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L A TEX Class for The Israel Journal of Mathematics ∗


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L A TEX Class for The Israel Journal of Mathematics

Boris Veytsman 2013/06/23, v1.7


This package provides a class for typesetting articles for The Israel Jour- nal of Mathematics


1 Introduction 3

2 User’s Guide 3

2.1 Installation . . . . 3

2.2 Invocation . . . . 4

2.3 Top Matter . . . . 5

2.3.1 Commands for Authors . . . . 5

2.3.2 Commands for Editors . . . . 7

2.4 Theorems, Lemmas, etc. . . . 8

2.5 Bibliography . . . . 10

2.6 Illustrations . . . . 10

3 Implementation 11 3.1 Identification . . . . 11

3.2 Options . . . . 11

3.3 Loading Class and Packages . . . . 12

3.4 Fonts . . . . 12

3.5 Page Dimensions and Paragraphing . . . . 12

3.6 Headers . . . . 14

3.7 Top Matter Macros . . . . 14

3.8 Typesetting Top Matter . . . . 16

3.9 Table of Contents . . . . 19

3.10 Captions . . . . 20

2007, The Hebrew University Magnes Press c

borisv@lk.net, boris@varphi.com


3.11 Sectioning . . . . 21

3.12 Theorem Styles . . . . 22

3.13 Bibliography . . . . 24

3.14 End of Class . . . . 24

4 Acknowledgements 25


1 Introduction

The Israel Journal of Mathematics is published by The Hebrew University Magnes Press. This class provides L A TEX support for its authors and editors. It strives to achieve the distinct “look and feel” of the journal, while having the interface similar to the one of the amsart document class [1]. This will help the authors already familiar with amsart to easily submit manuscripts for The Israel Journal of Mathematics or to put the preprints in http://www.arxiv.org with minimal changes in the L A TEX source.

This goal determined the implementation approach. We load the amsart class and redefine some of its internals on the fly. There are some additional commands added to support the features specific to the journal, but we aimed to keep their number minimal.

An author well acquainted with AMSL A TEX should find this package easy to use and configurable. The User Manual below illustrates the basic use of the class and discusses the differences with amsart. For an in-depth tutorial of AMSL A TEX I could recommend the excellent book [2].

2 User’s Guide

2.1 Installation

The installation of the class follows the usual practice [3] for L A TEX packages:

1. Run latex on ijmart.ins. This will produce the file ijmart.cls.

2. Put the files ijmart.cls and ijmart.bst to the places where L A TEX and BibTEX can find them (see [3] or the documentation for your TEX system).

3. Update the database of file names. Again, see [3] or the documentation for your TEX system for the system-specific details.

4. The file ijmart.pdf provides the documentation for the package (this is the file you are probably reading now).

As an alternative to items 2 and 3 you can just put the files in the working directory where your .tex file is.

The class uses some other L A TEX classes or packages. Most probably, they are already installed on your system. If not (or if their versions are very old), you need to download and install them. Here is the list:

1. amsart class and related packages [1], 2. ifpdf package [4],

3. fancyhdr package [5],

4. lastpage package [6].


2.2 Invocation

To use the class, put in the preamble of your document


The class internally loads amsart, so all facilities of amsart [2, 7] can be used in the source.

Most of the options are just passed to amsart (see [2, 7] for their description).


french The class ijmart adds one new option french. If it is chosen, some words in the top matter will be typeset in French. Note that this option does not change the names of the table of contents and references. An author should also include a call, for example, to the Babel package [8], which takes care of these and other details of international typesetting.

If the author indeed chooses babel, then the option french is passed to the package. Therefore the following works:


\usepackage{babel} % the french option is passed to the package

Please note that babel scans the global options first, but the main language of the document must be the last one. Therefore if the paper is written in French, but uses English quotations, the proper way to call babel is the following:



By default babel redefines French captions for figures and tables to use Fig.

and Tab. correspondingly. If this is not acceptable, the authors should add to the preamble after the call to babel the following:




The options draft and final work in the same way as for amsart and standard options

draft final

L A TEX. If the option draft is chosen, the overfull lines are marked by black boxes on the margins and the \includegraphics prints blank placeholders for the images. The option final (default) switches off the marking of overfull lines and restores the behavior of \includegraphics. To switch on just the overfull marks, without changing the behavior of \includegraphics, one can either explicitly pass the option final to graphics package:




or add in the beginning of the document


The size-changing options of amsart class (8pt, 9pt, . . . , 12pt) have no effect options

8pt 9pt 10pt 11pt 12pt

other than producing a warning in the log since the journal is designed for only one type size (roughly corresponding to 10pt of amsart).

The journal uses a special paper size. If you process the manuscript with pdflatex to produce PDF output, the paper dimensions will be automatically set up by the class. However, if you use latex and dvips, you need to tell dvips what paper size to choose. One way to do this is to add to the dvips options the following:

-T 5.964in,8.844in -O -0in,0.1in

2.3 Top Matter

Top matter contains the information about the paper: authors, title, affiliations, etc. The interface for ijmart top matter is very close to the one used by amsart. We added a couple of commands to deal with the information specific to the The Israel Journal of Mathematics and changed the behavior of several other commands to suit the style of the journal. These changes are documented below.

There are two kinds of top matter commands: the ones used primarily for authors and the ones used primarily for editors. We describe them separately.

2.3.1 Commands for Authors

The command \title, as in amsart class, has two arguments: one optional, and


one mandatory:


The mandatory argument is the full title of the article. The optional argument, if present, defines the shorter version of the title for running heads. If the optional argument is absent, the full title is used instead. Note that the titles are typeset in upper case, but you do not need to input them in capital letters: the class does the conversion automatically.

The optional argument should be used in two cases: when the full title is too long to fit in the running head, and when the author wants to add a footnote or linebreaks to the title. Unlike amsart, ijmart allows the command \thanks inside \title and \author commands. However, the footnote belongs to the title typeset in the top matter, not to the running head version. The optional argument in this case helps, as in the following example:

\title[Some properties of $\sigma$-algebras]{%

Some properties of $\sigma$-algebras\thanks{%

The work was supported by grant from NSF No.~123456789-MMMM}}


The line breaks in the title, if neccessary, are introduced by the command

\linebreak in the second (mandatory) argument of \title:

\title[Title with line breaks]{Title \linebreak with line breaks}

The interface for specifying the authors and their affiliations is close the the






one of amsart [9] (and different from the standard L A TEX). For each author a separate command \author should be used, followed by \address and (optionally)

\curraddr, \email and \urladdr. The lines in the address should be divided by

\\. Like the newer versions of amsart, ijmart does not require the doubling of the @ symbols in the e-mail addresses. The macro \author has two arguments, similarly to \title:


The optional argument defines the shorter form of the author’s name to be included in the running head. Similarly to \title, the command \author allows the use of

\thanks. Again, to show that the footnote does not belong to the running head, the optional argument is used.

In some cases the authors list may be too long for the running head, even


if the abbreviated forms are used for each author. In this case it is possible to change the running head by a redefinition of the command \shortauthors. This redefinition must be done after all \author commands, but before \maketitle:

\renewcommand{\shortauthors}{A.~Smith et al}

As discussed above, the behavior of the \thanks command in ijmart is different


from the one in amsart. This command is allowed within the scope of the top matter commands. If it is used in the scope of the main argument of the commands

\author and \title, the optional argument should be used to correctly typeset the running heads.

