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Which month is it?


Academic year: 2021

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Which month is it?

The year has 12 months. Each month has something unique to it.

Read the text below and fi nd out which month we are looking for.

Many couples decide to get married during this month - it is also known as the „merry month“.

This month kicks off the new year.

In many places „Halloween“ is celebrated during the last few days of this month.

This month is in summer and has 31 days.

It is also when children have their summer holidays.

This month sees winter pass and spring begin.

We celebrate Christmas and the last day of the year during this month.

It is the ninth month of the year and welcomes the beginning of autumn.

Many people play practical jokes on each other on the fi rst day of this month.

This month is also known for its variable weather.

This month is between October and December.

It is often a dark, cloudy and foggy month.

Summer starts during this month which also includes the longest day of the year.

Many people go on their summer holidays during this month.

This month is often the coldest of the entire year.

It has 28 days and every fourth year 29 days.

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