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Levend in Leviathan : een onderzoek naar de theorie over 'christendom' in de politieke theologie van Oliver O'Donovan


Academic year: 2021

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Levend in Leviathan : een onderzoek naar de theorie over

'christendom' in de politieke theologie van Oliver O'Donovan

Bruijn, A.L.T. de


Bruijn, A. L. T. de. (2006, October 12). Levend in Leviathan : een onderzoek naar de

theorie over 'christendom' in de politieke theologie van Oliver O'Donovan. Uitgeverij Kok,

Kampen. Retrieved from https://hdl.handle.net/1887/4913


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W erk en v an O liv er O ’ D o n o v an

O ’D o n o v a n , O liv e r (19 73 ). T h e C h ris tian an d th e U n b o rn C h ild. B ra m c o te : G ro v e B o o k s . O ’D o n o v a n , O .M .T . ( 19 76 ). ‘T o w a rd s a n In te r p r e ta tio n o f B ib lic a l E th ic s . T y n d a le B ib lic a l

T h e o lo g y L e c tu r e 19 75 ’ , in : T y n dale B ulletin 27, N o ttin g h a m : In te rV a rs ity P re s s , 5 4 -78 .

O ’D o n o v a n , O .M .T . (19 76 ). ‘W e a lth ’ , in : N ew F ire V o l. iv , N o . 27, O x fo rd : P a rc h m e n t L im -ite d , 73 -77.

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O ’D o n o v a n , O liv e r (19 78 ). M arriage an d P erm an en c e. B ra m c o te : G ro v e B o o k s .

O ’D o n o v a n , O liv e r (19 8 0 ). T h e P ro b lem o f S elf- L o v e in S t. A ugus tin e. N e w H a v e n : Y a le U n iv e r s ity P re s s .

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O ’D o n o v a n , O liv e r (19 8 2). T ran s s ex ualis m an d C h ris tian M arriage. B ra m c o te : G ro v e B o o k s .

O ’D o n o v a n , O liv e r (19 8 2). ‘U s us a n d F ruitio in A u g u s tin e , D e D o c trin a C h ris tian a I’, in : T h e J o urn al o f T h eo lo gic al S tudies, X X X III, 2, O x f o rd : C la r e n d o n P r e s s , 3 6 1- 3 9 7. O ’D o n o v a n , O .M .T . ( 19 8 3 ). ‘E th ic s . B y W o lfh a r t P a n n e n b e rg . T ra n s la te d b y K .C rim . P p .

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O ’D o n o v a n , O liv e r (19 8 4 ). P rin c iples in th e P ub lic R ealm . T h e D ilem m a o f C h ris tian M o ral W itn es s. A n In a u g u ra l L e c tu re d e liv e r e d b e f o r e th e U n iv e r s ity o f O x fo rd o n 24 M a y 19 8 3 . O x fo rd : C la r e n d o n P r e s s .

O ’D o n o v a n , O liv e r (19 8 4 ). B ego tten o r M ade? O x f o rd : C la r e n d o n P r e s s .

S id e r , R o n a ld ; O ’D o n o v a n , O liv e r (19 8 5 ). P eac e an d W ar: A D eb ate ab o ut P ac ifis m . B r a m -c o te : G r o v e B o o k s .

O ’D o n o v a n , O liv e r (19 8 5 ) . ‘T h e w o r d o f G o d in th e e th ic s o f J a c q u e s E llu l b y D a v id W . G ills ’ (re v ie w ) , in : N ew B lac k friars V o l 6 6 , N o 776 ( F e b ru a r y 19 8 5 ), O x f o rd : N e w B la c k fr ia rs , 10 3 - 10 4 .

O ’D o n o v a n , O liv e r (19 8 6 ). O n th e T h irty N in e A rtic les : A C o n v ers atio n w ith T udo r C h ris ti-an ity. E x e te r: T h e P a te r n o s te r P re s s .

O ’D o n o v a n , O liv e r (19 8 6 ). ‘ H u m a n ity ’s L a s t F lig h t fro m G o d . A c o lla g e o f im a g e s a n d le s s o n s ta k e n fro m th e w ritin g s o f J o h n th e S e e r ’, in : D a n a M ills -P o w e ll (e d .), D ec ide fo r P eac e: E v an gelic als A gain s t ( o p b in n e n b la d ‘an d’ - a lth d b ) th e B o m b , C o m p ile d b y E v a n g e lic a l P e a c e m a k e rs , B a s in g s to k e : M a rs h a ll P ic k e rin g , 10 0 -10 7.