Sometimes it is necessary to have a \thanks footnote referring to more than one author. In this case the usual L A TEX command \footnotemark[hnumberi]

can help:

\author{A.~Uthor\thanks{The first and the third author were supported by NSA grant~123456789}

\author{W.~Riter\thanks{The second author was supported by NSF grant~987654321}


\address{Noname University\\ Nowhere, RI\\ USA}

\email{author@nowhere.edu, writer@nowhere.edu and correspondent@nowhere.edu}

The command \title might have no more than one \thanks command in its


\end{abstract}. Note that to change the abstract name to R´ esum´ e, the authors should use Babel. Similarly to amsart class, abstract must precede \maketitle.

The macro \maketitle typesets the top matter. All top matter information


should be specified before this command.

The authors are encouraged to include \tableofcontents for long papers.


By default only the sections are included in the table. If the authors wish to have a more detailed table of contents, they could change the counter tocdepth, for example:

\setcounter{tocdepth}{1} % The default: only sections are included

\setcounter{tocdepth}{2} % Sections and subsections

\setcounter{tocdepth}{3} % Sections, subsections and subsubsections ...

If tocdepth is greater than the default value of 1, the formatting of the table of contents changes: the section entries then are typeset bold.

2.3.2 Commands for Editors

The commands described in this section should be used by the editors to insert the information about the published paper. They must be put before the \maketitle command.

The command \issueinfo has the same format as in the amsart document



\issueinfo{hvolumei}{hnumber i}{hmonthi}{hyear i}

Note that at present the class uses only the first and the last arguments of this command (volume and year) for the actual typesetting. However, we keep the original format of this command, first, for compatibility reasons, and second, to facilitate a possible automatic processing of journal issues in the future.

Example of this command:


The command \pagespan has two arguments, setting the first and the last


page numbers of the article. If the last argument is empty, the last page number is calculated automatically. If the first argument is negative, the page numbering is done in Roman numerals, for example, for editorial materials. Here are examples of this command:

\pagespan{5}{15} % Explicit page span

\pagespan{5}{} % The last page is calculated automatically

\pagespan{-5}{} % Page numbers are Roman numerals v, vi, ...

\pagespan{-5}{xx} % Page numbers are Roman numerals v, vi, ..., xx


The command \date is used to put the editorial information about the


manuscript, usually the date when the manuscript was received. For example:

\date{Received March 12, 2006 and in revised form December 6, 2006.}

The command \doiinfo is used to specify the DOI number of the article, for




2.4 Theorems, Lemmas, etc.

The class amsart defines three theorem styles: plain, remark and definition.

They are redefined by ijmart to conform to the style of The Israel Jorunal of Mathematics. Otherwise the usage of the theorem-like environments is the same as for amsart. Note that The Israel Journal of Mathematics usually recommends definition style for remarks, while remark style is used for steps, facts, cases, etc.

The environment proof has the same syntax and meaning as for amsart pack-


age. According to the journal style, the QED symbol in proofs is not flushed left, like in amsart, but is typeset at the last line of the proof at some distance from the text. If a proof ends by a nested environment, this might lead to an ugly position of the QED symbol. The command \qedhere inside a proof can be used to improve the situaiton 1 . It causes the immediate typesetting of the QED symbol and deletes the QED symbol at the end of the current proof. For example


This proof ends by an enumerated list:


\item Item

\item Item \qedhere



Compare this to the similar code without \qedhere.

The command \qedhere should be used if a proof ends by a math display:


This proof ends by a displayed math:


a = b\\

c = d\qedhere




The exception is the multline environment, where the special version \mqedhere


should be used:


This proof ends with a multline:


a = b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i +\\

j + k + l + m + n + o + p + q +\\

r + s + t + u + v + w + x + y + z\mqedhere



Sometimes authors use non-standard names for their theorem-like propositions.


namedprop* The documentation [10] recommends the use of \newtheorem*:

\newtheorem*{KL}{Klein’s Lemma}

However, if the number of such special environments is large enough, this might be too cumbersome. The package prognameijmart provides two environments, namedprop and namedprop* to define such these propositions on the fly.

The environment namedprop is used for numbered named propositions (ad- mittedly such propositions are less frequent than unnumbered ones). It has the following syntax:


. . .


where style is the style of the proposition (plain, remark, etc.), nmubered-as is the name of (already defined) theorem-like environment, that shares the numbering with this proposition, name is the name to use instead of “Theorem”, “Lemma”, and note is the note after the heading. For example,

\begin{namedprop}{plain}{thm}{Klein’s Lemma}[as restated in~\cite{a-l}]



The nevironment \namedprop* is used for unnumbered named propositions:


. . .


For example,

\begin{namedprop*}{plain}{Klein’s Lemma}[as restated in~\cite{a-l}]




It is actually defined in amsart too, but is not documented in the user’s documentation there.


2.5 Bibliography

The sample paper in the distribution shows the journal style for the list of refer- ences. For those authors who wish to use BibTEX, the style ijmart.bst is included in the distribution. It should be noted that the journal style requires full journal titles in references. Following MathSciNet (http://www.ams.org/mathscinet/

conventions, the style correctly processes article entries with both journal and fjournal fields, for example

@article {MR2663320,

AUTHOR = {Farkas, J. Z. and Green, D. M. and Hinow, P.},

TITLE = {Semigroup analysis of structured parasite populations}, JOURNAL = {Math. Model. Nat. Phenom.},

FJOURNAL = {Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena}, VOLUME = {5},

YEAR = {2010}, NUMBER = {3},

PAGES = {94--114}, ISSN = {0973-5348},

MRCLASS = {92D25 (35B35 35Q92 47D06 47N60)}, MRNUMBER = {2663320},

DOI = {10.1051/mmnp/20105307},

URL = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/mmnp/20105307}, }

If an entry has only the journal field, it is used for the journal title. However, if the entry has also the fjournal field, the style assumes that this field contains the full (unabbreviated) title, and uses it for formatting bibliography.

2.6 Illustrations

The authors can use the graphics, graphicx, PSTricks, pgf/tikz, Metapost or other tools to include illustrations (see [11] for a comprehensive discussion of L A TEX graphics possibilities).

Note that the journal uses dvips for internal processing. If the authors submit

their illustrations in the PNG, JPEG of PDF formats, they are converted to the

EPS format by the technical editors. Sometimes this conversion may lead to the

loss of quality and resolution. Therefore the authors are advised to submit the

illustrations in the EPS format.


3 Implementation

3.1 Identification

We start with the declaration who we are. Most .dtx files put driver code in a separate driver file .drv. We roll this code into the main file, and use the pseudo-guard <gobble> for it.

1 hclassi\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}

2 h∗gobblei

3 \ProvidesFile{ijmart.dtx}

4 h/gobblei

5 hclassi\ProvidesClass{ijmart}

6 [2013/06/23 v1.7 Typesetting articles for The Israel Journal of Mathematics]

\@classname We also store the current class name in \@classname:

7 hclassi\def\@classname{ijmart}%

And the driver code:

8 h∗gobblei

9 \documentclass{ltxdoc}

10 \usepackage{array}

11 \usepackage{url,amsfonts}

12 \usepackage[breaklinks,colorlinks,linkcolor=black,citecolor=black,

13 pagecolor=black,urlcolor=black,hyperindex=false]{hyperref}

14 \PageIndex

15 \CodelineIndex

16 \RecordChanges

17 \EnableCrossrefs

18 \begin{document}

19 \DocInput{ijmart.dtx}

20 \end{document}

21 h/gobblei

22 h∗classi

3.2 Options

\ifijm@french First, the language option. We do not know whether the author chooses to use babel, so we define it in the way, which is compatible with babel, but works without it too.

