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Author: Vrijhof, C.I.

Title: The way to success: Identifying factors related to individual differences in behavioral control and prosocial behavior

Issue Date: 2018-02-28





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The first block consists of demographics and school functioning variables (e.g., gender, age, socioeconomic status of the foster family, foster parents' level of education,

Longitudinal relations of children's effortful control, impulsivity, and negative emotionality to their externalizing, internalizing, and co-occurring behavior problems?.

Pertaining to friends and mothers, we found significant T1 associations of adolescent externaliz- ing problems with friends’ externalizing problems (b = .24), friend–adolescent

It was found that positive control of the father buffered the relation between impulsivity and externalizing problems, whereas negative control of the mother and father strengthened

Additionally, increasing levels of emotional competence (more emotion recognition and less anger dysregulation) across time, related to lower levels of ODD symptoms in both groups

Third, we assessed if implicit attitudes interact with explicit cognitions (perceived pros, perceived cons, social norms, social modeling, self-efficacy) in the short and

The first aim of this study was to examine main effects of child effortful control and parenting at 3 years of age in the prediction of externalizing problems at 3 years and

Generalized additive mixed model procedures were used to assess the effects of age, sex, and self-reported pubertal status on connectivity between subcortical structures