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O’Donovan, Oliver (1990). ‘Speak up for Just War or Pacifism. A Critiq ue of the United Methodist Bishop’s Pastoral Letter ‘In Defense of Creation’. By Paul Ramsey. Pp. vii + 214. Pennsylvania State University Press, 1988’ (review), in: The Journal of Theologi-cal Studies 41, 1. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 328-330.

O’Donovan, Oliver (1991). ‘Civil Peace and Sacred Order. Limits and Renewals. By Stephen Clark. Pp. x + 198. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1989’ (review), in: The Journal of Theo-logical Studies 42, 1, Oxford: Clarendon Press, 441-444.

O’Donovan, Oliver (1991). ‘The Truth Shall Make Y ou Free: Confrontations, by Gustavo Gutierrez . Maryknoll NY, Orbis, 1990. xii + 204 pp.’ (review), in: Studies in Christian Ethics 4, 1, Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 96-98.

O’Donovan, Oliver (1991). ‘The Limits of Love: Some Theological Explorations, by Gilbert Meilaender. Pennsylvania State University Presss, 1987. 156 pp.’ (review), in: Studies in Christian Ethics 4, 1, Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 99-105.

O’Donovan, Oliver (1992). ‘Theology and Social Theory: beyond secular reason, by John Milbank. Oxford, Basil Blackwell, 1990. 443 pp.’ (review), in: Studies in Christian Eth-ics 5, 1, Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 80-86.

O’Donovan, Oliver (1993). Liturgy and Ethics. Bramcote: Grove Books Ltd.

O’Donovan, Oliver (1993). ‘Evangelicalism and the Foundations of Ethics’, in: R.T. France, A.E. MacGrath (eds.), Evangelical Anglicans: their role and influence in the church to-day, London: S.P.C.K, 96-107.

O’Donovan, Oliver (1993). ‘John Finnis on Moral Absolutes’, in: Studies in Christian Ethics 6, 2, Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 50-66 (reprint: O’Donovan, Oliver (2000). ‘John Finnis on Moral Absolutes’, in: Nigel Biggar, Rufus Black, The Revival of Natural Law, Philoso-phical, theological and ethical responses to the Finnis-Grisez School, Aldershot: Ash-gate Publishing Ltd., 111-128).

O’Donovan, Oliver (1993). ‘Christ, Justice and Peace: toward a theology of the state, by Eberhard Jü ngel. Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 1992. xxix + 93 pp.’ (review), in: Studies in Christian Ethics 6, 2, Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 92-94.

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O’Donovan, Oliver (1998). ‘The Death Penalty in Evangelium Vitae’, in: Reinhard Hütter, Theodor Dieter (eds.), Ecumenical Ventures in Ethics, Protestants Engage Pope John Paul II’s Moral Encyclicals, Grand Rapids, MI: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Com-pany, 216-236.

O’Donovan, Oliver; Lockwood O’Donovan, Joan (eds.) (1999). From Ireneaus to Grotius. A Sourcebook in Christian Political Thought. Grand Rapids, Cambridge: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.

O’Donovan, Oliver (1999). ‘Political theology, tradition and modernity’, in: Christopher Rowland (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Liberation Theology, Cambridge: Cam-bridge University Press, 235-247.

O’Donovan, Oliver (2000). ‘Freedom and Reality’, in: John Webster, George P. Schner (eds.), Theology after Liberalism, A Reader, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers Ltd, 132-151 (= O’Donovan 2-1994 hoofdstuk 5).

O’Donovan, Oliver (2000). ‘The Concept of Publicity’, in: Studies in Christian Ethics 13, 1, Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 18-32.

O’Donovan, Oliver (2000). ‘A Global Ethic and Global Responsibilities: Two Declarations, edited by Hans Küng and Helmut Schmidt. Londen: SCM, 1998’ (review), in: Studies in Christian Ethics 13, 1, Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 122-128.

