Appendix 1 questionnaire English version
(This is not the web-based lay-out and a translation
is made in Dutch and Norwegian)
Dear respondent,
As part of our commitment to simplify the Human Resource processes, we are keen to receive feedback on how the Performance Management Framework has been used in your part of the business. Your honest feedback and suggested improvements are needed to make this a tool we all experience as useful for the business and ourselves.
By taking 10-15 minutes to complete this questionnaire, you have the opportunity to help us to improve the Framework for next year’s performance cycle.
Click here to go the performance management website to see the Framework.
Karin Stok, a postgraduate at the Faculty of Management and Organization, University of Groningen, the Netherlands is helping us to conduct the questionnaire, and the results will be part of her research work at the University. If you have any questions about the questionnaire or filling in, do not hesitate to contact Karin on +31592364109 or at [email protected]
All of the information provided by you in this questionnaire will remain confidential and your identity will remain completely anonymous. The information will be used only in collective form, which implies that individual responses will not be in any way identifiable.
Completing the questionnaire can be done quickly in 3 easy steps:
1. Simply open the link at the bottom of this e-mail.
2. Answer each of the short questions; and
3. When you have completed the questionnaire push the submit button
To minimize burden for the EPE organization as a whole, this questionnaire has been sent to a focused group of staff comprising Commercial and some 400 staff in Production. I would therefore kindly request you to participate in this research and complete the questionnaire.
I also want to thank you for supporting Karin in her graduation research.
Kind regards, Tor Arnesen,
HR Strategy & Policy Manager Go to the questionnaire: LINK!!!!!!
Employee Questionnaire
Performance Management Framework EPE
The questionnaire contains a series of statements concerning various aspects of the Performance Management Framework. Please note that there are no right or wrong answers to any of these statements. Read the instructions for each section carefully, and answer each question by selecting the answer that best expresses your opinion.
For each question please indicate your answer by ticking the appropriate response box.
1. Gender Female
2. Age < 30 year
31-40 year 41-50 year > 50 year 3. In which country do you work? Netherlands
United Kingdom Norway
4. What’s your nationality? Dutch Norwegian Scottish British
Other, namely 5. How long have you worked for this company? < 5 year
6-10 year 11-15 year 16-20 year > 20 year
6. Which directorate do you currently work for? Production (go to question 7) Commercial (go to question 8) Other, (go to question 8) 7. Which department do you currently work in? UK/Norway X-border
ONEgas Land Mature Central Groningen
Production Services Logistics
8. Which salary group do you have? Letter classified 1-6
9. Are you a supervisor? Yes
Section 1: General information
To what extent do you agree with the following statements?
Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Don’t Agree Disagree Know 10. In my department, the focus lays on realizing individual
11. Competition between employees is not harmful 12. I am dependent on my supervisor to fulfill my tasks 13. I think it is important that my job leaves me enough time for personal or family life
14. Variety and adventure in my work is unimportant to me 15. I feel uneasy with uncertain or unknown situations 16. In my department, the focus lays on consensus and equality
17. In my department, conflicts are solved through negotiation and compromising
In this section questions will be asked about the Performance Management Framework EPE adopted in January 2004:
This questionnaire deals primarily with performance agreements and the management of performance.
Section 2: About Performance Management
Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements:
Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Don’t Agree Disagree Know 18. The EPE Performance Management Framework
is an improvement on what we had before 19. Having a performance agreement is not necessary for me
20. My performance agreement gives me an opportunity to show what I can really do
21. It is clear why I have to use a performance agreement
22. The performance focus in the Performance
Management Framework is too controlling 23. I understand the details of my performance agreement 24. It is difficult to figure out how the Framework works
25. I enjoy working towards the goals set in my
Performance Agreement
26. My performance agreement serves an important purpose 27. My performance agreement clarifies what my supervisor expects of me
28. Things would be better without the Framework
29. My performance agreement helps me to perform more
30. I understand why the Framework is being used
31. My performance agreement created more trust between my supervisor and me
Below are some statements about work performance.
To what extent do you agree these apply to you?
Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Don’t
Agree Disagree Know 32. I am motivated to work hard in this company
33. I am confident in my ability to do my job well
34. I am ambitious and want to succeed in my job 35. I am successful in doing my job
This section examines management of your daily work. Here it is important to establish your experience of supervision and the extent to which you felt in control or involved in the process of setting up your performance agreement. The information will remain confidential. With regard to these issues, please indicate how much you agree with the following statements:
Please indicate how much you agree with the following statements:
Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Don’t Agree Disagree Know My supervisor…
36. Let me know when I am not meeting the targets set in my performance agreement
37. And I have had a discussion that clarified the work related tasks and duties that are expected of me
38. And I have had a discussion that clarified the
behaviors I am expected to demonstrate
39. Gives me recognition when I am doing a good job 40. Has treated me with respect
41. Is available for me when I’m having a work related problem
Please indicate the extent to which you agree with the following statements.
Strongly Agree Disagree Strongly Don’t Agree Disagree Know 42. My supervisor and I discuss my performance frequently
43. These discussions are effective in guiding my performance 44. I feel I have had influence over the outcomes of the
45. I have had adequate involvement in setting my performance agreement
46. The process of setting my performance agreement has been based on accurate information
47. Which factor(s) will motivate you to shape and improve your performance?
Section 3: About your supervisor
- - - - - -
Finally, we are interested in your opinion about the way communication about Performance Management has taken place.
48. To what extent have you used the following as sources to get information re the Performance Management Framework?
Very Frequent Moderate Very Not at
often little all
Performance Management website on EPE intranet
Tools on Performance Management website (guidelines)
LiveLink documents & guidelines
Face-to-face with your supervisor
Face-to-face in team meetings
HR in the Business Advisors
The Link (online EPE Magazine) Colleagues
Other, namely 49. How satisfied were you with these sources of information?
Very Satisfied Not so Not at all Don’t
satisfied satisfied satisfied know
Performance Management website on EPE intranet
Tools on Performance Management website (guidelines) LiveLink documents & guidelines
Face-to-face with your supervisor Face-to-face in team meetings HR in the Business Advisors The Link
50. How do you prefer to get information about performance management in the future? (Please indicate the 3 most preferable for you)
Performance Management website on EPE intranet Tools on Performance Management website (guidelines)
LiveLink documents & guidelines Face-to-face with your supervisor Face-to-face in team meetings HR in the Business Advisors The Link
Other, namely
Section 4: About communication
51. Do you have any suggestions or remarks?
This is the end of the questionnaire
Thank you for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.
Please, press the submit button to send it back
Appendix 2 Factor analyses
Factor Analysis Cultural Items
1,000 ,474
1,000 ,340
1,000 ,571
1,000 ,617
1,000 ,549
1,000 ,130
1,000 ,575
1,000 ,602
focus on individual objectives
competition not harmful dependent on supervisor time for personal life important
uneasy uncertain sit variety and andventure important
focus not on consensus
& equality
conflicts not solved through negotiation
Initial Extraction
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Total Variance Explained
1,417 17,712 17,712 1,417 17,712 17,712 1,342 16,769 16,769
1,253 15,664 33,376 1,253 15,664 33,376 1,276 15,953 32,722
1,187 14,841 48,217 1,187 14,841 48,217 1,240 15,495 48,217
,993 12,412 60,629
,909 11,365 71,995
,836 10,444 82,439
,816 10,202 92,640
,589 7,360 100,000
Component 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Total % of VarianceCumulative % Total % of VarianceCumulative % Total % of VarianceCumulative % Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings Rotation Sums of Squared Loadings
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Component Matrixa
,497 -1,11E-02 -,477
,383 -,374 -,231
,319 ,509 -,458
1,418E-02 ,475 ,625
,129 ,728 -3,78E-02 ,242 ,248 -9,94E-02
,673 -,127 ,326
,627 -,142 ,434
focus on individual objectives
competition not harmful dependent on supervisor time for personal life important
uneasy uncertain sit variety and andventure important
focus not on consensus
& equality
conflicts not solved through negotiation
1 2 3
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
3 components extracted.