23 \newif\ifijm@french

24 \ijm@frenchfalse

25 \DeclareOption{french}{\ijm@frenchtrue}

The size-changing options produce a warning:

26 \long\def\ijm@size@warning#1{%

27 \ClassWarning{\@classname}{Size-changing option #1 will not be

28 honored}}%

29 \DeclareOption{8pt}{\ijm@size@warning{\CurrentOption}}%


30 \DeclareOption{9pt}{\ijm@size@warning{\CurrentOption}}%

31 \DeclareOption{10pt}{\ijm@size@warning{\CurrentOption}}%

32 \DeclareOption{11pt}{\ijm@size@warning{\CurrentOption}}%

33 \DeclareOption{12pt}{\ijm@size@warning{\CurrentOption}}%

All other options are passed to amsart:

34 \DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{amsart}}

Now we read the configuration file

35 \InputIfFileExists{ijmart.cfg}{%

36 \ClassInfo{ijmart}{%

37 Loading configuration file ijmart.cfg}}{%

38 \ClassInfo{ijmart}{%

39 Configuration file ijmart.cfg is not found}}

And process the options:

40 \ProcessOptions\relax

3.3 Loading Class and Packages

We start with the base class

41 \PassOptionsToClass{10pt}{amsart}

42 \LoadClass{amsart}

A bunch of packages:

43 \RequirePackage{ifpdf, fancyhdr, lastpage}

3.4 Fonts

The amsart class defines several options for different font sizes (10pt, 11pt, etc).

We have just one design size for the articles corresponding to the 10pt option of amsart, but with larger \baselineskip.

\@typesizes The font information in amsart is stored in \@typesizes macro. It has 11 type- sizes: 5 below and 5 above \normalsize .

44 \def\@typesizes{%

45 \or{5}{7}\or{6}{8}\or{7}{9}\or{8}{11.2}\or{9}{12.6}%

46 \or{10}{14}% normalsize

47 \or{\@xipt}{15}\or{\@xiipt}{16.8}\or{\@xivpt}{19.8}%

48 \or{\@xviipt}{23.3}\or{\@xxpt}{28}}%

49 \normalsize \linespacing=\baselineskip

3.5 Page Dimensions and Paragraphing



The journal has rather narrow pages:

50 \setlength{\paperheight}{636.77bp}

51 \setlength{\paperwidth}{429.41bp}






If we deal with pdftex, we can use this information more creatively. This was inspired by memoir [12].

52 \ifpdf\relax

53 \pdfpageheight=\paperheight

54 \pdfpagewidth=\paperwidth

55 \pdfvorigin=0.9in

56 \pdfhorigin=1in

57 \fi

\headheight We leave generous header space:

58 \setlength{\headheight}{32pt}

\footskip The footer is slightly larger than in amsart

59 \setlength{\footskip}{42pt}%

\topmargin The top margin is 50 bp:

60 \setlength\topmargin{50bp}

61 \addtolength\topmargin{-0.9in}

62 \addtolength\topmargin{-\topskip}

63 \addtolength\topmargin{-\headsep}

64 \@settopoint\topmargin

\textheight This code is similar to the one in [13]. \textheight is the height of the text includ- ing footnotes, but excluding running head and foot. We start with \paperheight and subtract margins, running heads and foots:

65 \setlength\@tempdima{\paperheight}

66 \addtolength\@tempdima{-\topmargin}

67 \addtolength\@tempdima{-26bp} % Bottom margin

68 \addtolength\@tempdima{-\headheight}

69 \addtolength\@tempdima{-\headsep}

70 \addtolength\@tempdima{-\footskip}

71 \addtolength\@tempdima{-1in}

We want this length to contain an integer number of lines:

72 \divide\@tempdima\baselineskip

73 \@tempcnta=\@tempdima

74 \setlength\textheight{\@tempcnta\baselineskip}

Now we take care of the first line height:

75 \addtolength\textheight{\topskip}



The margins on even and odd pages are 43 bp:

76 \setlength\evensidemargin{43bp}

77 \addtolength{\evensidemargin}{-1in}

78 \setlength\oddsidemargin{43bp}

79 \addtolength{\oddsidemargin}{-1in}

\textwidth The way to set up the right margin is slightly different:

80 \setlength\textwidth{\paperwidth}


81 \addtolength{\textwidth}{-1in}

82 \addtolength\textwidth{-\evensidemargin}

83 \addtolength\textwidth{-43bp} % right margin

84 \@settopoint\textwidth

\parindent The paragraph indentation is 1em:

85 \setlength\parindent{1em}

3.6 Headers



We do not want decorative rules in the journal:

86 \renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt}

87 \renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{0pt}

It is easy to set up headers with fancyhdr:

88 \pagestyle{fancy}

89 \fancyhead[LO]{\footnotesize Vol.~\currentvolume, \currentyear}

90 \fancyhead[CO]{\footnotesize\shorttitle}

91 \fancyhead[RO]{\footnotesize\thepage}

92 \fancyhead[LE]{\footnotesize\thepage}

93 \fancyhead[CE]{\footnotesize\shortauthors}

94 \fancyhead[RE]{\footnotesize Isr. J. Math.}

95 \fancyfoot{}

The first page has the special headers. The style firstpage is invoked by amsart; here we just redefine it.

96 \fancypagestyle{firstpage}{%

97 \fancyhf{}%

98 \chead{\tiny%

99 ISRAEL JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS \textbf{\currentvolume}

100 (\currentyear),

101 \start@page--\end@page\\[0.5ex]

102 DOI: \@doiinfo}%

103 \cfoot{\thepage}}%

3.7 Top Matter Macros

Most top matter macros are defined in amsart. Here we just add some new macros and redefine some.

\author The macro \author provided by amsart is almost what we need. “Almost” because we want to add author’s name(s) to the address list to typeset them together.

Another note: amsart stores the list of all authors in the macro \authors. We need it now only to check whether the list is empty

104 \renewcommand{\author}[2][]{%

105 \ifx\@empty\authors

106 \gdef\authors{#2}%


109 \g@addto@macro\authors{\and#2}%

110 \g@addto@macro\addresses{\and\author{#2}}%

111 \fi

112 \def\@tempa{#1}%

113 \ifx\@tempa\@empty\relax

114 \ifx\@empty\shortauthors

115 \gdef\shortauthors{#2}%

116 \else

117 \g@addto@macro\shortauthors{\and#2}%

118 \fi

119 \else

120 \ifx\@empty\shortauthors

121 \gdef\shortauthors{#1}%

122 \else

123 \g@addto@macro\shortauthors{\and#1}%

124 \fi

125 \fi

126 }%

abstract The following code is mostly from [1] with the changes due to our style. The comments are mostly from the same source.

In AMS-derived document classes, the abstract should be placed before \maketitle (otherwise the desired ordering of frontmatter elements cannot be ensured in all cases).

