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University of Groningen Grasping light Lok, Renske


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Grasping light

Lok, Renske



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Lok, R. (2021). Grasping light: Mental and physiological responses to illumination. University of Groningen.



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The goal of this thesis was to study effects of light on various subjective and

physiological processes in humans. This resulted in multiple experiments, in

which effects of light on human alertness, thermoregulation, sleep and physical

performance were studied. In Chapter 2, a literature review concerning alerting

effects of light during the night- and daytime was presented, while in Chapter 3,

an experiment assessing if light could induce alertness during the daytime in a

dose-dependent manner was described. Since many factors influence alertness,

the relationship between alertness and melatonin production was studied in

Chapter 4. In Chapter 5, the relative contribution of wake duration (process S) and

circadian variation (process C) to alerting effects of light was assessed. Additionally,

the effects of light, sleep-wake duration, and circadian variation were studied on

human thermoregulation (Chapter 6) and sleep (Chapter 7). Since time of day

played such an important role in this thesis, its effect on physical performance

was assessed in Chapter 8.

Light increases alertness independent of time awake.

In Chapters 2,3,4 and 5, it is emphasized that subjective and objective parameters

of alertness show distinctive patterns in alerting effects of light. In addition to

studies described in this thesis, others have emphasized such differences as well


. Although performance is defined differently than alertness (Chapter

2), many studies use mental performance (determined as reaction time) as an

objective measure of alertness. Chapters 3, 4 and especially 5 indicate clearly

that performance is a different concept then subjective alertness, and that both are

affected differently by wake duration related variation, circadian clock phase, and

light. This is in agreement with literature


. Experiments presented here

indicate that during daytime, subjective alerting effects of light are difficult to


Given the distribution of sleep duration in the population


, not many individuals

sleep for 8 consecutive hours on a regular night. In the Netherlands alone, 3.3

million women and 2.6 million men report impaired sleep quality, which may

lead to elevated levels of sleep pressure and decreased measures of subjective

alertness and mental performance


. The relationship between light and subjective

alertness might be best described by a parabolic function, in which low levels of

sleep pressure (after awakening) create a ceiling in which light cannot induce

significant improvements in alertness (time points 0.5, 2.5 and 4.5, Fig. 1, Chapter

5). As sleep pressure increases, alertness values decrease, away from a possible

ceiling of maximal alertness. This creates room for bright light to induce significant

improvements in alertness (time points 6.5 and 8.5, Fig. 1, Chapter 5). As sleep

pressure increases even more, light might not be strong enough to induce

significant improvements (time points 10.5 and 12.5, Fig. 1, Chapter 5).



Figure 1: eff ects of sleep pressure on subjective alertness and performance in dim (6.5 lux) and bright light (1400 lux) conditions. Data represent mean ± standard error of the mean, with 8 subjects

per group. Black dots indicate data collected in dim light, red dots follow data collected in high intensity light and blue dots represent the diff erence. The dotted line indicates absence of change in subjective sleepiness or performance. White bars indicate fl oor and ceiling eff ects with little room for light induced increases in alertness, while green bars indicate room for alertness increments.

The hypothesis that alerting eff ects of light might be best described by a parabolic

relationship is consistent with results from a recent pilot experiment that we

conducted. In a within-subject design, 6 participants were obliged to postpone

habitual sleep onset by 0, 2, 4, 6 or 8 hours, therewith increasing homeostatic

sleep pressure levels. Two hours after habitual sleep off set, subjective alertness

was tested (by completion of the Karolinska Sleepiness Scale), under dimly lit

conditions. Consecutively, subjects were exposed to 60 minutes of bright light

(polychromatic white light of 2000 lux, as has been used in Chapter 3). Depicted

is the relationship between sleep deprivation, subjective alertness (Karolinska

Sleepiness Scale) and performance (Psychomotor Vigilance Task), expressed

relative to the dim light control condition proceeding bright light exposure (Fig.