Component Transformation Matrix
,814 ,461 ,354
-,182 ,781 -,598
,552 -,422 -,719
Component 1
2 3
1 2 3
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
Rotated Component Matrixa
,143 ,421 ,526
,253 -1,78E-02 ,525
-8,62E-02 ,738 ,138
,270 ,114 -,729
-4,85E-02 ,644 -,362
9,715E-02 ,347 9,445E-03
,751 7,318E-02 7,965E-02
,776 -4,51E-03 -5,64E-03 focus on individual
competition not harmful dependent on supervisor time for personal life important
uneasy uncertain sit variety and adventure important
focus not on consensus
& equality
conflicts not solved through negotiation
1 2 3
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
Rotation converged in 4 iterations.
Factor Analysis Commitment + Understanding
1,000 ,452
1,000 ,621
1,000 ,619
1,000 ,507
1,000 ,603
1,000 ,607
1,000 ,584
1,000 ,549
1,000 ,654
1,000 ,326
1,000 ,614
1,000 ,577
1,000 ,638
1,000 ,569
PM is improvement PA is opportunity use PA is clear
understanding details PA enjoy working to goals PA PA serves important purpose
PA clarifies expectations PA helps perform more effective
understand why Framework used PA creats more trust PA is necessary for me pm focus not too controlling
not difficult to figure Framework out
things would not be better without the framework
Initial Extraction
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Total Variance Explained
6,582 47,015 47,015 6,582 47,015 47,015 4,622 33,014 33,014
1,337 9,553 56,569 1,337 9,553 56,569 3,298 23,554 56,569
,864 6,172 62,741
,809 5,776 68,516
,668 4,769 73,285
,570 4,072 77,357
,530 3,784 81,141
,519 3,711 84,851
,419 2,996 87,847
,400 2,856 90,703
,361 2,581 93,285
,338 2,412 95,697
,315 2,253 97,950
,287 2,050 100,000
Component 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Total % of VarianceCumulative % Total % of VarianceCumulative % Total % of VarianceCumulative % Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared LoadingsRotation Sums of Squared Loadings
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Component Matrixa
,670 6,057E-02
,688 -,383
,783 -6,88E-02
,675 ,228
,732 -,260
,746 -,224
,739 -,191
,654 -,348
,577 ,566
,568 -5,67E-02
,750 -,228
,658 ,380
,594 ,534
,721 ,222
PM is improvement PA is opportunity use PA is clear
understanding details PA enjoy working to goals PA PA serves important purpose
PA clarifies expectations PA helps perform more effective
understand why Framework used PA creats more trust PA is necessary for me pm focus not too controlling
not difficult to figure Framework out
things would not be better without the framework
1 2
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
2 components extracted.
Rotated Component Matrixa
,493 ,457
,779 ,118
,662 ,424
,394 ,593
,738 ,241
,727 ,279
,702 ,301
,730 ,124
,111 ,801
,484 ,302
,733 ,278
,288 ,702
,144 ,786
,435 ,616
PM is improvement PA is opportunity use PA is clear
understanding details PA enjoy working to goals PA PA serves important purpose
PA clarifies expectations PA helps perform more effective
understand why Framework used PA creats more trust PA is necessary for me pm focus not too controlling
not difficult to figure Framework out
things would not be better without the framework
1 2
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
Rotation converged in 3 iterations.
Component Transformation Matrix
,791 ,611
-,611 ,791
Component 1
1 2
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
Factor Analysis Self-efficacy
1,000 ,446
1,000 ,593
1,000 ,434
1,000 ,548
motivated to work hard confident in ability ambitous in job successfull in job
Initial Extraction
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Total Variance Explained
2,021 50,515 50,515 2,021 50,515 50,515
,932 23,309 73,823
,597 14,927 88,750
,450 11,250 100,000
Component 1
2 3 4
Total % of Variance Cumulative % Total % of Variance Cumulative % Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Component Matrixa
,668 ,770 ,659 ,740 motivated to work hard
confident in ability ambitous in job successfull in job
1 Compone
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
1 components extracted.
Rotated Component Matrixa
Only one component was extracted.
The solution cannot be rotated.