127 \newbox\abstractbox

We start by checking whether \maketitle has already been used (in which case it was reset to \relax); if so, we give a warning that the abstract should be placed before \maketitle.

128 \renewenvironment{abstract}{%

129 \ifx\maketitle\relax

130 \ClassWarning{\@classname}{Abstract should precede

131 \protect\maketitle\space in AMS-derived document classes; reported}%

132 \fi

133 \global\setbox\abstractbox=\vtop \bgroup

134 \vglue 10pt plus 6pt minus 6pt%

135 \normalfont\tiny

136 \centering\MakeUppercase{\abstractname}\par%

137 \Small

138 \list{}{\labelwidth\z@

139 \leftmargin3pc \rightmargin\leftmargin

140 \listparindent\normalparindent \itemindent\z@

141 \parsep\z@ \@plus\p@

In order to get equation numbers indented with the rest of the abstract, we have to do this:

142 \let\fullwidthdisplay\relax

143 }%

144 \item[]%

145 }{%


146 \vspace*{-10pt}

147 \endlist\egroup

If the abstract was supposed to be typeset earlier, then \@setabstract is now equal to \relax, and we had better drop the contents of the abstract box onto the page immediately, to salvage the situation as best we can.

148 \ifx\@setabstract\relax \@setabstracta \fi

149 }%

\pagespan This macro is different from the one provided by amsart because we want to have the option of automatic calculation of the last page number.

150 \def\pagespan#1#2{\pagenumbering{arabic}\setcounter{page}{#1}%

151 \def\start@page{#1}%

152 \ifnum\c@page<\z@ \pagenumbering{roman}\setcounter{page}{-#1}%

153 \def\start@page{\romannumeral#1}%

154 \fi%

155 \def\@tempa{#2}%

156 \ifx\@tempa\@empty\def\end@page{\pageref{LastPage}}%

157 \else\def\end@page{#2}\fi}

158 \pagespan{1}{}

\doiinfo This is the doi number of the article:

159 \def\doiinfo#1{\gdef\@doiinfo{#1}}

160 \doiinfo{10.1007/s000000000000000000000000}

\thanks The macro \thanks is redefined in amsart. Here is the adapted original definition from the L A TEX kernel. Note that the footnotes on the title page are typeset in

\small size, rather than in \footnotesize.

161 \def\thanks#1{\footnotemark

162 \protected@xdef\thankses{\thankses

163 \protect\footnotetext[\the\c@footnote]{\small#1}}%

164 }

165 \let\@thanks\@empty

3.8 Typesetting Top Matter

\@maketitle@hook The \@maketitle@hook is called by \maketitle in amsart. We use it to a number of redefinitions.

166 \def\@maketitle@hook{%

At this point we collected all authors in \shortauthors, so we can uppercase it:

167 \uppercasenonmath\shortauthors

The footnote numbering on the title page is rather interesting. It is ∗, then

∗∗, then †, then ††, etc.

168 \renewcommand\thefootnote{\ifcase\c@footnote\relax

169 \or\@fnsymbol{1}%

170 \or\@fnsymbol{1}\@fnsymbol{1}%


172 \or\@fnsymbol{2}\@fnsymbol{2}%

173 \or\@fnsymbol{3}%

174 \or\@fnsymbol{3}\@fnsymbol{3}%

175 \or\@fnsymbol{4}%

176 \or\@fnsymbol{4}\@fnsymbol{4}%

177 \or\@fnsymbol{5}%

178 \or\@fnsymbol{5}\@fnsymbol{5}%

179 \or\@fnsymbol{6}%

180 \or\@fnsymbol{6}\@fnsymbol{6}%

181 \fi}%

182 \def\@makefnmark{\@textsuperscript{\normalfont\@thefnmark}}%

183 \long\def\@makefntext##1{\noindent\hangindent=2em\hangafter=1

184 \hb@xt@2em{%

185 \hss\@textsuperscript{\normalfont\footnotesize\@thefnmark\space}}##1}%

186 \def\footnoterule{\kern-3pt\hrule width 2in\kern 2.6pt}

187 \setcounter{footnote}{0}%

188 }%

\@adminfootnotes amsart typesets the footnotes before typesetting the authors and title. Since we form the footnotes later, we must delay this till the end of the top matter:

189 \def\@adminfootnotes{}%

\andify In the US the common style for lists is “Tom, Dick, and Harry”. It is hard-coded into amsart. However, our journal style is “Tom, Dick and Harry” (is it the British usage?). Therefore we need to redefine the function \andify:

190 \renewcommand{\andify}{%

191 \nxandlist{\unskip, }{\unskip{} \@@and~}{\unskip{} \@@and~}}

\@@and Normally the macro \@@and is expanded just to ’and’. However, if french option is selected, we want the french version:

192 \def\@@and{AND}

193 \ifijm@french\def\@@and{ET}\fi

\@@by Same with \@@by:

194 \def\@@by{BY}

195 \ifijm@french\def\@@by{PAR}\fi




The keywords for the specific parts of the address (e-mail, current address, etc.) depend on the language chosen.

196 \def\curraddrname{Current address:}%

197 \def\emailaddrname{e-mail:}%

198 \def\urladdrname{URL:}%

199 \ifijm@french

200 \def\curraddrname{Adresse actuelle:}%

201 \def\emailaddrname{courriel:}%

202 \fi

\@settitle The title is set in large font uppercase. There is a problem, however: uppercasing

title means uppercasing everything, including thanks! We solve this problem in


the following way: we typeset the title twice, once invisibly in the lowercase, and again in uppercase, but without typesetting the footnote text.

203 \def\@settitle{%

204 \begin{center}%

205 \makebox[0pt]{\hphantom{\@title}}%

206 \def\thanks##1{\addtocounter{footnote}{-1}\footnotemark}%

207 \uppercasenonmath\@title

208 \Large\baselineskip=14pt\lineskiplimit=2pt\lineskip=2pt\@title%

209 \end{center}}%

\@setauthors While we call this macro \@setauthors, in fact it is setting the names and ad- dresses of the authors.

The authors’ block is centered:

210 \def\@setauthors{\vglue 21pt plus 6pt minus 3pt%

211 \begin{center}%

We need to properly treat the current address, e-mail and URL of the authors.

Note that amsart uses an optional first argument to these macros; we silently drop it.

212 \def\curraddr##1##2{\begingroup

213 \@ifnotempty{##2}{\par\curraddrname{}\par

214 ##2\par}\endgroup}%

215 \def\email##1##2{\begingroup

216 \@ifnotempty{##2}{\par\emailaddrname{}~%

217 ##2\par}\endgroup}%

218 \def\urladdr##1##2{\begingroup

219 \@ifnotempty{##2}{\par\urladdrname{}~%

220 ##2\par}\endgroup}%

We print the word “by” only if there is at least one author. I am not sure how it can be that a manuscript has no authors, but has addresses defined. Maybe official editorial?

221 \if\authors\@empty\relax\else{\normalfont\tiny\@@by}\par\medskip The authors are typeset in small caps:

222 \def\author##1{{\normalsize\scshape##1}\par\medskip}

The keyword “and” is typeset like “by” with large skip:

223 \def\and{\par\bigskip{\normalfont\tiny\@@and}\par\medskip}

And everything else is typeset in italics:

224 \small\itshape\addresses

225 \end{center}}%

\@maketitle We typeset footnotes at the end of the top matter typesetting. Note the larger type size for the \@date footnote.

