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-- Profibus sensor card glue logic

-- Author : P. Zinken _. Last rev.: 12-06-98

-- The later of the two signals RD or CS for the SPC4 has a setup time of -- 8 ns before rising edge of SPC4 clk

library ieee;

use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;

use ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all;

use work.decodecpkg.all; -- package contains rotation-decoder use work.ql_macros.all; .- package contains qUicklogic macros


entity memdec is port

( reset

std_logic_vector(11 downto 8); -- for JTAG purposes

std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

architecture memdec_arch of memdec is

subtype byte is std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

subtype offseLaddUype is stdJogic_vector(3 downto 0);

constant spc4_base: std_logic_vector (15 downto 0):=X'EOOO';

constant glue_base: std_logic_vector (15 downto 0):=X'FOOO';

An intelligent sensor controller using Profibus


•• offsets within glue

constant mem_mode_offset : offseCaddUype := X"O';

constant flash_bank_offset : offseCaddctype:= X'1';

constant id_offset : offseCaddctype := X'2';

constant ouUeg_offset : offseCaddr_type:= X'S';

constant irq_reg_offset : offseCaddctype := X'4';

constant gpLoffset : offseCaddctype := X"S';

constantgpUr~mask_offset : offseCaddctype := X'S';

constant cntrs_hUeg_offset : offseCaddctype:= X"7';

constant p_cnUo_reg_offset : offseCaddctype:= X"S";

constant ccnUo_reg_offset : offseCaddctype:= X"g';

constant cnCmode_reg_offset : offseCaddUype:= X"A';

o .r_zero I clo I r_hi I latch I p_zero I p_lo I p_hi I gpUrq

0 0General Purpose Input register

o .GPI0 interrupt mask register

0 0highest nibble count r I highest nibble count p

0 0lowest byte p_countervalue

•• lowest byte ccountervalue

0 0000000 I r_rsLenable I p_rsLenable

•• local signals

signal clk, clkn. clk_c

•. outputs signal ouCreg

•• general purpose inputs signal sgpi. dsgpi

signal sp_zero. sp_hi. sp_lo signal dsp_hi. dsp_lo

: offseCaddctype is addcinJ_O(S downto 0);

: byte;

: std_logic;

: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);

: stdJogic_vector(2 downto 0);

: std_logic;

: std_logic_vector(S downto 0);

: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

: std_logic;

: std_logic_vector(7 downto 0);

: std_logic;

: std_logic_vector(11 downtoO);

: std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);

: std_logic;

: std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);

: std_logic_vector(11 downto 0);

: std_logic;

: std_logic;

: std_logic;

An intelligent sensor controller using Profibus


•• test pins

-- dataout<=d_out when ((glue3s='1') and (rdn='0')) else'ZllZllll';

•• pct(11 downto 0)<=r_count;

.- split bidirectional ad bus in internal d_in and d_out busses d_in<=ad;

ad<=d_out when ((glue3s='1 ') and (rdn='0')) else?ZZZZZZZ';


when offseCaddr=mem_mode_offset else '00000'&flash_bank

when offseCaddr=flash_bank_offset else


when offseCaddr=id_offset else


when offseCaddr=oucreg_offset else sgpi

when offseCaddr=gpLoffset else gpUrq_mask_reg

when offseCaddr= gpUrq_mask_offset else sr_zero&sUo&sr_hi&latch&sp_zero&sp_lo&sp_hi&gpUrq

when offseCaddr= irq_reg_offset else sp3nUeg(11 downto 8)&sccnUeg(11 downto8)

when offsecaddr= cntrs_hLreg_offset else sp3nUeg(7 downto 0)

when offset_addr=p_cnUo_reg_offset else sr3nUeg(7 downto 0)

when offseCaddr=r_cnUo_reg_offset else '000000"&usCenable&p_rsCenable

when offseCaddr=cncmode_reg_offset else



if (offset_addr=mem_mode_offset) then jf (glue3s='1') then

mem_mode<=d_in(1 downto 0);

end if;

An intelligent sensor controller using Profibus

if (offseCaddr=flash_bank_offset) then if (glue_cs='1 ') then

flash_bank <= d_in(2 downto 0);

end if;

end if;

end if;

end if;

end process;