2). For this circadian clock phase, a (signifi cant) parabolic curve best describes the

relation between sleep deprivation and subjective alertness, indicating eff ects of

light depending on sleep deprivation level. Alerting eff ects of light are the greatest

after 4 hours of sleep deprivation, when alertness is similarly improved in all

subjects (Fig. 2). 4 hours of sleep deprivation, measured 2 hours after habitual

sleep off set, coincide with alerting eff ects found in the FD design, occurring after

6.5 hours of wakefulness (Fig. 1). 6 hours of sleep deprivation (Fig. 2), coincides with


alerting eff ects of light assessed after 8.5 hours of wakefulness (Fig. 1). Subjective

alertness is poorly induced by bright light when subjects slept more or less than

4-6 hours, confi rming the hypothesis that a ceiling eff ect might be present in

well-rested individuals (0 and 2 hours of sleep deprivation, Fig. 2) and that alertness

decreases beyond light-improvable limits in severely sleep deprived individuals (8

hours of sleep deprivation, Fig. 2).

Objective alertness (or performance) however, is diff erently aff ected by sleep

deprivation. Although there is a similar light induced improvement in performance

as in subjective alertness at lower levels of sleep deprivation (2 hours), light

signifi cantly impairs performance with more sleep deprivation (4-8 hours).

Although this relationship is not fully understood, it could partially be confounded

by an hour of sitting still, which may contribute to a non-vigilant, parasympathetic

active state, which is not present at baseline since participants are just seated.

Apart from this explanation, the data do indicate that performance decrements

precede subjective sleepiness increases, indicating that reduced performance

possibly signals decreased alertness, after which subjective mental awareness of

decreased alertness may follow.

Figure 2: eff ects of light on subjective alertness and performance after diff erent levels of sleep deprivation. Data (collected after 60 minutes of light exposure) represent mean ± standard error of the

mean, with 6 subjects per group. White bars indicate fl oor and ceiling eff ects, while green and red bars indicate alertness increments and decrements respectively. A signifi cant parabolic curve best describes the relationship between sleep deprivation and subjective alertness.

Alerting eff ects of light during the 24-hour day.

To get an impression whether alerting eff ects of light are present during the

(working)day, the interaction between sleep pressure levels, circadian clock time

and light induced improvements in alertness were investigated (Fig. 3, Chapter



5). Signifi cant interactions were found between circadian phase, time since sleep

off set, and light induced change in subjective alertness, predominantly after

DLMO, but not during the projected daily time course (Fig. 3A, Chapter 5). This

suggests that light can only induce daytime alertness at a correct combination

of wake duration related variation and internal clock time. Probably, during the

normal wake interval, wake duration related variation and internal clock time

work together in such a way that bright light cannot provide any further subjective


Objective alertness, on the other hand, is improved at all combinations of

circadian clock phase and sleep pressure levels (Fig. 3B,C, Chapter 5). Since

light induced improvements in performance could not be detected in Chapter

3, diff erent mechanisms might play a role. Probably, bright light decrease initial

sleep inertia, which improves performance rapidly after awakening in Chapter

5. During the remainder of bright light exposure, other mechanisms may induce

better performance. In Chapter 3, bright light exposure commenced 90 minutes

after awakening, which is a time frame when sleep inertia is no longer present.

Moreover, bright light exposure in Chapter 3 lasted for 60 minutes, which possibly

might not suffi ce for other performance inducing mechanisms to occur.

Figure 3: eff ects of light on subjective alertness and performance during the projected daily time course (recap Chapter 5). Light eff ects depending on circadian clock phase and time since sleep off set in

subjective alertness (A), performance on the PVT (B), and GNG (C). Red line indicates the projected time course over a regular day. Signifi cant diff erences between light conditions (p<0.05) are indicated by colored rectangles, in which light induced improvements are represented in green.

Alerting eff ects of light at one time of day may be at the expense of

alertness at another time of day.

Subjective sleepiness simulations indicate that light increases alertness around

two time points (6.5 and 8.5 hours of wakefulness). This may very well go at

the expense of alertness at later times of day (


13 hours of wakefulness; Fig. 4,


Chapter 5). This suggests that bright light exposure may increase homeostatic

sleep pressure levels, measured as an increase in subjective sleepiness. In other

words, bright light can postpone the onset of subjective sleepiness at one time of

day, but this may result in a reduction of alertness at the end of the day.