226 \let\@origmaketitle=\@maketitle

227 \def\@maketitle{\@origmaketitle


230 \def\thefootnote{}%

231 \footnotetext{\small\@date}\fi%

232 \gdef\thefootnote{\@arabic\c@footnote}}

\enddoc@text In amsart the macro \enddoc@text typesets addresses at the end of the document.

We do not need it:

233 \def\enddoc@text{}

3.9 Table of Contents

By default we include in the table of contents only sections:

234 \setcounter{tocdepth}{1}

\contentsnamefont The table of contents is typeset smaller than in amsart:

235 \renewcommand\contentsnamefont{\scshape\footnotesize}

\@starttoc We also rewrite \@starttoc to make the type smaller. The comments are again from amsart:

236 \def\@starttoc#1#2{\begingroup

237 \setTrue{#1}%

Remove the skip after the abstract so that we can substitute another.

238 \par\removelastskip\vskip\z@skip

The first two arguments of \@startsection here are special values that cause different internal branches to be taken.

Arguments: {} = name = empty

\@M = no number should be used and no table of contents entry

\z@ = indent amount 12pt + 12pt = vskip before 6pt = vskip after

\centering\contentsnamefont = format

239 \@startsection{}\@M\z@{\linespacing\@plus\linespacing}%

240 {.5\linespacing}{\centering\contentsnamefont}{#2}%

If we have a list of figures or list of tables we want to put them in the main table of contents, but we don’t want to put an entry there for the main table of contents itself. So we check to see if argument 2 is \contentsname and if it is then we refrain from doing \addcontentsline.

241 \ifx\contentsname#2%

242 \else \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{#2}\fi

We want the table of contents to have the same width as the abstract

243 \list{}{\labelwidth\z@

244 \leftmargin2.4pc \rightmargin\leftmargin

245 \listparindent\z@ \itemindent\z@

246 \parsep\z@ \@plus\p@}%

247 \item[]\makeatletter%

248 \small\@input{\jobname.#1}\endlist%


249 \if@filesw

250 \@xp\newwrite\csname tf@#1\endcsname

251 \immediate\@xp\openout\csname tf@#1\endcsname \jobname.#1\relax

252 \fi

253 \global\@nobreakfalse \endgroup

254 \addvspace{32\p@\@plus14\p@}%

255 \let\tableofcontents\relax

256 }%

\@dotsep Separation between the dots for table of contents:

257 \newcommand\@dotsep{4.5}

\@tocline We want dots in the table of contents. . .

258 \def\@tocline#1#2#3#4#5#6#7{\relax

259 \ifnum #1>\c@tocdepth % then omit

260 \else

261 \par \addpenalty\@secpenalty\addvspace{#2}%

262 \begingroup \hyphenpenalty\@M

263 \@ifempty{#4}{%

264 \@tempdima\csname r@tocindent\number#1\endcsname\relax

265 }{%

266 \@tempdima#4\relax

267 }%

268 \parindent\z@ \leftskip#3\relax \advance\leftskip\@tempdima\relax

269 \rightskip\@pnumwidth plus4em \parfillskip-\@pnumwidth

270 #5\leavevmode\hskip-\@tempdima #6\nobreak\relax

271 \leaders\hbox{$\m@th

272 \mkern \@dotsep mu\hbox{.}\mkern \@dotsep

273 mu$}\hfill

274 \hbox to\@pnumwidth{\@tocpagenum{#7}}\par

275 \nobreak

276 \endgroup

277 \fi}%

\l@section The actual formatting of section entries depend whether subsections are included in toc. If yes, the sections are bold.

278 \def\l@section{%

279 \@tocline{1}{0pt}{1pc}{}{%

280 \ifnum\c@tocdepth>1\bfseries\fi}}



These entries are indented.

281 \def\l@subsection{\@tocline{2}{0pt}{2.8pc}{}{}}

282 \def\l@subsubsection{\@tocline{3}{0pt}{4.6pc}{}{}}

3.10 Captions

\@captionheadfont The captions in amsart are in small caps. In this journal they are not:


3.11 Sectioning

\@secnumfont It is possible in amsart to have section numbers in the font different from the title font. We do not want this:

284 \let\@secnumfont\@empty

Now we redefine sections. The arguments of the \@startsection commands are

#1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6


\section Most sections are not centered, unlike amsart ones:

285 \def\section{\@startsection{section}{1}%

286 \z@{20pt plus 4pt minus 4pt}{0.5\linespacing}%

287 {\normalfont\bfseries}}%

\centeredsection However, there are special centered sections, for example, “References”:

288 \def\centeredsection{\@startsection{section}{1}%

289 \z@{20pt plus 4pt minus 4pt}{0.5\linespacing}%

290 {\normalfont\bfseries\centering}}%

\subsection Subsections are in small caps on the line with text.

291 \def\subsection{\@startsection{subsection}{2}%

292 \z@{.5\linespacing\@plus.7\linespacing}{-0.5em}%

293 {\normalfont\scshape}}%

\subsubsection Subsubsection heads are in italics

294 \def\subsubsection{\@startsection{subsubsection}{3}%

295 \z@{.5\linespacing\@plus.7\linespacing}{-0.5em}%

296 {\normalfont\itshape}}%



Paragraphs and subparagraphs are in normal font:

297 \def\paragraph{\@startsection{paragraph}{4}%

298 \z@\z@{-0.5em}%

299 {\normalfont}}%

300 \def\subparagraph{\@startsection{subparagraph}{5}%

301 \z@\z@{-0.5em}%

302 {\normalfont}}%

\if@afterindent The first paragraph after section head is not indented, like in standard L A TEX—

but unlike amsart. The code below is inspired by David Carlisle’s package in- dentfirst [14] (of course David wanted to have the first indent, and we want the opposite):

303 \let\@afterindenttrue\@afterindentfalse

304 \@afterindentfalse


\appendix The standard amsart macro \@tochangmeasure measures the width of the TOC label for the hanging indentation of TOC entries. However, for appendices this label includes the word “Appendix”, which leads to an ugly indent of TOC entries.

Therefore we stop measuring in appendices:

305 \def\appendix{\par\c@section\z@ \c@subsection\z@

306 \let\sectionname\appendixname

307 \def\thesection{\@Alph\c@section}%

308 \def\@tochangmeasure##1{}}

3.12 Theorem Styles

Here we redefine three main style of amsart. Here are the arguments of

\newtheoremstyle from [1]:



#2 #3 #4


#5 #6 #7 #8




In the plain style the name (“theorem”) and number are printed in small caps, the optional note is in upright, and the text is slanted.

309 \newtheoremstyle{plain}{0.5\linespacing}{0.5\linespacing}{\slshape}{0pt}%

310 {\scshape}{:}{0.5em}{\thmname{#1}\thmnumber{ #2}\thmnote{\upshape{} (#3)}}

In the definition style the name, the number is slanted, and the text and the note are upright.

311 \newtheoremstyle{definition}{0.5\linespacing}{0.5\linespacing}%

312 {\upshape}{0pt}%

313 {\slshape}{:}{0.5em}{\thmname{#1}\thmnumber{ #2}\thmnote{\upshape{} (#3)}}

In the remark style the name and the number are in small caps, the note and the text text is upright.

