• No results found

4. Results

4.3 Robustness checks

branding for national as well as international organizations, which might indicate that the no former donor group mostly relies on the CBF brand when performing the act of giving.

Overall, the personally known category with high percentages for the no donor and regular donor appears to be of major importance to all groups which indicates that personal ties or familiarity, not meaning individuals from the inner circle, are most important to donors.

The reason why non-regular donors are scoring lesser on certain options may indicate that these people, who are giving incidentally, do not go too deeply into the considerations for donating and seem not to display certain need for bounding with an ngo.

individuals could respond negatively, which may represent a bias for the treatment questions as people tend to give positive answers.

An unforeseen bias is how people regard financial information. When financial people look at the treatments and the way in how this research was set up, the researchers being financials themselves, consider the neutral treatment and the negative treatment not as a very positive performance. Upon studying the four treatment groups to detect which type of treatment was able to collect most donations or/and highest amounts from individuals, the upper columns representing the dependent variable TotalAmountNewDonations in table 8 reveals that the no donor and non-regular donor groups tend to give as much to treatment groups 2 and 3 as to the other ‘better’ treatment group 1 and the no treatment group 4.

Although we added explanatory text to the treatments with the graphs, an explanation to this ‘flaw’ in judgement from respondents could derive from not paying enough attention by going too fast through the survey or just not understanding the graph or what was written.

This was also addressed by McNemar and Quinn (1946, p. 318) who investigated opinions and attitudes and addressed the fact that the researcher and the user of the survey must mean the same thing to arrive at reliable data.

We would also not single out the fact that, regardless the circumstance (treatment or no treatment), individuals indicated to give small amounts to perform a good act by

contributing to charity, which holds no consequences in real life by missing cash from their budget. After all, we need to keep in mind that our research still concerns an experiment where individuals are asked to perform imagined behaviour and essentially are not really performing the act.

5 Conclusion

In our survey we found no statistical evidence that different types of donor value project performance differently. Going through the collected sample data and upon studying the initial four treatment groups that generated donations, we found interesting results for giving behaviour of no donors and non-regular donors which we addressed in the former paragraph.

From this table 8 we can also find, for further research, an indication on how regular donors respond to the treatment groups 1, 2 and 3 while they appear to be favouring group 4 (no treatment) while the t-test from table 6 showed no significance between the no treatment group (presented by group 4) and treatment group (presented by groups 1, 2 and 3).

Overall, charity organizations are reluctant to be transparent about failures. Part of their reluctancy might be that giving is based upon trust and that trust is embedded in the

charities’ culture. On the other hand, more control could attribute to better control of the financial risks involved in projects. Although not always the largest group of stakeholders, private donors are entitled to know how successful a charity organization is in performing the projects they are spending their budget on.

Our research mainly contributed to analysing the behaviour of regular donors. While the sample for this group was largely enough, we found no statistical evidence that regular donors adjusted their donations to the type of treatment. The outcome from this research informs us about the ties that regular donors have with charity organizations and the trust they display when asked for a contribution.

What we also learnt from this survey and what is confirmed by literature, is that donors respond to new information. While being an experiment, our survey elicited donations from different type of donors and no (former) donors, meaning that charity organizations can be creative in their pursuit of generating donations from future donors.

While not only the larger charity organizations in the Netherlands are benefitting from lotteries like the Nationale Postcode Loterij and Vriendenloterij, other charities in need of funds should warmly welcome the initial smaller donations they receive from young

individuals and should gradually trying to engage into a relationship where the focus is not on collecting fund because they lack income, but e.g. attributing time or ideas.

This research is limited to The Netherlands. Due to cultural differences, the research may not be applicable to other countries but gives us insight in the giving behaviour of individuals and may invite charities to be a little more open about the risks they are

undertaking. As private donors show their trust by donating their resources, charities could mirror the trust by showing more transparency on the performance of projects.


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6 Appendices

Appendix 1: Comparison of Dutch Ngo’s by Year of Founding and Income in €