Figure 4. Subjective sleepiness plotted against time awake (h; Chapter 5). N=8 individuals, with black

and red dots representing data collected under dim and bright light conditions respectively. The dotted line indicates a predicted dose response fi t, with formula

in which Smin and Smax represent the minimum and maximum subjective sleepiness scores respectively,

t time (in minutes), a the half-maximal response constant (I50), and b the slope.

To fully understand how alerting eff ects of light depend on homeostatic sleep

pressure levels, relationships between timing of light exposure and alertness

were quantifi ed by combining results of the sleep deprivation experiment (Fig.

2) and Forced Desynchrony data (Fig. 3, Chapter 5) to Fig. 4. To construct the

vertical axis, data of Fig. 2 is implemented, while the horizontal data depicts

Forced Desynchrony data (Fig. 3 and 4). The area outside the black dotted square



indicates extrapolated data.

Light eff ects on subjective alertness depend strongly on both time of day and time

since sleep off set, with an optimal eff ect of light after sleeping for 3 to 7 hours, and

being awake for 5 to 10 hours (Fig. 5A). Mental performance however, is always

improved by bright light exposure, but particularly after 5 to 8 hours of sleep,

shortly after sleep off set (1 to 4 hours; Fig. 5B).

The experiment described in Chapter 3 was conducted after 8 hours of sleep

duration. Although this experiment assessed alertness at various times of days

(black arrows, Fig. 5), this reconstruction indicates that no subjective alerting

eff ects of light can be achieved at those times of day. The experiment of Chapter 3

also does not describe any eff ects on mental performance, although such eff ects

should be assessed according to Fig. 5. However, in Chapter 3, the Go-NoGo task

was implemented. Since this is a more complex form of mental performance,

it is possible that a heat map generated for this task is diff erent from the one

constructed for the Psychomotor Vigilance Task, which was the only objective

performance test conducted in the sleep deprivation experiment.

Nevertheless, performance improving eff ects of light would have been likely

observed in Chapter 3, considering that these eff ects occur during the projected

daily time course. The lack of such eff ects in Chapter 3 might be the consequence

of the duration of light exposure (as previously discussed) or the type of lighting

(LED (Chapter 3) versus fl uorescent (Chapter 5)). This would off er the intriguing

possibility that alerting eff ects of a white light source may depend on its spectral

tuning. This insight deserves thorough investigation, given its wide application in

work and learning environments.

Figure 5: heat map of light eff ects on subjective alertness and performance. By combining results

of Fig. 2 and Fig. 3, a heat map with change in sleepiness and performance can be constructed. A positive score represent an improvement in alertness/performance, depicted in green. White shaded areas indicate non-signifi cant improvements, while red surfaces represent a decrement in alertness/ performance. The black dotted lines indicate actual collected data, while data outside this rectangle


The relationship between melatonin and alertness.

In Chapter 4, the relationship between (exogenous) melatonin and alertness was

investigated, while in Chapters 3 and 5 a correlational relationship between these

parameters was discussed. Indeed, many other studies already demonstrated

a relationship between melatonin suppression and alertness. Administration of

supra-pharmacological levels of melatonin resulted in a decrease in alertness, as

has also been shown by others


. In Chapter 5, high intensity light exposure

lead to significant melatonin suppression whether studied as a function of time

since sleep offset or internal clock phase. Although both processes displayed

different patterns in subjective alertness and melatonin, it was noteworthy that

at internal clock times when usually melatonin production occurs, subjective

sleepiness was lower in high intensity light compared to dim light exposure.

Taken together, the studies presented in Chapters 3,4 and 5 show a relationship

between melatonin and alertness, in which absence or suppression of melatonin

production is associated with increased (subjective) alertness, while presence of

the nocturnal hormone induces sleepiness.

Light effects on non-image forming responses depend on the

spectral composition of the light.

Studies described in this thesis indicate that general implications of light exposure

to induce (subjective) alertness are relatively limited. It is possible that light

sources employed during these experiments contributed to this conclusion.