O’Donovan, Oliver M.T. (2000). ‘‘Where were you… ?’’, in: R.J. Berry (ed.), The care of creation, Focusing concern and action, Leicester: Inter-Varsity Press, 90-93.

O’Donovan, Oliver (2001). ‘Deliberation, History and Reading: A Response to Schweiker and Wolterstorff’, in: Scottish Journal of Theology 54, 1, Edinburgh: T&T Clark, 127-144.

O’Donovan, Oliver (2002). ‘Response to Walter Moberley’, in: Craig Bartholomew, Jonathan Chaplin, Robert Song, Al Wolters (eds.), A Royal Priesthood: The Use of the Bible Ethi-cally and PolitiEthi-cally, A Dialogue with Oliver O’Donovan, Carlisle, Cumbria: Paternoster Press, 65-68.

O’Donovan, Oliver (2002). ‘Response to Gordon McConville’, in: Craig Bartholomew, Jona-than Chaplin, Robert Song, Al Wolters (eds.), A Royal Priesthood: The Use of the Bible Ethically and Politically, A Dialogue with Oliver O’Donovan, Carlisle, Cumbria: Pater-noster Press, 89-90.

O’Donovan, Oliver (2002). ‘Response to Craig Bartholomew’, in: Craig Bartholomew, Jona-than Chaplin, Robert Song, Al Wolters (eds.), A Royal Priesthood: The Use of the Bible Ethically and Politically, A Dialogue with Oliver O’Donovan, Carlisle, Cumbria: Pater-noster Press, 113-115.

O’Donovan, Oliver (2002). ‘Response to Daniel Carroll R.’, in: Craig Bartholomew, Jonathan Chaplin, Robert Song, Al Wolters (eds.), A Royal Priesthood: The Use of the Bible Ethi-cally and PolitiEthi-cally, A Dialogue with Oliver O’Donovan, Carlisle, Cumbria: Paternoster Press, 144-146.


Ethi-cally and PolitiEthi-cally, A Dialogue with Oliver O’Donovan, Carlisle, Cumbria: Paternoster Press, 170-172.

O’Donovan, Oliver (2002). ‘Response to Bernd Wannenwetsch’, in: Craig Bartholomew, Jonathan Chaplin, Robert Song, Al Wolters (eds.), A Royal Priesthood: The Use of the Bible Ethically and Politically, A Dialogue with Oliver O’Donovan, Carlisle, Cumbria: Paternoster Press, 221-224.

O’Donovan, Oliver (2002). ‘Response to Gerrit de Kruijf’, in: Craig Bartholomew, Jonathan Chaplin, Robert Song, Al Wolters (eds.), A Royal Priesthood: The Use of the Bible Ethi-cally and PolitiEthi-cally, A Dialogue with Oliver O’Donovan, Carlisle, Cumbria: Paternoster Press, 238-240.

O’Donovan, Oliver (2002). ‘Response to Christopher Rowland’, in: Craig Bartholomew, Jonathan Chaplin, Robert Song, Al Wolters (eds.), A Royal Priesthood: The Use of the Bible Ethically and Politically, A Dialogue with Oliver O’Donovan, Carlisle, Cumbria: Paternoster Press, 255-258.

O’Donovan, Oliver (2002). ‘Response to Jonathan Chaplin’, in: Craig Bartholomew, Jonathan Chaplin, Robert Song, Al Wolters (eds.), A Royal Priesthood: The Use of the Bible Ethi-cally and PolitiEthi-cally, A Dialogue with Oliver O’Donovan, Carlisle, Cumbria: Paternoster Press, 309-313.

O’Donovan, Oliver (2002). ‘Response to Colin Greene’, in: Craig Bartholomew, Jonathan Chaplin, Robert Song, Al Wolters (eds.), A Royal Priesthood: The Use of the Bible Ethi-cally and PolitiEthi-cally, A Dialogue with Oliver O’Donovan, Carlisle, Cumbria: Paternoster Press, 341-343.

O’Donovan, Oliver (2002). ‘Response to Peter Scott’, in: Craig Bartholomew, Jonathan Chaplin, Robert Song, Al Wolters (eds.), A Royal Priesthood: The Use of the Bible Ethi-cally and PolitiEthi-cally, A Dialogue with Oliver O’Donovan, Carlisle, Cumbria: Paternoster Press, 374-376.

