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Eighteenth-century Gujarat : the dynamics of its political economy, 1750-1800


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Eighteenth-century Gujarat : the dynamics of its political economy,


Nadri, G.A.


Nadri, G. A. (2007, September 6). Eighteenth-century Gujarat : the dynamics of its political economy, 1750-1800. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/1887/12306

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tandil: Indo-Islamic word for the chief of sailors on a ship; the head or commander of a body of men but also a native petty officer of lascar. zamindar: a person who had

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She, however, attributed this to the evolving power equations in western India and financial constraints which circumscribed the Company in its assertion of control over

In many ways, they were able to contain the major political powers such as the Mughal governors, the Maratha military leaders or even the English company, in the exercise of

54 That some intermediaries were instrumental in the employment and management of the large labour force required by the European companies in Surat is analogous to the crucial

A number of prominent Parsi and Bania merchants and shipowners remained under the protection of the Dutch Company in the second half of the eighteenth century.. If