In all experiments, a polychromatic white light source, (either from a LED or TL

light source) was used, which is known to activate all classes of photoreceptors.

However, pupillary light responses suggests that some of the photoreceptors

(S- and M-cones) inhibit the pupillary control system when selectively activated,

whereas L-cones and melanopsin response exert an excitatory role


. This

may also account for other systems, indicating that opponent signals between

photoreceptors may influence processes such as alertness. Broadband white light

exposure might therefore be less efficient in provoking alerting effects of light in

comparison to monochromatic light.

Another study indicated that 1 second alternating duty cycles of light elicit stronger

circadian responses as compared to continuous light. These types of paradigms

particularly induce strong cone responses


, which possibly also contribute

to alerting effects of light. Due to bi-stability of melanopsin, it may even be more

efficient to use intermittent long and short wavelength stimulation to optimally

activate the NIF-system


. For these reasons, we cannot exclude the possibility

that specific color combinations and monochromatic temporal exposure profiles

influence subjective alertness and performance to a larger extent than constant,

long exposure duration, polychromatic white light as used in the studies presented




The relationship between alertness and thermoregulation.

Human thermoregulation has been studied throughout this thesis, either as a

possible indicator of alertness (Chapter 3) or to assess its alertness influencing

potency (Chapter 4). Multiple studies have suggested correlations between

human thermoregulation and alertness, especially between alertness and distal

skin temperature (T


) and the distal-proximal gradient (T




. In Chapter 3,

light effects on human thermoregulation could not be detected, which coincided

with the lack of alerting effects of light. Exogenous melatonin administration in

Chapter 4 resulted in increased T


and T


, which coincides with decreased

alertness. Although exact mechanisms still remain unknown, there seems to be a

relationship between thermoregulation and alertness. Possibly, thermoregulation

parameters correlate here with alertness because they both depend on internal

clock time.

Thermoregulatory changes have also been detected without changes in alertness,

indicating that thermoregulatory can vary without affecting alertness (Chapters

4 and 6). Moreover, these light effects on thermoregulation are relatively quick,

suggesting that such effects are independent of the SCN, and may even be direct.

How these pathways exactly work, remains to be elucidated.

The classical view of the thermoregulatory system is that heat production occurs

in the core, and this is reflected in proximal skin temperature (T


; such as

subclavicularly or navel temperature) measurements. T


on the other hand

(measured at the hands or feet), reflects heat dissipation, and therefore shows

an opposite pattern. While bright light exposure decreases almost all T


parameters, T


measures are less consistent (Chapter 6). Although T





both increase during bright light exposure, T


indicates a strong

light induced decrease, mimicking T


Possibly, light effects on these areas of

the body are more controlled by arterial blood temperature. As expected, with

varying internal clock time, all T


parameters do cycle in phase with CBT, while

all parameters of T


cycle in anti-phase.

Light effects on human sleep.

Previous experiments have indicated effects of daytime light exposure and

subsequent sleep


. Therefore, human sleep measurements were included

in our Forced desynchrony experiment (Chapter 7). Results indicated that light

exposure alters both sleep architecture and sleep quality, as bright light exposure

resulted in more deep sleep (more time spend in NREM sleep) and increased the

depth of deep sleep (higher NREM power density). These effects were particularly

observed when the circadian system promotes wakefulness. Likewise, a subjective

measure of sleep quality indicated higher sleep quality after bright light exposure

at those circadian clock phases. Since light effects on subjective and objective


measures of sleep occurred particularly during the circadian wake phase, these

effects might be more sleep pressure (as opposed to circadian regulated) driven.

However, effects of light exposure on sleep intensity and time in deep sleep were

also found during the circadian sleep maintenance zone (when the circadian

system promotes sleep), but only when an additional sleep opportunity (longer

than 5 hours) was offered. This suggests that deep sleep inducing effects of light

occur especially in the latter part of sleep (which is possibly the consequence

of NREM-REM balance), and that a sleep opportunity should therefore be long

enough for light effects on sleep to occur.