O’Donovan, Oliver (2002). ‘Response to Joan Lockwood O’Donovan’, in: Craig Bartholo-mew, Jonathan Chaplin, Robert Song, Al Wolters (eds.), A Royal Priesthood: The Use of the Bible Ethically and Politically, A Dialogue with Oliver O’Donovan, Carlisle, Cumbria: Paternoster Press, 395-397.

O’Donovan, Oliver (2002). ‘Response to James W. Skillen’, in: Craig Bartholomew, Jonathan Chaplin, Robert Song, Al Wolters (eds.), A Royal Priesthood: The Use of the Bible Ethi-cally and PolitiEthi-cally, A Dialogue with Oliver O’Donovan, Carlisle, Cumbria: Paternoster Press, 418-420.

O’Donovan, Oliver (2002). ‘Freedom and its Loss: Hopes and Fears for the Political Order’, Charles Gore Lectures 2002, London: Westminster Abbey, 2002,

http://www.westminster-abbey.org (24-10-2005).

O’Donovan, Oliver (2002). Common Objects of Love. Moral Reflection and the Shaping of Community. Grand Rapids, Cambridge: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. O’Donovan, Oliver Michael Timothy (2002). ‘Todesstrafe’, in: Gerhard Müller, Theologische

Realenzyklopaedie Band X X X III, Berlin/ New York: Walter de Gruyter, 639-646. O’Donovan, Oliver (2002). ‘Epikie’, in: Jean Yves Lacoste (dir.), Dictionnaire critique de

theologie, Paris: Presse Universitaire de France, 394v.

O’Donovan, Oliver (2002). ‘Peine’, in: Jean Yves Lacoste (dir.), Dictionnaire critique de theologie, Paris: Presse Universitaire de France, 884-886.

O’Donovan, Oliver (2003). The Just War Revisited. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. O’Donovan, Oliver (2003). ‘Christianity and Territorial Right’, in: Allen Buchanan, Marga-reth Moore (eds.), States, Nations and Borders, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 127-139.


O’Donovan, Oliver (z.j.). ‘Establishment. Submitted to the Commission of Inquiry on Faith and Nation’, London: Evangelical Alliance, http://www.eauk.org/commission/evidence (17-10-2005).

O’Donovan, Oliver (2003). ‘Oral witness’, Transcriptions from the Theological Sub-Group Plenary 26th September 2003, London: Evangelical Alliance, 2003, http://www.eauk.org/commission/odonnovan.htm (17-10-2005).

O’Donovan, Oliver; Lockwood O’Donovan, Joan (2004). Bonds of Imperfection: Christian Politics Past and Present. Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. O’Donovan, Oliver M.T. (2004). ‘Law, Moderation and Forgiveness’, in: Christoph Stumpf,

Holger Z aborowski (eds.), Church as Politeia, The Political Self-Understanding of Christianity, Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter.

O’Donovan, Oliver (2005). The Ways of Judgment. The Bampton Lectures, 2 0 0 3 . Grand Rapids, Cambridge: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company

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Adriaanse, H.J. 24, 188 Agt, A.A.M. van 10 Althusius, Johannes 13, 241 Alting von Geusau, F.A.M. 185 Ambrosius van Milaan 45, 134, 173 Arendt, Hannah 94 Arnold, Gottfried 190 Audi, Robert 218-221, 258 Augustinus 13, 20, 22, 45, 62, 75, 79-84, 87, 90, 102, 110, 130, 139, 155, 158v, 167, 190, 200, 217, 252, 254, 256 Austin, Victor L. 78, 149, 157 Avis, Paul 173, 180 Bader-Saye, Scott 32, 174, 191, 206, 216

Balkenende, Jan Peter 9v

Barth, Karl 33, 62, 64, 66, 82, 87-90, 163v, 166v, 173, 191v, 214, 239, 250, 252, 255, 263 Bartholomew, Craig 70, 75, 78, 82, 113, 250v Baukham, Richard J. 154 Beek, A. van de 257 Bellah, Robert N. 9, 188, 203, 206 Benedict, Ruth 188 Berkhof, Hendrikus 69, 190, 193 Bijsterveld, S.C. van 11v Blumhardt, J.C. 193 Boef, A.H. den 11vv Boethius 22 Bolkestein, Frits 11vv Bonald, Louis de 116 Borg. M.B. ter 13 Bourdieu, Pierre 12 Bradstock, Andrew 161 Brink, Gijs van den 257