314 \newtheoremstyle{remark}{0.5\linespacing}{0.5\linespacing}%

315 {\upshape}{0pt}%

316 {\scshape}{:}{0.5em}{\thmname{#1}\thmnumber{ #2}\thmnote{\upshape{} (#3)}}

proof We want to have the word “proof” slanted rather than italicized:

317 \renewenvironment{proof}[1][\proofname]{\par

318 \pushQED{\qed}%

319 \normalfont \topsep6\p@\@plus6\p@\relax

320 \trivlist

321 \item[\hskip\labelsep

322 \slshape

323 #1\@addpunct{.}]\ignorespaces

324 }{%


\qed Unlike amsart, we do not want the QED symbol to be flushed right:

327 \DeclareRobustCommand{\qed}{%

328 \leavevmode\unskip\penalty9999 \hbox{}\nobreak

329 \ifmmode

330 \makebox[0pt][l]{\qquad\hbox{\qedsymbol}}%

331 \else

332 \qquad\hbox{\qedsymbol}\fi}%

\mqedhere Normally \qedhere is typeset with zero effective width in math mode to present centering alignment in equations. This presents problems in multline environ- ment, where the last line is flushed right, so \qedhere would be typeset on the margin. The following command switches to text mode:

333 \def\mqedhere{\ensuremath{\text{\qedhere}}}%

\qedsymbol The QED symbol itself is a small closed box:

334 \def\qedsymbol{\rule[0.47pt]{4pt}{6pt}}%

\namedprop This is the unstarred version of the macro. It calls the command and then closes the group opened by \namedprop@

335 \newenvironment{namedprop}{%

336 \namedprop@}{%

337 \end{namedprop@thm}%

338 \egroup}

\namedprop* The starred version is similar:

339 \newenvironment{namedprop*}{%

340 \namedprop@star@}{%

341 \end{namedprop@thm}%

342 \egroup}

\namedprop@star@ The starred version has two mandatory arguments: style and and name, and one optional argument: note.

343 \def\namedprop@star@#1#2{%

344 \@ifnextchar[{\namedprop@star@@{#1}{#2}}{\namedprop@star@@{#1}{#2}[]}}%

\namedprop@star@@ This is the command that does the real work:

345 \def\namedprop@star@@#1#2[#3]{%

346 \bgroup

347 \let\namedprop@thm\relax

348 \theoremstyle{#1}

349 \newtheorem*{namedprop@thm}{#2}

350 \begin{namedprop@thm}[#3]}

\namedprop@ This is the unstarred version of the macro. It has three mandatory arguments:

style, counter and the name, and one optional argument: the note.

351 \def\namedprop@#1#2#3{%

352 \@ifnextchar[{\namedprop@@{#1}{#2}{#3}}{\namedprop@@{#1}{#2}{#3}[]}}%


\namedprop@@ And the real macro:

353 \def\namedprop@@#1#2#3[#4]{%

354 \bgroup

355 \let\namedprop@thm\relax

356 \theoremstyle{#1}

357 \newtheorem{namedprop@thm}[#2]{#3}

358 \begin{namedprop@thm}[#4]}

3.13 Bibliography

\@bibtitlestyle Unlike other section heads, the word “References” in the journal is centered:

359 \renewcommand{\@bibtitlestyle}{%

360 \@xp\centeredsection\@xp*\@xp{\refname}%

361 }%

3.14 End of Class

362 h/classi


4 Acknowledgements

I am grateful to the editorial staff of the Israel Journal of Mathematics for the very careful copy editing of this manuscript and their patient explanations of the requirements of the journal.

The Editors of the Journal and our Magnes colleagues wish to thank Professors Moshe Jarden and Gregory Cherlin for writing the original Journal package when the Journal came into the ownership of Magnes Press (in 1991). We would also like to thank Guy Jarden for his meticulous work, and for keeping the IJM package updated throughout the last 15 years.

As a result of their efforts, the Journal was not only saved from extinction, but it has expanded and is considered a leader in its field. With the recent change in the production procedure to a more global format, we have moved to another program, building on the sturdy basis which they created.


[1] Michael Downes and Barbara Beeton. The amsart, amsproc, and amsbook document classes. American Mathematical Society, August 2004. http://


[2] George Gr¨ aetzer. Math into L A TEX. Birkh¨auser, Boston, third edition, 2000.

[3] UK TEX Users Group. UK list of TEX frequently asked questions. http:

//www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html, 2006.

[4] Heiko Oberdiek. The ifpdf Package, February 2006. http://ctan.tug.org/


[5] Piet van Oostrum. Page Layout in L A TEX, March 2004. http://ctan.tug.


[6] Jeff Goldberg. The lastpage Package, July 1994. http://www.ctan.org/


[7] American Mathematical Society. User’s Guide for the amsmath Package (Ver- sion 2.0), February 2002. http://ctan.tug.org/tex-archive/macros/


[8] Johannes Braams. Babel, a Multilingual Package For Use With L A TEX’s Stan- dard Document Classes, April 2005. http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/


[9] American Mathematical Society. Instructions for Preparation of Pa- pers and Monographs, AMSL A TEX, August 2004. http://www.ctan.org/



[10] American Mathematical Society. Using the amsthm Package, Au- gust 2004. http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/required/


[11] Michel Goossens, Sebastian Rahtz, and Frank Mittelbach. The L A TEX Graph- ics Companion: Illustrating Documents With TEX and PostScript. Addison- Wesley Series on Tools and Techniques for Computer Typesetting. Addison- Wesley, Reading, Ma., 1997.

[12] Peter Wilson. The Memoir Class for Configurable Typesetting, January 2004.


[13] Leslie Lamport, Frank Mittelbach, and Johannes Braams. Standard Document Classes for L A TEX version 2e, 1997. http://ctan.tug.org/


[14] David Carlisle. The indentfirst package, November 1995. http://www.ctan.



Change History


General: First fully functional ver- sion . . . 3 v0.3

\@bibtitlestyle: Redefined to have centered heading . . . 24

\@captionheadfont: Redefined . . 20

\@classname: Introduced macro . 11

\@maketitle: Changed size for date . . . 18

\@maketitle@hook: Changed foot- notes formatting . . . 16

\@typesizes: Redefined amsart de- faults . . . 12 General: Documentation update . . 3 abstract: Changed spacing . . . . 15

\centeredsection: Added macro 21

\footskip: Redefined . . . . 13

\if@afterindent: Deleted first in- dent after the section head . . 21

\pdfhorigin: Changed offsets . . 13

\qed: Redefined amsart default . . 23

\qedsymbol: Redefined amsart de- fault . . . 23 proof: Redefined amsart defaults 22

\thanks: Changed size . . . . 16 v0.4

General: Redefined remark and def- inition styles: the note is now upright. . . . 22

\footskip: Changed . . . . 13

\pdfhorigin: Changed offsets . . 13

\textheight: Changed . . . . 13

\topmargin: Changed offsets . . . 13 v1.0

\@maketitle@hook: Deleted rlap from footnotemark . . . 16 General: Documentation update . . 3


General: Updated documentation for theorems . . . 8

\namedprop: Introduced macro . . 23

\namedprop*: Introduced macro . 23

\namedprop@: Introduced macro . 23

\namedprop@@: Introduced macro 24

\namedprop@star@: Introduced macro . . . 23

\namedprop@star@@: Introduced macro . . . 23 v1.1a

General: Documentation update . . 3 v1.2

\@starttoc: Redefined . . . . 19 General: Added documentation for

table of contents formatting . . . 7

\l@section: Redefined to check whether subsections are present 20

\l@subsubsection: Added indenta- tion . . . 20 v1.3

General: Documented the use of qedhere and mqedhere . . . 3

\l@subsubsection: Changed in- dentation . . . 20

\mqedhere: Introduced the com- mand . . . 23

\qed: Changed math mode branch 23 v1.4

\appendix: Redefined the macro to delete ugly indent in TOC . . . 21 v1.6

General: Documentation updates:

illustrations and bibliography . 3 v1.7

General: Change in a sample file . . 3



Numbers written in italic refer to the page where the corresponding entry is de- scribed; numbers underlined refer to the code line of the definition; numbers in roman refer to the code lines where the entry is used.