Increased intensity and amounts of NREM sleep can both indicate more efficient

sleep pressure dissipation (sleep pressure decreases quicker and therefore sleep

is more intense) or an increase in sleep pressure (since this is known to induce

increased intensity and amounts of subsequent NREM sleep). Subjective alertness

scores seem to indicate that homeostatic sleep pressure levels increase during

bright light exposure (Fig. 4, Chapter 5), at least suggesting that the increase in

NREM sleep might be the consequence of elevated levels of homeostatic sleep

pressure. To identify whether light induces higher sleep efficacy of increased

sleep pressure, light effects should be studied when circadian clock phase

remains unaltered by light exposure and spontaneous sleep on- and offset

times are monitored. Moreover, such effects should be assessed in participants

with varying sleep quality (as opposed to subjects that only report good sleep

quality). If successful, bright light exposure may offer an healthy alternative for

the pharmaceutical treatment of reduced sleep quality and its wide range of

associated health problems.

Physical performance depends on time of day.

In Chapter 8, effects of time of day on physical performance were assessed.

Analyses of 1722 finish times of Olympic swim races, indicates that even Olympic

athletes are affected by time of day. Worst performance was assessed in the

early morning, while best performance was determined in the late afternoon.

Time of day effects on physical performance were strong: the time-of-day effect

is large, and exceeds the time difference between gold and silver medal in 40%,

silver and bronze medal in 64%, and bronze or no medal in 61% of the finals.

To optimize physical performance during an important race or game, individuals

need to align their circadian rhythms (internal clock time) with the timing of a race

or game (external clock time). An athlete’s circadian clock can be shifted such that

if a race is scheduled in the early morning (external clock time), the body (internal

clock time) can behave as if the race were in the late afternoon. This adjustment

is called “phase advancing.” Minimization of evening light, and maximization of

morning light exposure will cause a shift of circadian rhythms (and the sleep-wake

cycle) earlier. Alternatively, if the race occurs in the late evening, the individual



may choose to phase delay their circadian rhythms and sleep by opposite rules,

minimizing morning light exposure and maximizing evening light exposure.

Therefore, by adjusting internal clock time to match a different external clock time

than is normal for you, you can optimize your physical performance for critical

events, like a morning race. Plan to begin shifting the light pattern days ahead of

the event to reach a stable, optimized performance level, and meet the challenge

to the best of your ability.

Time of day matters.

One of the important themes throughout this thesis is time of day. In Chapters 2

and 3, the differences between daytime and nighttime alerting effects of light are

discussed, Chapters 5, 6, and 7 indicate differences in sleep pressure levels and

internal clock phase depending on time of day for a multitude of parameters, and

Chapter 8 discusses the importance of time of day for physical performance. It

can therefore be concluded that time of day and internal clock time are extremely

important for feelings of alertness, thermoregulation, mental- and physical

performance. Alerting effects of light depend on the timing of light exposure, while

mental performance can be improved throughout the day. Physical performance

is worst during the early morning, probably due to low levels in CBT. Such time of

day effects are so strong that they can even influence who will end first or second

in 37% of the races. Moreover, timing of light exposure can alter thermoregulatory

parameters, possibly influencing both physical performance and (subjective)

alertness. Since time of day has such extensive effects on a multitude of

physiological and mental parameters, it should always be taken into account when

planning or conducting experiments, regardless of the field of science.

Light effects after different exposure durations.

Light effects on various measures have been studied. However, the duration of

light exposure after which significant effects on parameters were determined,

varied both within and between parameters. Effects of light have been detected

relatively quickly after 60 minutes (Fig. 2), but also after longer exposure duration



60 minutes, Fig. 1, Chapter 5). Performance increments on both the Psychomotor

Vigilance Task and Go-NoGo task occurred after merely 30 minutes of light

exposure, and light effects on mental performance occurred in a similar time span

(Fig. 1, Chapter 5). Thermoregulation was affected by bright light exposure within

30 or 60 minutes of light exposure, depending on type of (skin temperature)

parameter and light intensity (Chapter 4, 2000 lux and Chapter 6, 1500 lux).