Factor Analysis Leadership style
1,000 ,564
1,000 ,634
1,000 ,704
1,000 ,715
1,000 ,702
1,000 ,670
1,000 ,611
1,000 ,547
1,000 ,396
1,000 ,765
1,000 ,757
sv let's know not meeting PA
sv discussion tasks &
sv discussion behavior sv gives recognition sv treats with respect sv is available sv discusses performance freq.
discussions are effective influence outcomes Framework
involvement in setting PA PA based on accurate info
Initial Extraction
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Total Variance Explained
4,433 40,297 40,297 4,433 40,297 40,297 2,684 24,401 24,401
1,495 13,591 53,888 1,495 13,591 53,888 2,314 21,035 45,436
1,138 10,342 64,229 1,138 10,342 64,229 2,067 18,794 64,229
,803 7,296 71,526
,731 6,645 78,171
,585 5,317 83,488
,507 4,611 88,099
,406 3,689 91,788
,364 3,310 95,098
,320 2,913 98,011
,219 1,989 100,000
Component 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Total % of VarianceCumulative % Total % of VarianceCumulative % Total % of VarianceCumulative % Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared LoadingsRotation Sums of Squared Loadings
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Component Matrixa
,652 -,109 -,355
,692 7,581E-02 -,386
,677 ,156 -,470
,577 ,609 ,101
,559 ,460 ,422
,559 ,518 ,298
,745 -8,89E-02 -,219 ,691 -,254 -7,53E-02
,475 -,241 ,335
,675 -,444 ,334
,629 -,523 ,296
sv let's know not meeting PA
sv discussion tasks &
sv discussion behavior sv gives recognition sv treats with respect sv is available sv discusses performance freq.
discussions are effective influence outcomes Framework
involvement in setting PA PA based on accurate info
1 2 3
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
3 components extracted.
Rotated Component Matrixa
,706 ,248 6,480E-02
,755 ,135 ,212
,806 3,132E-02 ,230 ,322 -1,54E-02 ,782
7,549E-02 ,240 ,800
,166 ,137 ,789
,670 ,359 ,184
,528 ,509 9,464E-02
8,157E-02 ,596 ,184
,219 ,838 ,121
,216 ,843 2,284E-02 sv let's know not meeting
sv discussion tasks &
sv discussion behavior sv gives recognition sv treats with respect sv is available sv discusses performance freq.
discussions are effective influence outcomes Framework
involvement in setting PA PA based on accurate info
1 2 3
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
Rotation converged in 6 iterations.
Component Transformation Matrix
,685 ,559 ,467
,000 -,641 ,767
-,728 ,526 ,439
Component 1
2 3
1 2 3
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
Factor Analysis Satisfaction communication channels Communalities
1,000 ,762
1,000 ,837
1,000 ,498
1,000 ,723
1,000 ,761
1,000 ,387
1,000 ,532
1,000 ,654
satisfaction PM website satisfaction tools PM website
satisfaction LiveLink satisfaction F2F supervisor
satisfaction F2F team meeting
satisfaction HR in the business
satisfaction the link satisfaction colleagues
Initial Extraction
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Total Variance Explained
3,681 46,011 46,011 3,681 46,011 46,011 2,743 34,284 34,284
1,472 18,398 64,409 1,472 18,398 64,409 2,410 30,125 64,409
,769 9,612 74,021
,600 7,498 81,520
,527 6,587 88,106
,457 5,715 93,821
,331 4,133 97,954
,164 2,046 100,000
Component 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Total % of VarianceCumulative % Total % of VarianceCumulative % Total % of VarianceCumulative % Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared LoadingsRotation Sums of Squared Loadings
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Component Matrixa
,711 -,506
,741 -,537
,696 -,114
,621 ,581
,656 ,575
,621 2,561E-02
,667 -,294
,704 ,398
satisfaction PM website satisfaction tools PM website
satisfaction LiveLink satisfaction F2F supervisor
satisfaction F2F team meeting
satisfaction HR in the business
satisfaction the link satisfaction colleagues
1 2
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
2 components extracted.
Rotated Component Matrixa
,869 7,895E-02 ,869 7,494E-02
,602 ,367
9,216E-02 ,845
,123 ,864
,455 ,424
,698 ,211
,275 ,760
satisfaction PM website satisfaction tools PM website
satisfaction LiveLink satisfaction F2F supervisor
satisfaction F2F team meeting
satisfaction HR in the business
satisfaction the link satisfaction colleagues
1 2
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
Rotation converged in 3 iterations.