Elliot, T.S. 192 Ellul, Jacques 92v, 163, 165v, 254, 265 Elrod, John W. 164vv, 167, 191 Erasmus, Desiderius 23, 166, 190 Erastus, Thomas 74 Ester 38, 122

Eusebius van Caesarea 59, 73, 173, 190

Fodor, James 25, 63, 110, 145, 153, 154, 213, 215v

Fransiscus van Assisi 145 Gelasius 46, 48, 86v, 173 Grant, George 47, 69, 82, 91v, 109, 197, 252, 263 Greene, Colin 46, 48, 58, 145, 199, 228v Gregorius de Grote 22 Gregorius VII 46 Greschat, Martin 191 Griffioen, Sander 23, 28, 230, 231, 235v Grotius, Hugo 46, 82, 84-87, 90, 95, 105, 108, 131, 139, 148v, 154, 160, 190, 252, 261, 263 Gunton, Colin E. 71, 181, 182 Guroian, Vigen 23, 26, 192, 211 Gutierrez, Gustavo 37

Hall, Douglas John 23v, 26, 179, 211 Hauerwas, Stanley 19vv, 25-28, 31, 50, 56, 63, 74, 76, 87, 111v, 145v, 153v, 163v, 166, 174, 181, 193, 201v, 205v, 211-216, 230, 257, 262 Heering, G.J. 192 Heering, H.J. 13 Hegel, G.W.F. 191

Heide, G.J. van der 190, 193 Heidegger, Martin 92v Herrin, Judith 22 Heslam, Peter 14, 237 Hirsch Ballin, E.M. 10

Hobbes, Thomas 86, 108, 111, 112v, 136v, 149v

Irenaeus van Lyon 79 Iwand, H.J. 191 James I 190 Jaspers, Karl 187 Jelen, Ted G. 27, 204, 218-222 Jenkins, Philip 22, 178, 194 Job 112, 113, 165 Johannes 42, 71, 75, 79, 112, 122, 135, 141, 152, 154, 158 Johannes Paulus II 180 Jona 112v Jonas, Hans 92 Kant, Immanuel 34, 150 Karel de Grote 22 Kierkegaard, Sören 40, 43, 65, 82, 147, 163-168, 173v, 191,193, 254, 265v Klop, C.J. 13v, 19 Kirpesteijn, J.W. 13v Kreider, Alan 22, 26, 182v, 199 Kroeker, P. Travis 59, 68, 89, 145, 161, 174, 217 Kruijf, G.G. de 15, 18v, 28, 65, 81v, 84, 87, 89, 256v, 267 Küng, Hans 105 Kuyper, Abraham 13v, 202, 230, 234v, 240

Laan, Lousewies van der 11, 13 Labuschagne, B.C. 12v Lambert, Yves 187v, 200 Lindbeck, George 181


Milbank, John 23v, 76, 110vv, 181 Miskotte, K.H. 192 Monsma, Stephen V. 17v More, Thomas 23, 166, 172, 190 Mouw, Richard 28, 230v, 235v Mozes 38, 55 Muggeridge, Malcolm 26, 179 Murphy, Nancey 29

Murray, John Courtney 184, 230 Murray, Stuart 23v, 26, 159, 171, 179vv, 190, 196, 199, 202, 210, 213, 243

Neuhaus, Richard John 18, 27v, 47, 68, 144v, 199, 203v, 206v, 210 Newbigin, Lesslie 58 Nichols, Aidan 27, 145, 180v, 225-230 Niebuhr, Reinhold 135, 140v, 193 Nietzsche, Friedrich 190, 266 Nozick, Robert 27 Nygren, Anders 84, 164 O’Donovan, Oliver M.T. passim Pannenberg, Wolfhart 173, 203, 205, 207, 210, 249