Since effects of light on various parameters occur after different exposure

durations, this suggests that there might be different mechanisms involved in

these processes. Some effects, especially those occurring after longer amounts

of time, may be SCN dependent, although some studies indicate alerting effects


of light to be quick and transient


. Based on findings of this thesis, effects of

light on mental performance and electroencephalography may arise from other

connections compared to subjective alertness. Similar conclusions account for

light effects on thermoregulation. Such effects might even be direct, through

possible functional photoreceptors in the skin



Forced desynchrony in bright light; a novel tool to study non-image

forming responses.

Human Forced Desynchrony designs have only been conducted under dim light

conditions (


10 lux), since light is known to entrain the SCN, and free-running

of the internal rhythm is imperative to obtain multiple combinations of internal

clock time and sleep pressure levels. Here, we show for the first time, that with

correctly, fast timed sleep-wake (dark-light) cycles, a (short) forced desynchrony

design under high intensity light can be performed, since there we measured

uniform phase progression of cortisol concentrations, indicating a stable free

running rhythm of the SCN (Chapter 5, Fig. 2, Fig. S5). FD designs can therefore be

used to study the interaction between light and the sleep-wake cycle and circadian

contributions on various physiological and behavioral parameters. Our high light

intensity forced desynchrony protocol is therefore a useful tool to investigate

other light effects on non-image forming responses.

However, in high intensity lighting, it is likely that only short FD designs can be

conducted, since bright light does elongate the internal period (measured in

melatonin rhythms). In a short FD design, these effects are relatively modest

(a couple of minutes per light cycle), but in longer FD designs, tau elongations

will most likely become more significant with every progressing light cycle. This

may prevent the occurrence of multiple combinations of internal clock time and

homeostatic sleep pressure levels. Such elongations will also complicate the

comparison between dim and bright light conditions, since internal clock phases

will differ between both light conditions. This should be taken into account when

using an FD design to investigate other non-image forming responses of light. This

could be considered a limitation to bright light FD designs, since longer sleep-wake

period FD designs offer more combinations of sleep pressure levels and internal

clock time combinations.

An overview.

Throughout the chapters in this thesis, relationships between time of day, light,

alertness, mental and physical performance, sleep, thermoregulation, wake

duration related effects and circadian control were studied. Combining findings

discovered by others and data generated by experiments presented in this thesis,

the following relationships between light and these parameters are suggested.

Black arrows indicate determined relationships, while red arrows indicate effects

that require further investigation (Fig. 6 and 7).



Light eff ects on alertness, physical performance and sleep.

With progressing time awake, subjective alertness decreases signifi cantly (Fig.

6). Eff ects of elapsed time awake on performance have been demonstrated in

literature, but this could not be replicated in this thesis. With progressing time

awake, light signifi cantly increases subjective alertness and performance. Direct

eff ects of light on both parameters have also been established. Possibly, light

also alters physical performance through wake duration related processes.

Internal clock time both stimulates and suppresses melatonin production,

subjective alertness, mental and physical performance and sleep quality. Bright

light exposure dampens internal clock amplitude, therewith infl uencing eff ects of

the circadian clock on both melatonin and subjective alertness, but not mental

performance and sleep quality. Although eff ects of internal clock time on physical

performance have been shown in this thesis, it is yet to be determined if and

how light could alter sport performance. Light signifi cantly improves subjective

and objective sleep quality, particularly when the circadian clock is promoting

wakefulness (Fig. 6).

Figure 6: Relationship between light, alertness, sleep pressure and melatonin. Dotted arrows

indicate relationships that remain to be elucidated, while black arrows indicate established relationships (thesis or elsewhere). To depict circadian infl uence, light eff ects on internal clock time are depicted in red, while dim light eff ects are represented in black.


