIX - v , x ~ w I x x - wIxXfivIx t w,




t ~ ~ ~ ~ 6 ~ , ~ ) } d x


[Qx6u t Q 6v t QZ6w t Mx6a


M 6wIX+ MZ6vfx



- 6VIX -I- w, 6v, i- v,xx6w,x)ll = 0 t Ma(6ax - VIx8Wrxx w'xx x


O ( 4 . 1 )

By integration by parts and by application o f the lemma of Dubois-Reymond one obtains the equilibrium equations for a beam element


1 2 2 - { E A [ u I x + j í v , + w , t 2 2 ov, a , x x - 2y0wf x ~ f x - I E A [ U , ~


T ( v , 2 1 t w f 2 t 22 v I x a . - 2 y o w l x a f x X X O X i-

p ~ a r x ) l r x x

1 2 t W ' v +[Er ( a f x x - v r xw xxx x 'xxx -[ErlalXx


v'xw,xx + w,xv'xx + % a 2 ) b a 2








- m t m = o X a'x

With t h e dynamic boundary c o n d i t i o n s :

1 2


22 v f a ,


2 y o w f x a f x

Q, = E A [ U t x + j ( V r X W I X o x x


Q = EA[^, t ? ( V I 2 X t w , X -i- 2 2 ov , xa , x - 2yow, x o L f x



t - A a f : ) l ( v f x + 2 oa f xI

( 4 . 2 8 )


t E A [ u I x t ? ( V r :


t w I 2


2 2 v r a I x - 2 Y o w I x a I x X o x tGJ(a, - V f xx + W I x"I xx)


- m a ( 4 . 3 d ) ( 4 . 3 e )



- maw'x + M a W I x x (4.3f)


1 t -b a 2,




According to the Trefftz criterion for loss of stability the critical load for a continuous structural system is defined as the smallest load for which the second variation of the total potential energy of the system is no

longer positive definite. At this load the equilibrium changes from stable to unstable [20-221. The linear differential equations for determination of

the bifurcation-point load are obtained by integrating the expression €or 6 2 P by parts and by application of the lemma of Dubois-Reymond.

The linear stability equations may also be obtained by application of the equivalent adjacent-equilibrium criterion. Let

I u = u t u O i- v = v o w = w O a = a + a O + w 1 1 (5.1)

where u v w a denotes the configuration whose stability is under investigation, and where the variations u I I v I I w I I a l are admissible virtual increments.

introduction into Eqs. (4.1) is seen t o give terms that are linear and nonlinear in the uoI voI


a. and u i , v q 1 w I I a, displacement components. In the new equations, the terms in uo, wo' wo, aO alone add to zero because u v w a is an equilibrium configuration and terms that are nonlinear in u,' v I I w l , a l may be omitted because of the smallness of these

incremental displacements. Thus the resulting equations are homogeneous and linear in u

o' o' o' o

o' o' o' o

v l 1 w l 1 ai with variable coefficients in uoI voI wgI a o . 1'



The governing differential equations for buckling of slender beamp are complicated and closed form solutions can only be obtained for single members with simple axial loading arrangement and boundary conditions.

For some other cases it is possible to make simplifying assumptions, so that approximate closed form solutions can be obtained. However, for more

complicated structures under general in-plane loading, a numerical technique must be used.

6.1 Simply supported beam in uniform bendins.

An approximate closed Lorm solution can be obtained from the flexural- torsional buckling of a simply supported double-symmetric beam subjected to two equal and opposite end moments (see Fig. 5 ) [ ? I ] . For the specified

loading conditions the prebuckling displacements are

1 2 2 o'x = - - w U O' x v = o W M o'xx EI O

- -

- Y (x- = o U

Critical conditions occur when 6'P = o . The boundary conditions in terms of variations in u, v, w and OL are :

34 f wolXwq f x = o vi = v w1 - 'xx OL1 = OL IlX = o = o = o 1 'xx


1 'xx

Since the in-plane displacements components u I an w

definite form in the second variation and can therefore only increase tiie calculated value of the critical moment, these displacement will be zero in

the buckling mode. A solution for the buckling mode can be obtained by only occur in positive



assuming displacement functions for v boundary conditions. Therefore assuming

and a

1 1 which satisfy the prescribed

v =


sin :x

1 1

a l =


sin x

2 ( 6 . 3 )

where C

variations, substituting Eqs ( 6 . 2 ) and ( 6 . 3 ) into Eqs ( 5 . 1 ) and following the procedure described in section 5 , the resulting equation can be

and C

1 2 define the absolute magnitudes of the displacement

expressed in matrix form as



( 6 . 4 ) where 2 TI 2

- -



[GJ t ET(-) ] 2 EI Y “3 = -

For a nontrivial solution to this homogeneous equation system the

determinant o f the coefficients of C1, C 2 must equal zero. Hence, neglecting 2

a3 since it is small compared with other terms, the critical moment is given by


where 2 I o lT P o );(


pz p = ( 1


p ) [ 1


P Y Y 2 T i P = EI (-) Y Y L

When I


I the solution reduces to the well known classical solution

Y 2


(Po Pz



When I is not very much greater than Iz, the dominant term in the



denominator is

( 1



and the percentage increase in the critical moment is almost independant of the span.



For a monosymmetric beam the critical moment is found to be [ 7 ] :



The presented second order formulation for the analysis of slender beams makes it possible to predict the bifurcation-type buckling condition under various loading and support conditions, taking into account the prebuckling deformation. A closed form solution, obtained for the lateral buckling of a

simply supported beam subjected t o uniform bending, agrees with earlier analyses: if the ratios of the major axis flexural stiffness to the minor axis flexural stiffness is less than three, the in-plane deformations may effect the buckling load considerable.