Component Transformation Matrix
,758 ,652
-,652 ,758
Component 1
1 2
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
Factor Analysis used communication Communalities
1,000 ,816
1,000 ,826
1,000 ,643
1,000 ,826
1,000 ,754
1,000 ,472
1,000 ,432
1,000 ,646
used PM website to get info
used tools on PM website used Livelink to get info used F2F supervisor used F2F team meeting used HR in the business used the link
used colleagues
Initial Extraction
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Total Variance Explained
3,946 49,324 49,324 3,946 49,324 49,324 2,737 34,209 34,209
1,470 18,370 67,694 1,470 18,370 67,694 2,679 33,485 67,694
,764 9,549 77,243
,597 7,458 84,701
,458 5,724 90,425
,387 4,840 95,265
,236 2,947 98,212
,143 1,788 100,000
Component 1
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Total % of VarianceCumulative % Total % of VarianceCumulative % Total % of VarianceCumulative % Initial Eigenvalues Extraction Sums of Squared LoadingsRotation Sums of Squared Loadings
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Component Matrixa
,641 ,637
,728 ,545
,801 3,726E-02
,695 -,586
,700 -,514
,676 ,122
,638 ,158
,726 -,345
used PM website to get info
used tools on PM website used Livelink to get info used F2F supervisor used F2F team meeting used HR in the business used the link
used colleagues
1 2
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
2 components extracted.
Rotated Component Matrixa
,903 -7,53E-03
,901 ,119
,599 ,533
8,744E-02 ,905
,141 ,857
,569 ,386
,566 ,333
,279 ,754
used PM website to get info
used tools on PM website used Livelink to get info used F2F supervisor used F2F team meeting used HR in the business used the link
used colleagues
1 2
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
Rotation converged in 3 iterations.
Component Transformation Matrix
,715 ,699
,699 -,715
Component 1
1 2
Extraction Method: Principal Component Analysis.
Rotation Method: Varimax with Kaiser Normalization.
Appendix 3 Reliability of the scale
Scale Cronbach’s alpha (reliability of the
Understanding/Knowledge 0.81
22. The Performance focus in the PM Framework is too controlling
23. I understand the details of my PA
24. It is difficult to figure out how the framework works 28.Tthings would be better without the Framework 30. I understand why the Framework is being used
Commitment 0.89
18. The EPE PM Framework is an improvement on what we had before
19. Having a PA is not necessary for me
20. My PA gives me an opportunity to show what I can really do
21. It is clear why I have to use a PA
25. I enjoy working towards the goals set in my PA 26. My PA serves an important purpose
27. My PA clarifies what my supervisor expects of me 29. My PA helps me to perform more effectively 31. My PA created more trust between my supervisor and me
Result-driven coaching (leadership style) 0.81
36. My supervisor let me know when I am not meeting the targets set in my PA
37. My supervisor and I have had a discussion that clarified the work related tasks and duties that are expected of me
38. My supervisor and I have had a discussion that clarified the behaviors I am expected to demonstrate 42. My supervisor and I discuss my performance frequently
43. These discussions are effective in guiding my performance
People focus of leaders (leadership style) 0.76
39. My supervisor gives me recognition when I am doing a good job
40. My supervisor has treated me with respect
41. My supervisor is available for me when I am having a work related problem
(Feelings of) involvement 0.72
44. I feel I have had influence over the outcomes of the Framework
45. I have had adequate involvement in setting my PA 46. The process of setting my PA has been based on
Self-efficacy/self-rate 0.66
32. I am motivated to work hard in this company 33. I am confident in my ability to do my job well 34. I am ambitious and want to succeed in my job 35. I am successful in doing my job
Used Communication (rich channels) 0.84
48d. Face-to-face with supervisor 48e. Face-to-face in team meetings 48h. Colleagues
Used communication (poor channels) 0.82
48a. PM website on EPE intranet 48b. Tools on PM website