Light eff ects on thermoregulation

Clear eff ects of melatonin on core body temperature (T


), but also skin

temperature (T


, T


, T


and T


) have been assessed. However,

light counteracts these eff ects of melatonin, even independent of melatonin

suppression (Fig. 7). Light decreases T


an T


through wake duration related

variation, while it increases T


and T


. The circadian clock both increases

and decreases skin temperature parameters, but light always dampens internal

clock phase, therewith minimizing thermoregulatory fl uctuations measured in



, T


, T


and T



Figure 7. Relationship between light, melatonin and thermoregulation. Dotted arrows indicate

relationships that remain to be elucidated, while black arrows indicate established relationships (this thesis or elsewhere). For optimal clarity of light induces thermoregulatory eff ects, the relationship between Core Body Temperature and skin temperature is not depicted. To depict circadian infl uence, light eff ects on internal clock time are depicted in red, while dim light eff ects are represented in black. The box in the lower right indicates a small simplifi cation of the schematic.


In conclusion, bright light exposure might be useful during the working day,

particularly tBo improve mental performance, while the increase in performance

might not be perceived as such given the minor eff ects on subjective alertness.



Light exposure in the evening should be minimized, as this suppresses melatonin

production and reduces heat loss, while the presence of melatonin and increased

heat loss facilitate sleep onset. Bright light exposure during the light phase might

be beneficial for objective and subjective subsequent sleep quality, but may also

result in higher amounts of sleep pressure. Physical performance is influenced by

time of day, and optimal performance is reached in the late afternoon.


In the current 24 hour society, it is important to function at optimal capacity at

all times of day. Light exposure during the evening can increase alertness and

performance, which has been shown in multiple studies


. However, since

humans are primarily active during daytime, it is important to determine alerting

effects of light during this time of day as well. Multiple studies have investigated

effects of polychromatic white light during daytime and found positive, mixed and

negative results (Chapter 2). A systematic experiment, in which effects of different

intensities of light on alertness were studied during various times of day, was

lacking. In Chapter 3, a dose-response curve for alerting effects of light during the

day was determined, in addition to the already existing dose-response curve for

alerting effects of light during nighttime existed


. However, the dose-response

curve was flat: no significant effects of daytime light exposure on alertness could

be found, which significantly differed from reported effects during the night.

There are many differences between night and day, such as (1) baseline alertness

scores (with higher levels reported during daytime) and (2) absence of the

nocturnal hormone melatonin in the blood circulation. The goal of Chapter 4 was

to investigate which factors would significantly contribute to alerting effects of

light. Therefore, it was examined whether alertness levels during daytime would

reach ceiling values which would cause the absence of alerting effects of light. This

was done by administration of exogenous melatonin at a time of day during which

there was no endogenous production (Chapter 4). Results indicated that indeed,

administration of exogenous melatonin resulted in decreased subjective alertness,

suggesting that there is a relationship between melatonin and alertness. Moreover,

such effects coincided with a decrease in temperature measured underneath the

tongue, while skin temperature measured at distal regions significantly increased.

Although alertness scores were significantly worse after melatonin administration,

additional light exposure did not improve alertness. A ceiling effect may therefore

not fully explain differences in alerting effects between night and day. Bright

light administration did reverse thermoregulatory effects of melatonin ingestion,

indicating that there might be effects of light on thermoregulation independent of

alertness inducing effects.


To further explore factors influencing alerting effects of light, these effects were

studied in a forced desynchrony (FD) design. The principle of a FD design is that the

endogenous circadian oscillations are dissociated from the imposed light-dark and

sleep-wake oscillation by altering the sleep-wake cycle period. As a result, effects

of sleep-wake related variation and circadian processes can be mathematically

disentangled. Results indicated clear differences between subjective and objective

measures of alertness. Alerting effects of light on subjective measures of alertness

depended both on progressing time awake and internal clock time, while objective

parameters (performance and EEG activity) were better throughout the normal

light phase, independent of time awake and internal clock time. This indicates that

(1) light alters subjective and objective alertness differently, and therefore (2) that

subjective and objective parameters might reflect different aspects of alertness.

Since it was noted in Chapter 4 that light can affect thermoregulation, such effects

were also studied in the FD design. In Chapter 6, it was confirmed that light has

effects on human thermoregulation, with significant dampening of the amplitude

of Core Body Temperature (CBT) and skin temperature parameters. Moreover,

CBT and proximal skin temperature cycled in phase, while distal skin temperature,

resembling heat dissipation to the environment, followed opposite patterns.