Paulus 41, 81, 206

Perkins, Mary Anne 22, 24v, 26, 184v, 195v Peterson, Erik 182 Putnam, R.D. 11 Ramsey, Paul 79, 82, 89vv, 95, 120, 135v, 141, 150, 152-155, 161, 193, 252, 254, 263, 265 Rauschenbusch, Walter 193 Rawls, John 14, 27, 104, 218 Reagan, Ronald 206 Reckitt, M.B. 169v Reeling Brouwer, R.H. 13 Reinders, Hans S. 257 Ridderbos, H.N. 68, 235 Rorty, Richard 27 Ruler, A.A. van 192 Schmidt, Helmut 105v Schweiker, William 78, 82, 109, 145, 174, 199 Segers, Mary C. 27, 204v, 218 Skillen, James W. 38, 60, 197, 230-234, 235vv, 239 Soper, Christopher J. 17 Stackhouse, Max L. 203v Stark, Werner 186, 195, 200 Sterk, Mirjam 11, 13 Stout, Jeffrey 27, 203 Strauss, Leo 106

Suá rez, Francisco 46, 82, 86, 154 Temple, William 169v, 192 Tertullianus 173

Thomas van Aquino 13, 95 Tocqueville, Alexis de 188 Troeltsch, Ernst 60, 186v, 215 Tromp, B.A.G.M. 113 Ustorf, Werner 178 Veling, Kars 30 Vitoria, Francisco de 46, 86, 154, 173 Voegelin, Ernst 94 Vos, Pieter 148, 164vv, 165 Walzer, Michael 135, 220, 241 Wannenwetsch, Bernd 29, 145, 202 Weber, Max 187 Wolterstorff, Nicholas P. 20, 35, 39v, 144, 218, 231, 233vv, 239, 258 Wright, Nigel Goring 179, 180, 180-182, 211, 213

Wycliff, John 82, 166, 173 Yoder, John Howard 27, 31, 50, 56, 87, 146, 164, 174, 181, 190, 193v, 200, 202, 211, 217, 262


De auteur van dit proefschrift, Arie Leendert Theodoor de Bruijne, werd geboren op 3 mei 1959 te Amsterdam. Van 1971 tot 1977 volgde hij voorbereidend weten-schappelijk onderwijs aan de Gereformeerde Scholengemeenschap te Amersfoort, dat uitmondde in een einddiploma gymnasium-bè ta. Van 1977 tot 1978 studeerde hij wijsbegeerte aan de Rijksuniversiteit te Utrecht en vanaf 1979 theologie aan de Theologische Universiteit van de Gereformeerde Kerken (vrijgemaakt) te Kampen. In 1985 behaalde hij het doctoraalexamen met als hoofdvak dogmatiek en als bij-vakken nieuwe testament en encyclopedie der theologie.




Bovendien heeft het daar- bij betrekking op bredere identiteitskenmerken van samenleving en cultuur en zelfs op een mentale instelling (‘mindset’). Dit laatste kwamen wij tegen

Levend in Leviathan : een onderzoek naar de theorie over 'christendom' in de politieke theologie van Oliver O'Donovan Bruijn, A.L.T.. Levend in Leviathan : een onderzoek

Deze theorie over ‘christendom’ in de context van het Angelsaksische debat over ‘christendom’ wordt ver- bonden met de actuele Nederlandse discussies over de publieke plaats van

Financiële bijdrage aan de gemeente Rotterdam voor de organisatie van het OLIVER Hoofdstuk 5, artikel 17 lid 1 van de gemeenschappelijke regeling Volwasseneneducatie Rijnmond

de aanvarg van de werkzaamheden ţock de eventuele ontgravingswerkzaamheden) moet uiterlijk 7 dagen voor datum van aanvang het team Vergunningen, Toezicht S Handhaving worden gemeld

Het afscheid van je vorige tak wordt dit jaar iets minder groots aangepakt omwille van corona maar wees niet getreurd de feestvreugde van de startdag zal dat meer dan goed

Ook andere groepen zijn gestart met spelletjes die de groep meer groep maken en hierdoor een veilige sfeer voelbaar wordt.. We blijven hieraan werken, het hele

In deze adventsperiode maken Marja Flipse, Rienk Lanooy, Geerten van de Wetering en Daniël Rouwkema voor iedere adventsweek en voor kerstmis vijf podcasts bij meer of minder