48c. Livelink documents and guidelines 48f. HR in the business advisors 48g. The Link
Satisfaction communication (rich channels) 0.81
49d. Face-to-face with supervisor 49e. Face-to-face in team meetings 49h. Colleagues
Satisfaction communication (poor channels) 0.81
49a. PM website on EPE intranet 49b. Tools on PM website
49c. Livelink documents and guidelines 49f. HR in the business advisors 49g. The Link
Culture: Individualism 0.17
10. In my department, the focus lays on realizing individual objectives
11. Competition between employees is not harmful
Culture: Masculinity 0.44
16. In my department, the focus lays on consensus and equality
17. In my department, conflicts are solved through negotiation and compromising
Appendix 4 Scores differentiated per directorate
Scales Total
Production (n=169) Commercial (n=34) Commitment
Mean SD
2,45 0,58
2,46 0,57
2,40 0,53 Understanding
Mean SD
2,73 0,53
2,73 0,54
2,73 0,46 Self-efficacy
Mean SD
3,32 0,45
3,34 0,44
3,19 0,49 People focus leaders
SD 2,99
0,60 2,97
0,62 2,99
0,56 Result-driven coaching
SD 2,67
0,54 2,66
0,54 2,63
0,52 Involvement
Mean SD
2,70 0,67
2,66 0,71
2,85 0,47 Masculinity
SD 2,40
0,56 2,40
0,55 2,48
0,63 Individualism
SD 2,29
0,59 2,29
0,60 2,40
0,45 (1 = strongly disagree; 2 = disagree; 3 = agree; 4 = strongly agree)
Scales Total
(n=214) Production (n=169) Commercial (n=34) Used communication (rich)*
SD 2,77
1,01 2,74
1,01 2,59
0,98 Used communication
Mean SD
1,78 0,66
1,81 0,67
1,50 0,44 Satisfaction communication
Mean SD
2,86 0,57
2,84 0,59
2,81 0,44 Satisfaction communication
SD 2,38
0,68 2,41
0,67 2,30
* (1 = not at all; 2 = very little; 3 = moderate; 4= frequent; 5 = very often)
** (1 = not at all satisfied; 2 = not so satisfied; 3 = satisfied; 4 = very satisfied)
Appendix 5 Percentages scales communication
Which channels used to get information re PM/PA?
Very often (%)
Frequent (%)
Moderate (%)
Very little (%)
Not at all (%)
PM website 0,5 2,3 16,4 42,7 38,0
Tools on website 0 2,8 19,8 36,8 40,6
LiveLink 3,8 8,0 17,5 30,2 40,6
Supervisor 8,9 23,0 35,2 21,6 11,3
Team meetings 6,1 17,8 28,2 25,4 22,5
HR in the Business 0,5 3,8 10,4 26,4 59,0
The Link (E-
magazine) 0,5 0,5 9,0 34,1 55,9
Colleagues 6,2 22,7 31,3 20,9 19,0
Satisfaction with communication channels
Very Satisfied (%)
Satisfied (%)
Not so satisfied (%)
Not at all satisfied (%)
Don’t know (%)
PM website 0,5 27,6 13,8 4,3 53,8*
Tools on website 0 25,7 11,4 4,8 58,1*
LiveLink 2,4 22,1 13,5 6,7 55,3*
Supervisor 10,9 54,5 13,7 4,3 16,6*
Team meetings 6,7 45,7 14,8 2,4 30,5*
HR in the Business 2,4 12,9 15,3 14,4 55,0*
The Link (E-
magazine) 0,5 11,5 12,0 6,7 69,4*
Colleagues 10,6 47,8 11,1 1,9 28,5*
* Likely, ‘Don’t know’ is chosen when employees didn’t use the channel at all or make very little use of it.
Logically, they then cannot form an opinion about their satisfaction with these channels.
How do you prefer to get information re PM in the future (more answers possible)?
Communication Channels Percentage (%)
PM website 32,2
Tools on website 18,7
LiveLink 10,3
Supervisor 81,8
Team meetings 57,0
HR in the Business 30,4
The Link (E-magazine) 5,1
Colleagues 30,8
Appendix 6 Overview answers open questions
Answers on question 47: which factors will motivate you to shape and improve your performance?
• Compliments, recognition, and so.
Preferably oral, face-to-face, spontaneous and soon after the performance has taken place. By the way, to give someone a good licking when something went wrong is ok, but this must be face-to-face and in a way that not everyone gets to know about it.
• Personal recognition and appreciation by the Group.
• The feeling of being ‘added value’ for something, when this is not the case, I am not motivated and less interested in the duties and tasks.
• To accept each other as we are, it doesn’t were you come from or what you have done in the past.
Respect for each other and know what someone else don’t know.
• Decision-making of supervisors between different disciplines. When these supervisors don’t have a common, shared goal, it will bring a lot of frustration and useless discussions for the people working between the disciplines. The consequence of this may be that the productivity will be lower.