Effects of light on thermoregulation were independent of effects of melatonin

suppression and these effects were relatively quick, indicating that light has a

direct effect on human thermoregulation, possibly even independent of the SCN.

Previously conducted studies indicated light effects on sleep quality


. To

quantify relative sleep-wake related variation and circadian factors on these

effects, light effects on sleep were also studied during the FD protocol (Chapter 7).

Results indicated that artificial bright light exposure increases NREM sleep power

and time in deep sleep. These effects were maximal during the circadian wake

maintenance zone. Subjective sleep quality variation showed similar patterns,

with increased sleep quality reported following bright light exposure when the

internal system promoted wakefulness. In a 3 hours recovery sleep opportunity

however, prior light increased the amount of deep sleep. This suggests that

when the circadian system promotes sleep, light may improve sleep quality too.

However, these effects only occur when the sleep opportunity is sufficiently long.

Lastly, time of day effects were studied on physical performance (Chapter 8). To

this end, swim times of professional athletes competing in the Olympic games of

Athens, Beijing, London and Rio de Janeiro were collected. Performance outcomes

indicated significantly worsened performance in the early morning, compared

to the late afternoon. Possibly, thermoregulation significantly moderates such

effects, since CBT is high in the evening and low during morning. Regardless

underlying mechanisms, time of day can have detrimental sport consequences;

race schedules can contribute to winning silver or gold, since time of day effects



are bigger than the difference between gold and silver medal in 40%, silver and

bronze medal in 64%, and bronze or no medal in 61% of the finals. Race timing

should therefore be taken into account when scheduling sports competitions,

instead of peak broadcast times.

Advice for the general public

• Light effects on human subjective alertness are relatively modest during

daytime. However, if one is slightly sleep deprived, bright light exposure

might induce subjective alertness.

• If someone is more severely sleep deprived, alternative ways of decreasing

sleep pressure should be employed (such as a nap). This will result in a

decrease of sleep pressure levels, to levels that allow alertness inducing

effects of light.

• Light effects on human mental performance are relatively profound.

Although bright light may not induce feelings of alertness, one will perform


• Light can affect human thermoregulation. Sleep onset is associated with a

quick decrease in Core Body Temperature. If one wants to facilitate sleep

onset, endogenous melatonin production and the natural drop in CBT should

be facilitated. Hence, one should minimize light exposure in the evening.

• Oral melatonin usage can induce subjective feelings of sleepiness and

decrease Core Body Temperature. Both factors may facilitate shorter sleep

onset latency. However, salivary melatonin levels increase tremendously

after ingesting exogenous melatonin; one should not take 5 mg of oral

melatonin, since this induces melatonin levels 500 times higher than levels

assessed after endogenous production.

• Time of day affects physical performance, with better results in the early

evening as compared to the morning. If one has an important sports

competition and needs to perform well, try to schedule this to occur in the

early evening. If this is not possible, one may choose to shift the internal

body clock in such a way that the game occurs in the early evening according

to internal time of the athlete.



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CHAPTER 5 Bright light increases alertness and not cortisol: a forced desynchrony study under dim and bright light (I). Submitted to Journal of

To gain further insight into underlying mechanisms of alerting effects of light, first the underlying relationship between melatonin, thermoregulation and light

Parameters of alertness were divided into the following categories: subjective indicators (self-reported alertness, as assessed with the KSS or VAS), performance indicators,

When correcting for multiple testing using the Bonferroni correction, none of the fi tted curves constructed for 10% fastest and 10% slowest reaction times, overall average

As alerting effects of light after exogenous melatonin administration have been determined in the evening, dissimilarities in alerting effects of light between night and

in the morning in Beijing, whereas held in the evening in Athens and London), we compared swim times between all four Olympics venues in a linear model (R-studio, version

In meerder studies zijn effecten van (wit) licht op alertheid overdag onderzocht, maar de resultaten zijn niet in overeenstemming met elkaar, aangezien er negatieve, positieve,

One hour of bright light exposure during the day does not increase subjective alertness or mental performance in well rested individuals ( Chapter 3). Prolonged intervals (6 hours)