-- read/write signal generation

process (rdn, wrn, wrn_delayed2, addUn_15_12, mem_mode, flash_bank) begin

f1ash_wrn <='1 ';

case mem_mode is

when "00' => -- lower 64K of flash

addr_ouU6_14 <= '0' & addUn_15_12(15 downto 14);

flash_rdsel <= '1';

ram_rdsel <='0';

when '01' => -- upper 64K of flash

addr_ouU6_14 <= '1' & addUn_15_12(15 downto 14);

flash_rdsel <= '1';

ram_rdsel <='0';

when "10' => -- 32K RAM only

addr_ouU 6_14 <= '0' & addUn_15_12(15 downto 14);

flash_rdsel <= '0';

ram_rdsel <='1';

when others => -- illegal mode addr_ouC16_14 <= '---';

flash_rdsel <= '0';

ram_rdsel <='0';

end case;

else -- data memory

if (addUn_15_12(15)='0') then -- lower 32K is RAM addr_ouU6_14 <= '0' & addUn_15_12(15 downto 14);

flash_rdsel <= '0';

flash_wrn <='1';

ram_rdsel <='1 ';


An intelligent sensor controller using Profibus

if (addUn_15_12(14) = '1') then -- COOO-FFFF addcouL16_14 <= •••••;

flash_rdsel<= '0';

f1ash_wrn <= '1 ';

ram_rdsel <= '0';

ram_wrn <= '1';

if (addUn_15_12(13 downto 12) = spc4_base(13 downto 12)) then spc4_rdsel<= '1';

if (addUn_15_12(13 downto 12) = glue_base(13 downto 12)) then glue_cs <= '1 ';

flash_rdsel <= '1 ';

flash_wrn <= wrn_delayed2; -- use cktpad for clk24

C1: CKTPAD port map(

P => clk24, -- clk24 input

00 => clkn, -- inverted clock output 01 => clk, -- hidrive clock output 02 => clk_c -- normal clock output );

-- Use d'Morgan:

-- rdsel = (not(psen)) or (not(rdn_delayed2)) not(psen and rdn_delayed2) -- ram_rdn = not(rdsel and ram_rdsel)

-- ram_rdn = not[not(psen and rdn_delayed2) and rdn_delayed2) -- ram_rdn = (psen and rdn_delayed2) or (not(ram_rdsel))


An intelligent sensor controller using Profibus

-- make delayed 'short' rdn/wrn

process (elk, reset)

process (elk, reset, wrn, wrn_delayed1) begin

if (reset='1 ') or ((wrn = '1 ') and (wrn_delayed1='O'))then wrn_delayed11 <= '1 ';


process (clkn, reset, wrn, wrn_delayed1) begin rdn_delayed1 <= '1 ';


process (clkn, reset, fasLrdn) begin

if (reset='1 ') or (fasUdn='1 ') then rdn_delayed2 <= '1 ';



An intelligent sensor controller using Profibus

rdsel <= (psen and rdn_delayed2); -- active high rdsel!

-- pads for rdn signals

81: OUTORPAD port map(

A 1 => ram_rdsel, -- inverted input A2 => rdsel, -- normal input P => ram_rdn -- output );

82: OUTORPAD port map(

A 1 => spc4_rdsel, A2 => rdsel,

if (offseCaddr = ouUeg_offset) then if (glue_cs='1 ') then

ouUeg <= djn(3 downto 0);

end if;

end if;

end if;

end if;

outn <= not(ouCreg); -- active low outputs!

end process;

--- GPI

gpUrq_mask_cs <= '1' when ((glue_cs = '1 ') and (offseCaddr = gpUrq_mask_offset)) else '0';


An intelligent sensor controller using Profibus


-- gpUrq_mask process (wrn, reset) begin

if (reset = '1 ') then -- all interrupts disabled

gpUrq_mask_reg <='00000000'; --Sr, SO, Cr, Br, Ar, Cp, [Bp, (Sd2)], [Ap/(SdllSfull}], 1=enable else

if rising_edge(wrn} then if (gpUrq_mask_cs = '1 ') then

gpUrq_mask_reg <= d_in;

end if;

end if;

end if;

end process;

-- synchronise gpi with clk process (clk)

-- delay sgpi (metastability!) process (elk)

if ((glue_cs = '1 ') and (offsecaddr = irq_reg_offset» then if (wrn_delayed11 = 'O') then

if (d_in(O) = 'O'} then gpUrq <= '0';

end if;


if ( (sgpi(7 downto O) and gpUrq_mask_reg}1=

(dsgpi(7 downto O) and gpUrq_mask_reg} } then gpUrq <= '1';

end if;

end if;

end if;

end if;

An intelligent sensor controller using Profibus

-- hi/1o bound indication process (clk, reset)

if ((glue_cs='1 ') and (offseLaddr=irCL-reg_offset)) then if (wm_delayed11 ='0') then

if (d_in(1) ='0')then sp_hi <='0';end if;

if ((glue_cs='1 ') and (offseLaddr=irq_reg_offset)) then if (wrn_delayed11='0') then

if (d_in(3)='0') then sp_zero <= '0'; end if;