• A pleasant work environment
Supervisors who don not need a performance sheet to fulfil their jobs, but supervisors who know where they are talking about.
The absence of people who are too ambitious.
Leaders who are concerned and involved
• Openness and clarity
Recognition for what you have done
• Clear vision of the future (job related) New challenges
• Get the opportunity to decide by myself how my targets can be achieved.
• Result-driven duties and work Diversity during work
• Rest (peace) in the organization is necessary. Not good to jump from one reorganization in the other without optimizing things first.
• Give me time and space to do my job good, so that I can concentrate on the core business (this is where the Group earns her money with) and don’t spend too much time at matters of secondary importance.
• Get things done and recognition
• Recognition
• Intrinsic motivation
• The possibility to adjust the performance agreement continuous.
• Interest in the individual, not the paper necessity
• Added Value Pleasure in my job Feasibility
• The satisfaction of fulfilling/achieving h things and see the results of it When the group is doing good, I am doing good as well
• A belief in a proper execution of the CBP process.
• Own motivation to deliver as promised and at high quality.
Recognition of my contribution by my colleagues Promotions
• Enterprise first will motivate. Pulling the load together in the same direction seems essential for this project to work. We experience significant internal competition, spurred by IPF and value grabbing for departments or individuals. It seems destructive for the organization. A problem made worse by low aggregate self-esteem for individuals in an organization under pressure to deliver on what many feel to be unachievable goals.
I however, have all the motivation I need from interesting work tasks, good colleagues and common interests, including delivering for Shell. Non of this motivation is rooted in IPF or helped by excessive internal competition across borders, between departments or individuals
• Reward
• A supervisor who understands both personal motivation & the business needs.
An organisation where it is transparent how performance & reward align. Also where continuous good performance results in progression (rather than be fobbed off with the CBD excuse..!)
• Promotion, career progress, financial rewards & recognition, personal motivation and development
• Clear rewarding policy, business/project more value/money driven and not career driven
• Ranking is based on tangible value added targets that have a direct impact on my Directorate and EPE bottom lines rather than adjusting a department to a mathematical function..."the curve"
• Have always given 100% and generally been rewarded for it
• In my case, I motivate myself and set personal goals that I can achieve. This will bring development opportunities.
• Recognition (NB. Not necessarily reward) Clear and consistent targets
Initiative reduction (be able to perform in an area for a reasonable length of time)
• Job satisfaction and development, earning colleagues respect.
• Good Communication Clear Objectives
• Business goals Business objectives
Operational excellence and the gap with current Personal success
• By being allowed using my experience.
• The business case
The inspirational nature of the EPE journey
The clear commitment and support from my superiors The TR, RBI etc supporting framework
• To have a performance agreement which you have any chance of meeting. The problem is quite simple, things are put on your performance agreement because they are part of your responsibility, but in reality you do not work on them at all, because other stuff is put on your desk all the time with a so called higher priority. Nearly every week you set yourself to objective to get one of things on your performance contract done but nearly every Friday you go home without even have opened the file because other things have taken all you time. Since we work in this reactive environment, the performance agreement becomes totally meaningless.
• Early success in projects or targets
• Confidence in the new structure.
Quality leadership and trust us to carry out our job.
• Increased clarity on what is required from the business. This coming from those above my immediate supervisor.
• Praise, reward and career goal setting.
• Knowing that my Performance is rewarded fairly, rather than being balanced throughout the team. i.e. if someone gets more, then someone gets less in my view is unfair, it always turns into a friendship/personality issue.
• More "meaningful" targets.
Targets set for the benefit of the business not just the individual.
• To be given praise, and also positive criticism where necessary, to receive the proper training to enable me to achieve my goals
• Empowerment/reducing nanny rules around the framework. Give people some latitude in applying the framework and use 360 feedback to further improve. Include performance management as a leadership premise.
• Recognition and award Feedback
Reasonable rather than ambitious targets
• More knowledge of the business. More involvement with other departments.
• New challenges / activities - Diversity.
• Must be related to the main aim of our company (HSE, production, costs). Enterprise first.
• Praise and reward for doing a good job or when we do that little bit extra over the top to ensure the company functions smoothly.