\@@and . . . . 191, 192, 223

\@@by . . . . 194, 221

\@Alph . . . 307

\@M . . . 239, 262 \@addpunct . . . 323

\@adminfootnotes . . 189

\@afterindentfalse . . . . 303, 304 \@afterindenttrue . 303 \@arabic . . . 232

\@bibtitlestyle . . . 359

\@captionheadfont . 283 \@classname . . 7, 27, 130 \@date . . . . 229, 231 \@doiinfo . . . . 102, 159 \@dotsep . . . 257, 272 \@empty . . . 105, 113, 114, 120, 156, 165, 221, 229, 284 \@endpefalse . . . 325

\@fnsymbol . . . 169–180 \@ifempty . . . 263

\@ifnextchar . . 344, 352 \@ifnotempty . . . . . . . . 213, 216, 219 \@input . . . 248

\@makefnmark . . . 182

\@makefntext . . . 183

\@maketitle . . . 226

\@maketitle@hook . . 166

\@nobreakfalse . . . . 253

\@origmaketitle 226, 227 \@plus 141, 239, 246, 254, 292, 295, 319 \@pnumwidth . . . 269, 274 \@secnumfont . . . 284

\@secpenalty . . . 261

\@setabstract . . . 148

\@setabstracta . . . . 148

\@setauthors . . . 210

\@startsection . . . . . 239, 285, 288, 291, 294, 297, 300 \@starttoc . . . 236

\@tempa 112, 113, 155, 156 \@tempcnta . . . 73, 74 \@tempdima . . 65–73, 264, 266, 268, 270 \@textsuperscript . . . . 182, 185 \@thanks . . . 165

\@thefnmark . . . 182, 185 \@title . . . 205, 207, 208 \@tochangmeasure . . 308

\@tocline . . . . . 258, 279, 281, 282 \@tocpagenum . . . 274

\@typesizes . . . . 44

\@xiipt . . . . 47

\@xipt . . . . 47

\@xivpt . . . . 47

\@xp . . . 250, 251, 360 \@xviipt . . . . 48

\@xxpt . . . . 48

\\ . . . 101

10pt (option) . . . 5

11pt (option) . . . 5

12pt (option) . . . 5

8pt (option) . . . 5

9pt (option) . . . 5

A \abstract . . . 127

abstract (environ- ment) . . . 6

\abstractbox . . 127, 133 \abstractname . . . 136

\addcontentsline . . 242

\addpenalty . . . 261

\address . . . 6

\addtolength . . . . . 61–63, 66–71, 75, 77, 79, 81–83 \addvspace . . . 254, 261 \advance . . . 268

\and . . . . 109,

110, 117, 123, 223 \andify . . . 190

\appendix . . . 305

\appendixname . . . 306

\author . . . . 6, 104, 222 \authors . . . . . 105, 106, 109, 221 B \baselineskip . . . . . . . . 49, 72, 74, 208 \begin . . . . 18,

204, 211, 350, 358 \begingroup . . . 212,

215, 218, 236, 262 \bfseries . 280, 287, 290 \bgroup . . . 133, 346, 354 \bigskip . . . 223

C \c@footnote 163, 168, 232 \c@page . . . 152

\c@section . . . 305, 307 \c@subsection . . . 305

\c@tocdepth . . . 259, 280 \centeredsection . . . . . 288, 360 \centering 136, 240, 290 \cfoot . . . 103

\chead . . . . 98

\ClassInfo . . . 36, 38 \ClassWarning . . 27, 130 \CodelineIndex . . . . 15

\contentsname . . . 241

\contentsnamefont .

. . . 235, 240


\curraddrname . 196, 213

\CurrentOption . . 29–34

\currentvolume . . 89, 99

\currentyear . . . 89, 100 D

\date . . . 8

\DeclareOption . . . . . . . 25, 29–34

\DeclareRobustCommand . . . . 327

\def . . . . 7, 26, 44, 112, 150, 151, 153, 155–

157, 159, 161, 166, 182, 183, 186, 189, 192–

198, 200, 201, 203, 206, 210, 212, 215, 218, 222, 223, 227, 230, 233, 236, 258, 278, 281–

283, 285, 288, 291, 294, 297, 300, 305, 307, 308, 333, 334, 343, 345, 351, 353

\divide . . . . 72

\DocInput . . . . 19

\documentclass . . . . . 9

\doiinfo . . . 8, 159 draft (option) . . . 4


\egroup . . . 147, 338, 342

\else . 108, 116, 119, 122, 157, 221, 229, 242, 260, 331

\email . . . 6, 215

\emailaddrname 196, 216

\EnableCrossrefs . . 17

\end 20, 209, 225, 337, 341

\end@page . 101, 156, 157

\endcsname 250, 251, 264

\enddoc@text . . . 233

\endgroup . . . . 214, 217, 220, 253, 276

\endlist . . . 147, 248

\endtrivlist . . . 325

\ensuremath . . . 333 environments:

abstract . . . 6 namedprop . . . 9 namedprop* . . . 9

\evensidemargin . 76, 82 F

\fancyfoot . . . . 95

\fancyhead . . . 89–94

\fancyhf . . . . 97

\fancypagestyle . . . 96

\fi . . . 57, 111, 118, 124, 125, 132, 148, 154, 157, 181, 193, 195, 202, 231, 242, 252, 277, 280, 332 final (option) . . . 4