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Fig. 1:




s u r f a c e coordinate s






APPENDIX A : The intermediate class of deformations.

An elastic body is deformed so that a generic point P in the reference state displaces to P'.

Let x . be the Cartesian coordinates of the reference state and let xi be the Cartesian coordinates of the deformed state, then the displacement field is given by 1 - i u = X I - x i i I A . 1)

In what follows, derivatives are with respect to the original state, and are indicated by ( ),i =

a (

)/axi, while a repeated index will imply a


The Green-Eagrange strain-tensor is given by


while the corresponding Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor of the second kind is


1 -





-t Uj, i)

and the linearized rotation tensor as

- 1 -


w =-(u - u


ij 2 j'i i'j

the Green-Lagrange strain tensor may be written


1 -


For most stability problems


as well as while

class of deformations the Green-Lagrange strain tensor may be written approximately [ 1 9 ]

are small compared with unity,

is o f the same order as, or higher than


For this intermediate

1 -

- -


Eij = Bij i


2 w


ki 'kj (A.6)

Written out the


E and


components, f o r a three-dimensional medium

XY are - - E = t

q w





2 ) xx OXX 2 xx xy xz

- -

- -1 -


- - E

= e

i-(w w t w + w w ) xy xy 2 xx xy xywyy xz yz (A. 7) -




1 -

- -


t -(w + w + w w ) Ox2 2 xxwxz xy wyz xz 22 E = XZ

Substituting Eqs (A.3) and (A.4) into Eq. (A.7) and neglecting the shear deformation (i = - = o ) yields xy exz 1 -2 -2


- E X = UIx 4-


+ W i X ) where = S E yXY XY


APPENDIX B : The rotation matrix.




If the rotation of the Cartesian coordinate system x




z to the Cartesian coordinate system x, y, z is relatively large, it can not be described by a vector and it is treated by means of modified Euler angles. If it is described by a finite rotation y about the Z axis, followed by a rotation $ about the Y

fig. B-I), then the rotation matrix [RI is given by E201



axis followed by a rotation a about the X axis (see



cos(x ,Y) cos(x , z )

cos@ cosy

-cosa siny


sina sin@ cosy sina siny


cosa sin$ cosy


-sin$ sina cos$ cosa cos@

cos$ siny

cosa cosy t sina sins cosy -sina cosy t cosa sin@ siny

The rotation matrix [RI can be approximately written in antisymmetric form as cos$ cosy s in$ siny cosa cosy -sina


-sin@ sina cosa cos$



Noting that the Y

deflection curve and taking the effect of axial elongation into consideration, we have

and Z axes are perpendicular to the shear center

-Wfx t g @ = - 1 +E v,X t g y = - I + & f B . 3 ) (B.2)


[RI =

Making use of the relations

X VI 1


tqa sina = ( lttg2a) 1 cosct = ( íttg2a)

the rotation matrix is expressed in the form

2 ( I t & ) SinCC 4 . - cos a I T E [(1td2t WI2] X ( B . 4 ) cos a l t k : -sinol ( B . 5 )

If we assume that the deformations are small, then, Eq. ( B . 5 ) reduces to the simple form [RI = 1 vi x 1 w 1 x a 1 -Y 1 -B a 1 ( B . 6 )



ì a

Fig. B-1: Orientation o f


X , Y , Z

a n d



coordinate sy s terns.


APPENDIX C : The torsion problem.

The total potential energy P for a prismatic beam in uniform torsion is (see section 31


Application of the minimum potential energy criterion by variation o f $I yields

By application of Green's theorem and the lemma of Dubois-Reymond one obtains :


* i y y + * I Z Z =



= 0

within the cross section, and

(C. 3a)

(C. 3b)

on the surface o f the cross section. The normal vector n is positive outward, and the surface coordinate s is positive as indicated in Fig. 3. Multiplying Eq. (C.3b) by z, integration over the surface and application o f

Stoke's theorem yields

This equation can also be obtained by varying Eq. (C.1) with respect to y and applying the lemma o f Dubois-Reymond.




Een objectivering dank zij de literaire verbeelding die Van Dis vaker te hulp roept, zoals bij het imaginaire rijsttafelen met zijn gestorven vader (`mijn pen en ik zijn hier

Given the explosion of biomedical research involving human participants in South Africa, and the lack of insight into research ethics review infrastructure, we examined the

Omdat in de proeven met dampwerking weinig stoffen goede effecten hebben laten zien is er proef uitgevoerd waarin mijten in contact komen met de GNO, Voor deze proef zijn de

De gangbare en Koeien & Kansen bedrijven verschillen niet van elkaar als het gaat om de integrale milieubelasting.. Dit betekent dat beide ‘soorten’ melkvee- houderij

The thesis will explore this question in the context of the UNDP in South Africa (UNDP/SA), both in regard to mainstreaming gender within an international development organisation

gelden zijn afhankelijk van het soort meting. Nogmaals, voor deze resultaten geldt dat ze alleen maar relatieve betekenis hebben.. q verhoogd wordt houdt in dat de afstand tussen

Nevertheless, we show that the nodes can still collaborate with significantly reduced communication resources, without even being aware of each other’s SP task (be it MWF-based

Although robust kernel based models are identified they either not formulated in way that allows to use it for prediction, or omit the some power of the identified model by switching