\footnotemark . 161, 206

\footnoterule . . . 186

\footnotesize . . . . . . . 89–94, 185, 235

\footnotetext . 163, 231

\footrulewidth . . . . 86

\footskip . . . 59, 70 french (option) . . . 4

\fullwidthdisplay . 142 G

\g@addto@macro . . . . . 109, 110, 117, 123

\gdef . . . 106, 107, 115, 121, 159, 232

\global . . . . 133, 253 H

\hangafter . . . 183

\hangindent . . . 183

\hb@xt@ . . . 184

\hbox . . . 271, 272, 274, 328, 330, 332

\headheight . . . 58, 68

\headrulewidth . . . . 86

\headsep . . . 63, 69

\hfill . . . 273

\hphantom . . . 205

\hrule . . . 186

\hskip . . . . 270, 321

\hss . . . 185

\hyphenpenalty . . . . 262 I

\if . . . 221

\if@afterindent . . . 303

\if@filesw . . . 249

\ifcase . . . 168

\ifijm@french . . . . . . 23, 193, 195, 199

\ifmmode . . . 329

\ifnum . . . . 152, 259, 280

\ifpdf . . . . 52

\ifx . . . 105, 113, 114, 120, 129, 148, 156, 229, 241

\ignorespaces . . . 323

\ijm@frenchfalse . . 24

\ijm@frenchtrue . . . 25

\ijm@size@warning . . . . 26, 29–33

\immediate . . . 251

\InputIfFileExists . 35

\issueinfo . . . 7

\item . . . 144, 247, 321

\itemindent . . . 140, 245

\itshape . . . 224, 296 J

\jobname . . . 248, 251 K

\kern . . . 186 L

\l@section . . . 278

\l@subsection . . . 281

\l@subsubsection . . 281

\labelsep . . . 321

\labelwidth . . . 138, 243

\Large . . . 208

\leaders . . . 271

\leavevmode . . . 270, 328

\leftmargin . . . 139, 244

\leftskip . . . 268

\let . . . 142, 165, 226, 255, 284, 303, 306, 347, 355

\lineskip . . . 208

\lineskiplimit . . . . 208


\linespacing . . . . . . 49, 239, 240, 286, 289, 292, 295, 309, 311, 314

\list . . . . 138, 243

\listparindent 140, 245

\LoadClass . . . . 42

\long . . . 26, 183 M \m@th . . . 271

\makeatletter . . . 247

\makebox . . . 205, 330 \maketitle . 7, 129, 131 \MakeUppercase . . . . 136

\medskip . . . . . 221–223 \mkern . . . 272

\mqedhere . . . 9, 333 N \namedprop . . . 335

namedprop (environ- ment) . . . 9

\namedprop* . . . 339

namedprop* (environ- ment) . . . 9

\namedprop@ . . . 336, 351 \namedprop@@ . . 352, 353 \namedprop@star@ . . . . . 340, 343 \namedprop@star@@ . . . . 344, 345 \namedprop@thm 347, 355 \NeedsTeXFormat . . . . 1

\newbox . . . 127

\newcommand . . . 257

\newenvironment 335, 339 \newif . . . . 23

\newtheorem . . . 349, 357 \newtheoremstyle . . . . . . 309, 311, 314 \newwrite . . . 250

\nobreak . . 270, 275, 328 \noindent . . . 183

\normalfont . . . . . 135, 182, 185, 221, 223, 283, 287, 290, 293, \normalsize . . . . 49, 222 \number . . . 264

\nxandlist . . . 191

O \oddsidemargin . . . . 76

\openout . . . 251

options: 10pt . . . 5

11pt . . . 5

12pt . . . 5

8pt . . . 5

9pt . . . 5

draft . . . 4

final . . . 4

french . . . 4

\or . . . . 45–48, 169–180 P \p@ . . 141, 246, 254, 319 \PageIndex . . . . 14

\pagenumbering 150, 152 \pageref . . . 156

\pagespan . . . 7, 150 \pagestyle . . . . 88

\paperheight . 50, 53, 65 \paperwidth . . 50, 54, 80 \par . . . 136, 213, 214, 216, 217, 219–223, 238, 261, 274, 305, 317 \paragraph . . . 297

\parfillskip . . . 269

\parindent . . . . 85, 268 \parsep . . . . 141, 246 \PassOptionsToClass . . . . 34, 41 \pdfhorigin . . . . 52

\pdfpageheight . . . . 53

\pdfpagewidth . . . . . 54

\pdfpaperheight . . . 52

\pdfpaperwidth . . . . 52

\pdfvorigin . . . . 52

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\ProcessOptions . . . 40

\proof . . . 317

\proofname . . . 317

\ProvidesClass . . . . . 5

\ProvidesFile . . . . 3

\pushQED . . . 318

Q \qed . . . . 318, 327 \qedhere . . . 8, 333 \qedsymbol 330, 332, 334 \qquad . . . . 330, 332 R \RecordChanges . . . . 16

\refname . . . 360

\relax . . . 40, 52, 113, 129, 142, 148, 168, 221, 251, 255, 258, 264, 266, 268, 270, 319, 347, 355 \removelastskip . . . 238

\renewcommand . . . . . . . . 86, 87, 104, 168, 190, 235, 359 \renewenvironment . . . . 128, 317 \RequirePackage . . . 43

\rightmargin . . 139, 244 \rightskip . . . 269

\romannumeral . . . 153

\rule . . . 334

S \scshape . . . . . 222,

235, 293, 310, 316 \section . . . 285

\sectionname . . . 306

\setbox . . . 133

\setcounter . . . . . 150, 152, 187, 234 \setlength . . . . 50,

51, 58–60, 65, 74, 76, 78, 80, 85 \setTrue . . . 237

\shortauthors 6, 93, 114, 115, 117, 120, 121, 123, 167 \shorttitle . . . . 90

\slshape . . 309, 313, 322


\space . . . . 131, 185

\start@page 101, 151, 153

\subparagraph . . . 297

\subsection . . . 291

\subsubsection . . . . 294

T \tableofcontents 7, 255 \text . . . 333

\textbf . . . . 99

\textheight . . . . 65

\textwidth . . . . 80

\thanks . . . . 6, 161, 206 \thankses . . . . 162, 228 \the . . . 163

\thefootnote . . . . . . . . 168, 230, 232 \theoremstyle . 348, 356 \thepage . . . 91, 92, 103 \thesection . . . 307

\thmname . . 310, 313, 316 \thmnote . . 310, 313, 316 \thmnumber 310, 313, 316 \tiny . . 98, 135, 221, 223 \title . . . 5

\topmargin . . . 60, 66 \topsep . . . 319

\topskip . . . 62, 75 \trivlist . . . 320

U \unskip . . . . 191, 328 \uppercasenonmath . . . . 167, 207 \upshape . . . . . 310,

312, 313, 315, 316 \urladdr . . . 6, 218 \urladdrname . . 196, 219 \usepackage . . . 10–12 V \vglue . . . . 134, 210 \vskip . . . 238

\vspace . . . 146

\vtop . . . 133


\z@ . . 138, 140, 141,

152, 239, 243,

245, 246, 268,

286, 289, 292,

295, 298, 301, 305

\z@skip . . . 238



This is an example document for the achemso document class, intended for sub- missions to the American Chemical Society for publication.. The class is based on the standard L A TEX

Several issues arise when typesetting these particle names in standard L A TEX: for starters the requirement of sub- and super-scripts and the need to use Greek symbols forces us

gives a pattern table whose second column has width ‘width’ as a proportion of the page. The default value for this width

As noted in the introduction, the “ acmart” document class can be used to prepare many different kinds of documentation — a double-blind initial submission of a full-length

All the commands described in this section are to be used inside the preamble since the menu gets created instantly when using \begin{document}.. 2.1 Setting up the

typeseta.bat A Windows XP batch file to typeset all the example texts typeset.sh A bash script to typeset a single text.. typeseta.sh A bash script to typeset all the example

Aaker, D.A. Strategic Market Management. New York: John Wiley &amp; Sons, Inc. Theorie, Technieken en Toepassingen. Houten: Stenfert Kroese. Heading East – The EU’s expansion

Relative number of patent applications in a technological field as related to the total number of patent applications by the firm under consideration (bubble size).. Each bubble has